THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, November 15, 1958 =] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call the Direct Classified Number 14--Household Repairs [21--Personal Service '|32--Articles Wanted = SEWING done ath ome. Drapes, a spe-| WE pay cash for RA 3-3492 FURNITURE sad used See our clalty. and plain sewing.|ances, TV, sewing machines, pi Bruce R. "Dalton, kL] Charles Street. RA Reasonable rates. RA 85097. 1523 Lake- stoves. Also sell and exchange. 37212. 212. side Street. Prince Street, RA 8-1131, .| PIANOS -- Upright or miniatures, 15--Instruction EE , Ble ate aml rio Wi TUTOR, student rience. counsellor, 13 Box 110, Times-Gazette. Nov. expe! Appointment only, Wp ha CEDARDALE HARVEY Dance Academy. Fi tap, Roya) Ache als, Hanind. Regi- SCRAP + IRON METALS LTD. RA 36122 IRON } METALS al TO RAISE YOUR INCOME use Clas i PAPERS : : { OPEN SATURDAYS RA on! sified ads. They sell, rent quickly! For RA 3.3402. RA 5-3432 pecialty. ad-writing help dial PHONE RA 5-7165 LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET Nov 29 Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre- FREE PICK-UP school acrobatic. Friday and Saturday 22--Radio and T.V. Repairs CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING All makes. Fred Thompson, 157 Eihot treet : Scrap iron and metals treet. Call RA 3.9792, ADMIRAL TV owners! For expert bought. Call SHAW 24-hour service, call RA 8.5286. Ten RAG & METAL years' experience. Oshawa El CO. T. V. AERIALS INSTALLED RA 5-2311 Moved or Repaired 50 foot tower and head 89 Bloor Street East OPEN SATURDAYS $113.00 Len and Lou's T.V. 35--Employment Wanted YOUNG lady urgently needs RA 5-7844 - MA 3-3942 emplo; ment, fully trained, all branches beaut salon, Please help newcomer to Osi awa. Call RA 8-0739. 26 DRESS MAKING wear, made - to - ri tions. Apply 245 Olive Avenue, - 8-5480. 14 OFFICE HOURS 8 AM to 5 P.M, MONDAY to FRIDA SATURDAY 8 TO 13 2 YOUR GUIDE 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades | YALE. Friedlander, Hunter and Co. AL CONROY -- 34 years painter and and ed | paper hanger, a quick clean job, plus Trustee in Bankruptey, 54 king Street guaranteed workmanship, MO 8-3040 East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA: F |now, free estimates. Nov. 21 | Friedlander, B. Comm.. CPA, |PLUMBING er besting porrrrd BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting fixtures, new and used 8 Spa 5 tings, Services offers complete bookkeeping septic tanks, fo. sewer 'a specialty. In: services for small rates. Infor [Street West, Room 1, Office RA 5.0997 | {mation nt t feasns free on ny type | Residence, RA 3-7605. Dial RA 54241, J, Foley. 's. 7. HOPKINS and Company, Certi-| ede, Ia: Jasing, fied Public Accountants, 172 King Groen, {Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5.3509 | MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co. {Chartered Accountants, licensed Trus- |tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Toronto; Hon. J. W. Monteith, FAC; A. Mon- teith, E. Comm., CA; G. W. Riel 1, CA; |R. F. Lightfoot, CA; George W. Treth- {wey, CA, RA 5.3527, 135 Simcoe Street Nor; Oshawa, Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column; Births, Memorioms, Thanks ~-- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 DEATHS LUPTON, Percy Woodward -- At his home, 37 Aziel Street, on Friday, Nov. 14, 1958, Perey Woodward fusion, ve.) 2--Barristers ved husband of uisa Lupton an ee Jot of Edward and Albert Lup-|DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister ton, Oshawa, and the late Arthur Lup- and Solicitor, 26% King Street East, ton. Resting at the Funeral Chapel of { Telephone : Business, RA 5-5501; Resi. Wm. Speers, 2026 Dundas Street West, dence, RA 8.5373, (near Keele). Service Monday after-| yy NNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, Soli- noon at 3 o'clock. Interment Parklawn citor, Notary, Money to loan. Henry Cemetery | Block, 26% King Street East, RA 3.4697; | Residence, Dial 3-4029. [JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Barrister, | Solicitor. Mohey to loan. Office, 14'5 [King Street East, Oshawa. RA 8:8232, | residence, RA 5-3305. CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan and Murdoch, Barristers, Bolicitors, No Itary Public, Bank of Commerce Build- {ing, " Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446; [ae . Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, G. K. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. store), ge mortgages arranged, |JOBN A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister |and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. Phone RA 8-851, IN MEMORIAM McGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for |first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North, RA 5-3566. Charles C. McGibbon, CHESEBROUGH -- In loving mem.|QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC ory of a dear father, Edward James,| Jurphy and MacDonald, Bar-| Witt aves Novemner le, 1031 GREER Yah and Notaries Public, 6 King Street East, RA 54717 Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street | East. RA 3-2269, NHA and private mort- | gages arranged, | RALPH 8. JONES, BA, and Thomas H. Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici~ tors, 65 Simcoe Street South, RA 5-3525 | Mortgage loans available, a. JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- tor and Notary Public, 18'4 King Street ~ Ever remembered by sister Alice.| ast. RA 3-269. NHA and private mort Bill and family gages arranged HOMES -- In loving memory of a|Z T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici dear daughter, Martha (Biddy) Homes, |tor, etc., 132 Simcoe Street North, Di who passed away November 14, 1932. | office, RA 5.3741; residence, RA 5-5 Like falling leaves the vears drift by, (GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solic But memories of you will never die, tors, etc., 7)2 Simcoe Street South. Dia In mv heart you will always stay, [pa '3.2275. Residence phones: J. Loved and remembered every day. |Greer, BA, Sc, RA 5.3368; Terence V. x Ever remembered by mother [Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8-5832, Duncan R Phillips, B. Comm., RA 8-1974 Cords of ACE CLEANING CONTRACTORS STORES, OFFICES, FACTORIES and HOMES Floors, windows, walls and cellars cleaned. Washroom cleaning. and sonitizing ying, Slack cement work. A, J. ville, MA 3.2970. general wman- TRIMMING KITCHEN CUPBOARDS RECREATION ROOMS All Repair Work J. VANOOSTEROM 138 PRINCE ST. RA 5-8933 Music Studio for all Instruments Piano Tuning ALTU MUSIC SUPPLIES New ond Used Pianos Full selection of oll instruments (New ond Used) 477 Simcoe Street South 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For 3 service at your home, call RA -7413. 17--Money to Loan CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. gage, Morigage and agreement of sale Dec. 14 |9--Building Materials DRY HARDWOOD Factory Cuttings and choice USED BUILDING MATERIALS ULUGITOFF OR? RA 5-2621 Nov. 29 10--Sharpening Service For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS PHONE RA 3-9533 24 King St. Eost, Oshawa (2doors from Karn's Drug PEOOCOOCOOONOOONOOTONT ONO GOOD EATING | SANTA'S SHOWCASE [GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY ELECTROHOME, RCA. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest in television ond service, PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe N.--RA 3-3043 T.V. AERIALS Sold end Installed Moved ond Repaired 20-ft, aerial, $29 ond up. ROLLAND T.V. RA 3-4849 FAST T.V. SERVICE From A to Z Guaranteed expert job Call RA 8-5286 Oshawa Electronics 23--Women's Column SPECIAL -- heat per cole waves, $5.50. Page rei: 96 Pine Avenue. RA 5-5363. Ee Basket SWEET cider and apples. W. T. Cox, 1% miles north of BTS, Bowmanville, APPLES from fifty cents a bushel; table turnips, dollar bushel. Bring con- tainers. Get before freeze up. De Vries Farm, 1% miles directly north Training School, Bow- manville. 267a 25--Pets and Livestock TWO small short-haired terriers, nice markings; female, nice home, no cost. RA 5-7061 after 6 o'clock. 267c | BOARDING, trimming, bathin de- | fleeing. Waubena Kennel 5 SHETLAND _ ponies, : grade, RA 5-1348. BOXER -- four-month-old puppy, nice with ch f Apply Dine At The GRAND RESTAURANT (Upstairs) For Christmas Chinese food our specialty. Toke Out Orders RA 3-9422 HOBBY CRAFT and Models PHILIPS TELEVISION POLLARD'S RADIO AND TELEVISION 153 Simcoe Street South PHONE RA 3-9512 SANTA SUGGESTS "YARDLEY or TUSSEY"' A COMPLETE LINE AT POWELL'S -- DRUG STORE 3512 Simcoe North RA 33-4734 Creighton, Lk Drynan and Mur- doch. FIRST and second mos, a, agreements purchased nick and Hennick, Barriste 3 Street East, RA 3.7232. CLIENTS' monies available for first |and second mortgages. Mortgages and ayrecments of sale purchas Apply . Swartz, Barrister and Notary Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA 3.4697, NEED CASH? See Seaboard "Your Lending Neighbor" LOANS UP TO $3,000 OSHAWA OFFICE 292 Simcoe St. South RA 5-1121 COBOURG OFFICE King Street West R 2-7461 SEABOARD FINANCE CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Formerly Bellvue T.7.5. Dec. 6 HAVE you lawnmower Shaspesed now, saws, scissors, kn !) ec. Percy Neil, 102 Highland. RA 83-8363. | SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! The most complete auto- matic grinding equipment in Oshawa for sharpening 'Hond- saws, Bandsaws (metal & wood) Planer Knives etc. YOU NEVER SAW A SAW SAW LIKE THESE SAWS SAW | LAWNMOWERS, SKATES, PRECISION GROUND STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE r. King and Burke RA 3-3224 [1 Fa ms s_Opportuni For Your PARTY DRESSES, HATS, GLOVES, BAGS, SKIRTS and SWEATERS, MILLINERY WORLD RA 5-1052 5 King East GIFTS FOR HER 1 have only your memory dear father To remember my. whole life through But the sweetness will linger forever As I treasure the image of you ~Always remembered by Grant, June, and grand-daughters Lynda, Carroll QUALITY BAKERY 77 CELINA ST, RA 5.7573 For the best Christmas baked goods on the table Look for QUALITY on the label. YOUR DAUGHTER'S - « CHOICE Gift of Lessons, in Ballet -- Top -- Baton or Highland. From-- HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY RA 5-6122 424 King St. W. HOMES -- In loving memory of dear sister, Martha (Biddy) Home# who passed away November 14, 1932 Her name is often spoken, Her kindly deeds recalled; She lived her life for others, She loved and was loved by all FIDERLY Dutchman requires wo s caretaker or handyman. Phone R 8545 after 5, Saturdays 10 a.m.-5 p. |BROWNIE STAR FLASH OUTFIT Now $11.95. Features the world's most popular camera. Just right dor youngsters or grown-ups alik MITCHELL? S DRUGS 9 Simcoe North DIAL RA 13-3431 COLEMAN Oil end Gas Heaters HOME APPLIANCES Sales & Service 90 Simcoe S. RA 5-8332 UPTOWN MEAT MARKET DELICATESSAN 77 Simcoe St, N Offers you the best in meat ond assorted cold cuts for your Christmas Parties. RA 8-8172 RELIABLE man requires work one two days weekly or one or two hou daily, Janitor, driving, etc. "A GIFT OF WARMTH" "KENWOOD" All wool blankets, Priced from $12.50 TO $20.95 WARD'S 31 Simcoe St. S., RA 5-115] SINGER SEWING MACHINES "As low as $119.95 terms), ® Sewing Cabinets and Baskets ® Scissors and Scissor e Buttonhole Attachments SINGER SEWING CENTER 14 Ontario Street, Oshawa RA 5-5443 LADY would like baby siting ings. Lakeview Garden area. RA 8-516 Call anytime in the future, 26% RELIABLE middle - aged housekeepe would like position in bachelor's « s home. Write Box 221, Os! awa Times. 36--Female Help Wanted WAITRESSES wanted. Apply oh Campbell, Genosha Hotel, 3 GERMAN - { - English speaking girl fc housework. Must be fond of ier Phone MEirose 3 T 2 EX TENCED waitre: South End Restaurant, s Sioor Stree East. 26 Co THE ACRES RESTAURANT CHEF: T. K. ISHII Dinners, Lunches, Banquets. Reserve now for -- CHRISTMAS PARTIES CHRISTMAS DINNER and NEW YEARS DINNER Phone. MA 3-256] Proprietress: Mrs. Royal Ishii KRAWCHUK -- In loving memory of & dear brother, Michael Krawchuk, who | 4 passed away November 15, 1954 Dentists | --Sadly missed by Tommy, Stella, pR. P. RIORDAN, South, office hours 8.30 - Barry and Denny by appointment. RA 5-382] 8 FOR rent -- Office space with oh a DH; G. T. SCIUK. Office hours 4 D 5! phone answering service. RA 3-4641, ol Open - evenings by appointment Nov 31 Pr away together November noe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223.| Their memory is as dear today As in the hour they passed away. | 5--Nursing Services tential, both transient and neighbor. --Fondest memories, mother-in-law and eh hood. Financial assistan Id be Practical nurse, excel ce cou friend, Reita Goodfellow AVAIL ABLE rae or out of town. RA/Arranged for right party if required Dec 11 Phone T. Milner, 9 am. - 5 pm, RA 3-3742, 'from 5 pm. - 9 p.m. RA 8.1275 265¢ STORE for rent, 31' x 34', King Street West RA 8-1469. Dec.13 | STORE TO RENT 20' x 132' store in heart of business section on main street, Long lease available to good tenant, who must make own alterations, Ideal for any line of retail business, hos two floors of storage spage above main floor, Port Hope needs a good stationery store and gift shop. Locate now in future centre of Sea- way Development. Call Mr. HK Lom Long Bros: | TOWNLINE TURKEYS) Realtors, Port Hope NOW FRESHLY KILLED Nov. 14, 158.20, DELIVERED OVEN READY x 12--Dressmaking "The best is your best buy" LADIES' and g wear, specializing DIAL RA 5-4233 [oy Spomintment AA srs Oem] TOWNLINE RD. NORTH OSHAWA sidewalks, | VONDON Tailor for gents' and ladies' | TURKEYS .|Suits, made-to-measure, alterations on fur coats. 31 King East, Apartment 3 Fresh Killed Special for banquets A 85531. 263¢ Church Suppers. PHONE RA 8-5392 ALUMINUM sales and service store for rent. 10 Richmond East. RA 8.5161 "3% Simcoe e Street | Ask for Glen MacKinnon until 6 p.m, 5.30. Evening | Nov, 2631 tele- LOW COST MOVIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY See KARN'S FOR CAMERAS (KARN DRUGS LTD.) 28 KING ST. E. RA '3-4621 |FOR lease -- Modern, two-bay service (easy + -- Modern |station. Ideally situated, with good po- 1 8a--Mortgages WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on first and second mortgages and pur- chase of agreements of sale, Louis §. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh- awa, RA 3-4043. 19--Personal TOBACCO eliniinator -- Scientific guar. |anteed remedy for cigarette addiction. |Free authoritative medical opinion sup- plied. Write C. W. K, Pharmacal Corp. Ltd., Box 88, Station B, 55. Sets and Zig-Zag MAINPRIZE -- In fondest memory of a dear brother-in-law and uncle Ralph, who passed away November 16 1956 Although the call was sudden | His smiling face and laughing voice Will never be forgotten --Always remembered by sister-in-law Moana and children 8.121 FOR career - minded gal: be your ANDEN NURSING HOME Fo Licensed) KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple. {Men and Women), Nurses and dieticians in attendance. Troy service, radio, T.V. lounge. PHONE RA 5-2330 6--Optometrists C. in muscle anomalties, ) glasses. Evenings, Mon., Wed, Fri., 6-8 Invalids examined at home. RA S6143 31 King East. Doral Montreal, P. CHRISTMAS FOWL Gifts For The Photo-Fan SHOP EARLY for BEST SELECTION Use Our Lay-Away or Small Deposit Plan. JURY & LOVELL FRANK HOAG "For Everything Photographic' Rossland Road West | Oshawa - Bowmanville - Whitby IAL RA 5-6837 : BA | CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Gigantic Savings Regular $50 Dance Course NOW ONLY $14.50 Students ng fries not ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIOS RA B-168 and care for two yi ents work, Phone Brooklin 55J CHRISTMAS FOWL CAPONS & TURKEYS | DRESSED AND DELIVERED MAINPRIZE -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Jack Main. | prize, who passed away November 16 1956 We little knew when we awoke that| morn Two years ago today, Sorrows the day would bring The call was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear; Sometimes it's hard to understand How some things have to be, In His wisdom God has planned will Byron Court. RA 3-2491. GERMAN Shepherd puppies of Bur-Hil, (warding work for your spare registered champion, blood line. Picker-| Contact Miss E. Oul Dec.5|nac Boulev, RU 2.7567 Ont. . Nov.15,22,29 PERSON would like ride to Toronto, arriving 8 a.m, at Dundas and Jarvis, Ont Phone RA 5.7266. a (ing 240M4. tween m ANYONE having information ag to the ERED Toy Pomeranians of Oct.1,3,4:21 Buy. > whereabouts of James Alexander Scott|distinction, quality puppies for pets. RA INTERESTED In mak 8-8038. 265+ of Blackstock, former GMC employe, |%® | novelty Bly, etc., for kindly notify Bowmanville police or|GERMAN Shepherd pup for sale, Tour | RA 5-3338. phone RA 5-0250, Oshawa. Urgent. 264f| months old. Phone RA 5-8015. 263 STENTION housemaids And HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for tics! Would you like a job in mailed "post paid in plain sealed en-|training, talking ' strain. Apply Mrs. velopes with price list, 6 samples 25| Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. cents; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order 26--Farmer's' Column Dept. A-11, Nov. Rubber Co., Box 91, DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Hamilton, Onta: Nov.22 HYPNOSIS relieves tension, fe 8T4, Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3.2679, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Nov. 25 frustration, complexes, nervous pains, habits, reduces weight, sto) pr helps ur in jy im.| FIVE month - old pony mare. Apply|Lady Zrcterre, sort hours nd fof proves salesmanship, ete. Consult Ed.|Keith Carmichgel, Rossland Road West, |Pay. a ving chman, 2% win Heath, Institute of Ethical Hypno-|between Thonrton's Road and Gerrard |Hotel, Bowmanville. sis, Professional Building, 304 Dundas| Road. 265¢ GIRL, or woman for general hous. . work, must like children, good wag 28a--Hunting RA 8:3416 DEER rifles for rent, 15 per cent off West, Whitby. Daily 19 p.m,.; Satur day, 10 a.m. . 1 p.m. Phone MO 38-4832. ' EXPERIENCED housekeeper require all amunition and hockey equipment,(to take over household duties whi Skate exchange. Sportsman's Corner, Nov.16 blem? Write : mother works. This is a permanei 347 105 Byron Street South. Whitby, MO position. Please phone RA 5.7662 ert LEARN Hairdressing. Women wanted, |3-4511. Dec. greatest opportunity, better pay, pleas- ox 140, Times- c.5| o'clock ant work, catalogue free. Write 1|30--Lost and Found Schools. Branches: LOST -- tan mohair coat at oy --- shawa requires | liton, Ottawa, 'Canada's National Sys-|nforor City Bowling Lanes, Tuesday GN EA ER om a tem." Nov.1,15,20| ovening, Nov. 11. 1 have yours. you apprentices, excellent working _eonc have mine, Please phone RA 3-9066. ELECTROLYSIS 2641) tions, permanent employment for rig man. Write Box 218, Oshawa Tuned Removal of Superfluous Hair. Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Dec. 2 and 3, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates Saturdays 10 a.m. -- 4 p.m. for_appointment. 21--Personal Service BETTY HAYDL Interior Decorator 15 King St, E. Lemps -- Lamps -- Lamps See our wonderful selection for your Christmas buying. Use Our Christmas Loy-Away Plon Beyond the powers to see =Sadly and deeply missed by his wife Moana, and children Valerie, Allan. 7--Surveyors Sally Anne AR AE SR DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land NUGENT -- In loving memory of a Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 5-6881. dear husband, father and grandfather, F. J. DONEVAN and Associates, Land David George, who passed away No-|gi loving and Engineering, 12 Bloor Yexiber 16, 1937 Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. Since you've gone first, 5.5632. 8 Building Trades To walk the road alone, ENT work, driveways, We live in memory"s garden With happy days we've known oF We hear your voice and see yOur jar floors, general repairs, Though blindly may we grope, ing foundations, and The memory of your helping hand Prompt, efficient service. RA 80633, po Still buoys us on with hope ov We've known so much happiness, | yy PLUMBING and heating supplies. We've had our cup of joy, Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R. Stark, Ltd.,| GARDENS ploughed, driveway: And memory is one gift from God, mpbing, heating and engineering. 255|led, trees removed, wood cut. That death cannot destroy |Simeoe Street South RA 5.9727 |ALL types dwelling repairs, roofing, LANDSCAPING, gardens Siowed.| siding, plastering and repairs. Chim-|gisced, clean-up jobs, top soil, eod neys, new and repaired. Dial RA 5-7247,|1q9ny serviced. RA 5.9727 | ~Sadly missed by wife and family 3 ™ Gordon_May CEDAR trees for hedge, choles quality, plastering, perging CARD OF THANKS [BUILDING all sizes, also all kinds of nursery are hes, chimneys, stock. Hillside Landscaping. RA 3-9020 land water-proofing. 3 N x Nov.15 T_ WOULD like to take this oppor. Mmanship Bob Taylor: RA 39 |G. T. HOW ates, Ontario tunity to thank my relatives, friends| CARPENTER work, framing, trim. Land Surv rol onal Engineer. and neighbors, for cards, gifts and flow-| ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved lin ng. 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax ers. A special thanks to Dr. McKinney, | Alterations and repairs. No jobs too big og' Dr. Anderson and my three special|or too small. Work guaranteed. RA nurses, also the nurses and nurses |3.3579 aides on JA for their kindness during ~ my stay at the Oshawa General Hos-| | CLEANING chimneys and fireplaces, pital. -- Mrs. Evelyn Holliday building and repairing chimneys and fireplaces and all minor repairs. Call 1 WOULD like to thank Queen Mary Fankie and Johnny, RA 8-1435. Nov.27 LOBA No. 97, Sunbeam OES No. 73 Crystal Chapter No. 5, my family and|FOR HIGH CLASS painting AY friends for the flowers, candy and cards| tating, phone B. A. Up Nov.16 I received and the wonderful care I|after business hours received from the nurses and ward -- aides of 3A during my stay in the Osh awa General Hospital. -- Mary Hayes TRENCHING, BASEMENT ! and SWIMMING POOL | EXCAVATIONS Home 'sewage systems in- stalled. Reasunable prices. For free estimates coll-- ART STEVENS Brooklin 173W ily or Contract Work Nov. 16 Disney Bldg., Apply Employees Unlimited, 76 Street, Toronto 1, Ontario, EX ED lady h % manage Beauty Salon, Bowmanvill salary or commission, or will sell. M. ket 3-3186. 26 SHORT order cook or breakfast coo GIFTS FOR DAD AUTO SEAT COVERS FOR CHRISTMAS Installed after Christmas Blankets, Packs, Cushions, etc. WIDE SELECTION ot OSHAWA AUTO-TRIM . Church and Bond St. FREE CHRISTMAS BONUS With your purchase of a suit for Dad, you will receive a Suburban or Car Coat abso- lutely FREE. Your Credit is Good At DUNN'S TAILORS 16 SIMCOE ST. S. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA and we re Visit Oshawa's Largest Downtown TOYLAND See our complete selection of toys. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King W. RA 5.6311 Opposite Centre Street HAVE you a drinking Alcoholics Anonymous. Gazette, Oshawa. 13--Gardening | & Sup 1. Phone end Ce 37--Male Help Wanted GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY "alterations and repairs, BEAUTIFUL HAND-SMOCKED BABY'S NIGHTIES Regular $1.98 for $1.50 HAND-SMOCKED DOLL'S NIGHTIES, 'S0¢ 00 CHRISTMAS TRANSPORTATION 31--Articles For Rent WATKIN'S routes available, part-time. RA 5-8580. MWF EATON'S IN OSHAWA Require « man experienced in measuring and installing = draperies rods and blinds. Should also have knowledge of measuring for floor cover ing. Permanent position with ® all employee benefits. Apply | Customers' Accounts Office, T. EATON LTD., Oshawa. 26 MEN WANTED | There are vacancies for men in Canada's leading militia armoured regiment to train in military civil defence, driving, communications, traf- | fic control, etc. Train one evening a week and earn extra money while doing so. Apply daily to the Ontario Regiment orderly room from full ¢ Nov. RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER from DO-IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 Do It Yourself With the power tools and equipment you can rent ot STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE Cor King and Burk RA 3-3224 If there is any equipment not listed that you need give us a call we rent (pretty near everything), Chain Saws; floor, belt disc, and oscillating sanders; skill saws; drills; ext. ladders; paint sprayers; pipe thread- ing equip. up to 2"; electric The Safe Way to Celebrate The Holiday Season RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI RA 5-4771 45 King E. OSHAWA'S MOST MODERN TAX! SERVICE AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and laid, field loading. Loam, sand, fill and stone. Grading, osphalting and excavation PHONE AJAX 431 or RA 5-3422 | COURTICE SOD AND LANDSCAPING SERVICE | A-] field sod, sprayed and fertilized. For free estimates call Ed Knowlton RA 5-6047 | sop, TOPSOIL, MANURE Nursery Stock, Garden Main- tenance, Tractor Grading and Roto-Tilling, HARDSAND LANDSCAPING RA 5-1721 GIFTS For All The Famil WESTERN TIRE 74 CELINA ST, Take advantage of Layoway ond Budget Plan. Free park- ing opposite store, JANE BLACK Slenderizing Studio, Slenderizing, reducing, Steam Bath ond Massage. 45] Simcoe St. South RA 5-9602 For Appointment Open 10 a.m. 10 p.m. THE family of the late Hazel Amelia Bateman wish to extend their most sin-| cere thanks and appreciation to all friends and relatives for floral tributes, | cards, kindness and sympathy in the loss of a dearly-beloved wife and daugh ter. They want especially to thank Dr.| 0. G. Mills and the staff of Ward C3,| Oshawa General Hospital, and those! who loaned cars and helped in any way - Harold V. Bateman. son Donald and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Kellar and family CEDAR CREEK by G. KILPATRICK LIVING LOVABLES FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS PARTIES TAILORING - made up. all kinds, Tropical Fish, Aquariums, Canaries, Budgies. Cages, stands, and pet supplies of oll kinds. Cocker puppies. A deposit will hold till Christ- mas. PET STOCK SUPPLY 9 Celina St. RA 5-0343 Own materials Alterations of Invisible weaving. Dress alterations. 10 Prince St. (near bus station) RA 8-5311 LEN PULLAN T.T.S. Dec. 9 HAT CLEANING LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH RESERVE NOW FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY BANQUET, DANCE Hi-Fi Included Complete Catering RA 5.2737 Christmas Flowers | R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS | Winter Wreaths--Centre Pieces ! Christmas Corsages Ph, RA 5.1131 -- We Deliver Hon GRAVEL Cerhent $9.00 per head. Road |13--Gardening & Supplies 14--Household Repairs 14--Household Repairs CEDAR CREEK Flossie Spen cer visited relatives in Raglan Wednesday Sid Wilerton borough, and son of Scar- visited Ernie Wilerton Saturday b. Mr. and Mrs. Attwood McRae, | fine ond coarse $8.00 per load. Be satisfied -- Dial RA 5279 SPECIAL Good Top Soil 5 3 | LANDSCAPING SERVICE | TREE trimming, removal, fuel wood leut with chain saw, Free sstimates, RA 5.7754 Nov.29 LEN Bowlers' landscaping and garden: ing service lawns seeded, sodded, fer. tilized, gardens and lawns ploughed, roto-tilled, Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs. Everything for your garden, RA 8.5753. COURTICE SOD AND A-1 field sod, sprayed and fertilized. For free estimates call Ed Knowlton. RA 5-6047 Linda and Carl of Oshawa, visi. | ted Frank Harris Saturday Mrs. Albert Trick of Oshawa visited Mrs. Bruce Cummings Sunday a'ternoon Mr. and Mrs Tyrone . were greets of My Mr $1.50 per yord Gravel 3/4 stone also tractor and loader RA 5-2156 Nov | LA GREEN and lai Lo ne Phare of 16 HAYNES ING CONTRACTOR and Everything for yo PHONE RA 3-9020 HILLSIDE NDSCAPING VELVET SOD supply d NURSERY STOCK. ur gorden, SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE Nursery Stock, Garden Main- tenance, Tractor Grading and Roto-Tilling. HARDSAND LANDSCAPING RA 5-1721 Mr. and 1 Tewis St y BUILI Cadmns Satrrd: F Mr. and like Doug, Oshaw: F : ling. Carpenter work al- Mrs. Manson W an nt ns. Kitchen cabinets and Dale of ! pecialty Cunday supper CALL Bruce Cummings home Mr. and Mrs (inv Old new. Hardwood expert floors RA 3 7196 EXCAVATORS isements & Trenches for hire by the hour or by contract Len. Rae Limited AY MO 8-3731 Nov.22 nes NATIVE WORKERS \ nine, employ yed 331 e workers. ) natiy : +. 16 TOP QUALITY DUTCH BULBS Cooper Smith Co. Hyacinths Tulips AJAX SOD SUPPLY Scd delivered ond laid, field loading. Loam, sand, fill and stone. Grading, asphalting and excavating. PHONE AJAX 431 or RA 35-3422 Narcissus Daffodil Crocus Snowdrops Dutch: Iris 14--Household Repairs {YOUR local chimney neyvs built and repaired, gas talled, 'A J [painting and handyman |CHESTERFIELDS like new are CELINA ST. | RA 3-2312 | teed holstering Co., 10 Bond Street West. | Dial RA s0a11, "chim. | linings in Free esti cleaner, furnaces vacuumed. RA 3.2997, oe, RA 5.8018 for carpentry,| "recovered Why pav more? Our rates reasonable. Satisfaction guaran Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up.' rebuilt, SERVICE CALLS Please Direct Electrical Trouble Calls To MOTOR AND CONTROL DIVISION Hill Cornish Electric Limited . 90 Prince St., Oshawa 24 HOUR SERVICE Regular hours call .......... RA 3.2248 After hours call RA 3-9124 or RA 5-9533 REGULAR HOURS ARE 8 00 AM. TO 5:00 P.M. MONDAY TO FRIDAY All other times at overtime rates Ladies' and Gent's Hats cleaned and blocked, $1.00. New ribbons, 75c. Shoe shine a specialty. SHARKY"S ham hole sump pumps; (plywood stap mer; chain hoist; diggers; blow torch; fldor nailers; hardwood) scythes, etc, post and lers; tillers; 9:00-4:30 or Mondey even- ing 8:00-10:00 p. Oct. 30Nov.1,3,5, %. "No, 12,15, PALM CIGAR STORE 14 Simcoe N., Oshawa 32-- Articles Wanted HERE'S HOW YOU CAN EARN MORE MONEY...' PIANOS wanted immediately Dec. 13 Make; or size, cash. Ostranders, 1378 TriepHone ANSWERING SERVICE 6'10"; one, 2'8"x6' Ae? and pedal car. Also HAE player. RA 5-4021. 265¢ answer your phone whenever you are away from your office or residence. POSTAGE stamp collections and ac cumulations wanted. Highest prices paid. Send Description. Harry Weiss. | 3615 Monkland. Montreal 28 Nov.1,8,15,22.29 SELLING furniture or cleaning out your basement? You will get your high- est price when vou phone RA 5-8131, The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simcoe Street South, SCRAP | Raw furs, live poultry, fea- I TELEPHONE ANSWERING | thers, scrap iron ond metal. SERVICE I. TURNER 45 KING ST. EAST RA 3-2043 For rates inquire:-- MERCURY { RA 8-1772 Nov.23 (collec - There are big new business opportunities opening with: Shell Oil Company of Canada, Limited -- ® You earn up to $6,000 or more a year You get thorough business 1 training 'ot our expense You have complete mer chandising assistance free, You'll be your own boss. # You need make only @ limited investment. ! Openings Available Between Now And Jan. 1 FILL IN ATTACHED FORM & AND FOWARD TO-- BOX 219, OSHAWA TIMES Name Address .. Phone