Pilot Club S.. George's Eve. WA, Happy Doubles Club "alvary Baptist WMS Chriet Church Eve. Guild St, Geor e's WA. 8°, Andrew's WA, Harv Hume Auxiliary fsnheam Chapler, Contre S'reet W.A, Challenge Group 17th Scout Mothers' Aux, Willing Workers TUESDAY Daughters of England . vo Club S.A. Home League Christ Church W.A. Fellowship Group | Canadien Legion Aux. es Northminster W.A, Grouns) Helping Hend Aux. Courtice H-S Assn Westmount W.A, S.A. Prayer Meeting 7th Scout Mc iors' Aux. King Sireei W 'S 131" Scout Mothers' Aux. Seder Dale WA. Pear! Grour . Patri~reh Militant Aux. €:, Christopher's PTA THURSDAY . " Girl Guide Ex«Council TOPS Club 'ourt Charlene COF Silver fry Wore Sunk 2am Chapter OES Installs Stage Fall Bazaar ypc Flora Purdie, Worthy Matron The Oshawa and district chap- ter, "Silver Cross Women' held its annual fall bazaar on Thurs- wigs Flora Purdle was in- posed by Mrs. Gladys Morgan, |day afternoon in the Legion Hall. ya51eq a5 worthy matron of Sun organist, J The well-stocked booths did a pear Chapter, No. 73, Ord@ of 'The guard of honor were Mrs, {good business and practically she Fagtern Star, at its annual Maude Boyes, Whitby; Mrs. Lil everything sold. 'oo meeting held 'in the Masonic lian Finlay, Birchcliffe; Mrs. Eva | Tne og iy oiticially | Temple, Warren, Durham; Mrs. Marion el y Mrs, 1. U. ie ; 8 , Port Perry; Mrs. Mina (who was introduced by Mrs, V/A, The i olficats ote: Worthy Sadism Laure] pi AR voi Mrs. (Cope, president and presented patio, | or Miss Betty Me. Eva Coathup, Markham; Mrs. {with a corsage. Kinstry; associate patron, Mr, Joyce Chalmers, Ontario Chapter; Those in charge of the various|z wre: ; " Mrs. |Miss Willa Hill, Beeches Chapter. pooth's were: Aprons, Mrs. Her-Frank Train; 'secretary, Mrs. =' ' Ibert Bratley, (Whitby) and Mrs. Meta Moore; treasurer, Mrs. INSTALLING BOARD William Murray; fancy work Agnes Kemlo; conductress, Mrs, The installation of the new of- and novelties, Mrs, Fred Lang-|Marlanne Gerard; associate con ficers was conducted by the fol- 1 and Mrs, Frank Crawley; ductress, Mrs. Mabel Alpin; chap lowing installing board; installing | home baking, Mrs. Florence Nes-|lain, Mrs, Blanche Keith; mar- matron, Mrs. Agnes Kemlo; in | pitt and Mrs. Eva Taggart; candy shall, Mrs, Dorothy Haley; organ | stalling patron, Mr. Garpet Shay- | 'and parcel post, Mrs. Frank Fal- ist, Mrs, Gladys Morgan; Adah, er; installing marshall, Mrs. EtH-| lon (Whitby); grocery baskets, Mrs. Virginia Cowley; Ruth, Mrs. |el Martin; installing floral marsh-| Mrs, David Rae; tea room, Mrs. Beatrice Wight; Esther, Mrs Lor- all, Mrs, Martha Dunlop; organ {Edward Holland, assisted by(raine Hewat: Marth, Mrs, Evalists, Mrs. May Phair, W. M. Whit- I Mrs, Frank Guscott, Mrs, Arthur Hastings; Electa, Mrs. Jean by; honorary member, Mrs. Wigston, Mrs. V. A. Cope, Mrs, Scott; warder, Mrs. Laura Gladys Morgan; soloist, Mrs, [John Hogan, Mrs, Daniel Guilti-|Young; sentinei, Mrs. Mina Mor-| Ruth Bestwick and Ms. Jean Os: inan and Mrs, Robert Williams ris. : Josue PODGM. Toronto; £hap. { Legion Auxiliary pour Mrs. Dorothy Haley, worthy ain, Mrs. a ; es op reading, Mrs, JO-|matron pba A ay op ing in the East, Mrs. va. Cliff Iseph Rampling; tea tickets, Mrs. ling "assisted by Mr. Harry Shel-| Mrs. Jean Gow, Mrs. Dorethy Charles Gibbs; lucky draw bas-|iey" worthy patron. Many mem.|Haley; filling stations, Mr, ey, y Pp y Ikets were won by Mrs, Goner-iners and "visitors were present Shelley, Mr. L. Colbear, sall, Mrs, Frank Fallon and Mrs.| 0100" Grand Chapter officers. (Port Perry; Miss Syhll Langmaid, Johnston; door prizes, Mrs. N.I° z Miss Evelyn Moore, Mrs. L. Cairns, Mrs, L. Head, Mrs. A.|INTRODUCTIONS |Stewart, Mrs. 1, McDonald, Mrs, Mitchell and Mrs. Guiltinan, Miss Betty McKinstry, conduc-|T, Medland, Mrs. A. Creighton, The next evening meeting and tress, introduced the following! Mrs. M, Lang, Mrs. T. Roberts, social will be held Monday, De- guests: Mrs. Jean Gow, grand Mrs. A. Edwards, Mrs. M. Moore. |cember 1, in Simcoe Hall with a trustee: Mrs. Jean Osborne, Mrs, Before going to the altar worthy | pot luck supper and exchange of Ruby Clarke, Mrs, Meta Moore, matron elect was presented by | gifts. Mrs. N. Moore, Mrs. Tena Rob- Mrs, McKinstry with a lovely PERSONAL ; ers, Mrs. Ann Creighton. Presid-|white Bible from her officers and Little itemg®f social news are ing' matrons, Mrs. Nottingham,|a bouquet of roses by Mrs, Little always welcome in this column.iport Perry; Mrs, Edna Shaw,|from Miss Purdie's brother and | If you are enjoying the company pyrham. Mrs. May Phair, Whit. family. of visitors or have been visiting by; Mrs. Wallace, Markham; Mrs. Agnes Kemlo presented yourself, why not telephone RAlnire Jouce Chalmers. Past Ma. Miss Purdie with a gavel her| 33474 and share your pleasure in, ang past patrons of Sun-/mother had used as worthy ma-| with others. beam Chapter, Miss E velyn|tron in 1939. She also presented Moore, Miss Sybil Langmaid,|Mrs. Haley with her jewel. Mrs. 1. Cliff, Mrs, 1. McDonald,| Gifts were presented to the in: |Mrs. Thomas Medland, Mrs, M. coming worthy matron from | Lang, Mrs. Agnes Kemlo, Mrs, many friends, Refreshments were A. Wood, Mrs, A, Edwards, Mrs, served by Mrs. Girard and her Meta Moore, Mrs. B, Wight, Mrs, | committee, Ruth Bestwick, Mrs. M, Dunlop, IMr. L. Wood, Mr. C. Moore, Mr, J |Frank Train, Mr. Harry Shelley, VANCODY BRL CB oH Little Miss Flora Purdie gave the re-| Theatre officials say that six of| {port for the sick and sunshine.|12 girls wh. auditioned for the Trustees' report was given by role of Joan of Arc in the play Mrs. T. Medland. Auditors' re- "The Lark' went to the trouble port was given by Miss Evelyn of getting a Joan of Arc haircut, Moore. Report on turkey dinner| by Mrs. E. Martin. Donations were given the CLUB CALENDAR | MONDAY 1st. Scout Mothers' Aux. Women's Hospital Aux, Sunshine Rebekah Lodge 16th Scout Mo'hers' Aux. T . Seout Mothers' Aux. E. A. Lovell HS Assn. Pleasaat Mon. Aft, Club Bus, and Prof. Women's Club 9h Scout Mothers' Aux, HELEN'S FASHION ONE WEEK ONLY 10 TO LIVE IN BOWMANVILLE Married receuvtly in St. John's | is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anglican Church, Bowmanville, | J. Coole of Bowmanyille and | were Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Ri- | the bridegroom is the son of | ehardson Heal, Formerly Miss | Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Heal of Sandra Viola Coole, the bride ' Solina. ener, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Didl RA 3.3474 7 B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 15, 1958 our newest hit the pretty ond practical Shower Kit... Fabergé cologne, soap in travel compact, | ond bath powder shaker... oll three matched together in a charming . waterproof travel case 4,50 the set shown here in fall's own fragrance wonderful woodsy Weedhue also available in Aphrodisia, Tigress or Flambeau "There's Ne Successful Bazaar Lighted Christmas trees a various other Christmas decora- tions made an attractive setting| fn Christ Memorial Church hall, for the 8th Sea Scout Mothers' Auxiliary bazaar and tea which was held Wednesday afternoon, The president, Mrs. Douglas SOCIETIES VICTORY LODGE The meeting of Victory Lodge Coronation Orange Temple, Bruce street. Worthy Mistress Sister Florence | No. 563, was held in the Springhill fund, and to Red Fea-| ther campaign. Life member. | ships were presented to Mrs. T.| Roberts, Mrs. J. Goyne, Mrs. E, Alexander, | [PRESENTATIONS Miss Flora Purdie on behalf of | the officers and members pre-| sented an oil painting to Mrs, Supstitute for Experience' DRY CLEANING OSHAWA WHITBY {Dorothy Haley, retiring worthy RA 5-3555 MO 8.4922 WINTER COATS Open A Budget Account Helens Fashion Redpath, extended a warm wel- come to all and introduced Mrs. James Hare who opened the bazaar, and was later presented with a small gift as a token of appreciation. The tea-room was convened by Mrs. Frank Baker and her com- mittee as follows: Mrs, Alex Nicholson, Mrs. Ronald Wragg, Mrs. E, J. Reed, Mrs, Clarence McCullough, Mrs, R., J. Ross, Mrs. M. W. Sutton, Mrs. J. S. Walker, Mrs, Leo Glover, Mrs, F. N. Farncombe, Mrs. R, E. Cox, and Mrs. J. R. Robertson. The tea tables were gay with Christ. mas centrepleces. Other conveners and helpers were as follows: aprons, Mrs. A. 8. Clark and Mrs. J. V. Maffey; novelties, Mrs. Stanley Gales and Mrs. R. C, Day; home baking, Mrs. Ernest Vanson, Mrs, Alfred Harrell, Mrs. Douglas Barton and Mrs. Lloyd Whittington; knitting, Mrs, Irwin Southwell, and Mrs. Douglas Redpath; fancy work and children's wear, Mrs, Robert Clayton and Mrs. George Fitches; dolls and doll clothes, Mrs, I. 8, Boyle and Deputy Mistress Sister | Margaret McNevin presided. The acting Chaplain in the ab-| sence of Sister Elva Van Slyke opened lodge by reading a portion from the Bible. All members who have dona- tions or work of any kind for the bazaar were asked to have it at the Orange Temple by 1.30 p.m. | on Thursday, November 20. Also| any tickets for the draw are to be turned in. | The next regular meeting on| November 26 will be election of | officers, | 1d The draw for the evening was| SOCIAL NOTICES | CHAIRMAN opening of the cafeteria at Oshawa General Hospital, the Women's Auxiliary has planned a Festival of Gifts. Mrs. Lloyd Collacutt is convening the ba- matron. Mr. William Henderson! To coincide with the official |etaguten Ho Tasty Sudlley Sib |ley has given 38 years of faithful| service to Sunbeam chapter. Mrs. Ruth Bestwick sang a solo com. 42 KING W, Shirt Lounderers RA 8-5641 Moth & Burn Holes Rewoven STORAGE NEW OWNERSHIP zaar committee with Mrs. A. P. Fulton as co-convener, and the members are working energetically toward next Fri- day afternoon. I donated by and won Hewines. It was reported by the sick committee that Past Mistress Sis- ter Sellick is sick at home. REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 | The first meeting of the new term of Rebekah Lodge No. 3 was | held recently with Sister Lena Harper presiding assisted by the! Vice Grand Sister Agnes Kirk. All officers were present. Sister Willis of Bowmanville was wel. Sister D by Sister Strong Myrle | Thomas ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan of Stirling, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Bernice Marguerite of Oshawa, to Lieutenant William Patrick Dall of Shearwater, Nova Scotia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dall of Belleville, On- tario. The marriage is to take place in St. James the Minor Roman Catholic Church, Stirling, | on Saturday, November 20, 1958 Cliff and Mrs. E. Brisebois; fish- comed. #11 octet, pond, Mrs. Donald McEachern;| Sister Violet Keeler gave a ENGAGEMENT tandy, Mrs, John Milne and Mrs. |plendid report of the district] arr and Mrs. Carman Mclsaac wight Bunner. d of Oshawa announce the engage- The next regular meeting will| Two candidates of the lodge will | ;jent of their daughter, Gai be held Monday, November 17, at (receive their degree at the initla- | patricia, to Mr. Edward Roman- 8 p.m. In the Hillcroft Street Scout [tion in Port Perry on November chyk, son of Mrs. George Roman Hall, |18. It has been arranged to have chuk, Oshawa, and the late Mr. b a J leave at 7.15 at the bus|Romanchuk, The marriage will Sister Vera Wirsching was in- |stalled as left supporter of the |Noble Grand by past district de-| |puty, Sister Evelyn Fiches. | A rummage sale of good used clothing will be held at the CRA on November 20. Anyone having {articles to be picked up were ask- (ed to contact Sister Mildred Bark- er, Brother Frost has called two {take place on Saturday, Decem- oer 6, 1958, at 2 p.m, in St | Mark's (Anglican) Church: HOUSEHOLD HINT Moths are not interested In cottons, linens, rayons or other synthetié fabrics, They eat only fabrics of animal origin--woo) fur and feathers. degrees practices to take place] on Friday, November 28 and Fri. | day, December 12 both to start at 7.30 sharp. Sisters in charge of next meet- | ing are Sisters Elsie Chumbly, | Agnes Pierson, Alice Hayton, b Code, M. Kinsman, Helen Mack- | le and Stella Bone. Refreshments were served by the vice grand and her supporters | and the supporters of the Noble | Grand. | RUGS AND LIVING ROOM SUITES Cleaned to Perfection NU-WAY RUG and Carpet Soles | 174 Mary RA 5.0433 HOUSE HINT Raw fruit should always be washed before eating, to remove | |dust or insect spray residue. | | : Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E. A Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. Fridays & Saturdays. FOR TEENS! By ANNE ADAMS Double - personality fashion -- ane day a 'umper, next a dress! Basy waist with '"'touch-fit" at RMipline. Shirt teams with every- thing! Monday's pattern: Child's separates, Printed Pattern 4757: Teen Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, Size 12 jum- per takes $% yards 54-inch; blouse, 13% yards 30-inch fabric. Printed directions on each pat. tern Roo Easier, accurate, Send fifty cents (50) cents in| coins (stamps cannot be ae | od) for this pattern. Please print ainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, 'LE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS The Oshawa Times, Pattern INFORMATION: RA 3-7253 Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, ¢/o MR. ERWIN GIVE THANKS BY GIVIN Christmas is the most enchanting time * of the year 7". especially for children. If you have a normal child you know to what heights happiness can be reached. But in sharp contrast to this are the thousands of heartbroken parents of mentally retarded children. « = Now, for the first time there is a glimmer of hope for these less fortunate mothers and fathers. The old Oshawa school for Retarded Children no longer meets the great demand of room and facilities and a new one must be built, The goal for this huge undertaking is . . . $75,000 PLEASE SEND ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO: BUILDING CAMPAIGN FUND ) TORONTO-DOMINION BANK 532 SIMCOE §. (South Branch) OSHAWA, ONT. THE RETARDED CHILDREN'S ASSOCIATION OF OSHAWA <