y~ lt hes THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 13, 1958 | LOOK AT THE SCHOOLS | Fall Examinations Set | PatternForEntireYear By ROBERT CAMPBELL |culty of making up lost ground at best. It is of major importance Any student at Oshawa's three the end of the year is the fact|that these habits be developed collegiate institutes who may be|that some of the fall work is of a now for the future. taking fall examinations lightly review nature. If a student can't] At OCCI forms to guide suc- should think again. make 60 per cent or better on less cessful home study habits are dis- Parents who are not aware that than three months' work, part of played on the bulletin board and these examinations are either which is review, it is obvious the are available to all'students on underway or Will be soon should | prospects of improvement over request. By using these forms as| consider the possibility that ajthe remaining portion of the a guide, students ean maintain a vear"s sweat and effort, and more schedule are remote. systematic daily record of assign-| p . important, time, could start seep: Already foreboding signs have ments and review. It should be Ing down the drain in the next appeared at OCVI where it has remembered that the biggest A = OUTSTANDING VALUE! few days. been necessary to interview sev-|/part of study is review. © 1 am not thinking of the boy or eral dozen students who were not y ~. girl who does well and is gifted doing well. ow = Tp Tue h : in realizing the importance of the| One serious failing at examina- ac" AC <UNE EXAMS 8 ould " & year's work, but rather, of the/tion time has been the apparent not be coveted at this time as . i ; nD time. as PP: cushions for the future, ' larger majority who have taken reluctance of some students to re- ; fg ! ¥ 1 ece the fall lightly and perhaps kid-'gard bulletin board notices of A, ams Foi i ab PF Ld ded their pafents into doing the examination schedules as not im- days, four of them school days.| - same. ortant. * ~ Gin The Oshawa Central Collegiate" H. E. Murphy, principal at Sie lot; helore the Occt examin. 1b ring 24 3 Institute examination Pprogram|c CCI. said, "I have yet to see 2 program swings into high began Monday when students inthe time when every student all grades wrote English Com- came to write at the right time , Donan siuedl; ean gount on . position papers. Grade 9's at the and in the right place." pre OY ght more . * school wrote a fall term health {5 hoo! days before their examin- Su i [] Scimiadion. Welesty le KEA0 TLRS ro rea or tons i OCU wre beng per-ikig uality- Mea als. i -| Students would do well to d noon. Fhe remainder of OCCI ex nts would do well to rea held spontaneously through this aminafions will be written Nov. examination timetables carefully. A j y evades| Portion of the term and must be 20-26. If a student deliberatel ' "Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate an exam, a zero is possible. taken as. a criterion of progress Institute will begin its fall exam- Coming late will mean you since school opened this fall. ination program Nov. 26. have less time to write the exam| Report cards will be issued on '7A series of tests are being run and thus increase chances of °F around Dec. 15. The individual at Oshawa Collegiate and Voca- failure. standards set down in reports fional Institute and will continue If you miss an exam altogether |Wll have a direct bearing on the year's work as final standings, until the end of November. and have a legitimate excuse,|' NOT ENOUGH STRESS the value of fall marks can be-/'? most cases, are based on com' A problem as seen through the come doubly important since you posite marks over two or three eyes of the high school principals may be obliged to accept a mark sets of examinations. | is that too many students don't based on your year's work to that RT i = | C put enough stress on fall exam- point. CENTRAL COUNCIL . inations. However, all this comment on Oshawa Central Collegiate In. SHORT cut SHANK Ib cheering While 50 per cent is a pass passing need not be taken as so stitute established a mark in most Instances, any much sour grapes. club at Thursday's meeting of mark below 60 per cent at this) The fact of the matter is, the the students' council. The club i stage in the year's work is re- program is designed to appeal to was formed to organize support-| - garded as a sign of academic/the needs of the majority and asjers of football and basketball Ib weakness {such, is within reach of the aver- games with a view to obtaining FLANK ON C fuLL cut Ib C Matt The student who feels he caniage student who applies himself. larger response at games make up his year in March and, In order to pass with the least Lapa, chairman of the club, start June exams is all wet in most amount of difficulty, students'ed it going immediately and good cases. Statistics prove that eight should maintain a study pro-jturnouts resulted at OCCI's last hd out of 10 students who adopt this|gram of a little work each night./two football games. Council sec- attitude do not recover from a/Cramming is not good over a retary Gail Curry was elected ROAST, CHOPS and STEW Ib C poor fall. long haul and its deficiencies be- chairman of the Christmas bene- The fall program represents a/come evident when year-end fit committee which is to obtain - relatively small portion of the/papers are written toys and clothing for needy fam- year's work. Adding to the diffi- Regular study habits are thelilies in Oshawa. LEAN STEWING CUTS 2 wl QO ON THE SIDELINES inations in the next two or three; : weeks. All the fellows are work- ing hard at the books to make : sure they are eligible to compete D SIDE BACON ALL GOOD RINDLESS 1b pkg 63: in basketball, wrestling, curling Y 01 eval i and gymnastics. 3 . ' || sweet Pickled, Vac Pac Sea Sealed ° . In COSSA Finals lob Adjustment | COTTAGE ROLLS :53: COD FILLETS =+»29: Student Problem Fancy Quality Wheatley Brand 4 By MICHAEL JOHNSTON (hard fought football before the ™ . Eo (2 eam ox, rt od ies 3 onevio cn On veer | LAMB LIVER so 29. PERCH FILLETS +4553: : t igh final ten minutes of the game to Zer: Principal of Brantford Colleg- decade, Oshawa has two high 8 iate and Vocational School, says - school football teams entering the Win 19-7. the student wh * Central Ontario Secondary School CONGRATULATIONS he student who had too easy a ; time at school might not last five . 7, Choice Quality Reg. 2 tins 33c--8AVE 4e Athletic Association final. If congratulations for a A a good minutes in his first job i 4 : This Saturday afternoon, Osh- : st job. | This y A ' game are given, they should be 1d 5 . awa Central Collegiate Institute showered upon Matt Lapa, Cen-'of Mig al Sou atence A«P PEAS 2 20.021 29e : : i A&P Fancy Quality Reg. 2 tins 270--8AVE Be Seniors will play Thornhill for /tral's small compact full back. Curr ot "AT s away f Lapa Bbiars nog toning Curriculum Development on Fri- 2 T( yA A TO U C 4 0-0: 49 Senior ROT fom ! day that adjust son- deen i ? vy home. Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegi- offence while leading the tack-|liies of gui hil ga i ; iis . Choice Quali JUICE i ¢ : g ow : oice Quality Reg. 2 tins 390--8AVE 20 ate Institute Blue-Devils will als0/jing on defence. Mik] 1so play- play an away game at Stouffville igh 2 ek 238% play: prepare the student for life out- BAKED IN A&P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS ~ A&P PEACHES 2 37 20-oz fins ¢ A&P ion GRY i side school in quest of Junior "B" recogni- Donevan has had a much easier| Mr. Switzer said he disagr Jane Parker. (Large 8", 24-0x. Pie) Reg. 550--8AVE 80 Chicken Noodle Reg. 2 pkgs 250--8SAVE 20 eed Reg. 2 tins 350--~8AVE do tion. schedule than Central. However, with allowing a student to switch CHER PIE Y each Qc Ll ON SO I 2-02 pkgs ' RUNE LUMS 2 P1 UP M X 2 23 P P 200z1ins 2 Qe The fact that both Central and they played with professional-like S i LA | classes because he failed t t Donevan have never entered precision last Saturday when they a1ong with EE eats oe ge Jane Parker Orange Reg. 59¢~SAVE 10e Fluffo (3c Off Deal) R 1-1b. 310--SAVE 9 uffo c ea eg. 1-1D. Oe teams in their respective leagues swamped St. Michael's of Belle- perience would stand him in good ioe. 8 arc econ nie. Te ile els ave Slr ie CHIFFON CAKE +49: SHORTENING 210: 5 3c is RITA a of us Wi vie a) is | GLAZED DONUTS = giiod Mobo enti 5 F »f Donevan. . 19 The Same Bre Dov esto Take 160 Nails Jane Parker Daan 39 FRUIT CAKE MIX > Ee bo! 50 ROZ EN FOODS! : ; a i 3 -0z box [4 Wi "her i th tna hare "The mos amazing Jealute, in From Stomach GLAZED DONUTS pkg of 8 29. Ann Page oa. J Ba bAVE 2s 4 00% %; i no year. The boys of the maroon e - blues' progress has TEHRAN, Iran (AP)--Sur- Jane Parker Reg. loaf 330--8AVE 4s PEANUT BUTTER F i : 16-02 jar 3 3 ancy Quality Reg. 2 for 37c--SAVE de and gold had the stare of Sele Deen. thelr Seience. Hale. Once geons here removed 160 nails, BREAD WHOLE WHEAT 2 24.01. looves 33¢ A&P PEAS 2 29 12-02. pkgs {4 lives last p ' la pocket knife and a spoon managed to squeak past a compe- @ solid wall of muscled bodies from the stomach of Sayd Jane Parker Reg. pkg 35c--SAVE 6s Clark's Reg. tin 450--8AVE 460 ventura Fordhook R og. pkg 270--8SAVE 9¢ titive bunch of youngsters from that react with quickness and \ od, i g 2 gma. xe NT ferme | DROP COOKIES n29c IRISH STEW so 41c LIMA BEANS 20a ped 5c Tuesday, however, was a day It could be said now at season's| [1.ined of pains in the ab- | when the Central fans really had close, whether Donevan and Cen-| 40. on a chance to cheer. The semi-final |/tral win or lose, students of their] "1 don't remémbe: ral game with Belleville was one of scheols should be proud of them Yowing the knife ep ean . the best games seen on an Osh- LOCKER-ROOM CHATTER but 1 always liked the taste 8olo awa gridiron for a couple of Uocker-room gossip has taper- of nails." said Mohammed. MARGARINE 2 1-1b pkgs 55¢ vears. It was a game of good ed off with the approach of exam- Peek Frean Fruits a. | | nd Vegetables AYLMER PEELS CUSTARD CREAMS 8-0z pkg 29¢ E. D. Smith's Three Fruit MARMALADE 12-02 jar 25¢ FRESH, NEW CROP, NO. 1 GRADE FLORIDA, ROUND STRINGLESS AND GLACE FRUITS yler's Fad | INsTANT ONION 14-02 Bil 33¢ Glace : : Bi > Black Watch, Old Coloured Canadi THIRST CLASS CHEDDAR CHEESE 1b 61¢ GREEN BEANS RED CHERRIES Bozpkg 3 5 8 Flavours Cut » : NO CAL BEVERAGES 16-0z btl 19¢ : PASSENGER : ROMAN MEAL pkg 37¢ : 2 Ibs 2 Q. MIXED p EEL 2 save 39 Cut Commander Whitehead's limousine ; STOKELY PRODUCTS GOLDEN, NO. 1 GRADE, KILN-DRIED MIXED FRUIT fia moll Je is je, a1 his Sirs won't Stokely Fancy Assorted Colours wait for the grocer to on : : ne uid a ciean sine com asa | SWEET POTATOES | Pineapple rines «zs.35 of refreshing Schweppes - . 4 HONEY POD PEAS 2 15-0z tins 35¢ PP iy ; Assorted Caps Tonic Water. Hence i § : : y Stokely Fancy the distinguished il 2 TOMATO JUICE 2 20-0z tins 29¢ Schweppesman"s safari BP: hy Ibs 4 MIXED PEEL 12-02 pkg 3 3c on his neighbour's scooter. Can you Ww LIDO BISCUITS : rr ASP BRAND, ONTARIO GROWN, FIRM JUICY COLD STORAGE blame his impatience ? Lide Chocolate TOCK, FINEST FOR EATING, FANCY Imagine a Schweppes- 1 barren refrigerator ; : : 1 <S . = 0 es AaIE IN : ie : | MALLOWS phe 3 [+ : M INTOSH RED SPECIAL Sc OFF GIANT SIZE unique bittersweet flavour : & Lido C . AJAX giant tin 21 to delight you. N i : Evite 4 ! 9 3 hit 2% . MARILYN pkg 4 3 4 : Schweppervescence to keep y i 4 i Lide Marshmaliow APPLES your tonic drink lively. Moral = | RADISSON po 29¢ Free Melmac Dinnerware Inside 8 5 ... keep welrockal up with Lido Schweppes all the time .:: ) A | | MOKA 'a 37. 3b all oe 2 5 p SUPERSUDS giant pkg every season. Lido (Pink and White Mallow) ¢ 4 ROSETTES ts 31e rROM THE TROPICS" SPECIAL -- 10c OFF Schweppes rome wires Fg} |TV SNA wn33 | | ARGE RUBBER PLANTS | VEL mew 73 The essential tonic water for authentic tonic drinks. Enjoy world- , i HOME PLANT -- PACKED IN LARGE §* Pi STRONG: STURDY ROOM DEODORANT Lab ---- " POT -- NO. 1 GRADE . 5%-o0z bomb C famous Schweppes Dry Ginger Ale and Schweppes Club Soda, too. . THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD Rotanical Name FICUS DECORA > y. A 0 FLORIEN } Le PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1958. Pine, Spice, Mint, Floral ----------_--, SA A ------------