18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 13, 175% Toronto, TORONTO B "drare D Glass By The Cansdisn Press Toronto Steck Exchange--Nov. 13 (Quotations in cents unless marked §, =~044 lot, 34 ~ Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m 820 $36% ita Dist 11700 305 Dist vt 4500 935 525 $3 25 75 $45% 45 100 20 300 255 842% 100 $80 175 821% 25 Ogilvis z5 $45 Third CG Inv 200 $6% Oils Am Ledue 6300 Bailey 8 A 300 Bailey § pr 225 Bail § 5% pr 100 a 7000 22222» Home Oil A Home Oil B HB OIG Humber Marigold Medal N Bristol N. Chamb N Concord N Superior Northeal Okalta Pac Pete Petrol Phillips Provo Gas Quonto Ranger Royalite Scurry Secur Free South U Tex Cal Tidal Triad Oil Un Oils W Decalta W Dec wis 300 300 3 $12% 12% $8 8 $58- 58 $35% 35% 545 545 $324. 22% $B% 8% 220 220 $22% 22% $8 8 Cdn Baks C Bank Com 315 Cdn Brew 100 CEBAL A wis 200 C Cel $175 pr 25 C Chem 50 C Curt W Dredge 100 100 C ¢ ( « c CIL Cdn Pet pr Cockshutt Con Gas Copp Clark Corby vt Dist Seag D Bridge Doin Elect D Fndry D Fndry rt D Magnes Dom Stores Dom Text Dow Brew 100 250 Advocate Agnico Algom Algom vtw Am-Larder Amal Rare Anacon Ansil Area Arjon Aumaque Aunor Bankeno Barnat Barvue Baska Belcher Beveon Bicroft Boymar Broul Reef Brunswick Buffad Bunker Hill Dyno Malart Gen Dynam GMC GL Paper N Gas 250 GN Gas w ts" 25 GN Gas B wt 120 Greyhnd 220 240 220 422 600 Ind Accep 270 Inind Gas wt 100 Inter PL 73 Inv Syn A 100 Kelly wis Kelvinator 5 7 C Lafarge A % CM Lakeland 3 C N Inca Lkind debs Can-Erin LobG 1 pr Can-Met LobCo B C-Met wis MacMill B Cassiar Chib Jae 305 305 11% 310 7 43% 137% 36% 285 285 -15 $46% 45% 45% -- W $19% oY + W 13% -- 4 225 $22 2 1545 $10% 10% 10% 10 $103% 103% 103% + % 165 165 165 3 250 $21% 21% 21% C Mont Loco 220 $17% 17% 17% « N St Car 100 $23 23 C 13% « 00 ( C L C Coldstrm Bellekeno Callinan Denison Den wis Halliwell on M and § Mogul Morrison C Mosher Con Negus Con Sud Conwest Coprand Crowpat Cusco D'Aragon De Cour D'Eldona Dome E Amphi East Mal East Met Eldrich Falcon Faraday Frobisher Fatima Genex Glacier ' Gold Eagle GF Uran Grandue Gunnar Gunnar Gwillim Halmon Har-Min Headway Hollinger Hud Bay Int Nickel Int Ran Molson A Nor Star A 220 $13% 13% N Star wts 1080 305 --3 N Star wt 56 470 90 90 N Star wt 57 250 350 350 NO NGas 360 $13% 190 90 13% 13% -- % 90 190 8% -- % 3B --~-% 8% 33 10 Page-Hers Pbina Powell R 300 $39% 39 Premium 100 $5 5 5 Roe AV Can 950 $12% 12% 12% Roe AV 5% p 10 $100 100 100 Royal Bank 225 $74 74 74 16 16 17% --- % StL Cem A StL Corp 555 S17% 17% Salada-S 50 $20% 28% 28% -- W 160 $30 30 30 180 830% 30 30% + W 100 495 495 495 5 575 820% 29% 29% + W 200 $20% 20% 20% -- % $69 68% 69 7 25 215 5 420 420 420 +8 $29% 29% 29% $5044 50 50% + % 325 320 325 +5 $33 33% 33% +2% $43 42% 42% --~ W $28 27% 27% -- a $10% 10% 10% -- 22% 2% 2% ---W 90 90 90 $33% 3% 832% 3% 10 9% -- % Y% wis Bh --W 32% i] 2% Asbestos Inv $344 50 $324 Mw 32% Montre "an ah Irish 80 80 Jaye 21% 21% + % Cop 520% 29% 29% S31 BEES: spends PH PETER Paramaq Pick Crow Pronto Purdex Que Ascot Que Chib Que Lab Quemont Rix Athab St Michael San Ant Satellite Sherritt Sigma Siscoe 8 ocan VR Stanleigh S anlgh wits Starratt Steep R Sullivan Taurcan vt Teck-H Temag Ult-Shaw U Asbestos Upp Can Ventures Waite Am Willroy Wiltsey Winch Curb B. lolo Pato Yukon Con 100 Sales to 11 a.m MONTREAL ne By The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange. (Quotations in cents unless marked 8, 2--0dd lot, xd---F rights, Sales 540 2085 125 290 25 25 Stock Abitibi Algoma Alumin Alum 1 pr Alum 2 pr Ang Tel pr Argus Argus 2.40 pr Asbestos Atlas Steel Bank Mont Bank NS Banque PC Bell Phone 25 180 455 250 270 52 220 1188 BA Oil 467 BCE 4% pr 30 BC Forest BC Power BC Phone Brown Bu'ld Prod Cal Pow Can Cem Can Cem pr Chem Cell * Fairbks ( ( ( C ( ( ( CIL C 40 90 250 200 350 "IL pr C In Pow pr Cdn Ol CPR Coghlin Con M § Board Of Trade Backs Industrial Promotion | By JOE DUPUIS board went after it fay their town. | TRURO, N. S. (CP)--On the|/They didn't get it. "But we feel theory actions speak louder than it was chiefly through our efforts i {then that the government gave words, the Board of Trade is be- ys instead a new provincial girls hind a move for industrial promo- college," Mr. Murphy said. tion in this central Nova Scotia) When a new $1,700,000 paved tewn that Mayor J. G. Glassey highway was completed between says he's 'never seen the like of here and Tatamagouche last before." : month, the board arranged "The nerve centre of the prov- celebration w hi ch included a ince now no longer is Halifax, it's|three-day shopping spree to at- right here in our town," says|tract shoppers living along the board President J. M. Murphy. new 26-mile long highway. Businessman Harold B. Good-| Truro is a dairying and lumber- speed claims "We've got the ing town of about 12,000 persons. people thinking about what they|It's 64 miles from Halifax and al- can do themselves." ready has achieved industrial im- The 150-man hoar® decided this Portance as a textile, warehous- spring to "stop talking and start Ing and distribution centre. acting." "We decided if all we The town's 43 industries employ could do was talk, we might as|943 persons manufacturing goods well fold," Mr. Murphy said. A to the value of more than $7,500, rebirth followed. Full-page ad-/000 annually. vertisements boasting Truro as gy MAIN CNR LINE an industrial centre and "a nice : . a ; place to live" were published in "It's on the main Canadian Na- the province's biggest daily news- tional Railways line, the junction pers. point fer the province. It's the papets nearest rail point for Newfound- NEW GIRLS COLLEGE land and the terminus for the Do- When the provincial goverr- minion Atlantic Railway, a sub- ment decided to move the school sidiary of the Canadian Pacific for the deaf out of Halifax, the!Railway. ti A government weather station -- is located at nearby Debert. A} new international airport to open next year at Kelly Lake is only 40 miles from here on the main high- way, There are 2,960 families living in 2,200 self-contained homes, 800| apartments and flats, Sales of the town's 35 wholesale firms in 1951 (last census year) totalled $10,834,500. The 181 retail stores employ 900 persons with sales of more than $1,300,000 an- |nually. FIVE PRIMARY SCHOOLS The labor force is estimated at about 2,678 males, 1,482 females The younger set go to five primary schools, a high school and an industrial arts school. The provincial Normal College here |enrolls more than 300 annually. The Nova Scotia Agricultural Col. lege is the only one of its kind on the Atlantic seaboard. 'We are known as the hub of Nova Scotia," Mr. Murphy says. "But with Newfoundland now al S 65 $18% 19 10 tocks Crown Cork 175 Crown Zell A 100 Dist Seag 400 $33 D Bridge 125 $2 Fndry 140 D Fndry pr 25 D 100 D D Glass Glass pr 150 Fndry rt 540 Dom Tar Gat spe pr 25% Gen Dynam 2100 Goodyear 190 G L Paper Gypsum Home Ol A 1 Hud Bay 150 859 Imp Bank 5 Imp Inv A 250 In 1. 5 z5 837 15 Penmans Powell R Pow Corp Price Br Que Nat Gas z55 $24 Roe AV Can 2075 Royal Bank 175 St L Cem A 1400 St L Corp Shawin Sher Will pr Sicks Sicks pr Steel Can Steinbg pr 70 Tor Dm Bnk 25 Tr Can Pipe 1300 Triad Oil 100 Un Steel 250 Weston A 100 $33 Zellers pr 400 Dom Tar 1550 1445 5 z10 725 395 4 150 839% 39% 225 817% LU | Sid 144 NEED ENGINEERS OTTAWA (CP) -- An RCAF aeronautical engineer says the RCAF is unprepared for the guided missile age. And he adds that if won't 'be prepared until it gets its share of Canada's graduate engineers, | The engineer is Sqdn, Ldr, J. H, Woodrow, a Second World War observer now stationed at Gimli, Man, and he makes the state- ment in an article in the just- published 1958 Journal of the RCAF Staff College. "The 'recruiting situation for graduate engineers has become so desperate that even our ad- vertising has become mislead- ing," Sqdn, Ldr, Woodrow writes, RCAF advertisements pro claimed that opportunities for electrical engineers were "'unlim- ited" This was "simply not true." In the RCAF, technical person- RCAF Seen Slow In Missile Age specialty but could not have a voice in policy matters, "Civilian industry has found that it cannot hope to Pp without the full participation Ai researchers and engineers in decisions of top management. "Yet decisions concerning great expenditures for research and en- gineering development of our new weapons are being made in our armed forces without any real top-level participation of career technical officers," | Sqdn, Ldr. Woodrow says the solution to the recruitment prob- lem lies in more pay and an in crease in SppoHtunity and pres- tige for RCAF engineers, Technical officers now were paid $100 less a8 month than air- crew officers and the latter, as a rule, did less work, And the only personnel trained for top man- nel could act as staff advisers only in their particular technical |agement jobs in the RCAF were aircrew, ially pilots, Finding Scho Materiai Can In recent months, public atten- tion has been turned to finding and developing gifted children, With more scholarships available for young men and women of marked ability, there emerges the big problem of finding them and not overlooking any, Appearing before the Senate Committee on Labor and Welfare several months before the bill was passed hy Congress to pro- larship Be Hard who had been identified as su- perior on a gereral mental test at the age of 10, By the age of 40, they had pub- | ished 67 books, 46 of them schol. | arly, and more than 1400 scientific | {technical and professional ar- |ticles. They had more than 150 | patents to their credit, They were 110 to 30 times as productive as {would be found in the general | | population, | Dr, Russell thinks tests alone | should not determine major dJe-| Make Your Plans Now... 1000 ™ $4 ( 210 3000 xw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials Canadian 500 40 25 $H0% EYL | rls 225 170 Abitea Ang Pulp Ang Nfld Vinegars Diedge Paper Longas MO Paper Moore Que Ph Russell Shop Save SC Pw fpe Fin A Trans Mt Waterman Westeel ( ( 7H 3256 50 100 150 320 61 150 320 62 350 320 61 wis n.: 1,080,000 735 600 100 Nov. 13 Ex-dividend, xr Ex» Alscope Anacon Aull Bailey § A Baker Tale Bateman Be: 4 500 3500 1000 5200 4600 2000 2600 2400 2500 1000 3000 500 5000 300 1500 700 2000 25 11:80 Net Low a.m, Ch'ge 36% 36% 1 33% 33% + Be! NK dw Bonnyville 2% 2% Bornite 45% 45% +} C Lithium 40 40 Cancrama 28% 28% Fano 63 63 Fatma HY + God Age 26 G Por Ur 534 -- Ha tian 684 Hollinger 354 Iso Uran 41% Labrador 0% --~ Lith Corp 90 Mcintyre 14% Montgary 2300 N Santiago 12500 NW Amulet 11000 NA Ashestos 4500 Northsp 200 Obalcki 1000 Orchan 5600 Paudash 1000 Porcupine 11000 au 25% 534 68%, asl 41% 40% 90 14% vide scholarships and loans to | promising students, Dr, Roger W,| Russell, executive Secretary of the American Psychological As- sociation, m a de the following points That, properly used, intelli- cisions about pupils and studei fs, "In evaluating the individual's potentialities, the tests should be viewed in the light of the school record, teachers' opinions and ob- servations, indication of special gence and aptitude tests to hobbies and achievements, the "identify students who are in the student's family and other social range of talents from which cre-|environment," Bini ! sive scene, engineers, Sduy 08g OF TALENT P| There's a big loss in talent be- cialists are most likely to] the. t emerge." However, they will no} | Cause so many youths do nol pick out particular individuals choose to take advantage of edu- who will make new discoveries| cational opportunities available to and put them to work," or guar-|them. It has heen estimated that antee a future list of Einsteins, |our high school graduates never INTENSIVE STUDY MADE {go to college, Of those who do, Nevertheless, Dr, Russell cites about 6 in every 10 leave with- {40 per cent of the top quarter of for Christmas and New Year's Social Parties, Banquets, Dances of Family Get- Togethers! || The Flying Dutchman | Motor Hotel Highwey 401 ~ Bowmanville Cloverleof For Descriptive Literature or Reservations Coll; | Jim Bourke, Manager MArket 3-3373 an intensive study of 800 menlout a degree, ONLY HERE ON THIS NAMELESS ISLAND COULD THEY BE MALE AND FEMALE » hothing else ! Wettig, RR Portage 7500 Que Lab 1000 Que Oil 2500 Quemont 200 Red Crest 2000 St L R min 3200 Steep R 1350 Tache Tazin Ttan Trebor Valor Lith Virginia 12% 325 13 17 10% 69 7 6 L] 15 15 15 1000 4500 4500 4000 2000 6500 Louis Tonon was pulled from the pool by Ernest Stacey, direc- {tor of school swim classes, and Man Drowns several " Po In Pool several sudents, Sacey and a3 HAMILTON (CP) -- A 25-year- plied artificial respiration without old immigrant was drowned in success, the municipal indoor swimming Tonon, a pipeline worker who pool Wednesday, the first drown- quit his job three weeks ago, was ing in the pool's 29 years of opera-| packed to go to Italy to visit his parents at the end of the month, IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA Condensed 84th Annual Statement October 31, 1958 ASSETS Cash resOUrCeN. «os ssasvrsnsssasssassse § 156,764,987 363,678,039 520,442, 413,044,168 42,007,030 13,612,204 21,200,932 1,010, -- ARAL Securities and call loans, iiss narnnrnes Total quick asset. ..... Loans. usnnnns NH.A, morigag Bank premises... oi ieinane Letters of credit and other asset. . trranaee "LIABILITIES Dopo cs eavannnnssnsnsssnrnssnsenss § 941,267,908 {part of 'Canada we're starting a |campaign to make Truro the hub lof the Atlantic provinces." 'That French girl's Jove novel that shocked the world! 20 Contery Par ston Rossin Braz: Letters of credit and other Habllitie . 24,200,444 Total liabilities to the public, .. , 9485,468,4 Capital, rest ond undivided profits, ,. ." 44,918,401 : 0 STATEMENT OF EARNINGS Profits after making transfers to Inner reserves ond after Income taxes $4,490,000........ § Dividends... . 3,084,178 2,014,000 1,068, Undivided profits brought forward . 650,224 Balance of undivided profits, ..... Joan FonTame DILLMAN CARERE sory IVIATHIS THAT SINGING SENSATION Entertainment Also In CinemoScope "FORTRESS FORMOSA" NEW COLOR 'CARTOON FEATURE . . , 1:30 « 3:30 - 5:33 7:40 « 9:48 | $ 1,718,401 i hl STATEMENT OF REST Balance October 31, 1957 Transfer from contingency reserv Balance October 31, 1958 30,000,000 2,000,000 ,000,000 4. 5. PROCTOR, Prestdent IMPERIAL 2 BANK 27 wre bet: General Manager RE Rt o - . Plus--Thrills in the War-Torn Far East! DR.ALEC WINDOM , . . whose scalpel became a sword dividing o nation, PETER FINCH MARY URE in FASTMAN COLOUR STARTS TODAY kr (BL) SMOKING IN LOGES PRIVATE PLANE MAKES CRASH LANDING IN THE TAMELESS JUNGLE. ., - . (i wane GORDON SCOTT as mer srw raszan + an Gm RELIASE 2nd Big Hit! HE TURNED KILLER for one day! FRED MacMURRAY rsp J wisn DAY OF THE JOHN ERICSON: BADMAN' STARTS TODAY | STARTING TIME ANYTIME "Ea ADDR OD HOME -- FILL-A-CARD BINGO BINGO IN 50 NO'S - $1000 BONUS GAME E TOMORROW'S NUMBERS N-34 G-58 Numbers will be drown scorr's RESTAURANT 147 Yonge St, Toronte at 10 am, Benefit of CANADIAN FEDERATION OF THE BLIND Not affiliated with the C.N.1.B, It you have 0 BINGO Call Toronto WA, 3.2415 PREVIOUS NUMBERS Before 5 p.m, WINNERS OF GAME "PB MR, V, HARVEY, 102 y Avenue, D , Ontarle, MR, JOHN SULLENS, 83 Grey St, Brantford, Ontario, MR, AL POPERT, 37 Williem St, Lindsay, Ontario, MRS, M, CRONK, 89 Wolsley Street, Torente, MRS, M, STERN, 224 Palmerston Avenue, Torento, MRS, JEAN POWER, 273 Ellerslie Avenue, Willowdale . THESE ARE ALL OUTLETS IN OSHAWA Jack Fraser, Oshawa Shopping Centre Prince Variety, 412 Prince St. Ritson Foods, 555 Ritson Rd. South Bloor Lunch, 183 Bloor St, East Rainbow Confectionery, 148 Simcoe St. South Victory Billiards, 50 Simcoe St. North Peter's Barber Shop, 44 Simcoe St. North Mike's Place, 17 King St. West Smith's Coffee Shop, 317 Simcoe St, South Town Bar, 522 Ritson Rd. South McCordick's Pharmacy, 128 Wilson Rd. South Coxie's Billiards, 70 King West Handy Bar, 87 Ritson Rd. South South End Billiards, 524 Simcoe St, South Variety, 157 Simcoe St. South Henderson's Book Store, 18 King East Royal Snack Bar, 97 Simcoe St. South Palm Cigar Store, 14 Simcoe St. North Powell Drugs, 35'4 Simcoe St. North Genosha Hotel Coffee Shop, King St. Nick's Billiards, 28 Simcoe St. South Ideal Food Market, 214 Bloor East Harmony Grill, King East and Wilson Rd, QUTLETS IN WHITBY W. H. Rigler, 200 Brock St. S. Allin's Drug Store Shorty's Cigar Store, 106 Dundas E. Palm Billiards, 130 Dundas W. Hollywood Motel, Brock St. N. OUTLETS IN BOWMANVILLE Berry Book Store, 43 King St. E,, Bowmanville Jack's Smoke Shop, 65 King St. E., Bowmanville Oke's Smoke Shop, 33 King St. E., Bowmanville Rite Smoke Shop, 39 King St. W., Bowmanville