| Paste-Your-Own Wallpaper = | [owes Tus Tondo Yomi B 22 91 A Canadian First In Decorating! | | | Pnee upon a time the only way machine - printing of murals, the i 4 7 to have pod on your wall was method used for standard wall 2 never before... &8 i {to hire an artist to Jain ue. Japers. Machue . sited murals This was both costly and lengthy. have n ac ge fo manu- / Today , if you want a mural you facturers for some time, How- . CELLIN I ' | can have the finished picture the ever, three years ago plant en- . \ same day and at a budget cost. gineers and designers got togeth- h \ |The answer? DoMt-yourself wall- er to discuss the development of BRONZE . WE'RE OVER STOCKED paper murals, a printing machine to do the job. ; J L |" Back in 1656 when Moses Staun- They were successful and print- ' Fe |ton opened Canada's first wall- ed murals are now an actuality. per manufacturing plant in To-| . . . a Canadian "First" which J Christmas Der he probably didn't foresee will create a busy export trade Do Your . |that 102 years later Canada would for the United States market as / ; give the world the first inexpen- well, J Shopping Now and sive chine - printed wallpap The new murals are pre-pasted, 4! 4 é mural, Wallpaper murals have and tri Th i " g been around for some time now, come neatly packaged ready for but they always have been silk- use and the only tools required screened, a hand process that are scissors and a cellulose 7 / / has made them ive, luxury , The cos. of these beauti- 1 <, % 2 00 0 F items, fully Canadian designed murals iw A A) > Now, a new machine developed is less than $20 for a 14 to 18-foot $a Conade V4 ate YONOIE HEIN, rssicon Any Blouse ' CHILD GUIDANCE | Explaining Death To Children | Presents Problem To Parents While many children don't have the child in quite another way direct contact with death, it is/than was intended. important for most parents to IMMEDIATE CAUSE ? 4 00 OFF i through what i will say Dr. Osborne believes it better, glamorous, glittering Py as a rule, to explain the imme- and do should some member of diate cause of the death than to gold-fired bronze ANY DRESS or the family or some friend or try te give a philosophical or re- TWO-PCE. SUIT i a te atl a4 ne Sade x Es aE. set RitiRERE En, ANY SWEATER neighbor die. Parents and chil. ligious interpretation, for lips and fingertips = 4 | Wish to spare the young i 4 wists on vais | dren differ widely in their ways child a common practice by par: a y is 1 trying t MR. AND MRS. J, E. H. DAVIS {of expressing griet or trying to ents Pn to send him. away tng magical, metallic Collin! Bronse oval Lipstick 3.50 . jon e funeral. Bu , Osborne cites 50 h ) ' B . F ' 1 his bodiciet, *Whet you Lose the case of the boy, eight, who sparkling Collis! Bronse Nall Glack for fingertips 2.50 w ds a Love ne, w still remembers with resentment t nniversary Ings rien LODGES AND obtained from Publie Affairs shat his father did not allow him stftboxed Colour Set of both 5,50 MAGIC SLAX REVERSIBLES ; [Pamphlets 22 East 38th Street, to take one last iook at his OR SLIMS SRY ors P SOCIETIES New York 16, N.Y., for 25 cen's) mother, while his older brother Hacer : om ear an ar 0 onor alr Dr. Erm Osborne gives the gt was allowed to do so, Reg. 16.95 Reg. 25.00 of a study made by Maria Nagy Barring likelihood of hysteric Guests from Woodstock, Toron- gratulations and renewed long THE LEND-A-HAND CLUB |of Budapest, which explains that, pehavior by other eric 10 95 19 95 to and Ottawa as well as from standing friendships The Lend-a-Hand Club held its! between the sages of three and oehorne thinks it is usually bet- | . . the Oshawa snd Kedron districts. Both born in the Oshawa dis: regular business meeting in the ten, the child may pass through|ter to err on the side of etting recently honored Mr. and Mrs. trict and descendants of early JOOF Hall with" the president, three different stages In his the child share the family experi- H J. E. H. Davis, Masson street, ploneer families, they spent mostiSister Alice Hayton, presiding notions about death ences rather than shutting hi | + on the occasion of their golden of their married lives in the Red assisted by vice-president, Sister| The author says: out ; §yvm | ALL BRAND NAMES * wedding anniversary ron community, moving to Osh-|Viola Keeler "The youn child from three PARENTS' QUESTIONS "At Home" to their guests at/awa some twelve years ago. Mrs.| The meeting opened with pray-|, no Jogus death as a natural Q. Our tot, 4, likes to draw. f ! the residence of Mr, and Mrs Davis is the former Miss Fran-|er, roll call and reading of min-| 04 final process, To him, death Often when 1 ask him what | f \ Gordon Davis, Hillcroft street ces (Frankie) Nesbitt, They are utes, lis like sleep. You are dead, then is, he has drawn, he seems of- ( d se. members of Simcoe Street United, Sister Viola Keeler gave a re- g" 3 " ' | , during the afternoon ANC even. veh of which Mrs, Davis Is anlport on birthday and anniver-YoU are alive again. Or; a4 ta 3 (ended, | + ning, some two hundred | nous and Elen would ton, 1 ia plate, 0d relatives oftered Sls son. nd "fs Yoru ary Sarda sim io tn wenhers you come back again. If you had enough imagination] 104 KING E RA 5.1333 Amongst the guests present tributes' to those bereaved. "Consequently, children of this Jou mig know, Or if you waited VON Directors |who also had attended the wed. Sister Alice Hayton reported on age may seem to be Jathet ta he might volunteer to teil you. | ding fifty years ago were Mrs, the CPT committee work and|lous when they Be od / le N b M ti J. J. Black of Woodstock, Mrs, bingos for benevolent work death of a member o e am. ovember hiee ing 'Arthur Nesbitt, Oshawa, and Mr. The next meeting will be a pot|lly. They express an mmediate Mrs, John Nesbitt of Por t/luck lunch, exchange of gifts and SOrTow, but soon forget ali about The November meeting of the ad ¥ 4s ne draw. Sister Viola Keeler and|it, or at least give the impres- Oshawa Branch of the Victorian Assisting them In recelving Sister Eva Hastings will look|sion of so doing. | - ! Order of Nurses was held In the ere thelr three sons and daugh- after the shut-ins. [ACCEPT THE IDEA ; board room at the City Hall on (erg.in.law, Mr, and Mrs. Walter| Sister Alice Lanning Junior, i | "Between five and nine, ! Monday afternoon. , Davis of Kedron, Mr, and Mrs, /Past Noble Grand of Rebekah ! Miss Isabelle Sorley, nurse-in- Ralph Davis of Solina and Mr, No. 3, was welcomed as a mem. | FOUSLY, youngsies Sppeat to be} CLEARANCE ! gharge, informed the Board that and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Oshawa ber of the club. "but ! during the month of October a Those serving Included three ° partisdles pense Jag_died, that| X ! total of 284 visits had heen regis. granddaughters, Miss Marilyn QUEEN MARY LODGE eventually happens to everyone--| tered Including 252 for adult nurs- Davis, Miss Patsy Davis and| Queen Mary Lodge, No. 97). "0 boiiarly not to them:| ' ' {ng care, three to newborn bables, Miss June Davis and a niece, LOBA, held its regular meeting 40C P | one postnatal, 22 for health in- Mrs. Ross Pearson of Woodstock, in the Coronation Orange Temple "Only as they Teach nine or é struction, six not seen and two Mr, Peter Davis and Master John with the worthy mistr Sister night calls, Di had charge of the guest/Elva Cowle, presiding assisted by ten years of age, do they begl the period there Te adi Pourin » Phen the i uty mistress, Sister Evelyn jo Focogalze Gath id inevitable 75 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE RA 5.1611 been new adm! {afternoon and evening were Mrs, Bilton or all perso ) » patiqnts tted. | J. Black, Mrs. ¥. W. Nes.| Devotional exercises were per-that can come to them." | i Total fees collected totalled | ® ® < : bit. Mrs. A, J. Nesbitt, Mrs, formed by the chaplain, Sister] Dr. Osborne considers some | t | ; + $256.20 and the total of BOUTS) pone Lee, Mrs. Bruce Buck, Mrs, |Betty Atkins, It was reported that|frequently - used ways parents ay Chr: OMOrrow Yi ay a ® ® ® ; worked by the nurses was W. N. Hoskin and Mrs. A. Abbott.|Sister Kay Hopkins was a pa- have of explaining death to the ) Mrs. Ellen Durant, relief nurse,| The tea-table was centred by a|tient in the hospital and that Sis-| young child: that God wanted | ¢ had worked eight days during the |ihree - tiered wedding cake sur-|ter Mary Hayes was home from him, or he has gone to be an LI IIAP I I eet creat month and four stud from the| rounded by gold tulle and fank-| hospital. |anges, or that the old person got po MA LUA Sa sa 74 1 oY JUST IN TIME FOR | eA a £ P 4 4 Vo # spent two days observing with the white and gold lighted tapers. (wo Sisters initiated, Tt was de-| pe notes that, while such an- ' : fd ' / Re / ; local nurses, Tiny gold chrysanthemums and cided to wend a donation to ors seem to work with some ay ; oon ry 4 " CHRISTMAS YOUR Miss Sorley had attended a maidenhalr fern entwined with Springhill disaster fund. Mem: opiidren, they often are taken by| / ih i meeting of the representatives of gold ribbons completed the anni bers were asked to make an a S 1 . | | garding the Homemakers and The honored pair were the re-lon November 19, diplomatic with associates and| DRAPES MADE FREE ' Nurses Act SDs of many ta, fowéta {superiors and do try to curb : | The Venerable H. D. Cleverdon and cards, as well as official [your innate tendencies towar 9 . presided at the meeting, The min-| greetings from the Honorable| THE STARS SAY |over-aggressiveness and emition- Plus Free Steel Drapery Track with the purchase of material $2.98 and up in | ; | % - : : "" nolly, secretary, and Mr. D'Arcy Frost and the Honorable Michael good aspects during this period, a Y sto k Minim m | n Smith gave the 'treasyrer's re.(Starr, MP. Personal Songraiuls. FOR TOMORROW |"lucky break" in late December | i CK. u e gth 72 long. (dications for accomplishment * * display in connection with the both job and financial matters, |first ii] foouthy oA Jo] : / . . "a ' . Red Feather campaign Be alert to all opportunities to|those whose work r 'es | | d Th F t S t Li It was announced that a confer:| Woolworth Co. Be ert to all opportunities to Hoe should do especially well. | i / ne u in e ines a een nin ' ence which will Include the Osh- |a better day planetarily speaking.|All can profit, . aug, Whitby, Lindsay, Peterbor- Is Purchased FOR THE BIRTHDAY © sincere and steady efforl, A stim. Pa gafh and Trentol eanchey of the If tomorrow is your birthday, |ulating s oclal fe, J ; a 2 Widths | 3 Widths | 4 Widths | 5 Widths | 6 Widths | 7 Widths | 8 Widths | 9 Widths | 10 Widths VON would be held at Adelaide] TORONTO (CP) -- The F. W. your horoscope indicates a good|possibly new romance are in the, : 4 4' Track 6' Track | 8 Ton To Track | 12' Track | 14' Track 16' Track | 18' Track | 20' Track Oshawa General Hospital hadied by crystal candelabra with During the evening there were tired and went to sleep. 4 a3 * the Oshawa Welfare Board re- versary theme. |effort to attend the next meeting | utes were read by Miss Kate Con-| Mr. Diefenbaker, Premier Leslie By ESTRELLITA |alism. If you make the most of | | 7 tended by Mr, T. I : y and inter-| } : Po tks were expressed to Miss Toomas MPP Ee Mrs Thomas yo) day's affects suggest hat sould Bp You to ey | 7 ' sroll| YO rad w ie | / : Borley and Mrs, Ewart McLaugh {along with an Wuminated scroll eg Sinee thore Y portant Ingenuity and imagination / ! lin who had arranged the window [commemorating the occasion. in|should be at a peak during the ; however, through | House on Friday, December 5, to| Woolworth Company property In|year ahead. Speclal efforts put|stars for the period between June i oy o ao | discuss the implications of the Brantford has been purchased by forth NOW could lead to gain, and September of next year. Y i ---- : Homemakers and Nurses Serv.the Tankoos Yarmon Ltd. and photh job - wise and financially| A child born on this day will| LB A : 2.98 $26 $39 $62 $65 $718 $91 | $104 $i 17 | $130 | | fees Act in relation to VON work, leased back to the original own. within the next month, But there have the qualities needed for RANGE Branch problems will be ex:'in Investment of US. capital in Y <b RANGE id | Archdeacon Cleverdon will be the ers are a few admonitions: [leadership and will usually work | + changed Canadian real estate, L E | LY oo i, ; +4 ¥ © NOTE: The above prices include making, lining, track, hooks, chairman of the meeting and Miss, The realty Investment firm has| Avoid extravagance, be most better alone than under others. weights, and measuring. Installation optional .Budget terms if DON'T MISS | with a ag | 1 i CANADIAN DIABETIC ASSOCIATION McCLARY : ; ® 3 2k: ® DRAPES are custom made to your individual requirements f 3 - ---- Catharine Maddaford, regional di- been set up by Tankoos and Com I E------------------------ A on TRS rector, Is planning to attend. pany of New York to specialize] | RY 3) 3.98 $32 948 $64 $80 $96 $i 12 (OSHAWA & DISTRICT BRANCH) under expert supervision to assure you the very finest in work- manship. Annual FOOD FREEZER . AH ® Choose from Fortisans, Abstracts, Florals, Scenics, Moderns. INNES MEETING ER : Tk 3 ® Sample lengths displayed in your home our decorators will be = i Tt yon LY pleased to display samples in your home day or evening. No obliga- You Eomiderable money : : 4 on Food Bills, gives you \ LE WED NOV 19 - é p M - = moximum storage space A. 3 tion of course. Y} . . . : ag and is .0 distinctive for- -- Pa . ward step in gracious AT ed living. Enjoy out-of-sea- 1. EES PARISH RILL Ee aren || EEX ff 5,000 YARDS OF BETTER DRESS FABRICS quality at its best . 50 (Corner of Centre and Bagot St.) S| to to use, a rare pleas. | bg . In all colors and designs. Regular values up to c "SPEAKER WILL BE " Ty -. WK v Ny 298yd.SALEPRICE .................... yd. DR. CHARLES BEST SPECIFICATIONS CO-DISCOVERER' OF INSULIN MODEL FF 14-85 Exterior Dimensions overall 3 3930 29 36" Washable Pinwale Corduroy 890. 36" 'Drip-Dry' Broadcloth HQ c LIMITED SALE OF TICKETS : interigs Disnensicns eens 4798" 2538" 204" All colors, some printed, SPECIAL YD. In 25 shades. SPECIAL YD. ..... .. Capacity Cu, ft, AVAILABLE AT HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE Capacity Ibs Se nh "op 54" Woollens $2.00 PER PERSON h i" Area Sq. Bi S.Year Warranty "en. Unit 36 Twill Back Velveteen 1 89 Stunning new tweeds, new novelty weaves, wool failes, checks 2:49 ® : In 15 beautiful fc!! shades. SPECIAL YD. etc. All colors. EXTRA SEATS AVAILABLE FOR HOME APPLIANCES PROGRAME ONLY AT 7:30 (OSHAWA) LTD. 36" Printed Flannelettes 49. 36" Washable Cotton Prints 49. 90 SIMCOE S. RA 5.5332 Florals, Kiddies and Novelty designs, All colors, SPECAL YD. SILVER COLLECTION All appliances installed and serviced by our own staff, | -------------------------- HA NS ---------------------- "|r . ad TRI EH SPE WR A dai fen rid Saad headend dir Be Se Siok Boa de 45 4 " ff SEN Koo in Bee ae Toni - . . i I Ros A Rg a gh" pi i a : Een od ASE and bade ibaa peeing