THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, November 6, 1958 2 | Monty Never Forgot Brushing McNaughton By THE CANADIAN PRESS manded a division in battle A brush he hal with General NO VISITORS A. G, L. McNaughton in Sicily in! Montgomery wrote that he was 1943 has never been forgotten by determined the Canadians must the wartime Canadian Army be left alone and he was not go- commander, in the opinion of/ing to have General Simonds Field Marshal Montgomery, | bothered with visitors when he In his memoirs published to- was engaged against first-rate da" (Collins), Montgomery re- German troop eel"s "a difficult decision" he "However, to make sure 1 went bad to make early in the Sicilian to see Simonds and asked him if campaign when McNaughton, in he would like McNaughton to Malta with a party of staff of- come to Sicily. H was ficers, wanted to visit the Cana- immediate -- 'For God's sake, dians fighting as part of Mont- gomery"s Eighth Arm a message to Malta asking that "The 1st Canadian Division had|the visit be postponed." not heen in action before and of-| Montgomery says that after the reply p him away,' On that, T sent paid many visits to Canada since the war ended, It seemed to me that he had never forgiven me for denwring him entry to Sicily in July 1943." PRAISES CANADIANS Montgomery is critical of the planning for and conduct of the Sicilien campaign but has poth- ing but praise for the Canadians who, he writes, "were magnifi- cent "They had done no fighting be- fore, but they were ver wel trained and they learnt the tricks of the battlefield which count for s0 much and save so many lives, When I drew them into reserve) campaign that began July 10, 1943, Montgomery finds "it had an un atisfactory ending in that most of the German troops on island got away a th Straits of Messina to It and f when had complete al and naval supremacy. the "This was to cause us great trouble later on when we our- selves went into Ialy." His chief criticisms of the cam- paign are the lack of a master plan and lack of co-ordination among the different rervices, "Time was vital if we were to exploit suece in Italy before the winter set in" he writes "We took some five week; to complete the capture of Bicily and the Eighth Army suffered 12,000 casualties, With close co- ordination of the land, air and sea effort we would, in my view, | have gained control cf the island more quickly, and with fewer casualties," Breed Resistance In Prairie Wheat .- By BOB TRIMBEE Canadian Press Staff Writer WINNIPEG (CP) -- Plant sci entists here are seeking to breed into Thatcher wheat, the variety most widely: grown on the Prai- ries, a new coat of armor against its worst' enemies In 1964 a severe attack of stem rust reduced western crops by 135,000,000 bushels. Thatcher suf- fered heavily and appeared headed for the scrap heap like so many of its predecessors. Its scope was further limited by its susceptibility to the saw- fly Plant breeders now are trying to inject into Thalcher properties to give it protection against both villains, IMPORTANT WORK acres, 43.2 per cent of Western Canada's wheat acreage, AFFECTED AREA 1954 Race 15B rust was serious in Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan, The saw- cluding the rust area of Manitoba (ly is found in southern Saskatch- and eastern Saskatchewan where eyar and southern and central rust-resistant varielies such as Alpera, Selkirk now are seeded to 90 per Rust--a wind-borne fungus--af- cent of the wheat acreage fects the wheat plant by attach- Researchers at the Central jng jtgelf to the stem and suck- Breeding Laboratory, Winnipeg, ing in the nutrition that other- and the Experimental Station, wise would reach and develop Lethbridge, Alta, are carrying kernels, out the work, he said The sawfly lays eggs in the Developed at the University of wheat stems. When the grub Minnesota and first distributed in patohes it feeds on the plant and Western Canaca in 1936, Thatch- finally travels down tha stem and er quickly gained popularity be- outs it off near the roots, Vari- cause of its resistance to then-\oties guch as Thatcher, which prevalent races of rust and pave a hollow stem, are particu- smuts, its high quality, excellent 15rly susceptible to the sawfly. yield, early maturily and wide- rns growing scope In an interview, Prf. Jenkins By 1939 it became the domin- Canada, a position it still holds and sawfly-resisant varieties. good reputation there is litile doubt they will," he said, Thatcher now Is most popular in northern Alberta and Saskatch- ewan where frost is a bigger problem than either rust or saw- fly, he said, If Thatcher is given rust and sawfly protection if may well extend its dominance - to the remainder of the Prairies because it out-yields all other varieties, The appearance of Thatcher was as great a milestone in western Canadian wheat produc- tion as the in'roduction of Mar- quis wheat, Prof. Jenkins said, "It matured earlier and even in rust - free areas out - yielded Marquis, the variety which made' widespreag production of wheal possible in Western Canada." RESISTS RUST Selkirk wheat, developed at the here and released for seating $0 1954, is capable of resisting e B rust, Thatcher was sown to 8,801,000 use Thatcher, and considering its Thatcher will out-vield Selkirk in all areas in dry years and in all but the rust areas in wet years. Prof. Jenkirs said this is one reason why farmers have con- tinued to use Thatcher and will do 20 to a greater extent if a variety is produced that will re- sist rust and the sawfly CHIEF TO00 BIG AYR, Ont, (CP) -- Chief Con. stable Cecil Pickett is apparently too big for his britches and vil. Inge council insists that he buy a new uniform, Hs decision came Tuesday night after a motion calling for the chief's resignation was defeated. Sponsors of the motion said later they wanted him to resign be- |cause of certain "physical reas- ons." For several weeks this summer said, pathologists at Winnipeg Central Breeding Labor#ory Chief Pickett was in hospital : and Leihbridge are attempting to| ant variety seeded in Western oropg Thatcher with rust-resistant| where he put on weight. Council. lor Harold Ghent said his old uni- form now "fits him like a glove." The police chief agreed to get a new uniform and council agreed LONG TRADERS Prof, B, C. Jenkins of the Uni-|despite the 1954 attack by Race New races capable of attacking Moslem inhabitants of the Mal- versity of Manitoba's plant sci-|15B rust, In all but three years HALF THE BATTLE Selkirk have been discovered but "If they are successful, half the their incidence has heen low. to prepare for the invasion of the Italian mainland, had be : come one of the Eighth Army's dive Islands in the Indian Ocean ence department said, if the work since 1942, it has accounted for ficers and men were just begin- Sicillan campaign ended Me- ning to find their feet, Guy 8im-| Naughton was his guest at his onds, the divisional commander, Taormina headquarters wai young and inexperienced; it! He adds: "I have not seen him was the first time he had com-|since those days, although I have + 169 have been traders and sailors for is successful Thatcher will again|more wheat acreage than all battle is won, Farmers will then = Tests by the Central Breeding 0 pay for it. dominate most wheat areas, in-'other varieties combined, In 1957, have to decide whether or not to. Laborato.:y also revealed Ayr is six miles west of Galt. Said u/s ( 'WELLL "EVERY SALES RECO, veteran divisions." Taking an over-all look at the centuries. hi 11 PLL Over $100,000 In Furniture and Appliances, to be CHOPPED by the MAN with the AXE . . . Ed. Wilson Chop-Chop-Chop-Chop SANE | Sti with the famous guaranteed cushionized construction. Sparkling White Enamel with the purchase of a kitchen or dinette set. Set of 3 Living Room TABLES Modern coffee table with 2 matching step tables, Arborite tops, choice of walnut, oak and mahogany finishes, Set of 3. or Arborite table, 4 heavy duty matching chrome chairs. PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM Plagues with the purchase of any continental bed. FAMOUS RESTONIC SPRING-FILLED MATTRESS and Guaranteed matching box spring. Genuine Lane Cedar Chest or 5-pc. Kitchen Chrome Suite Arborite table, 4 heavy duty matching chrome chairs. .Restonic Matiress Darryl Sherman sez: "My Daddy was so pooped from chopping prices that he fell asleep standing up J 9 t % against this 59.95 Restonic smooth top mattress. He axed it in halt." Spring-filled CRIB C WITH THE PURCHASE OF A BEDROOM SuITE Quilted Cover with the purchase of any spring-filled mattress Mattress with the purchase of a baby crib. 39 WITH THE PURCHASE OF A LIVING ROOM SUITE C 20 CHURCH ST.