6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 31, 1958 Four Active Groups Comprise King Street United WMS The Afternoon Auxiliary of King Street United Church is composed of four groups: The Anne Crozier Group, Cheerful Givers, Laurel Group and Loy- al Workers. Each group meets regularly to plan ways and menas of raising money and to enjoy the study of Missions, and in many ways, help the work of the Missionaries at home and abroad. Then on the first Thursday of each month (except July and Au- gust) the four groups meet to- gether in the Sunday School room at the church for a program of worship, study and business, with each group taking its turn plan- aing the worship service. The of having the 30th annual meet- ing of the Oshawa WMS at King Street Church. A "Family Party' was held in March at which the Afternoon Auxiliary, Alice Jackson Evening Auxiliary, CGIT, Explorers and Mission Band met together. The program was prepared by the CGIT, Explorers and Mission Band. At this meeting the Ex- plorers afiliated with the WMS Afternoon Auxiliary. The Easter Thankoffering took the form of a supper meeting in "Centennial Hall". A panel discussion, solos and a film pro- vided an interesting program. The Autumn Thankoffering Ser- vice will be held on Swiday, No- vember 23, at the regular morn- ing church service. The special speaker will be Miss D. Pierson of Macdonald Institute, Guelph, During the year, 924 hospital and 1505 home calls have been made and cards have been sent to the sick and bereaved. At Christmas, a treat of cookies and candy or flowers is sent to the shut-in members, and a'bale was packed for the needy in May. The members have enjoyed vis- its with other WMS groups in the city and have attended the World Day of Prayer, Presbyterial meetings and the School for Leaders at Ontario Ladies' Col- lege, Whitby. The aim of our WMS is to unite all the women of our church so that each 'will have a share in sending the Gospel of Jesus - | Christ to every Canadian, and to all people throughout the world. The officers are as follows: Past president, Mrs. Percy Lang- maid; president, Mrs. Norman Wirsching; 1st vice - president, Mrs. Harold Tiers; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Howard Brown; 3rd vice - president, Mrs. Law- rence Allen; recording secre- tary, Mrs. Duncan MacMillan; assistant recording secretary, Mrs. Lorne Ferguson; treasurer, Mrs. Lorne Muldrew; assistant treasurer, Mrs. William Mul- drew; Christian stewardship, Mrs. Wilfred Pogson: Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Bert Howlett; community Friendship, Mrs. Wil- liam Short; literature secretary, Mrs. John Kinsey; citizenship and temperance, Mrs. Ernest Brown; press secretary, Mrs. Amos Hartman; supply secre- tary, Mrs. William Medland; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. T. Fred Lean; associate helpers, who was formerly a missionary fn India. Mrs, Edward Michael and Mrs Noble Metcalf. Golden Jubilee Takes As Motto "Tonekela" is an Indian word meaning "Others first' which is the motto of the Golden Jubilee Chapter, Imperiol Order Daugh- ters of the Empire. Under the leadership of Mrs. S. A. Wilson who became its first regent, it was organized in the fall of 1949. The gavel of the chapter was presented by Mr. Hayden Mac- donald and its standard, a silken Union Jack, was presented by Mrs. A. G. Storie. The officers of the chapter for 1958 are as follows: Regent, Mrs. Douglas Langmaid; 1st vice regent, Mrs. John Houghton; 2nd vice regent, Mrs. L. R. Sawyer; secretary, Mrs. L. V. Walker; treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Ballantine; Echoes secretary, Mrs. R. L. Irwin; education, Mrs. S. R. King; publicity, Mrs. Walter Libby; Canadianization and immi- gration, Mrs. Frank Turney; em pire and world ataies, Mrs. S. Gales: film, Mrs. W. H. Gibbie; councillors, Mrz. W. C. Famme, Mrs. H. A. Murdoch, Mrs. H. A. Ward-Whate, Mrs. E. R. Munday, Mrs. W. A. Lock. The honorary regent is Mrs. T. K. Creighton and the honorary vice regent is Mrs. Michael Starr. ; Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of every month at the Adelaide House. Each meeting features a guest speaker, an edu- cation film, of a brief talk to stimulate interest in IODE work or world affairs. The IODE has six principal ob- jectives as stated in its: brochure. They are: 1. To stimulate patriot- jsm. 2. To foster unity in the empire. 3. To assist the youth in Canada in furthering their educa- tion. 4. To cherish the memory of brave and heroic deeds. . In peace and wa. time to give aid to personnel and dependants of serv- ice and ex-service men. 6. To promote higher citizenship among all citizens, British and foreign- born. In each chapter eonveners are elected to various committees to further these aims. Educationally, the chapter has donated funds to the provincial chapter fer scholarships to aid worthy students. Locally, the chapter presents prizes for proficiency in English and History to students in Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 at the OCCI It also sponsors two schools, one at McKarrow, Ont. and the other on Georgina Island. Books for. their Chapter IODE 'Others First' treats, games and prizes have been sent to these schools. New public schools opening in Oshawa are presented with framed pic- tures of the Queen. Donations are also sent to the Lucy Morrison Memorial Fund, and the Wilhel- mina Gordon Trust fund. Under the heading of Services at Home and Abroad the chapter is divided into neighborhood work groups, which meet once a month to knit and sew for the needy in England and Korea. Each week members prepare and serve lunch to the members of the Golden Age Club at Sim- coe. Hall. Last year this time amounted to 350 hours and the chapter also stages a birthday party with entertainment for the Golden Age Club. Representatives also attend meetings of the Canadian Con- sumers Association, Red Cross, Women's Welfare League, Civil Defence and Hospital Auxiliary. The Golden Jubilee Chapter along with other IODE chapters in this region also helps prepare and serve lunch to New Cana- dians receiving their citizenship papers in Whitby. Funds to carry out these proj ects are raised in numerous ways. The chapter holds two dances annually, one in Novem- ber and another in March. A Night of Cards is held each year in January. Various rummage sales are held throughout the year. Members of the chapter work hard to make each event a suc- cess. Thanks to the response and co-operation of the public the Golden Jubilee Chapter, IODE, is able to continue its work in Osh- awa year after year. FINEST CENTRE TORONTO (CP) -- Premier | participating in opening | Frost, Wednesday's ceremonies of the Workmen's Compensation Board new ho-pital and rehabilitation centre at suburban Downsview, says he believes it is the finest centre of its type in North Amer- | ica. "As a matter of fact, our whole workmen's compvoensation system is a model which is followed across this continent and else- where. PRECIOUS DOCUMENT Oldest state document in New England, the English patent of Plymouth Colony, 1621, is pre- libraries, pictures, Christmas served at Plymouth, Mass. Flaas, Neckerchiefs Stitched For Scouts By 7th Auxiliary The Mothers' Auxiliary to the Group Committee of the 7th Osh- awa Cubs. Scouts and Robers has met regularly on the third Wed- nesday of each month in the Par- ish Hall of St. George's Memorial Church with President Mrs, A. J. Allen presiding. There were seven regular meetings, one cinner meeting and three executive meetings. Cards were sent to mothers re- ported sick and sympathy cards sent in cases of bereavement. Gifts, fruit or flowers were sent ": tubs or Scouts ill Jor a period of time Luncheon was served when the Scouts had as their guests boys from the 150th, 152nd and Allen- dale Scout Troops of Rochester, N.Y. A communion breakfast was served to confirmed Scouts. During the past year the sewing committee has made neckerchiefs for gboth Scouts 'and Cubs and bean bags and complete sets of signal fiags have been made for "A" and "B" Cub packs. Officers for past year: presi- dent, Mrs. A. J. Allin; 1st vice- president, Mrs. G. E. Moulton; 2nd. vice - president, Mrs. R. D. Malcolmson; treasurer, Mrs. Ger- ald Blears; secretary, Mrs. R. A. Lloyd; patrol leader, Mrs. John Kitchen; executive committee, Mrs. L. L. Anderson, Mrs. H. J. Hutchinson, Mrs. R. H. Gibbs, Frs. J. A. Stuart, Mrs. E. Coop- er; sewing convener, Mrs. Harold Davis; social convener, Mrs. George Gudgeon; press reporter, Mrs. L. T. J. Allen. Lionettes Assist Lions' Eye-Bank The Lionettes Club had a very successful year during 1957-58. Eight regular meetings were held at Simcoe Hall as well as four social evenings. The club had various projects, the main two being the making and selling of Christmas cor- sages, centrepieces and Christ- mas stockings; the other being the annual Lionette bridge. The club made donations throughout the year to Simcoe Hall, The Cancer Society, Cerebral Palsy Association, a Dr. F. J. Donevan School Award and Christmas Welfare for Old Age Pensioners. During the year several mem- bers attended a Civil Defence Course and the members also as- sisted the Humoresque Club by serving lunch at the semi-month- ly meetings. In addition they also assisted : this club with their Christmas Party, Birthday Par- ty, Bowling Party and Annual Dance. Several Lionettes also helped at the CNIB Advisory Board Picnic in July. The Lionettes also assisted the Lions in the Eye Bank project and at the monster bingo held at the Oshawa Shopping Centre. So- cially they held a Hallowe'en Party, Christmas Party, Hobo Teas throughout the summer and entertained their husbands at a dance all of which were very successful. Lodge No. 3 Has Distinction Oldest Rebekah Lodge In Ontario Rebekah Lodge No. 3 is the old- est Rebekah Lodge in Ontario: we celebrate our 16th birthday on April 26, 1958. The basic cornerstones of all Rebekah Lodges are Friendship, Love and Truth. Our aim is to overcome the spirit of selfish- ness; visit the sick and comfort the bereaved. We endeavor to promote friendliness, sociability and the spirit of sisterhood. Our present officers are: Noble Grand, Alice Lanning; Vice-| Grand, Lena Harper; junior Past Noble Grand, Viola Keeler; chap- lain, Agnes Kirk; recording sec- retary, Nelda Thompson; finan- cial secretary, Goala Couch; treasurer, Evelyn Fickes, who is also the District Deputy Presi- dent of District 18; right and left support to the Noble Grand are Sister Gladys Blyth and Sister Florence Dixon; the right and left support to the Vice-Grand, Lena Harper, Sister Flossie Ball and Sister Vera Wirshing; inside guardian, Sister Violet Moore; outside guardian, Sister Marga- ret Lockie; pianist, Sister Muriel Button; color bearer, Sister Jean McKean; conductor, Sister Sarah Van De Walker; warden, Sister Ada Tonkin; degree captain, Brother William Frost. Mothers' Auxiliary 8th Sea Scouts Has Silver Anniversary The 8th Sea Scout Mothers' Auxiliary has passed the quarter of a century mark and is hoping for many more years of active service. Starting with a mere handful of willing workers the membership has now grown to 56. Many of the original members are still with us. We meet the third Monday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Hill- croft Street Scout Hall. We have three cub packs "A" "B" and "C" two Scout troops "Port" and "Starboard'"' and a Rover Crew. We keep them equipped with sig- nalling flags, bandages, and also | help out with camping equipment from time to time. We have our annual Father and | Son banquet each year and usual- | ly cater to about 350. The fall bazaar is another of | the highlights of our Auxiliary. | This year the bazaar will be held | Wednesday, Nov. 12. We also | have a card party each year. Officers of the 8th Sea Scout | Mothers' Aux, 1957 - 58 are -- | President, Mrs. Stanley Gales; vice-presidents, Mrs. Douglas Redpath, Mrs. A. S. Evans; re- cording secretary, Mrs. Donald McEachern; assistant recording secretary, Mrs. Clare McCul- lough; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Irwin Southwell; treasurer, Mrs. F. J. Hastings; press re- porter, Mrs. Dwight Bunner; so- cial conveners, Mrs. George Fit- ches, Mrs. Robert Clayton; sick and visiting convener, Mrs. M. W. Sutton; telephone, Mrs. .I. S. Cliff; sewing, Mrs. Frank Wil- liams; uniform, Mrs. Frank Baker; executive members, Mrs. F. G. Knowler, Mrs, L. G. Glover, Mrs. A. S. Clark. Hotel" Ladies, remember when you're planning a ban- quet be sure to phone RA 3-4641 -- Genosha In membership at present are the following Noble Grands: Del- la Spencer, Mabel Disney, Mary Shaw, May Bunker, Annie Maec- Donald, Frankie Branton, Edith Evans, Ethel Woodhouse, Eva Hastings, Betty Weir, Isabel Mc. Donald, Beatrice Pidduck, Annie Shemilf, Flossie Ball, Letty De Guerre, Evelyn Sanders, Amelia Weeks, Mary McLean, Orsa cock, Sara Corbett by transfer. We have the f commits tees: Visiting, financial, benevo- lent, covenant, property and the CPT which is the Cancer, Polie a Tubucular Society. We have representative on the local a who loans hospital beds, wheelchairs and crutches and does a lot of benevolent work in Oshawa, This committee does this work for all regardless of creed, colar or race. We have the Oddfellows Home in Barrie. A new wing has been added te the home, and when it was offi- cially opened on Sept. 25, 1958, | several Sisters travelled by bus | to attend the opening. We have had several social activities to raise funds for our benevolent: fund. Sisters also have attended' several out-of-town installations and birthday parties of sister lodges. Rebekah Lodge No. 3 has 2M Sisters and 16 Brothers. We have, lost the following sisters this year: Sister Gertrude Flintoff, Sister Eda Flintoff and Sister Clarissa Saunders. We welcome new members and out-of-town members of other Rebekah Lodges as visitors. AT-THE-EAR HEARING AIDS ZENITH DIPLOMAT SuP-on NEARING AD Si ---- By. Frogs ta rn aan . nowy EVEGIASS NEARING AID World's most attractive, A conspicuous hearing aid worn right at yous ear. © Inconspievons and lightweight © Worn entirely ot the eer "Lenses, frame fronts, ond related profes- sional services in con. nection with Zenith Eyeglass Hearing Aids are avoileble oaly through your ophthol , Op- fomeftrist, or oplicion. DEFERRED PAYMENTS i Docived IMPERIAL OPTICAL 22%; SIMCOE ST. §. RA 5-174} a ea trent. fh females. SRN re SN RES