The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1958, p. 26

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 31, 1958 Patriotic Ideals Of IODE Guide Prince Philip Chapter of which Mrs. J. A, Mitchell is secretary, two 'bursaries have been given to two Oshawa stu-| becoming The Prince Philip Chapter, IODE, has celebrated its eighth anniversary as an active chap- ter of the famous and worthy Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. The Chapter's annual meeting was held in February, 158," and the following officers are the leaders for this year: Regent, Mrs. W. F. Mercer; 1st viceregent, Mrs. Frank N. McCallum; 2nd vice-regent, Mrs. R. B. Smith; immediate past re- gent, Mrs. J. L. Beaton; secre- tary, Mrs, K. R. Wagg; ass't. secretary, Miss Gladys Stitt; treasurer, Mrs. B. T. 'Ward; s't. treasurer, Mrs. W. J. Mec- ill; corresponding secretary, Mrs. L. H. Hewson; educational secretary, Mrs. J. A. Mitchell; ass't. educational secretary, Mrs. F. N. McCallum; membership convener, Mrs. E. J, Luke; so- cial convener, Mrs. Alfred Aus- tin; publicity convener, Mrs. George Ansley; Echoes secre- tary, Miss Flossie Coyte; Empire and World affairs, Mrs. Mcintyre Hood (replaced by Mrs. J. L. Beaton); standard bearer, Mrs. W. B. White; ass"t. standard bearer, Mrs. Leo Glover; ways and means convener, Mrs. Frank Taylor, assisted by Mrs. F. J. at commencement in accordance | will with our yearly custom. Three pictures of our Queen were purchased, framed and pre- sented by the Chapter to the Girl Guide House, Eastview 'Commu- Arvilla McGregor Is Evening Branch | Of Knox WMS The Arvilla McGregor 'Auxil- iary of Knox Church is'a branch of the Evening Department of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. "This 'auxiliary was founded in 1940 and named after Mrs. John McGregor, a life member of the WMS and a charter member of Knox Congregation, Regular monthly meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month for the purpose of miscionary study and Christian fellowship. T wo Thankoffering meetings are held each year, one in the spring and one in the au- tumm, At the spring thankoffering meeting the Rev. Joseph Muchan of Evangel Hall, Toronto was the speaker and at the Fall Thank- offering meeting to be held on Oct. 29 at 8 pm. Dr. Marion Powell, who has been laboring among, the Koreans in Japan, be the speaker, The following are the officers for 1958: President, Miss Grace Kennedy; vice - president, Mrs. Alex McDonald; vice - president, Miss Madeline Sinclair; treasur- er, Mrs. Bert Montgomery; sec- retary, Mrs. George Hamilton; St. John's Ukrainian WA Reviews Splendid Success Of First Year In November of 1958 the St. John's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Junior Women's Auxiliary will celebrate its first birthday. Pro- gress in this initial year has by far exceeded the expectations of At the initial meeting the aux- this = energetic . group of young |jliary had undertaken to take women. Much credit is due fofcharge and adhere to the needs: Mrs. Walter Kuch who felt that|of the St. Johh's Sunday School' there was a need for such an|classes. During the year the auxiliary and who was mainiy re- group has provided them with sponsible for its inauguration. Christmas gifts, parties and pie- The club meets on the second nics. Two of the auxiliary mem~ Tuesday of every month at mem- | bers, Mrs. Walter Kuch va Miss bers' homes for business and|Anne Sabat, have served as Sun- cultural work. Activities during|{day School teachers. The auxil- the past year have been varied |iary has alse purchased new and interesting. At its = second | vestments for the students whe meeting the auxiliary entertained |serve as altar boys. They are several of the members of the |also aware of the practicai needs Provincial Executive of the Uk-|of the local church and have been rainian Women's Association, [able to donate $200 to it. Also, Mrs. Eli Wachna, president, ad-|they have assisted the newly or< dressed the group outlining the ganized St. John's Youth Group aims of the Ukrainian Women's | financially, Association and suggesting many| Remembering those who are appropriate programs of activi-|bed - ridden and less fortunate ties for the newly organized aux-|than ourselves has also been on iliary. the auxiliary's agenda. Baskets One of the first projects was a|containing paska and other tradi- sale of handmade Christmas gift | tional Ukrainian foods were pre- articles during the annual Church |pared by the members for dis- bazaar. ithition mong the Greek Or- Other fund - raising projects ox patients at the hospital on have included a Spring Dance, | Easter Sunday. These were per- children's concert, severai rum. |Somally delivered by auxiliary mage sales, teas and dinners, | members, Ukrainian Museum and in June we were hosts to the Regional Conference of the Eastern Cana~ Sian Ukrainian Women' s Associn- ons. Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. Wil- liam Callison; ' bale convener, Every month the members have Instead of the reguiar July meeting, members and their fame undertaken to prepare a hand- made article for the bazaar which will this year be held on December 6. Doll clothes, em- broidered handkerchiefs, aprons and dresses have all been pre- pared by individuai members. In the educational and cultural field -- Mrs. Alexander Drozwik conducted an interesting demon- stration on the rudiments of cake decorating. During the early part of March an evening was set aside for decorating the tradi- tiona: Easter eggs or "pysanka." Mrs. Dmytro Luchak instructed the members in decorating and painting the eggs with artistic designs. Following the June meet- ing, Dr. Peter Zakarow address- ed the group on the theme "Good Dental Habits for Children." Many of the members travelled to Toronto for the opening of the In Five Years College Hill H& S Mrs. William Stevens; welcome and welfare, Mrs. Bruce Mec- Gregor and Mrs. James Heath. , at Home and Abroad, of which Mrs. Eric Shortt is secretary, shipped many articles of sewn and knit- ted goods, including afghans dur- ing the year. Once a month representatives of the Chapter visit the residents of Fairview Lodge in Whitby, serving tea and cookies and visit- ing with them in their quarters and looking after their needs. This department also solicits from the members nursery and adult bags which are shipped overseas for the comfort of wo- men and children. Miss Flossie Coyte, Echoes secretary, keeps the Chapter well informed on the contents of that outstanding magazine issued quarterly by headquarters. Our Chapter is most fortunate in that it is still supplied with r ....Aly repo 5 n world affairs by Mr. M. Mcintyre Hood, who during 1958 took up residence in England. Canadianization and immigra- Peirce and Mrs. G. B, Attersley; secretary of services at home and abroad, Mrs. Eric Shortt; welfare and post-war services convener, Mrs. H. Wilson; Cana- dianization and immigration con. vener, Mrs. Wallace Butler; councillors, Mrs. F. H. Smith, Mrs. A. S. Whattam, Mrs. L. F. McLaughlin, Mrs. John Reid, Mrs. 'FF. N. McCallum, Mrs. Lloyd Palmer, Mrs. G. B. Atfter- sley, and Mrs. R. B. Smith, OBJECTIVES The IODE has six principal ob- Jectives: (1) It stimulates patriotism; (2) It fosters unity within the Empire; It assists the youth in Can- ada in furthering their edu- cation; It cherishes the memory of brave and heroic deeds; In peace and war it gives aid to service and ex-service per- sonnel and their dependents; It promotes a higher citizen- ilies met for a picnic supper at Lakeview Park. They hope to ine stall this as a regular summer family gathering. In all these various undertake ings all the members have been very co-operative and have wille ingly served on various commit- tees. The executive for 1957-58 has been as follows; President, Mrs. Walter Kuch: vice - president, Mrs. Paul Plish- ka; secretary, Mrs. Dmytro. Lu- chak; treasurer, Mrs. Steven Gonta; Sunday School committee, Mrs. Steve Hercia, Mrs. Peter Zakarow; refreshment commite tee," Mrs. William Drozwik, Mrs. Nicholas Semeniuk; projects, Miss Ann Sabat; dance convene ers, Mrs. John Masiewich, Mrs. Robert Sholdra, Mrs. Joseph Maga. Decorations, Mrs. Peter Siblock. 2nd Grp. Committee Supports Guiders The 2nd Group Committee of the Girl Guide Association held their first meeting at Guide House on November 24, 1949. Mrs. E. A. Collins, secretary of the Girl Guide Executive Council, ad- dressed the ten mothers present, explaining the Brownie and Guide work and the purpose of a group committee. Mrs. Collins then in- stalled the officers of the newly formed group, Mrs. L. Pine being elected as the first president. The purpose of the 2nd Group Committee is to encourage the Guide movement and lend assist- ance to their Brownie Pack and Guide Compan;'. This may include many varied forms such as pro- viding refreshments or treats on 3) 4) 3) (6) ship among all citizens Brit- ish and foreign born. During the past year our chief money-making project was our Annual Tag Day, to which the citizens of Oshawa responded very generously. Chapter funds were increased by holding a bridge and raffle. The following are our accom- plishments during the year to- date, endeavoring to carry out the objects and aims of the Or- der. In the educational depariment tion under the leadership of Mrs. Wallace Butler, assisted other district chapters when new Ca- nadians received their citizen- ship papers and also assisted with the reception which follow- ed in Whitby. Our standard bearer, Mrs. W. B. White, will represent our Chapter on Remembrance Day when our Prince Philip Chapter places a wreath on the cenotaph in humble tribute to the outstand- ing sacrifice made by our sol- diers in both wars. 'Woodcrest H&S Association Reviews Highly-Successful Year Social highlight and most am- bitious money - raising project of the 1957-58 season was a bazaar held in the school on November 2 and convened by Mrs. Harold Brownlee. Assisting her as booth conveners were: Mrs. Monty Brawn, fishpond; Mrs. Ken Cobb, tea room; Mrs. Walter Cum- mins, toy shop; Mrs. R. A. Harn- den, sewing; Mrs. Myles Smith, baking; Mrs. A. J. Hill, novelties; Mrs. W. T. Werry, white ele- phant. The annual meeting, held on May 13, 1958, was opened by re-' tiring president, Mrs. Kenneth Markle. The following is the slate of officers presented by Mrs. Leonard Brash, chairman of the nominating committee, and instailed by past president, Mrs. Markle: President, Mrs. Myles Smith; Ist vice - president, Mrs. Glynn Pearse; 2nd vice - president, Mrs. E. B. Seed; recording sec- retary, Mrs. William Clark; treasurer, Mrs.- Irvin Welsh; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Harold Brownlee; executive members: Mrs. John Morrison, Mrs. John Knox, Mrs. John Rich- ardson, Mrs. William Matthews, Mrs. Frank Ross, Mr. Harry Ross, Mr. ;A. F. Higgs, Miss Barbara Benson, Mrs. _George Saunders, Mrs. Ken. Cobb, Mrs. Gordon Cummins, Mrs. S. Hall, Mrs. Melville Henry. The last meeting of the 1956-57 season, held in the schooi on June 11, in the form of a pot- luck supper, was convened by Mrs. R. J. Hodge and Mrs. H. E. W. Brownlee. At the first meeting in Septem- ber, 1957, Mr. Alfred Higgs in- troduced the. new teachers. The Grade 1 Mothers' Tea, convened by Mrs. Gordon Cummins and Mrs. R. A. Harnden, was also held in September. "Talent Night" the theme of the December meeting was in charge of Mr. Higgs and Mr. Ralph Woods, and the program was provided by the children of the school. In January, a family skating party was held in Children's Arena. Among the guest speakers at various meetings during the 1957- 58 season were: Rev. L. N. Lothian, St. Mark's Anglican Church; Miss Bertha Reynolds, Chief Attendance Offi- cer and Co-ordinator of Child Guidance Clinic, Toronto; Mr. George L. Roberts, principal of the Oshawa Coilegiate and Voca- tional Institute; Rev. Phillip Romeril, Blackstock Un i ted Church, special . occasions, donations of books and equipment, financial assistance or arranging for the annual Mother and Daughter ban- quet. The members try to show their appreciation to the leaders of the pack and company, who give freely of their time, by sup- porting the Brownie - Guide pro- gram when requested. Mem- bership is open to all pa. ents and guardians of the 2nd Brownie and Guides and any other -inter- ested citizen in our commamity. The group has raised funds dur. i the past year with various projects. They have made aprons for sale, held several rummage sales and arranged a card party. The president for 1958 is Mrs. F. M. Jamieson. The other officers are as fol- lows: Vice - president, Mrs. Frank Ball; secretary, Mrs. C. E. Cornelius; treasurer, Mrs. Roland Crawford; social conveners, Mrs. C. A. Parki, Mrs. Henry Thomp- son; card convener, Mrs. Gordon Barker; press, Mrs. Frank Ball; telephone ccmmittee chairman, Mrs. Norman Grierscn; Guide representative to Local Associa- tion; Mrs. F. M. Jamieson; Brownie representative, Mrs. Norman Grierson; group commit- tee representative, Mrs. Henry Thompson. Mrs. Fred La Salle Heads 12th Aux. This Auxiliary was formed less than one year ago, on March 13, 1958, at Harmony United Church. The members have enjoyed having many interesting speakers discussing aims and functions of the Auxiliary, history of Cubbing and aims of Scouting. The only money raising ven- ture to date has been a "Bakeless Bake Sale" which was most suc- cessful. The present officers are: pres- ident, Mrs. Fred LaSalle; vice- president, Mrs. Frank Bartlett; secretary, Mrs. Lawrence Mc- Conkey;. treasurer, Mrs. Earl QGatchell Has Built Solid Organization This group was organized in October, 1953. The past five years have been busy ones and a solid organization has been establish- ed. The officers for the 1958-59 term are as foliows: President, Mrs. Harold Nugent; vice - presi- dents, Mrs. Earl Adams and Mrs. Douglas Langley; record- ing secretary, Mrs. Harold Cam- eron; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Luther Locke; treasurer, Mrs: Arthur Cory; executive, Mrs. William Dearborn, Mrs. Jo- seph Haas, Mrs. William Saxby, Mrs. McGillvray Shields, Mrs. Clifford Solomon and Mr. How- ard Brown, principal. The program committee has tried hard to plan programs which are beneficial to parents as we: as being interesting. These have included films, speakers, anC panel and group discussions. Many of our activities have be- come annual events. The Kinder- garten Tea in September is our way of welcoming the new moth- ers. At our September meeting the executive provides the lunch and our staff for the year is in- troduced by the principal. In March we serve afternoon tea, during Education Week, at Open House. Our one big money - making project for the year is our ba- zaar which is held in October. This year it will be on October 25 and will have Mrs. Matthew Bell as its general convener. We have members present at each Home and School Council meeting and send representatives to the Regional Conference and the convention. Last year we presented to the schooi a special screen for show- ing film strips and also supplied blackout eurtains for one class- room. In June we entertain the class which will be leaving the school and also give a book to the out- standing girl and one to the out- standing boy in this class. We donate the money to supply prizes for field day, and each child is given a treat on that day. This year we are establishing a lending iibrary. Parents and members may borrow pam- phlets and booklets, which will be on display at each meeting, and return them on the next meeting night. We wish to thank the Times- Gazette for their wonderful help in reporting our meetings and other events from time to time. IT'S THE SEASON FOR FESTIVITY Enhance your costume with a wonderful new hat from our lavish collection. Viola McDougall MILLINERY 52 SIMCOE ST. N. EE EE EEE Er EE EE FE EE ETT TE

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