2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 31, 1958 Ten Public Appearances In Year Record For Sweet Adelines SWEET ADELINES, INC. is a mon-profit organization of women interested in singing four part \y, barbershop style. That is -- without musical accpmpani- The organization has its inter- 1858--We took part meeting of Simcoe St. United Church W.A. June 20, 1958--We held our an- sual Strawberry Tea, appeared as July 10, 1958--We appeared as ed at Ritson Rd. Home and School Assoc. for its first meeting of the season, September 26, 1958 -- We appear- ed at Burketon United Church at 2 Yarioty Show sponsored by the October 5, 1958--We appeared at the Junior Chamber of Commerce District No. 7 Convention. On November 8, 1958, we are Also on the program will be: The Velvetones--a Sweet Ade- » A | Oshawa; The Scarborough Sweet NO. 2 competition of chor-1. Adeline chorus; The Oshawa Thapter of the S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. chorus, The executive officers for the fiscal year May 1, 1958 - April 30, 1959 are: President -- Margaret Moffatt (Mrs. L. H.); vice-president -- Helen Down (Mrs. E.); corres. secretary --- Miss Patricia Knipe; recording secretary --- Jeanne McKenna oppeTs. 'Happy Doubles Inaugurated Church Members' Mixed Clubs presidents, Reverend and Mrs H. Bury; presidents, Stan. and Betty Pilkey; past-presidents, Greta and Frank Burrows; vice-presi- dents, Kay and Irv. Harrell; sec- retary-treasurers, Eva and Harry welcoming committee, Jna and Ray Way, Norma and Chester Robinson; press report- |i ers, Dorothy and Doug Forrester; membership, Vi and Jack Milne; music committee, Maxine and Eric Booth. The January meeting features a review of the past year's high- lights by the past-presidents, along with the showing of color slides and movies of these events. The pattern of the regular the mecting is turned over to the group in charze, who conduct a brief worship service and present a program and then serve a lunch. There is a different group in eharge of each meeting, and a good variety of program is ob- tained in this way. Featured in programs from January to May were a talk on Fire Prevention by Capt. Wm. Murray of the Osh- awa Fire , the presen- tation of an Easter theme hy Reverend W. G. Dickson of Cen- tre Street United Church and the showing of a movie entitled '"'Per- sonal Ite.n'. : . In May the regular meeting takes the form of the annual ban- quet and it is the last formal meeting of the summer although by this time arrangements have tional activities during the sum- mer months. At this banquet was Reverend A, C. HHL iH § i 22 E Th for this meeting fective and different in that was conducted entirely in musical form. In October Mr. Ron Nichol spoke at the regular meeting, He had with him slides of a recent trip to the North West Territories. From now fo December there will be much activity, starting wtih a Hallowe'en Masquerade Party in October. Then, of course, there will be the annual Christ- mas Dance at Redwing Orchards and the children's Christmas Party, not to mention the regular meetings and the practices now getting under way for the 1959 Variety Show $0 be staged in March which promises to be big- ge- and better even than the 1958 show. The year 1958 is a busy year for the Happy Doubles Club and 1959 will be just as busy. But then so have all the previous years Ibeen "made "for "various -recrea (eff P PWR as YEN ERYB ERY REINER been busy. This is what keeps a club active: - - . " E8 EE FE ! Friendship Group Lives Up To Name show and many bake and cookie sales. Our attention has been spent mostly on contributions for the Northminster Country Fair-- our bazaar to be held early in November. The executive for the 1953 sea- son has been: President, Mrs. George Fish- er; past president, Mrs, Andrew Sawalla; vice-president, Mrs. Keith Taggart; secretary, Mrs. Arn.id Schell; treasurer, Mrs. Donald Griffin, 12th Gr. Committee Makes Presentation '| Of Silver Spoon The purpose of the 12th Group Committee of the Canadian Girl Guide Association is that the mothers be available when their Guide Company and ° Brownie Pack needs assistance. On Cookie Day the mothers furnish cars and cover the routes with the Guides and Brownies. Part of the profit from cookie sales supplies the company and pack funds. When a celebration is indicated, the mo- thers help with food and service. i | A sterling silver girl guide spoon . | is presented to every 12th Com- pany guide earning her Gold Cord, and a Girl Guide pen to All Around Cord Guides. A Mo- ther and Daughter banquet is beld each spring, at which time Guides and Brownies are pre- sented with badges earned during the year. The slate of officers for 1958-59 is as follows: President, Mrs. Ken Jackson; vice-president, Mrs. C. Howard; secretary, Mrs. R. W. Basseit; telephone convener, Mrs. Walter Famme, ' 18th Auxiliary Aids Courtice Scouts The 18th Group Scout and Cub Mothers' Auxiliary was formed by Mrs. William Corbett on Nov. slate of officers for 958-59 is as follows: President, Mrs. Charles Arch- er; secretary, Mrs. Harold - La- Chapelle; treasurer, Mrs. George Reynolds; sunshine, Mrs. John Baker; social, Mrs. Carmen Thompson; sewing, Mrs. Rudolph Wehnert; telephone, Mrs. Horbin; executive members, Mrs, M, Gray, Mrs. Walter Ellis, Mrs. Thomas Gladman; press report- er, Mrs. Maurice Gray. Harvey-Hunt Auxiliary Embued With True Missionary Spirit This group was organized as a Senior Mission Circle in May of 1924 under the direction of Mrs. James Ross, president at that time of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the WMS of Simcoe Street Church, In April of 1929 the group undertook the status of an evening auxiliary, entailing heavier financial 'responsibility, but the name Harvey-Hunt was retained. This name came from the suggestion of Mrs. Wilson Mackie, honorary president of the group for thirty-two years. It combines the names of two of the older and most valued mem. bers of the W.M.S. of what in 1924 was the Simcoe Street Methcdist Church, At the present time, Miss Cora Harvey is the honorary president of the auxil- fary. Miss Harvey is Mrs. Tamblyn, was postmaster of Oshawa for a number of years. In the past two years the Aux- iliary has become keenly inter- ested in the work of a young school teacher, now studying div- inity at Emmanuel College. His summers have been spent teaching Indian children and preaching to the Indians at Sandy Lake at the northwest tip of the Province of Ontario. By gifts of clothing and money the Auxiliary has sought to be of help and the members have come | Membership Steadily Growing "whose husband M to feel a personal interest in the Indians under his missionary care. The 1957 membership totalled seventy-two. At the end of the first year the financial remit- tance to headquarters was $148.12 and at the end of 1957 the total amount remitted was $1469.20, a rather interesting comparison. It is a pleasure to the Auxiliary to be able to report that over 909% of the financial objective is raised by systematic voluntary giving, The 1958 executive members are: Hon. president, Miss Cora Har- vey; past president, Mrs. Angus MacLean; Miss Le- nore Glass; 1st vice-president, Mrs. A. C. Potter; 2nd vice-pres- ident, Miss Margaret Patterson; treasurer, Miss Mary Wales; pianist, Mrs, A. C, Potter; asst. pianist, Miss Phyllis Glass; Baby Band superintendents: Mrs Reg. Pinder, Mrs, Cyril Souch, Mrs. Clayton Hewer, Mrs. Gordon Magee, Mrs. Hugh Gilchrist, Mrs. '. F. Rose, . Recording secretary, Miss Ev- elyn Gay; envelope secretary, Miss Irene Boes; corresponding secretary, Mrs. P. N. Perry; Community Friendship secretary, Mrs. Clarence Guy; mite box sec'y., Mrs. Frank Ross; Mis- sionary Monthly sec'y., Miss Helen Batty; supply sec'y., Miss Phyllis Glass; press sec'y., Miss Helen Oke; christian stewardship sec'y., Mrs. A. R. Sanderson; christian citizenship sec'y., Mrs, Jules Perrault; literature :ecre- tary, Miss Gladys Frise. In St. Matthew's Auxiliary The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Matthew's Anglican Church, sit- uated at Wilson road south and Hoskin avenue, came into being September 18, 1956. Miss Phyllis Napier, Fiekd Secretary of the Diocese of Toronto was present at this gathering, and outlined the policy and program of the WA as follows: it should include wor- ship, prayer, education, fellow- ship, practical work and finan- cial responsibility. This new venture, within the organization of a new and rapidly growing parish, provided full scope for the many and varied talents of its members. So maay things had to be learned about its many departments that pro- gress was slow. Another diffi- culty was the comparatively small membership, with some- times not more than sevea or eight at a meeting. However, since that time the membership has increased con- siderably. It has been possible to fill nearly all of the offices and committees necessary to suc- cessfully carry om its program. During the past year, several fund-raising projects have been undertaken, including a Spring Tea and Sale of Work; a Straw- berry Tea; Sale of Church Cal- endars; Anniversay Tea and so on. Member's have attended spe- » cial Church services, Deanery meetings, contributed at home and abroad, earried out a plan of Social Services, sent bales to the Mission - fields; supplied Church furnishings and contributed te the equipping of the new kitchen. + The Little Helpers and Junior Auxiliary each are helped in every way possible, especially at their annual parties, when mem- bers provide refreshments and assist in serving, During the year some outstand- ing speakers have addressed the group on topics such as the Unit- ed Nations, Public Health, Wom- en's place in the Community, and so on. A special meeting was ar- ranged when Rev. Yamane, a Ja- panese minister doing post-grad- uate work in Toronto told of his work in his native land. Pictures were shown giving a vivid im- pression of the county and its people. Guests included other WA groups from Anglican Churches in the city. The 1958 officers are as fol lows: Honorary president, Mrs, R. A. Sharp; president, Mrs, K. R. Fletcher; acting vice-presi- dents, Mrs, H. J. Bathe and Mrs. Blake Allard; secretary, Mrs. George Day; treasurer, Mrs. John Falconer. Meetings are held the 2ad and 4th Wednesdays. SHIMMERING SATINS with new "EMPIRE" and '"BOU FFANT LOOK" FOR THE DRESSY WEEKS TO COME... fashion offers you a whole new world of excitement in Ha new fashian look. ts that compliment the World 5 KING ST. E. EEE EERE TY) EEE ERE EREEEE EEE REE EAN a Eh The Tp ee oer cS BL EER