12- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, May 30, 1995 "Scugog's Community Newspaper ol Cholce" Durham Police Associati S Brid CHS band gog brag oo presents Garden Bros. Show | sm aterm mene | DIS Silver u 4-1/2 Table Howell 5 Table Howell . ~ Avg.36 Avg.67-1/2 t f t ! ~The Durham Regional Police Associa- The association appreciates any sup- First - Bea Chapman First - Judy and Don At- d esl va tion will be hosting the Garden Broth- port the community can give this ven- and Bev Stanley 42-1/2. kinson 87. By Liz Bredin ers Circus at the Civic Auditorium in ture. Any profits realized by the associ- Second - Helen Mathie- Second - John Harve 0 Apri . y n April 28, the CHS Oshowi Aug 18-20 ation will be used for the support and Son and Joyce Heard 41-1 and Bill Geer 86. Senior Band left for elephone solicitation will be con- sponsorship of charitable and commu- Cn Third - B i : ici ducted by R.A.P. Marketing Promotions nity activities within Durham Region. Third - Marie and Harry Davies 71. enmie and Jack hots uth, sniiouied Inc, on behalf of the association begin- ~~ Anyone wishing further information Carnegie 40-1/2. : th P n a silver medal ning June 7. The people handling the can contact the association office at Fourth - Janet and Bill Fourth - Sam Sauve and ey wo tigious festi- telephone solicitations are not police of- 436-9494. McFadyen 37-1/2. Jim Ferguson 76-1/2. at ? preship ficers or members of the association. Fifth - Wilma Petre and Fifth - Brenda and Jim val. Joyce Watson 37. Gilmour 75. En route, they stopped at Queen's Uni- versity for a clinic with Gordon Craig, Profes- sor of Woodwinds and director of Queen's Uni- | ' versity Wind Ensemble | PLETE CHOICE IN MINIVANS? goal [| tor for the Internation- . | al Music Festival. The next morning was the long awaited performance for the ad- judicators at the IMF. Despite some nerves and a lack of sleep the previous night, the Sen- ior Concert Band gave one of its finest perfor- mances of the year. The adjudicators were most complimentary. - The International Music Festival pro- motes high standards among non- professional musicians. | The award standards , used are international in scope and are not ad- Justed to suit the skill | I 0 * levels of the performing a groups. 0 In 23 years, the IMF has adjudicated more than 5,239 musical or- 48 MONTH ganizations. Since 1973 INA us the adjudicators have A ON ALL New given out 8 per cent gold medals, 30 per cent sil- 6.9% VS. 11.5% BANK ver medals, 42 per cent FINANCING - 48 MONTHS! bronze medals, and 14 rut Dov | moet | YOUR per cent medals of mer- Financed | 69% over | 115% over | SAVINGS it. The remaining 6 per $20,000] $2.89 | $5,008 cent either participated for comments only or a did not receive a medal. PLUS! NO CHARGE SPORT APPEARANCE PACKAGE -- $650 BONUS! WP Ly ° AERO-TECH RUNNING BOARDS ¢ COLOUR-KEYED HEADLAMP FRAME AND GRILL o FRONT BUMPER VALANCE 1 * HIGH GLOSS METALLIC BUMPERS SPECIAL SPORT STRIPING PACKAGE 2 Picfosscy of 0 inet TAR the Cincinnati Conser- vatory of Music, and a J former student at Julli- som GC Aurea) ard; Ted Griffith, chair- i : * Luggage Rack ; * 'Anniversary Edition' Identification 3 man of the Brass De- partment and Professor of trombone at McGill University in Montreal, as well as a member of the US Air Force Band; and Pierre Hetu, the * 3.0 Litre V-6 Engine * 7-Passenger Seating » A : ye wri A Chief Adjudicator, who . 1995 VILLAGER GS S$ * Driver's Side Airbag * Air Conditioning t acts in the same capaci- ty for the Canada Coun- cil for the awarding of * Tilt Steering Wheel « Speed Control ONLY TER Th scholarships i Can adi A * 4-Speed Automatic with O/D « AM/FM * 4-Wheel ABS Brakes * Side-Intrusion Door Beams * Power Windows/Locks/Doors an musicians. He is also Stereo Cassette » And Much More! 24 MONTH LEASE a teach er of conducting In master classes across the country. SEE YOUR ONTARIO FORD & MERCURY DEALERS (E32 After the band's per. formance, we had a -- n chance to tour Mon- : treal, taking in some of ---- the sights. That eve- ; WEA ning at the IMF awards K.. >. i i dinner we were pleased a. $ we to be presented with a TT " ee silver medal, the only concert band to be so * Privacy Glass * Lower Two-Tone Striping * Cast Aluminum Wheels LIMITED TIME ONLY! Plus. . GET ALL THESE GREAT t b STANDARD FEATURES: To * 3.8 LITRE V-6 ENGINE « AIR CONDITIONING * ELECTRONIC AM/FM STEREO * DUAL AIRBAGS * 4-WHEEL ABS BRAKES * 7-PASSENGER SEATING * 4-SPEED AUTOMATIC WITH OVERDRIVE ONLY * SIDE INTRUSION DOOR BEAMS + AND MUCH MORE! 24 MONTH LEASE PER MONTH BJ FR ps NR oly 38 iid Financing offer cannot be combined wath any other offers 6 9% financing offer available on all new 1995 Aerastars for 3 manmum 48 monthe no approved credit $20 000 00 financed at 6 2% per annym walk $477 00 per month far 48 months (ast of borrowing (CORVIS SI BY 00 Total amount to be repad $7) 89% 10 recogni ze d . No gol ds Down payment may be required Offer avadable on new retail purchases fiom dealer inventory only Limited time offer ** No ( harge Sport Appearance Package available on new 9% Reqular enqth Aerostar X(T * "Represents the total of the 48 monthly interest payments '$399 monthly laage payment based on 24 month Red ( arpet S ted Lease from Ford Credit on approved credit for new 95 Windstar "Annvversary Edition" with PEP 3454 $3991 00 down payment required plis first month and rental security deposit xcludes freight ($845) hicenses and applicable taxes Dealer may lease for less $399 monthly lease payment hased on 24 manth Red ( arpet {pase were p resented. from Ford Credit on approved credit for new 99 Villager GS with PEP 971A $3 518 00 down payment required plus first month and rental coc unty deposit Excludes freight $8101 heenses and apphc able tarps Dealer may lease for less See dealer for details Ontario FMDA P() Rox 2000 Dakvlle Ontano 16 Fa pial dE ER IE TE El EE I I IE I : . - . ¢ 4c ee EEE EE EE EE EY TE EEE TERS SP