"A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, April 25, 1995 -33 & UCW serving lunch Saturday; can you help? This past week we saw the much needed rains, we probably could have used much more but what we have received has made the grass green, filled my cistern and I'm sure was a bless- ing to the farmers. Friday night saw 14 tables of euchre played in Utica with the following going home happy winners: Ladies first - Evelyn Rae, second - Shirley Kennedy, third - Isobel McCully. Men's first - Grant Bright, second - Ce- leste Smalley, third - Don Geer. Irene Fielding and Evelyn Rae tied for most lone hands (five). Freeze-out winners were Ken and Irene Watts, Shirley Ken- nedy and Jean Pogue were sec- ond. Draws were won by Lena Ogden, Aylmer Hood and Joe Utica & Epsom by | meg Ward. Ken Elson was the 50/50. There will be another euchre in two weeks, May 5. Church and Sunday School this week will be held in Utica United Church starting at 11 a.m. Sunday School picnic plan- ning meeting is on Wednesday, April 26 at Epsom starting at 8 p.m. Joint church board meeting on Monday, May 1 at 8 p.m. at Epsom : Utica Hall Board meeting on Tuesday, May 2, 7:30 p.m. at the hall. Utica Daycare is holding a yard sale, Saturday, May 6 and are looking for donations. On Tuesday, May 16 there will be a miscellaneous bridal shower in Epsom Church base- ment at 8 p.m. in honor of June bride-to-be Kathy Sutcliffe, daughter of Pete and Georgina. This is a community shower and an invitation for everyone to at- tend. Any questions, call Judy MacSween at 985-7251. Birthday greetings to Howard Gourlie who will have his 97th birthday, Tuesday, April 25. If you would like to help Dr. Patricia Asling in her work in the church in Belize, contact her parents Don and Stella Asling who are selling decorative notes made by Pat, using her own pic- tures of orchids and scenes along Mopan River. There are six notes with envelopes to each package. Pat works at the Good Shepherd clinic in Benque Viejo del, Carman, Belize in Central America. John, Suzanne and Lucas Warner spent the weekend in Cornwall celebrating Suzanne's parent's 50th wedding anniver- sary. Fpsom-Utica U.C.W. will be serving lunch this Saturday at the Harry Boadway auction sale and could always use an extra pie or two from those who just love to bake. Howard Colby and daughter Joan Hope of Sandy Hook called on Ruth Ashton on Tuesday. Keith and Faye Ashton enter- tained approx. 50 of the Ashton cousins on Sunday. They all en- Joyed supper and a family get- together. Sympathy is extended to the Woods family on the passing re- cently of Ralph Howard Woods who, I am told, attended school at Epsom. Services were held at the Scugog Chapel of Low & Low on April 14. » Hand bell choir visiting Sunday morning Servic- es at Greenbank United Church were opened by the Sunday School sing- ing, "Come, Come Every- body to Worship." The Teen Class presented their newest puppet show singing, "Amen Praise the Lord," which was enthu- siastically received by young and old. Sunday afternoon the Teen Class were invited to Uxbridge Baptist Church where they performed their two puppet shows and Janice Lee was asked to tell the Sunday School Rally about the Bible Bas- ketball. Next Sunday, April 30, you are invited to Church at 11 a.m. when The Bells of St. Matthew's Hand Bell Choir will be our guest artists and I'm sure it will be enjoyed by all. On Sunday evening, April 30, there will be a "Music Night" at Seagrave Church presented by Pine- dale vd § Seagrave congre- gration. Refreshments to follow. The Greenbank Youth Group will be participat- ing in a 30 hour famine on May 6 and 7, sponsored by World Vision. If you would like to support this group, pledge sheets are availa- ble from any member of the Youth Group. The U.C.W. Fidelas Unit will be meeting in the Church on Wed. May 3 at 1:30 p.m. and the Evening Unit meets at the Church at 8 p.m. You are invited to attend either of these meetings. On April 15 a very spe- cial lady, Margaret (Rodd) Real celebrated her 90th birthday. Her family held an open house in the Greenbank Church Base- ment for her and over 100 family and friends called to wish her a Happy Birth- day. On Easter weekend Mel Greenbank 4 and Betty McGee visited with Brian and Debbie Beatty and family in Com- bermere. They attended Easter Services at the Gospel Church where Debbie, Holly and Jenna sang. Sympathy is extended to Wes and Hildred South- ern and family on the death of Wes's father Rich- ard of Cannington. A beautiful floral arrange- ment was pldced in the Church on Sunday. Congratulations to the McCabe family and to Ray and Michelle (McCabe) Luke on the safe arrival of a baby girl. John and Madeline's first grand- child. Visiting on Saturday with Muriel Gibson was Nancy and Ken Wright of Stouffville. Don and Marie Real of Tyrone were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mel and Betty McGee. Special Birthday Wish- es to Julie-Anna Lee who is celebrating her 16th birthday on April 27. Don't forget the Euchre Party this Friday, April 28 at 8 p.m. in Greenbank Hall. Everyone welcome. Thought for the week: The bad times that you are having today are going to make those good times of tomorrow feel that much better. . SIFTED ETS rani 17 tINS es x 524 ns $0 LEISURE TIME: Star sales rep Rhonda Mulcahy was off to the Bahamas last week after winning a draw sponsored by Sutton Group Realty offices. She and three friends spent a week cruising the Carribean. Congratulating the lucky winner is Mark Smith, broker at the Sutton Group office in Port Perry. The Ministry of Edu- cation has awarded Durham College a $29,000 grant to deliver the program, "Meeting the Challenge of Diver- sity." The committee, con- sisting of 10 colleges and 10 universities, was established to ini- tiate and improve sen- sitivity to harassment and discrimination. In addition, participants will be provided with essential educational tools for prevention in the post secondary sec- tor. All colleges and uni- College lands grant for diversity project versities will be invited to register four partici- pants from their insti- tution. The program will begin in the spring of 1995 and will be com- pleted by March 1996. The program facilita- tor, Elizabeth MecAr- thur of Port Perry, is well known in the Dur- ham Region for her ex- pertise in the area of cultural diversity train- ing. To date, over 250 em- ployees and employers throughout the Dur- ham Region have par- ticipated in similar training. Family education courses on The Family Education Resource Centre of Kinark is offering a series of four workshops for parents of children 1 to 10 years old in Bowmanville this spring. Understanding Your Child's Misbehavior on Thursday, May 11. Gain an understanding of chil- dren's misbehavior and an introduction to skills for redirecting misbehavior. Discipline Without Punishment on Thurs- day, May 18. Will offer some practical ways to dis- cipline effectively without using punishment. Building Your Child's Self Esteem on Thurs- day, May 25. Gain an in- sight into the underlying factors of self esteem and discover a formula for building a positive self concept. Talking and Listen- ing With Children on Thursday, June 1. Practi- cal skills for talking so that your children will lis- ten to you. How to listen 3 for the feelings behind your children's words. These workshops will all be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at Bowmanville Senior Public School, 105 Queen St. The cost is $24 for the series of four workshops or $8 for each separately. Pre-registration is re- quired. For more information and to register for this workshop please call the Family Education Re- source Centre at 433-0386 Ext.: 316. Have you an interesting story to tell...? Call the Port Perry Star & Weekend Star - (905) 985-7383 mark uA ari ohn AR copii Th Zi at at he le ata samc Ll