SUGLUGLISLELESSSSSS | TEGAATLTLERAGAIGSGETATIeatieestese ---THAT'S. WHERE VALUES ARE BEST. TEA SETS * "Just received a large selection of Tea Sets which we bought last January. The-prices are BELOW PRESENT WHOLESALE COST DINNER' SETS No, 1--White and Gold Pattern, seconds, W442 pieces - = -- --- 2+. $29.85 No. 2-- White-with Black Floral Pattern, 95 pieces. Special - - - - \ - - $27.00 What would Chris ESE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY TOYS WE HAVE IN STOCK Celluloid Horns . -. - - 150 Cut Glass Vases Cut Glass Sugar and Cream $1.50 and up per set Cut Glass Sherbut and Champaign Glasses, each * on, eg ete Cubs Blocks -" .. -" gsa:te7ee TOY Cline Tea Sete = Drums sith stioks 24860 to 600 Mechanical and Electrical Iron Toys and Bank - 180 to 600 Doll's Nursing Set -- - Toy Book - - ~~ Seto 300 Sicighs . - - 480 to $2 each Stuffed Dogs, will bark - - 380} Black Boards = Te t0-$2.25 Friction and Mechanicals Toy: Rubber.Dolls - - 2 . 4 Tit Toy Tea Set 280 to $1 eet . - - - - 760 to $3.60 each .. DECEMBER SPEEDING TOWARDS THE 25th CONCENTRATE ON YOUR SHOPPING. ONLY ELEVEN MORE BUYING DAYS LEFT. THANKS TO THE QUALITY AND REASONABLE PRICES OF OUR LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK, BUSINESS IS GOOD WITH US AND WE HAVE MADE EXTRA PREPARATIONS TO TAKE CARE OF ALL THAT OFFERS.--- EVEN SO, THE WISE SHOPPER IS THE ONE WHO COMES EARLY. HERE WILL BE FOUND AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF GIFTS THAT WILL PLBASE <THE 8 : FEMININE TASTE, Hand-painted Cups and Saucers, wonderful values, which include such well- known patterns as the Indian Tree, Bitd of Paradise, etc., from France, England, Japan' and America. Prices range from 40c to $2.00 per Cup and Saucer Plain White Cups and Saucers... . . $2.90 per doz. Boe Se ae '$1.25 up $1.00 and up SS SS SPECIAL! HAND-PAINTED CUPS AND SAUCERS 6 designs. We are not quoting what they are worth-- we are leaving that for you to judge. Our price, 29C per Cup and Saucer TEA POTS Seconds, slightly damaged. Be sure and see them. Only asfew - - - 59c each tmas be without the Kiddies and theirTo ee ' In our window stands old Santa HE Is - Clausinviting you in to see the won- ; derful varieties. of articles to make - glad the hearts of the little folk. . Kiddie Cars, Pony Rollers, Billie Toddle Bikes, Horses, Dolls' Beds, Dolls' Crad- Doll Sleighs (wood bodies), Doll Carriages: (wood bodies) (beat yalue in-Barrie at $7.80 each AND MANY OTHERS © Busges, Trains - - - $8 to $12.50 Jos, SHOP IN THE EAST _ ss THAT'S WHERE VALUES ARE BEST We have an Exceptionally Large Stock of Fancy China . All hand painted; from the following mak- ers: Limoges, France; Old English Bone China, Alliston, England; Carlton Ware, England; and Nippon, Japan, etc. We have arranged separate tables with prices at 50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25.per piece; also many other pieceS ranging -from $1.35 to $12 a piece ~ OUR CHRISTMAS DECORATION DEPARTMENT, is at its best. We advise shopping early, as these articles are going fast, PLETE OLE ECE ERR EES URE La ern ener eae ALUMINUM WARE A large selection of Aluminum Ware tea Pots, Gaffee Perculators, Saucepans, Potato Pots, Preserving Kettles, Tea Kettles, Pud- ding Dishes, Frying Pans, Double Boilers, Jelly and Cake Tins, etc, Any one of the above articles would make a suitable Xmas gift. * Our' 'Tinware and Granitware Department is . full of the articles you want, compare our prices A Speolal Line, with hair, moveable arms and legs $1 each Baby Ella Dolls, movéable * eyes. Large size, 89.90 . @a@oh} other lines from Rocking