Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1920, p. 5

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Dee. 6.--Mother Nature hus surely fav. their not having to find wines, homes up to this date, ML. Long gave o "stag! party: Inst wook to his friends--an old-time boys reunion. All are pleased +to have him buek again. Quite «number of our young folk: ven! pigy houses in Barrie. sT hear many com: ments on "Dumbells,"* The monthly meeting of the U.F.O. wis held in the schoolhouse Monday even: ing wich quite a good attendance, The beef ring members held their an- rust meeting Iest Tuesday evening. The tosiness of the past year was closed and new arrangements for the coming sum fet made, A big supper in the neat | ficure is anticipated, and T truit the yy porter will not be forgotten. amex Muir, Sr.. hae purchased a very ple driver hont Moran's li tle boy had the mis uune'to fall off a sleigh und break one ix reported that scarlet fever is be ting prevalent in the Apto district, slud to report that, Mra. J. Coughlin ie | vering after her-illness, Scot: and son of Toronto have diph- May they have a speedy recovery. r. und Mrw, Alex. Wilson spent Sunday he home of 1. Carson, *, Richardson spent the week-end in Morland, 'Navid Kenny spent the week-end in this ploe. He is looking fine and I hear he bos purchased a new home -in Toronto. | rid Mclaughlin visited under the ntal roof over Sunday ilkon Knapp has taken a position in the Allandale drug store. Hin friend» wish on succens, Tar Young People's Club are planning | hrix' max entertainment. | --_-- | t ) 1 UTOPIA Pee. 6.--R. Rennick, who ha been ser yusly ill for some time-is improving slow. RRRLRLARERAOOD Pty i ""s Inrge number of the Methgdist Church cw..gregation gathered at the home of Mr. | " vv) Mm, T. McCann on Friday evening, 16. "The object of the gathering was went the organiat, Miss Eunice Me- Master, with a manicure set, prior to her % departure to reside in Barrie, On the { following Monday a large number of the 4 peonle of the community met st the home of Mm. 8, McMaster and presented her with a leather uphols'ered rocking chuir. Mre. MeMaster is 'moving to her new hone in Barrie thie-week. , Iuspector Longrian paid an' offictal visit | tN to our school last week. '. \ Mrs, Cave of Winnipeg was the guest et 4) 9f Mr J. Beokerton on 'Thursday last. » Born, on Thursday, Dec. 2, to Mr. and at A. Miller, a aon. Congratulations, f Rows is apending a few weeks with j Manion fen, if Mra, R. Dobsoi: und Miss Effie Dobron left on Thurday for their new home in| + ¢ : On Wednesday evening previous number of their friencs and neigh- hors met at Mry, Dobyon's home and pre- sented to ber un upholstered rocking chair in ~ and to Mim Effie a. necklace, Mra, D. J. Miller sperit. » few days lust week with her father, T, Jack, Lefroy, who ix quite ill, { Mm, W. McMuster of Cookstown is spercting » few days at the home of her siter, Mra, R, Bell,' STAYNER Tice, Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Soyma were in. Toronto last weck attehding t funerul of the Intter's sister-in-law, 'Mis. Dan, Fleming. Dr. Dobson spent over Sunday with his, mother im' Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Cole of Clarksburg spent the weed sid with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Jackman! Mise Colina. Campbell tied the 'mis tune to full and-brevk an arm while tak * ing. the clothes from the line one day Jast week, 7 ie. 1 Congratulations to Mr. and Mra, Ely- ' mer Gibson 6x the arrival of a son on 2 Saturday, Nov, 27. ludge Mrs, 8, Doner of Sunnidale is spending pique a week with Mrs. 8. MeTsggart, ation . Russell Raymer returned to his home Peli in Box Grove on Monday after spending lave - 'a few months working in Reinbart's apple- * butrer factory. Mr. and Mrs, Bolendar of 'Bethesda vis- ited Mr. and Mrs, B, Reinhart on their honeymoon ast week. MINESING STATION (Too 'Late for Last. Week) Dec, 6--R. Hisey of Elyse' spent a few days'at Mrs. W, J. Kniapp's last week, making improvements on the barn. Glad to report Mim Verw McLean' is getting along fine after ber recent illness. Mrv,-B. F. Tracy ia 'on the sick list, 'owing to s fall' downstairs, when abe re- ee ite s shaking up. fcLean has gone to Burrie where dale (ber position, Mm. W. J. Knapp is recovering, after 'her _rocent illness. 'The school children. are very busy prac- tisiig for a Christma concert. Congratulations to Mr. Stirling Knapp, formerly of Minesing Station, who. was 'united in marridge on Deo. 1. to Mise Gisdys Downing 'of Seguin Falls, They 'will. reside in MacTier where Mr. Knapp Jaas bought a house and. lot, SHANTY BAY Dec: 6.--Although Sunday wie stormy, 'two churches 'ord the atimal Kingdom this season: in| Miss tured out Baturday night to attend the] ir ing 0 concert 10 be, good The Women's Institute und Farmers' Club will meet at the home of Mr. and What Better Way 1 to ae Merry Xmas ' Than by a Box of Good Chacdlates > THERE'S NEVER A DOUBT-- NEVER A FAILURE-4IF YOU SEND A BOX OF ; BRYSON'S QUALITY (CHOCOLATES a ay ea i ronto the meeting has been changed, A box of clothing, fruit and vegetabledSor food will be packed for the Children's Shelter. A collection will also be -taken for the Children's Shelter cot fund. A good programme of music, addresses, etc., will be given, Everyone welcome. Rev. Elijah Brown of Toron'o will preach in the Methodist Church next Sun- day afternoon at 2.30, Rév. W. 8. Ir- win, pastor, also will be present. Don't fail to hear these consecrated. talented ministers preach and sing next Sunday afternoon, CANDY DEPT. FOUNTAIN DEPT. CAKE DEPT. } In this Dept. we are offering Special Attention Given to Almond Iced: Xmas Cakes, all, very special Xmas prices in Xmas Shoppers sizes. Plain and Nut Taffy, Choco- ° Almond Paste, ready to' use. Hl lates, Bon Bons and Caramel Hot or Cold Refreshments Xmas Cake (not iced) cut as, % Mixtures. Light Lunch you want it. FANCY XMAS SPECIALS served at all hours. Cake Decorations? Dipped Grapes Fancy Biscuits and ipped Grap Try a Kake-0-C Su y Bis nd a full and you'll try another. STROUD Dec. 5.~-Mrx. Wilson Forbes haa re- | turned ufter spending two weeks with her friends in Toronto, R. M. McConkey spent » few days in Toronto Inst week attending the Conserv. |% ative "Convention. Mrx, H. Young is visiting her family in Toronto until after the New Year. Mra. Alf," Martin pent Inet week, in} gee senrm 4 ED. BRYSON'S CONFECTIONERIES @ Parisian Chocolates assortment of both Large | Salted Almonds and Small Cakes. from. the West arrived lant week and. in: tend to remain here, Miss M, J. McConkey hax returned after pending two weeks with friends in Allan- dale and Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hun'er are in Toronto for s week with their son Eddie, who ix undergoing an operation for his eye. ring TELEPHONES BARRIE AND ALLANDA BRA RAD ARR ARD DD ORD WAIT MEN WARNING WAIT DON'T-SPEND ONE CENT UNTIL YOU RECEIVE MY SALE BILL "IN YOUR MAIL BOX ANNOUNCING THE MOST SENSATIONAL reducing Sale EVER HELD IN BARRIE OR SIMCOE COUNTY | tage og Overcoats, Haga Bk

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