< Ald. Walker Asks Dismissal | ~ $10,000 for five yei " 87th Year' W. GWA HEATED ATTACK 'ON HEALTH DEPT. of Sanitary Inspector for Neglect of Duty. On' Monday night the Council had almost reached the Town; A. MacLAREN, Editor 'WALLS, Manager |fixed absexsment at $3800 for five years. Frank Livingafone 'will be pro- vided with an approach over Dun- lop St. if he purchases the old Queen's hotel property and erects a building thereon, Peter Murphy was granted the privilege of erecting a stand or shelter on the west side of Bay- field St., south of Dunlop St., for the purpose of carrying on' his business as peanut vendor. Glose of a short and gninteresting session when Ald. Walker sprung something in the shape of a sharp attack on the manner in which the Public Health Act is adminis- tered in this town. His onslaught was more particularly direeted at the Sanitary Inspector and he moved, seconded by Ald. Beelby, that the Sanitary Inspector, G: W. Hagart, be asked for his resigna- The Mayor and Clerk were au- thorized to enter into a complete contract with the driver of the fire truck and Town tea Light on Holgate St. Upon the recommendation of the W. and 1.. Committee, it was decided to order a light placed on Holgate St., east of William St.. opposite the last house. Recollections of Some. of the|Collier St. Methodist Church Old Boys from the East End of Barrie. good Fred 'This week The Examiner re- ceived from a former Barrieite, now resident in Vancouver, a let- ter in which some of the "Old Boys" of the East End are refer- red to. "Having had the pleasure re- centiy of reading in The Exam- iner an account of. the Old Boys." written by one of the "old boys" of that time, Mr. The letter is as follows: "Barrie Grant, of Victoria, B.C.. it brought back many a memory of tion, to take effect Dec, 15; that] A report of the Printing Com- mentioned therein. The the Board of Mh be asked to|mittee authorized the Clerk 1o|« ya" recalled to memory. bY dispense with his services on that Jer blank hooks required fur) Fred were mostly those of the date, and thal the Clerk be in-/his office. "west End," and having shown structed to advertise for applica- Lighting P.O, Square the account to some of the "Kast Hara 1, GW LDR Vagnoey,. Ald. Huxtable enquired how |End Gang" who are now residents aking, to |his edd that the way were ulation was a fa motion, Ald. the reg-! being carried out o, Placards are sup Ald. the two years lie had been chair- much the Government had paid toward lighting the P.O. Square. Pearce stated that during here, we think they should be put on the map when recalling good old times in Barrie. The "East" Doan 10 Be up within | is hours: man of the W. and L, Committee, @Way from the park and rink to Fee ee tear qamesor tong. ley had tried ty get the Guvern= [have mans representatives very UPTO PAwan ys Or 3 Ment to pay up, bub had not been |Perdlar attend i e or. sof isolation, the Lae eal |were not many who figured on bread-winner of the house is per- | mitted to go out if the patient is isolated, bit in this town ms to be let he pleases and little the patient is properly iolated in the © -winner go an i effort is made to see that honse, As fo lifling quarantine, two or thee days before\it is due, | eral dh ntine, the qua the disinfectin the vs are like as net added to |C, Instead of doing te locks. 4 able to get any money, Clerk Smith said there was no n has a stand-in with authorize the payment. efor. he can gel il raised Ald. st a minority Patterson protested again- of the Fire and! ithe "hig" lacrosse team, or were known as flyers at the rink, but formal contract, only a verbal When it eame down lo "honesi-to- | agreement with Mr." Hastin es ot ee eee ee tne ieee held the Publie Works Dept. that the von the hay. why, the "Rael End ernment would bear half has right there and held its own. | Ie Mr. H Ly any ny ate oe When they-dined up with auch Lee ast Ine ean * |hevs as Fd. Bird, Johnny Moore. Ogey" Vansiekle, "Ham" Leslie. | Panl Stewart, Bert Harner, Jack and Archie Forsyth, Walter Mor- but if he is sore on a person, sev | Police Committee reinstating P.'ton, Billy Galbraith, Art, Walter! Lambie and ordering the 'and Billy Sanders, W. Bickell. did net object to Bon, Gus and George Somers, the Inspector what they . but he did object! only thing that prevented murder minority assuming the was that the limits of the "rink" has peop he disinfectants and tell- authority of the committee. were the shores of the bay. 'The ing them to bring the card down | Hylaws |. "shinny slicks" iof {hose daya fown when they are through. 80) pyiaw wes passed to provide |would be Inoked upon with some. the Inspector does not really fon yuising, by ten-year deben- thing like horror by the boys of know whether the disinfecting iuyés the aum of 38889 required today. is done al all or not, Dr, Little says Hagart is well trained in his work. but Hagart says he taught Dr. Little all he knows about dis- [ (emporarily by a loan from 'he ing a stone's-throw from the infecting. . Dr. Little, he | said. |Bank of 'Tarunto, |water. [remember being nearly fries to shield Hagart, Ald. Walk-|" "rhe next bylaw was ons to! drowned by one of the "big" boys, instanced aease where the IM! grant a fixed axsesxment of $10.-)"Laurie" Graham holding me un- spector, not heing well, sees his/o00 to the Barrie Gas Co. 'hia{der water a little too long al son-in-law to disinfeet Mr. Stun-| vas given two readings and will,"Deop and Shallow." the swim- den's house in Allandale. In do-|ha gubmitted. ing so the latter set fire to the carpet. and the Council will be asked to pay a bill of 860, "For the 81400 paid to the M.O.H, and Inspector, the Town gels mighty little," declared the speaker. As constable also, said Ald. Walker, Mr. Hagart is of very litfle use. 'The Inspector, who was pres- ent, said that he was sick in bed bit of giving the to oa to complete the Prince of Wales Sehool. Another bylaw arthoriz- | the raiging of this amount he on January 3. More [lumination Asked Huxtable and Byrne-- That the W. and L. Cornmitte consider the advisability' img Elizabeth St. between Bay! fist St. and Brad- ford St. in a manner similar to the business part of Dunlop &t. fo the ratepayers with two doctors wailing pon. MONARCH TRACTOR 00. him when his son-in-law was sent] As a large amount of stock in out to do the work, "As "far \as)the Monarch Tractor Co. is said {ire other charges are concerned," added the Inspector, "Ald Walker does not know what he is talking about." Mayor, Sprott stated' thal Dr. Little had consulted him in the case above referred to, to have been sold in Essa recent- ly, readers of The Examiner in that township will, no doubt, be interested in learning the opinion of the financial editor of Toronto Saturday Night on this concern. In last week's issue of Saturday Ald, Walker'consented to let |Nigh!, replying to a Barrie cor- 'the matter go to committee and|respondept, the following. item said he could prove everything|appeared:-- he had stated. No Exemption Asked Mr. Nathanssohn, President of the Ontario Production Co., on behalf of the company, withdrew the request made a week ago for exemption from taxes for five vears. He, however, asked that the company be granted a fixed assessment' for fen years, by which time'they could show what they can do. A. T, Marshall applied for per- mission. to trim trees in front of his property at 72 William St. Granted. ed leave tos-hang @ temporary sign in' front of their store, Granted. Fixed Figure 'for Gas Co. The Finance Committee recom- mended that the Barrie Gas Co. he granted a fixed assessment of '8 and that a he submitted' to confirm byl * this, That. the On €o.'s request for permission to lay.a switch across Sampson St. » be granted. With reference to their sofas io. Production W. G. Hunter Clothing.Co. ask~ Ajtime away? Re "We have no recent informa- ti a financial nature regard- ing thé Monarch Trattor Com- pany_gf Brantford, but When the company was first organized I considered it was on a very slim foundation and that the stock offered very little attraction. It may possibly have got a little bet- ter since, but I have no evidence of this." 5 USE THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Are you doing any reading these long evenings? 'e you danc- ing, "movieing" of "carding" the ing is a great factor in intellectyal development Books are constant companions. Over in the Public-Library there are jhourande of volumes 'yet un- read by hundreds of Barrie pi iming spot where most of the gang jlearned the art, | When if came down to swim- ming and sailing, they were in their element, on account of liy- There were no better swimmers than Mess. Moore,, Bird and Bickell in town then. I understand the sport of sail- ing has almost disappeared on the bay now, but af that time when yachts came from Orillia. Beaver- fon and all around the lake for the summer regatta, it was very seldom that the "East End" rep- resented by Frank Walton, Jack Stone, Harry Burns, Billy Shoul- dice, Ed. Bird, "Ogay" Vansickle, Harper and Sanders hoys, did not grab a slice of the winning mon- ey. There were many enthus- iasts in the sailing game, prom- inent among whom were "Pro" Boys,John and Levi Carley, who were'always very willing to enter for any race, and ft was a case of finish the course, no matter what the wind was like, or blow the sticks out. Tt would be a great time to have an "Old Boys' day, or week, in Barrie, and no doubt there are a number of them here who think the same. Could recall many an incident, but just wanted to let it be known there are a few of the "East Enders" still in existendé," SALARIES 26 YEARS AGO Under 'the heading "Twenty- five Years Ago," the: Elmvale Lance last week reproduced the following paragraph: Barrie's sixteen public school teachers will cost the town next year 86,225, Orillia has seven- teen and 85,875. Collingwood will ple. They bélong to ym and are as free ag the air we breathe, Why not take advantage of the great. opportunity at the door? "Why not commune -with the great authors? learn.and at the same time have full enjoyment? It fs all there for) ythe taking. ' 'CORINTHIAN Topae for a fixed assessment, the com-| mittee recommended assessment of 83800 be 'to stand for 1921, and whi plant is in operation, the Coun, cil will be the ay t No eouylaer: Gr the question of fixed The thied siguas: SruRsthaoaeh afl taken up. , |have eighteen teachers at a cost Why not live and| 1"? of 86.150. Barrie's principal gets 81,000. Collingwood's 8950, and Orillia's $900.) Barrie pays. threo lady teachers $400 each, Colling- od two, while the highest paid was a little too far!) Marked Event by Special - Services. On Bunday last Collier Street Methodist Church celebrated its fifty-sixth anniversary and the services were successful in every way. Inspiring sermons were preached by Rev, W. B. Smith, who isa pleasing and forceful speaker, and excellent music was provided by a choir of thirty-four voices under the direction of Mrs. Rice. Pleasing xolos were con- tributed by Mrs. Laidman in the morning and by Mrs, Brownlee in the evening. In the morning Rev. R. J. Fallis after some brief notes on the his- tory of thefehurch, introduced the preacher of the day, a personal fiend of his r. Sint found bis text in . and spoke on "The Program of the Chureh and Her 8 co." The use of y loaves and two fixhos, ithe preacher said. ix one of ithe greatest and most significant 'of all Christ's miracles. It is the jonly one that ix recorded in all of the four gospels and is intended to show fhe kpiritual need of Jesux, Just as Christ had com- passion on the multitudes, so to- \day God is thinking of the great jmasses. unchristianized, ed, christianized and civiliz jthrougbout the world. It is al- most impossible for ux to love our heathen brothers. unless we jhave some of the supernatural ifrom God Himself. God sees those who are diffident and neglectful as ones without a leader. Wo have a tendency to forgot those in need. but this is not the way of the Master, for while we were Isinners, Christ died for us, Just as Christ asked how many loaves the disciples had, xo He is calling today, How many loaves have lyout "These disciples had bul five loaves and two fishes," om- mith, "but right r Street you have a organization, a magnifl- a Sunday School, the speak. mighty cent ehureh choir and pastor, yet." er continued, "i! is not merely or- 'ganization, hut Jesus whois need - jed." A farm life is a life on the farm. A mercantile life is a life with merchandise and a christian life is a life with Christ. It was not the five harley loaves and two jfshes that fed the multitude, but Jesus; so today He is able to sup ply the need of every individual, In the evening. Mr. Smith spoke on "An Iron Pillar." taking hi fext from Jeremiah 1:18. This text contains one of God's great- esl promises. God promised Jer- emiah that he would prevail and tried {0 impress the people with the amount of God's power. In- fluence in the home is having a great deal to do with the forming of young people's ideals. The influence in most homes is teach- ing young people to-day that dol- lars and cents and society are the greatest things in life, "It is a great thing to be a christian bus- iness man. but it is greater to be making christian business men, Home influence.should be to show the young people that the biggest thing is to make men." Mr, Smith asked the young men-and women; who have not decided what should be their calling, to devote their lives wholly to God's service. He illustrated how prayer had helped out in days of depression. Prayer should not he selfish, for, al- though God is alle to deliver it is not necessary {hat he should al- ways do it. Sacrifice, even death is often necessary. J necessary for Jeremiah to endure and suffer hardships so it is need- ed to-day fo accomplish God's purposes. But. God's fundamen- fal truths are as solid as the rocks and remain intact--He will prevail. The Spirit of God stangs like an iron pillar and makes men equal evening, a married held_in the | Delight" imusical feature was a series of impromp- tu one-minute speeches by Fred Marr, on King George Y.; Nave on "Woman Suffrage; J nt, on "Business vs, Cur. ling; A. Carson, dn "The Dude, and A. V. Nolan, on "Home Rule. The closing numbers, were, "My Old Kentucky Home," and "The: Chureh in the Wildwood," by the married men's chorus, the verses being sung by Messrs. Finlay and Card. The orchestra furnished music at intervals throughout the whole evening. |W. R. King acted as accompanist and Rev. R. J. Fal- lis as chairman for the evening. Al the close of the entertainment the married men served refresh- ments consisting of coffee, sand- wiches and all kinds of pies with ice cream, --e "DUMBELL8" Capt. Mert. Plunkett's "Dum- bells" made their second appear- ance in Barrie last Saturday, playing to a large audience in the afternoog and a packed house at night. The programme was even belter than on their initial tour, and the rich velvet stage hang- ings and handsome costumes gave added effect. The two-hour performance is high-class vaude- and affords an abundance of clean, wholesome fun with lots of tuneful music well rendered and elev dancing. Ross Hamilton as "Marjorie" was again the star. His singing was excellent, his i ilation of feminine ways clever and his gorgeous gowns took the fancy of the fair sex. 'Dream of was a very melodious delightfully rendered. number Othe ity were Fred Fenwick, Chas, Me- Tean, Arthur Holland and Leon- ard Young, all of whom had good ke-ups and took their parts erly and in a highly amusing sty Albert Plunkett scored a decided success in "Where Do the Flies Go," and in a sweet li(tle song "Texas Way," which showed the qualifies of his pleasing tenoi to advantage. Red Newman again made a big hit, about fhe only en. core allowed being oné that was insistently demanded after his "Oh. I's a Lovely War.' Apple Dumplins" was a regular seream. Jimmy Goode, the black- faced nonsense-spinner, lived up to his name, most of his patter 8 new and much of it decidedly. clever, Jack MacLaren and his "bathing girls" gave a great ex- hibition of seashore raiment, Bill Tennant, Frank Brayford, Ber- tram Langley and Bill Filson nstitute a finely halanced quar- tet, and their work showed excel- lent expression and pleasing fin- sh. Langley and Brayford, who sang on their first vis: 'Watch- man, What of the Night 2" again sang this number, which, from a tandpoint, was one of the best on the programme, Ar- thur Holland, with his pretty Seotch song followed by a Scotch reel with the boys, proved an attractive number. In an amus- ing skit, "Behind the Tines," some delightful vocal harmony was introduced, "In the Evening the Moonlight" being particu- larly sweet. As a concluding number the company repeafed the farcical sketch, 'The Duchess En- tertains the Wounded Tommies, which proved quite as entertain- ing as on the former occasion. Altogether it is a first-rate show and quite deserved the large patronage it received. _--_a& Colller St. Choir Officers The Collier St..Methodist Choir held their election of officers for the ensuing year last Friday ev- ening at the close of the regular choir practise. The reports from the previous year were read anil showed considerable | prosress, Mrs. Rice expressed her upprecia- tion of the services of the officers impersonators of feminin- |s iUF.0. TO ORGANIZE At the annuai meeting of the U.F.O. Directors: for South Sim- it was decided to form an ind the approaching Federal election, A resolution to this effect, intro- duced by Ferguson Kidd and J. P. Wilcox, was -carried, but further tion was deferred until after the U.F.0. convention in Torgnto to see what may be done along this tine there, There were about fifty present at the meeting, Burt Stoddart of Bradford) presiding. Mr. Stod- dart made a very gratifying re- port on the progress of the or- li South Simcoe and favorable reports also were given by the diféctors for the several township: On motion of J. P. Wilcox and W. T. Alderson. a resolution was Passed expressing confidence in the Drury Government, in the Agrarian Party and its leader, Mr, Crerar. Short addresses were made by han Todd. J. P. Wileox, R.A. Sutherland, Edgar Evans: M.L.A., tand C. Jeffs, Officers were chosen as ;fols J. P. Wileox, Beaton: R. A. Sulherland, Township Directors-- Gallagher. Tossorontio; W. T. AL derson, Essa; Howard Allan, In- nisfil; Lorne Hartman.:-W. Gwil- limbury Barton. Tecumseth; H. R. V. HOSPITAL BOARD At the monthly meéting of the Royal Victoria Hospital Board, Tuesday afternoon, H. J. Grasett tendered his resignation owing to absence from town. A commit- tee was appointed to recommend ja|@ name for the vacancy. The earnings for the month were $2300, of which $157 was from the X-Ray department, and 8215° for dressings, etc., Th \con~ nection with the operating room and obstetrical work. Expendi- fure for the month, amounted to $2818, At the beginning of the month there were 41 patients in the hospital, The formal opening of the new sterilizing plant, the installation of whieh was completed last month, will take plage early in the year. It was decided to alia 85000 to the insuranee on contents which will make a total of $50,000 on building and 815,000 on contents. PRIZE-WINNING BIRDS After winning 4 firsts, 2 specials, seconds. and 2 thirds at the arden" show in Toronto: last month, A, F. A, Maleomson sent. 18 magpie pigeons to Guelph . on ra, last he was Hinds is receiving the ecn- lations of his friends upon plendid success with two rred Rock cock in a el: 8rd on cockerel, se irds competing. RUBBER PROPOSITION On Tuesday night, representa fives of a Toronto firm dealing in rubber heels interviewed the ex- ecutive of the Barrie Community Association with a view to secur- ing their support towardiNocating here. At present their product is made by a rubber company. If $20,000 stock were subscribed in of the past year, The election then took place, which resulted as follows;-- Hon. Presi-- Rev. R. J. Fallis. Presidént-- F, H. Hurlburt." Vice Pres-- Mrs. Laidman. - Treasurer-- Mrs, Hoht, King Secretary-- Miss "W. Marr. Executive Com.-- Mrs. Lennpx, the church and in Orillia to. a female teacher: is 8325. i ¥ t ' popes quite unique, practically. hing Lit' done' by the fc Mrs, Hewitt, Mrs. Flynn, Miss Sarjeant, Librarian-- Thos, Touke. Lady in chargé.of gowns--Miss Caldwell. D.|Vice-Pres., Barrie they would establish a plant here: HOCKEY OLUB ORGANIZES The Barrie Hockey Club met last Friday evening in Vair'sRe- ception Hall afd 'the following | officers were elected for the com ing season; Pres., Ed. Shear; \H. D, Jamieson; 8ec~ retary, Ray Simmons; Treasurer, AN Bea Bika Manager, Albert offatt. pendent political organization for . action regarding this organiza- . laid apis cates