4 ' ES GLOVES t f 5 fi i I Tan Cape Gloves, sizes 7 to 10... . $2.00 to $3.00 pair Tan Silk Lined, sizes 714 to9 .......... $3.00 pair Grey Suede Unlined, sizes 7 to 10 ...... $3.00 pair Tan and Grey Mocha Lined ............ $2.75 pair Yan and Black Driving Gauntlet, unlined. . $2.50 pair Tan and Black Driving Gauntlet, lined. ... $3.00 pair Silk Gloves, grey and tan shades. .$1.50 and $3.00 pair No tax on above gloves. Grey Suede Silk Lined, reg. $4.50, 3t .... $3.75 pair SCARFS Wool Scarfs, in grey, brown, heather, lovat and camel shades . . ... $1.50 to $3.00 each Silk Knitted Scarfs $1.50 to $4.00 each Silk Reefer Scarfs, with fringe... .$1.50 to $4.50 each SMOKING JACKETS, HOUSECOATS Besides our stock, we have procured a large range of samples from which coats can be made any size or style for Christmas giving. ORDER EARLY, ee ene SSS 3383¢ 22 68 £2883 " SE GEE beanege & A a = ALEX. MILNE G- SON w« Worthy Gifts for him' at MILNE'S® OC ee a a eee ety NECKWEAR Knitted Ties, reg. $1.50 At s eras $1.00 each Knitted Ties, reg. $2.00 AL is ie asemvenmere $1.50 each Silk Ties, reg. $2.00 and $2.50, at .... $1.50 each Silk Ties, reg. $2.75 and $3.00, at .... $2.20 each Silk Knitted Ties, reg. $2.50 and $3.00, at .. $2.20 each Silk Knitted Ties, reg. $4.95, AE seiessits oa Baier $3.85 each * Tax included in above prices. SHIRTS and _ PYJAMAS Cluett & Peabody "Arrow Brand" Fine, Crepe, Percales and Teg. $3.50 and $4.00, a English Oxford, reg./$5.50 and $6.00, at Silk Shirts, reg. $8.00, at Wool Flannel Pyjamas Zephyr Cloths, te sense 9 (no tax) $3.00 oe.) $6.75 $3.75 and $5.00 set JAEGAR PURE FINE IRISH LINEN WOOL VESTS HANDKERCHIEFS WHITE AND FANCY SILK HANDKERCHIEFS INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS V-NECK SWEATERS SUSPENDERS IN FANCY BOXES BELTS, CUFF LINKS, ETC., ETC. ey NEWS FROM-THE RAILWAY WARD Sa W. F. Catlin «pent the week-end at his home in Essa St. Lorne Jucks of Lefroy spent the week- end at Roy McCabe's, Mrs. C, A. McNiven is spending a few days with her mother in Toronto, Mrs. J. A. McNeil and sons left yeiter- q doy for a month's stay in Montreal. | Chas, Atwell of Lefroy is spénding « few duys with Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Grose. 7 oMre and? Mrs, R. Legear spefit. a fow ~~ dnys visiting friends in Toronto this week. ". C. W. McCullough of Lefroy is t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Mr. and Mrs, R. Dawson are spending their holidays in Dejroit and other places in the States Mr, and Mrs. Motion Garret returned from Toronto on Monday night and have taken up residence/ here. Ernest Early, who-has bees) visiting. at J. E, Morrison's, left last night to visit at Win, McKnight's, Braden's. |. C,;Ansden Clarke, who hes just returned from England, ia visiting with hie cousina, Mr. and Mrs, Danvers, 79 Tiffin St, Mrs. MacGregor of 'Winnipeg has gone to Midland after spending the past two months with her sister\.Mrs. Jas, Dunnett, Cumberland St. n Hydro electric power is being installed for the past couple of weeks, is able to be|in the workshops,- freight sheds, station, up scain, pump-house and coal shutes, The work =| Mrv. John Webb has received the spec- |began last Saturday and is practically fin- ial cross issued to mothers whose sons fell ished: Previously power was supplied by in' the war." {| the Cdmpany's own system, which is still Miss Teddie Smith of Midland returned | préserved for emergency. purposes, shome Tyesday morning after visiting at] Rev. W. J. Watt will entertain the men 3m. EO . of Allandale by giving an illustrated talk The Collier Bt,. Methodist W.M.8. were | On » trip through Canads, in the Y.M.U.A, entertained by the Burton Ave, WMS. Fall on Tuesday, Dec. 1h, at 8 pm, Mr, in the basement of their church, the Watt gave a similar talk in the Presbyter. ton Ave. 'Indies sining their repute-lisn Chureh last week and it wae enjoyed tion se: fine b by all who heard him. Every man in own welcome, admissioit free. D._'Thompeon, Hilgers Neg Mrs. WAL Spearn, who: has been ill way YM. "t wie tog new wing wa Eis es 'RATES: $2.50 Per Day Under New Management G. CRIPPS, The laying off of men slong the G.T.R. jn thought to be only a temporary affair and the officials hope that with the pick ing up of business at the beginning of the new year they will be able to take many former employees, There always hus | been a lull in bufiness at this weason and a3 over. This indirectly causes a slackening in the moving of freight. Sons of England Kempenfeldt Lodge, No. 153, S.0.F..| held their annualsmeeting and elect officepg Mt Friday. The following are the officers for 1021: P.P., C. Danvers; W.P., J. Bebb; V.P., A. Sanders; Secy., W. E. Knight; Tress, W. B. Webb: Chap, Rev, E."B, Taylor; Managing Com- mittee, A. Padgham, F. Martin, A. J Wardle, J. ; Rey. E: T 8. Gi and Godden; Trustees, W. Rusk, J. C. Miles and J, Bebb, C. B. of R. E, Meeting The Canadian Brotherhood of Railroad Employees, Division 119, Allandale, held their annual election of officers on Monday night last in fre Orange Hall, and the following were' elected to office for the coming year: H. Gartner, Pres.; H. Wool- and, Vice-Pres.; W. H. Travis, Colling- wood, 2nd Vice-Pres.; Geo. Phipps, Treas. ;: Tractor Helped Out Locomotive The St, Thomas Times Journal in a re- cent imue gives the tory of an amusing and unprecedented occurrence which took place near Blenheim, Ont., a few daye ago, A Pere Marquette freight train, eust- ward bound, stalled for lack of water in the locomotive, within three hundred feet offthe lifesaving tank, The crew of the train are reported to have tried every known means of moving the stubborn steed the few coveted feet to the precious liquid, und were just giving up in despair and preparing ta despatch an 8.0.8. call to the city, when down the road came rattling an energetic little gasoline tractor, the make of @ widely known Detroit man who answers to the nickname, "Hank." The tractor caused the despairing engineer to foster a mighty inspiration. He was of the pragmatical Missourian" type- and believed that in addition to being' shown there was no harm in trying anything He communicate, his big idea to he other members of hi crew, who were but were not averse. to assisting in the experiment,' The driver of the tractor was hailed "and asked if he would pleuse draw the greit dormant engine to water. The train crew expected a pointblank re- fusal from'the tractor owner. 'They waited for him to tell them that they were asking a physical impossibility. And then came the wonderful surprise, The tractor driver looked st his little machine and then carefully sized up the locomotive, "Sure! "I'll pull you to the water Arthur Lowe, Rec, 'ages, Fin. | tower," he replied after a moment's de- Becy.; E. J. Curtis, Warden; B. Gartner, | liberation. "'Ensiest thing in the world," Ohaplain; F. Wiee, Inder Guard; H, Coles,| Noncbalantly the driver wteered his Quter Guard. Six call boys were appoint-| tractor up to the croming and placed it ed as messengers and will act in turn,|between the tracks, then leisurely backed After the election a large number of mem- up to the locomotive. A chain was pro- cured and the tractor attached to, the locomotive. The driver of the tractor guietly looked over 'the situation, "All right! Get out of the way!" he i Jordered, 'The train crew complied and Jo! and behold! the little tractor proceed- "jd to pull the big locomotive to the water and pulled it there where it drank heart's content and then consented proceed on its way wifle the little tractor did likewise, ' inclined tq ridicule, so the story proceeds, | ' 2 oz HOSE All Wool, Heather and Lovat ribbed, reg. $1.50, for.... UAB aie Ne Reade $1.25 pair Silk and Cashmere Accordeon Knit, reg. $1.75, for 6 HO SUSER HS Bexp $1.25 pair White Wool Cashmere, with clock, reg. $2.00, for .... $1.50 pair Fine Lustre Lisle, with clock, reg. $1.25 and $1.50, for.. $1.00. pair Pure Silk, all colors (including tax) $1.65 to $2.20 pair English Brogue, Wool, reg, $4.00 $3.00 pair LC eee CHILDREN'S JERSEYS Button at neck, plain colors, in -- grey, brown navy, white and maroon, sizes 18 to 34 $1.00 to $3.00 each CHILDREN'S GLOVES Wool Gloves, sizes 4 to 7... Wool Gloves, dome fastener . Grey and Tan Mocha Wool Lined .... Tan Cape Wool Lined OD RD Brown and Grey, with fancy top, sizes 6 to 8% a eR RRR ERED PRERELE LTO ELET ELSES ETERS ES" eH SSS ee | A FALSE ALARM A rouring ,noiwe in the chimney at the home of Mrs. Alice Brummel, Mulcaster St., ffightened little Joreph ne Brummel, who was alone ut the time, co brdly thet she gavg the Fire Brigade a run on Fri day evening of last week at about sever o'clock, The little girl started for the Fire Hell and met her little brother Jack on Dunlop St., who bustled with her to sound the) alarm. The brigade wus on hand ut once and no damage wus done. About i Meat i 'e Prices TO HOUSEWIVES: Wiseman & McBride are prepared to sell you meat at prices favorable with other dealers, and give you first-class service as well. - PHONE 106 Call phone 106 for your requirements in all fresh or. cured meats, hams, etc. AT YOUR SERVICE Wiseman & McBride WALDON LAWR al His friends in town will readily recognize the sbove photogravure which sppes in the Toronto World recently, ORILLIA METHODIST §. 8. The report of the Orillia Methodist Sun- day School for the year showed 1292. of- ficers teachers and scholars on the. roll, 'The average atendance during the year was 448, with 628 being the largest attend- ance.on any one Sunday and 173-the low- est, The total reedipts, including a' bal- ance of $41.06 from last year, amounted to $1907.91 and expenditure $1950.15,) leaving a balance of $8878 on hand when the year closed on Apr. 80: Inst, Next Huxtable's Garage PWLLOL LSE PSL ES SELESeE *. +