' 21; 2 Dughem ateem, 2 yrs, old; 2 Dur Ey) . ~ . HORSES--Bay horse, 5 yrs, old, H.D.; Deo. 6,--Rex Chappell' is home from the West. in the neigh is 7 LW. Armstrong is attending the Win- \\ter Fair st 'Guelph this week, "the young' people bere are busy' pre- "paring for the annual entertsifiment of the Union Sunday School, to be held on Dec, 22. A very interesting program is ing urranged. vate int the Bead office of the Royal Air Force, England, recently arrived at the parental home of Frank Fo; here, with notification 'that he had (been given the standing of Hon. Second-Lie tenant in the Royal Air Force. At the time of demobilization he was a cadet. Some of the Minesing hockeyists may be playing with the Barrie Intermediates this year, "W. J. Corbett, one of the oldest. res- - Nib dente of Creemorey died' at 'his home ¢ \"\pthere on Monday, Nov. 20. The was seventy-six years of age. CREDIT SALE . OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instructions 4 from L. B. LAINSON Dyment Farm, Allandale to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15 the following: HORSES--Mstched team bay horses, 11 and i2 yrs. old, heavy; grey horse, aged; buy home. 7 yra, old, heavy draught; black mare, 7 yrs. old, driver; black coll, rising 3 yrs. old, driver, CATTLE--Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, due Mar. 24; cow, 8 yen, old, due Apr. 1, . cow, 3 yrs. old, due Mar. 28; cow, 3 ym. old, due Apr. 2; cow, 3 yra, old; due Mar & ham heifers, 2 yrs. old; 15 well-bred Dur- { ham steers, rising 2 yrs, old; 11 well-bred Durham ~ heifers, pring calves. o POULTRY--About 70 good hens; 2 t geese; 1 gander IMPLEMENTS--Frost_ & Wood binder, nearly new; Frost & Wood corn binder, neurly new; Cockshutt manure spreader, nearly new; fanning mill; Cockshutt dise drill, nearly new ; Frost & Wood stiff tooth cultivator, nearly new; turnip drill; Frost & Wood mower, nearly new; Frost & Wood sulky rake, nearly new; Frost & 'Wood steel land roller, nearly new; Coch shutt corn cultivator, nearly new; bay fork; seuffler, new; root pulper; 2 single plows, new; set iron harrows, nearly new; 2 Adams wugone, complete, nearly new} 2 mock racks, nearly new; set Adams -- . sleighs, neatly new; top buggy, rubber arly new; cutter; set sing'p Sitar. new; 2 sets long-tug harness with reéeh ing, nearly new; root pulper; cream ee urstor, nearly new; side dump tru feed truck; set 2000-Ib scales, new; GRAIN AND FEED--Quantity of goo hay, quantity of oats, quantity of wheat, quantity of turnips, quantity of ensilage, quantity of straw, Any person requiring implements will do well to attend this sale, as the above are all as good as new. Also, at the same time und place, the farm, consisting of 212 eres, will be of- fered for sule, subject to a reserve bid, TERMS OF SALE--All sums of $10.00 rising 2 yrs. old; 3 and under, cash; over that amount 11 | d 4q, months' credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. Five per tent. per unnum allowed off for cash on eredit sums, * All will be sold without reserve, Sale st 1 pam. W, A. McConkey, Auct! CREDIT SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned bas reveived instructions from 'HENRY PRATT & SON Lot 14, Con. 5, INNISFIL to sell by Public Auction on FRIDAY, DEC, 17 "the following: bay mare, 6 yr. old, G.P.; bay team H. D. mares, 2 and 3 yrs, old; black horse, 10° yrs, CATT! olstein cow, 7 yre, old, due May 5; Durham cow, 7 yrs, old, due Api 13) Durham eow, 6 yrs. old, due Feb, 1 Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old, due Mar. Holstein cow, 4 yrs.old, heifer. 3 yra. old, due fer, old, due Apr, 3 yrs-old, due May 13/ am cow, 9 \ gr id, due Apr. 0; 2 heifers, 1 yr. old; 2 steers, 1 yr. old; 4 spring calves." PIGS--Sow, due Mar. 1; 11 store pigs, IMPLEMENTS -- Massey-Harris bind nearly new; McCormick mower; M » mick cultivator; sulky ral dine: drill; Nisco manure spreader; set of iron -harrows; Bain wagon, nearly new; form Mruck; hay rack; Chatham: fanning mill; top buggy; open buggy; democrat; gutter; set heavy sleighs; Cockshutt rid- Herman Lyons of Beaverton is visiting ighborhood sasssoesesoorssnens os mn Walker of "the Union Bank staff was prevented with » well-filled purse Inst Friday night, prior to hia leaving for another branch, Mr. Walker has won many friends and his removal is much regretted, but his friends wieh him every success in his new field of work, Thornion Women's Institute will bold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, James A' Lennox, on Wednesday, Dec. 15,. ut 2.30 p.m. A feature of this meeting will be » Xmas shower for the Children's Shelter, Barrie. Anything i the line' of toys, food-or clothing m able Just a little from our abundance will help 80 much to cheer these little friendles ones. Everybody welcome, On Dec. 1, 4 community concert was held in the Christmus fund and, though the weather was very unpleasant, s good crowd at- tended and s very enjoyable time wus spent together, Subscribe for The Examiner.--$2 per year ----_--____., Pearl Necklets and Diamonds for Christmas Gifts. REEVE'S JEWELRY STORE, Barrie's Greatest Gift Store, --_--_--_--_____. CREDIT SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instructions Lot 17, Con. 6, ORO to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, DEC, 14 the 'following: HORSES--Mare, CATTLE--Red cow, 8 yrsfold, milking; roan cow, 5 yrs, old, due in June; Hol. stein cow, 6 yr, old, due in June; white cow. 3 ym. old, due in Apr.; red cow, 8 yrs. old, due in Feb.; rota heifer, 3 yre. old, due in Feb.; red heifer, 3 yrs. old. due in Mar.; black cow, due in Feb,; § calves; 8 steers and heifers, 2 yrs, old: 3 steers and heifers, 1 yr. old. PIGS AND HENS--Sow, due in Jon.; 4 store pigs; 50 young hens; fox terrier og. IMPLEMENTS -- McCormick binder, for children will be gratefully received, |, still, Men for $50.00 and 55.00 overcoats Here are the finer avercoats in fine finished all-wool Mel- tons and Frieze, in Oxford grey and black with velvet or self collars, Special Friday and Saturday' $45.00 Other extra special values at $29.98 Un-Overcoated : tremendous advantage 1 can buy to from our stock ) ' i $35.00 - for $45.00 and 40.00 overcoats Materials are plain and fancy Overcoatings and ulsterings in various browns, gre' s and heather' mixtures. Sli ons, double-breasted storm ulsters, ulsterettes; all splendidly tail- ored. Sizes 36 to 44. Extra special $35.00 Any bey of 6 to 18 years can be outfitted, here at a greater saving than in any offering this season. The styles are Norfolk, double breasted, and plain double breasted models. Prices ranging from $4.98 to $19.98 NECKWEAR of knit and silk ties in plain or beautiful pattern effects $1.25, 1.50, 2.00, GLOVES Grey suede and tan, lined and unlined, $2.25, > Regular $3.00, excellent qualities in strip- ed percales and CRED! ' OF FARM STOCK ANP IMPLEMENTS The undersigned hae reesived isatruetions feCor- | he ; Cockshutt 13-4 nearly new; Deering mower, nearly new: Deering seed drill, new; 'Massey-Harris cultivator; Musey-Harris hay rake; set dise harrows; turnip pulper; set iron' har. rown; Cockshutt twin plow; single buggy; cutter; Verity single plow; Clover Leaf manure spreader; single buggy, new; Bain stock and hay rack; Chstham wagon; De Laval silo, 12x30, 'nearly new; quantity of turnips; quantity of hay. All will be sold without reserve, TERMS OF SALE--All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 monthe' credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes., 5% per annum allowed off for cash on credit sums Sale at 1 p.m, W. A. McConkey, Auct. IT SALE Speci rom JOHN N AO 10, 1 tee foe Fee - THURSDAY, DEC. 16 the following: AUCTION 3.00 SS OF DRYGOODS AND GROCERIES $3.00, $4.00 silk -- SHIRTS $2.75, SOX All-Wool Heath; jer, died oped fronts $2.50 _SUIT SALE | al Sale of Dec. 8.--Rev, Dr. Gunn of. Toronto, 1. | Field Secretary of the Congregational Mis- sions, took charge of the' service here on Sunday, Nov. 27, «| H. Knighi (Too Mrs, SALE" the, ocurred of All' report 7 1 i EFEL U& Nov. 20.--Remember the date, Dec. 22, Knock School entertainment, Margaret Reynolds of Stroud is visiting at 8. H. Reynolds', Misa Florence Connell is suffering from an attack of quinsy, T. B. Allan' returned home-lnst week from the R, he underwent an citis about four Miss age W. #. Martin's Suits Friday and Saturday only $37.98 gave judgment for the plaintiff for am- Late for Last Week) Gent elated: and costs, Y. Hospital, Barrie, where ration for appéndi- cosgen & good time at the Phone orders taken Prompt Delivery 3 twice daily' t i ra saa ia iia