" FARM FOR SALE--T6 were, Apply 72 Mary St, MILK WANTED--Those having milk to sell apply at 'Clearview Dairy,' Allan- dale, Phone 528. A8tio ROOMS WANTED--One or two comfort. able rooms, furnished or unfurnished; must be heated. Box 1031, Barrie. 49tfc WANTED by the undersigned, postal ad- dress or information as to' the where- abouts of Jumes Sinith, toolmaker and farmer (husband of Winnifred Row Smith, formerly Witt), formerly of Downsview, Fairbank, Cookstown, Tor- onto, Barrie, Allundale, Orillia and other places in Ontario, and more recently of Winnipog and Vancouver City, Erichsen, Brown & Crawford, 10 Adelaide St, East Toronto, Ont, 49-51c For Sale Dry hardwood poles, phone 49-50¢ FOR SALE 8 ring 21, HEAVY SLEIGHS AND CUTTER for sale, John Bingham, 75 Toronto St. 49-50p FOR SALE--No. 17 Radiant Home heut er, Apply Taylor's Shoe Store. 50-52c BABY'S CUTTER and go-cart for sale-- Apply 50 Mary St., phone 101, 50-51¢ PIANO FOR SALE--Good practice piano. Phone 466 or cull at 16 Sampson a 48tfc FOR BALE Combination child's cutter. an good condition. Apply 121 Owen 8t., Barrie, 50p 'GRAFONOLA,--Cecilian, beautiful muhog- any cabinet; records, 20 selections; for $125.00. 68 Ecclen St. 500 PEELS--Orange and lemon, 66¢ Ib. cit. ron, 96c Ib, Ruisins, currants all fresh, R. J. Gallagher, 110 St. Phone 296, RANGE, FOR SALE-- Good Peerless Pen- insulor renge, nearly new, with water front. Good' baker. Apply Mra. A. Moffeit, 12 Louisa Bt. 'atte Property for Sale TWO LOTS, 60 feet frontage each, on 'Willam St., Allandale, for ly to Mir, J, A. McNeil, . Allan. date Batlo IMPLEMENT BUSINESS for sle or to lense, Owing to ill bealth, 1 um forced to discontinue business, Apply to D. C. Howard, Barrie. 500 BRICK HOUSE, splendid metal-clud stable and guroge, House bus all conveniences and hardwood floors throughout, Beau: tifully situated on went aide Bayfield St. Proference given to purchuser not desir. sng pomeasion until spring. Fred W. Aton 46tle we Farms for Sale FARM TO SELL. OR RENT---280 wore with some bush. Apply lot 13, con. 8. Vownes, near CPLR. B0p-tfe goad clay foam, with stook and implementa; large brick' howy and good outbuildings, 1% tuilee from Barrie, For full particulars Apply to W, H. Sloune, R. R. No. 1. 'Bacrie. 49-50¢ Live Stock for Sale COW AND CALF FOR 8ALE--Durhumn, fresh calved, Apply J. R, Reevie, Shunty' Bay, 0p FOR SALE---One bay team, Durham bull calf, also few young. cattle. Apply to E. M, Freek, Barrie, Phone 652. 4tfo SHROPAHIRES for enl---Pure-bred Shrop- "hire ran owe fom Remonable HHNS VOR SALE-~30 yeor-old bene und 6 pyulle's, Barred Rocks and White Wynndottes; 5 well-bred White Leghorn eockerels, -- Phone Stroud line 3. ring a1, 50-51e 14 'SIMCOE REDS" 8.0. RHODE IBLAND RED COCKERELS FOR SALE, These birds come from good stock, their mother nid Aut winter ax a pullet "93 oggs in 105 dayn, she won Int at Barrie ond Winivele Faire. and ber mother won 1st at Ottawa and Guelph Winter Fairs in 1918. These cockerals are a dark bril- Viant red and won at the fall {nirs this year. Price $5.00 up to $10.00. for hatching Hi RR. No. 2, Barrie, phone 606r2, * Property to Let SPLENDID BATHROOM FLAT TO LET --With and ges. with 2, 3 or 4 roams (as desired; central location, Phone 158\0r Box 59, Barrie, 50p "$8 to $12 Per Day AUT@ TRACTOR MECHANICS, .VUL." CANIZING, $8 to -$12 per day, ~ LO8T--Sunday, Nov, 21, Hill and Allandale, bod for 0p STRAYED to lot 25, con, 5, Oro, spotted yeur-old steer. Owner can have beast by proving property and paying expenses. W. J. Emma, Oro Btation, 49-509 WHEEL 8TOLEN--Will the who stole the bicycle from in front of Sim- mons & Co.'s store last Friday night kindly return same and save further trouble, 50p LOST--Yearling' heifet; all red, with hair clipped off end of tail, strayed from lot 26, con. 10, Innisfil. Finder please not- ify G. A. Martin, Craigvale. Stroud 9 ring 18. Strayed onto lot 18, con, 18, Innisfil about Nov. 1, one yearling --heife Owner may have sume by proving prop. erty and paying expenses, Apply to George Arnold, Painswick, 50-82p A REWARD for recovery of 35x5 All Weather tire No. A-107640, rim and tube, reported stolen from Cadillac tour- ing car at Camp Borden, Nov. 26th. Box "M'" Examiner office. 5060 STRAYED onto the premises of undersign- lot 12, con, 4, Medonte, on or about ' calf. 'Owner may have ame by proving ownership and paying expens- es. G. B. Burnfleld, Mount St, Louis. 48-50p $10.00 REWARD--Stolen or strayed from Pine Pluiny, Camp Borden, Il red cow and roan calf, Above reward will be given to unyone giving information leading to their recovery, Charles W. Kirby, Angus, Ont. 50-53p ----S---- Miscellaneous ALL KINDS OF KNITTING done (o order. Apply Mrs. H, 8, Wray, 110 Blisabeth 8. 48-51p FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED. Miss M. MoArthur, King Block, Barrie, Ont. 40-58p N, COTTER, 76 Worsley 8t., Barrie, boot and shoe repairing promptly done in firat- class style. 42-53p H. JONES, of Peterboro, is making regi monthly to Burrie, Orders left the Greene Music Co, will receive pro attention, 48-88 sult snd overcoat can be made to look lke new by Harry Twiss, Ross Block. Dunlop Bt. LIGHT CARTAGE of all kinds promptly attended to, Reasonable charges. Ap- ly W. Molndless (late of 76th Battal- ion), Phone 8l4w, 48.58) OSTRICH FEATHERS and boa» and mar- about capes cleaned, curled and re-made to any style. Lowest rates. Mrs. W. Newman, 99 John St, W., Burrie, 60-5p DARK DECEMBER DAYS have no terrors for us now in the studio, as our special clrotric lighting even than daylight. Make an eveninj appointment if you wish. All sisex an atyles in the latest folders; aleo large photos made for framing. Martin's Btudio, opposite public library, phone 1314, 46-516 Car Owners If you have your car overhaul- ed or repaired now, you will have your car when you want it in the Spring. It can be repaired now when our repair shop is not as busy as it will be during the Spring -| rush, We also repair Tractors and Stationary Gasoline Engines, and all kinds of machinery. If you-'trust us with your job we will sure please you, as all work must pass your own inspection before leaving our shop. 7, | CHAS. A. KELLY 'Twolve years' experience in this work Location: St. John's Machine Shop (Next to Tannery ) . HELLO! SANTA CLAUS You are, starting to think about those. lovely. Xmas Cakes you~are goingto make.. Have you purchas- éd- your' 'supplies. yet ? Vostizza Currants, Valencia! Raisins, Citron, Orange and Lemon Peels, 'Dates, Shelled Almonds, at "THe Hub." You are °§] «then guaranteed; best. of. ; quality as well as reason- able price, ; Insure your suceéss at "The Hub"--Phone 18 CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old vee us be'ter rewults | jy ." almond paste, 45 50-52¢'| 'A meeting to, organise the 8, 8. Hockey League will be held in the Council Cham- ber, Friday night, --Clearing out sale of piétures and made- up picture frames at greatly reduced prices at Dougall Bros, 49tfo 24 pages this week, live news live advertisements all the way through, Don't miss a single page. A. W. Partridge shipped 270 hogs for the U.F.O, lust week, The price realized was $14.75 per owt. Reeve Banting of Eas Knight of Tottenham at the 1021 wardensbip, | --A sitting today slvis the gift prob- lems of tomorrow, Constilt J. Frank Juck- son, Maker of Portraite, 50c Last Thursday St, Andrew's Ladies' Aid hold u highly suecessful batuar, the net proceeds being over $225.00, --Collier St. Methodist Sunday School Concert and Xnias Tree, Thursday, Dec. 16. Tickets, 15 und 25 cents. A. E, Taylor, eonfeotioner, has prepared something novel im the way of window decorating for next Sathrduy, See it, --Fisher Star Brand flour hax again been reduced, the retail price now being $5.80 per bug; "Gold Medal" is 86.00. Communion service will be held in St. Andrew's Chureh next Sunday morning. with preparatory service on Friday night. --Bryson Bros.' Christmas cukes, beat quality, 60 cents Ib. Order early. 50-52 James Roy Johnston came up for sen: tence Inst week on a charge of non-aupport of hia wife and was egain remanded until Dee. 14, At ubout six o'clock last Thurday ev- ening the jitney belonging to Ivan Grose was bit by anotber car and was badly smashed, f --Give Mery 2 delightful surprise. Take home some "Special Offer" chocolates. 500 per Ib. Fresh, of courve, "'The Hub,"' T. N, Hobloy. --Collier St. Methodist Sunday School hax good talent. Go to their concert in the church, Thurmday, Dec, 16, Tickets, 15 and 25° centa, The Examiner hus ite greeting cards in stock, You take no chunces on getting delivery. Orders onn be filled up till the day before Christmus. W. T. Stowart, D, Quinlan, Dr. Sprott, John Binelair, J. F. Jackson and Freeman Campbell attended the Connervative con- vention In Toronto last week At a meeting tomorrow night, detwils will be completed for the poultry show to be held in the market ball on.Dec. 28 and 29, About 800 birds are expected for the show, Rey, R. M. Hanna of Elmvale will con- and Reeve Mo- aspirants for |duct unniverwary servicer in St, Andrew's Chureh, Oro, next Sabbath morning and evening. Rev, N. Campbell will tuke his work for the day, Mr, Wm, Froek lost her handbag cou- taining over $40 on Tuesday while driving from down town. Fortunately it fell into honest hands, Ed. Lutllow pick. ing it up and delivering it as soon ux he could find the owner, Mrs, Morgan, mother of the Iute Cupt. J, Herbert Morgan, died st her home in Golear, England, on Sept. 15. Mra, Mor- gan spent w yewr bere with her son about seven years ago and by ber kindly diapos- ition formed a number of warm friend- ships, Bimooe's stock judging teum did very woll- at the Guelph Winter Fair getting 18th place out of 28 teums competing, In' w class of 69, Ewart Lockhart was first in judging beef outtle and Oxcar Bates wax sixth, Both of the young men are from New Lowell. Invitutions for the New Yeur's dunce to be given by the Bachelors and Be: dicts of Barrie ure being issued this week, and as the mailing lista ure very incom plete the committee would appreciate the submitting of any names that have inud- vertently been overlooked to 8. W, Moore, the Hon, Beorétary, In. reference to rond.uttructions playing the Grund Opera House, Barrie, on Sat urdays, the management wish to state to their patrons that they have no control over bookings made by rans-Canuda 'Theatres Co, of Montreal. These shows booked on Saturdays must be accepted, otherwise they would not play at all. The Women Teuchers' Association have secured Siefanason, the noted Arctic ex- "plover, "to lecture inthe Opera Houre, Fob, 28. Btefansson's thrilling lecture, " Lily Ad wo berber sever arouses .the highest 'degree of enthusiam, 'The lecture is illustrated with remarkable Pictures showing the efforts of Stefanson Bas ig Fit You should see our lines IN> MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear mother Margaret Thompson, who passed away Dec. 10, 1919, . "TIL we meet again." 50p --Mm. 8. Kilgour. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Mrs, Thos. Dawson, who passed | away, Dec, 9, 1918. Dearest mother, thou hast left us; Here thy loss' we deeply feel; HANDKERCHIEFS COME FIRST 10¢, 15¢, 20¢, 25c, 30c, 35c, In Boxes of 2 and 3, easy priced:. 19¢, 25c, 35c, 50c, 69c, 75c, 89c, $1.00, 1.25, $1.39, $1.69, $1.75. PRETTY CAMISOLES in white, flesh, tint and dark tones, Easy priced - $1.50, $2, $2.25, $2.75, $3, $3.50 BOUDOIR CAPS are so they cost very little. specialvalue - - > + « - - > 5c, 75c, $1.25, $2.00, $2.25 F CHILDREN'S BOOTEES. Easy priced all y prices prices © A™1 == 20¢, 25e, 30¢, 406, 50c, 75c, $1 75c, $1.25, $1.50 ie if Practical Someta : Rasa e Every Christmas Lis THE HAPPY DAY GROWS. NEAR and holiday more urgent, it,is gratifying to . is suitable, practical--. just what you most enjay giving and which may be chosen without~ a great expenditure of money or time.' -Read this page carefully, it doesn't overlook anyone that you wish to remember, agd gives space to gifts of enduring quality those which only give pleasure for a short Ss Avsropping becomes find a list of Gifts that instead of to time. SPECIAL We. s02 LINEN AND to 18. Easy priced - GENTS' FOUR-IN-HAND NECKTIES. Special values 7 ose 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 GENTS' HOOK.ON.TIES. patterns, black and colored. Easy price - - 50c, § GENTS' COLLARS, Arrow --Special - . . MEN'S INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS. Special value 35c GENT'S HEMSTITCHED Extra value - . . "A Large Doll, for ~~ . Large Dell,.27 inches long. Regular $4, for - '. vee - = $2.98 Special values, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75c RUNNERS, linen and cotton. These are BABIES' SILK FACE VEILS. Special - tt ee ee BO For the Men . MEN'S FINE SHIRTS with soft and stiff cuffs, sizes 14 LINEN HANDKERCHIEF. f foe VALUES IN DOLLS 30-inch. Regular: $5.00, COTTON TRAY CLOTH $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Very scarce goods, nite and Tooke's. Regular 35c, - 2 - 25 3 for $1.00 65c, 78c } ~ MEN'S FLANNELETTE NIGHTSHIRTS, colored and : white. Extra value - MEN'S FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS, Special - $2.50 BOYS' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS, good quality and colors, Easy priced - Boys' teins, Easy priced - MEN'S MOCHA MITTS, Special value. - $2.00, $2.50 i MEN'S MOCHA AND CAPE GLOVES, lined and silk lined. Special value - - MEN'S FINE BLACK MEN'S FINE BLACK WOOL SOX, ribbed or plait, sizes 10 to 11. Special A TTE NIGHTSHIRTS. Nice pat- CASHMERE SOX.. Special - + = $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 %] » | . 4 $2.00, $2.25 $1.50 $2.00, $2.25, $3.00 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 $1.00, $1.25 EOPLE TRADE IN MEMORIAM Lawrence--In_ loving memory of our dear mother, Helen Lawrence, who de- parted thie life, Dec. 8, 1019," Pesceful be rest, dear mother, "Tis sweet"to breathe thy name, In life we loved Fold her, A you very dear, In 'death we do the same. O Father, in Thine arms ind let her henceforth be A messenger of love between 50p Our human hearts and Thee. > --Family, IN MEMORIAM : 'and sympathy their snd' ber i br ir 94 sea a caused by during the loss Hilliard Ernest, , _ CARD OF THANKS