business ~ the Town Give ~ / Service BRANCHES assist, ' wARRIE sit ALLANDALE account invited. a . aj Ne ; AN KTORONTO fsa Assets over M, hutch 1 lf = ING ip i . j RESP LP LP SE Ps mA 4 | every Branch of' The Bank of Toronto is directed to the best interests of the i, Ts en ws rt P This Bank is always ready to 4 _ do its utmost within. of good banking to assist those who require its services. The ° Manager's time is at your dis- posal whenever you -have busi- ness to transact in which he can Your banking business and men 'and others in or District. the scope $10,000,000 FE AERP LP AP LES : g 5 NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS »& if i af é E Fe ately expressing ourselv quality of your worth and genial hospit- ality in your association with us many years. We felt is everyone should' have old age pension" was declared in fav- of the negative by two points, A oom- mittee was sppointed to arrange for a concert in January at the next meeting. in your new environment. As a slight |Those on the committee are Samuel Me- 'token of our love and esteem we ask you|Kee, Wm. Lawrence, Chas, Bowyer, Roy [to accept this chair, and Misw Miller this | Hickling and Earl Carson, They will ex- cut glass water set, and Mies Louisa this \pect the hearty co-operation of the rest tray and tea set. It is not for their in- of the members. Those living in the trinsic value but for the loving thoughts |neighborhood of the Seventh Line school and kind feelings which they represent. 'house and who make this their U.F.O. Signed on behalf of your Holly friends, centre are requested to be present at thi | George Brown, Charley Srigley, David 'next meeting the first Wednesday in Jan. Tyndale, Clarence Srigley uary to help mgke your own club a suc- HELPSTON Issa and benefit} The officers for the eom- PHELP: jing year are: President, Norman Pratt; Dec. 6.-- The Inst two Phelpston boys Vict President, Chas. Hook; Live Stock }to go to the bush for the winter are Leo Geo. McDonald; 'Loftus and Dave Kenny, |" Joe Kenny, W. Stephens and J. Kelly spent the, week-end in Toronto. D. Moran is st present styling in the village. T. Devlin of Penetang was here recent- | ly visiting his mother, Mrs. T, O'Neill. The Misses Kearns of Barrie were re- cent visitors with their brother, Dr. |The Barrie Examiner:---In answer to An. Keurns, ten Mills news of last week, I beg to in- Mrs. J. Buckley of Barrie, accompanied form same that if they are short of news | by her two children, Jack and Mary, were | any week und will bring their pen and recent visitors to the village. paper down I will give them such news Owing to the bad condition of the 'us 1 think will be of some benefit to the roads and the continued mild weather, subscribers of The Examiner ed of during the past couple of weeks, most' printing misstatements which sirangers| people were unuble to get out to the vill- 'und readers believe to be true and which Vege, ao it is difficult :o secure nny news | ure no ,auch parties' busines, Whether | worth mentioning, The fact is, Phelpston we move in or move out of Barrie, it is} hax not been so quiet for some time, but jour own busines. (Signed) J. F. Rich-| like other places of importance on the urdson, | map of Flos, I must try to keep Phelp- | ORO COUNCIL ston before the reading public whether | there is any important news or not, | Therefore, it is up to us to talk on un-| The coune}l met pursuant wo notice, all important items such as municipal elec: 'the members present and the reeve in the tions, roads, etc. chair. | As P. A. Coughlin informs us that be | Communications were read from J. B. is going to be in the ring for the reeve- Johnston, M.P.P., H. A, Harrington, Fuel | thip. 1 was "josbing" bim lately as to Adwinistrator for Ontario, Miss G. Raik~ an you will soon feel st home in your new |or surroundings and you most truly have our very best wishes for » long and happy life represent the club at the annual conven- tion at Toronto, Dec. 15, 16 and 17, his ambition regarding hia picture decor- 'es, Qro Telephone Co., Ltd. W. R. ating the front page of The Barrie Exam: |Houston and 8. V. Jones. jimer, under the same heading us Reeve| On motion of Scott and Thompson, jTrain speared, but he did not give me Geo. Crawford was appointed as fuel com- { | A COMMUNICATION | To the Anien Mills Correspondent to} ' i y an { BPA LE HPL HI Le WEP 8 Pye Gey Hy ee STROUD HOLLY Con. (Too Lute for Lust Week) (Too Late for Last Week) ~ ns, R. M. MeConkey was in Toronto for the| Nov. 20.--A number of Holly young } week-end, the guest of h's son, Bert Me-ipeople spent a very plessant evening at -- i } Conley. (Mr, snd Me. ue Webb Mr. sand Mr. Art. Dyer's last week. f } spent a few days with their daughters, Mra, Si i q H. Maxwell, Barrie. and Mrs, Char, Me-| ,areg wncat schoo! children have com Conkey, Allandale... .Mr. and Mrs, Chea. [enced Practising for the Xmas Tree, ter MeConkey of Orillia «pent the week-end |. Mits Lizsie Gibson was called away to a with his parents and called on other relat- | Toronto one day last week to visit a niece, : - | ives.......Miss Margaret J. McConkey wax! Who is very il. » 885 the guest of her nephew, C, McConkey,| Miss Mamie Hubbert is visiting at Big -- } Allandale for « week. and called on friends |Bay Point for s few days, in Barrie for a few day: Mre. Duckworth apent Sunday with her j eee ntmmcnesses |Pother. J. Hawthorne, ---- Minard's Liniment Co., Limited dead ee eae ae tatt lent che Heel: alot | Gentlemen.--In July, 1915, 1 was thrown sine ie ie] i ' from a road machine, injuring my hip and! | Very pleasunt evening' was spent at 7 : buck badly und waa obliged to use /the home of Mrv. Dorothy Miller, 12th has Kat grutch for 14 months. In Sept, 1916, Mr. concession, on Nov, 18, when her friends id fee Wm. Outridge of Lechute urged me to try 4nd neighbors guthered to bid farewell f 4 MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I did with ;to Mra. Miller und daughters before they - % | the most satisfactory resultH and today I:left for their new home in Barrie. During a » F am as well ae ever in my life. the carly part of the evening games and Youre sincerely, jmusic were indulged in, after which E. A. amy ' his Little, chairmen, gave a short address, apie i 4 MATTHEW x BAINES. |in which he told some very interesting | f \ mark history of the early pioneers of this neigh J | A} oa 4 4 4 } | ton 4 f t a Women Need Life Insurance Women occupy an ever-widening sphere in the com- } : mercial and.professional life of our Dominion. They } should avail themselves of the benefits of lif urance : in the same way as the men. With our modern methods, j te we issue to women standard policies at standard rates. Br | b ~Y"| H. HL BURNS, late of Barrie Carriage Co., has taken * Crown, Life Insurance Co., Toronto I. O. MATSON, Manager at Barrie - BUGGY RUBBER TIRES over the rubber-tire department and can be. depended upon to give prompt and satisfactory|service in putting on or repairing rubber tires, Wheels also repaired. Shop--194 Blake St. (near East Ward School) Phone'247J, - - - = «=.» P.O. Box 543 Peerless. Wire Fence The name "Peerless" 'as 'applied to 'wire fenc- ing stands for\a guarantee of quality, square dealing, and popularity. The Banwell-Hoxie Wire Fence Co., who manufacture the PEER- LESS, have grown to be'the largest producers | _\ of woven wire fence in the Dominion. There \._is a reason.. "Peerless" means in wiresfence quality and satisfaction. ie eee Another carload has 'just arrived, bought before the last'advance in price}, To.all purchasers in November we will givethe advantage of this price. If you are needing any wire fence this Fall or next Spring, get your Tequirements now from ~ : } Jany satisfaction regarding such ambition, What is the matter with Joseph Drysdale | |thiv year? An yet I have not heard his | name mentioned. Some of the Iate names | appearing as likely candidates I would /advise to remain where they are, | The few extra finishing touches put on during the past week have made at lest 8 complete job and I am pleased to report , that the new grain elevator is in Al shape | and handling the grain to perfection, Wm. Gray and staff of Barrie were the build: | ers, A few from here visited Barrie Satur- which wes certainly worth seeing. Sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs, D. Buckley. It would have been a grand and won- derful sight for our township fathers to have been present almost any day last | week to behold the numerous cars having to be hauled out of the mud on this new road, It would soothe their worried minds just "a little to eee the good work and re- om that was perpetrated along in the fall and then left like a plowed field, with the main cul all choked up with the mud the s01 placed there. It would prick their cqn- wei it asking any voter down here for a vote if they were only on the scene Inst week, but, like the majority, I pre- sume they are like Howard Ferguson-- pay no attention to past deeds or results --hat in the air, a smile and the glad hand, with usual promises, In having « friend eend me a copy of the St, Louis Fleur de Lis, I notice the following which should "be of interest to many Flos boys and girls, and goes to show what a fine example of manhood can be turned' out of our little farming community( and Flos:-- "Dr. William T. Coughtin, professor of surgery last year in. the medical school of the St. Louis sity, has recently been appointed stor of surgery, the first formal dir inal title of departmenti al head been given to any member of the snissioner for the township, On communigaion from W. R. Hous- ton, aking for refund of statute labor charged on roll, ordered paid as soon as the collector returns taxes as being paid, There was presented a claim of Angus Currie for sheep killed by dogs. On mo- tion of Thompson and Mahoney ordered paid. On claim of D. Beasley re gravel ow- ing to by-law being for 15 eenta per load, no action taken, By-law No. 458, being a by-law to fix the place for holding the nomination, it was introduced and passed, On motion of Couns, Thompson and Scott, the several accounts before the council were ordered paid. Council adjourned to meet on Deo, 15. W. B. Tudhope, Clerk. REAL NEWS IN THE ADVTS. The attention of our readers is directed to the many excellent offerings in the ad- vertisementa in this issue. Our readers will find many real saving offerings and if the advts. are studied closely from week to week in a great many cases the prices as well ogthe quality of the goods offered will be Aound 'much to your advantage, compared with the city departmental stores, OVER FIFTY YEARS' BUILDING EXPERIENCE |S. 18 YOUR ; GUARANTEE = ( Quality ++ Service = Satisfaction If you are thinking of Building a New Home, a Bungalow or Summer Cottage, or of Remodelling your preset House-- consult us. Today delivery is a vital factor in construction work, and. our Large Stocks, Extensive Experience .and Motor Deliveries guarantee you satisfac- tory service, The Ball Planing Mill Co. All Kinds of SPECIALISTS IN Water Troughs Bullders' HOME BUILDING Tanks Materials Brantford Roofing Always on Office: 'Walt Board Hand Bayfield Street, Barrle Shingles, ete. Office Phone, 109 J. H. ROBERTSON, Mor. Residence Phone, 642 ANB MAIL CONTRACT MRS. G. DAVIS Corsetiere for the Spirella Corset for Barrie west of Toronto St., and Allan- dale, solicits orders from all old customers and a large number of new clients, Addrees, 97 Cumberland St,, Allandale, phone 767. 30-Biptfe SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster, General, will be received at Ottaway un:il noon on Friday, the 10th December, 1920, for the conveyance of Hie Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week on route, Anten Mille Rural Route No. 1, from the Ist April; 1921. Printed notices containing further in- formation ss to conditions of proposed Better Than Pills -- For Liver INs Tender may be obtained at the Post Office of Anten Mills, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Toronto, Post Office Inspector's Office, Nov. 16th, 1920. A. SUTHERLAND, 48-50 Post Office Inspector. A TS Minard's Liniment For Garget in Cows NR Tonight Tomorrow. Alright GIN PILLS ~ F you find medicine does not relieve you of kid- oy ol om aba bene te epee of Alexander LaRue, 72, For Mr. he finally He writes: "They Remember our mae? eke 'Write for a free sample to National Drug & Chemical Co, of Canada, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. U, 8. Address: Na-Dru-Co., Inc,, 202 Main St, Buf- falo, N.Y, Contract may be seen and blenk forms of .