Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1920, p. 10

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g f please,--250, own cake if you wish i SCOTT'S: BOOKSTORE Real Estate and Money to Loan A number of valuable farms and Town Properties for Sale on the mos reasonable terms. Masonic Temple Building-- Barrie. | ee C BRO} Small Sts, FOR XMAS CAKES, best . geen tigen book and Phene 'your, order early, We will Decorate your '. Cn nent ence cenee YOUR. READING NEEDS Are Well Supplied at-- t. "Child," answered little more. A very STAT lightfully ingenuous yor 6.6. Smith & Go, Established 1869 UNDERTAKERS QPEN DAY AND NIGHT Morgue and Chapel IN CONNECTION BARRIE, ONT. = - Get Your Laundry Done by LEM BROS. & CO. 'Most Careful Hand Work = 107 Ouniop St.--Opp. Barrie Inn Phone 588 P. 0. Box 813 Laundry Call Daye-- Monday. Wednesday and Friday Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside The linings and inside of your clothing are as im- portant as the outside. Why not have them done, right when you are hav- ing them done? All kinds of Repairing done.-- We know how t W. FIRTH Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie 4 Corner Sophia and Mary Streets facturers of Sash; Doors, Frames, Flooring Ceiling, Moulding, Water Troughs, Tanks, ete, 4 ard Prepared Roofing, Wood Tdrning' an Kiln Drying Specialty. Dressing don: =, prompfly. P 4 \L* Consult us with your building THOS. ROGERS > Phones:-- Office 163, Residence 353 ROTECT Your Family _ Your Business PP car onine . Poli Canada's Greatest ~ Life: e Co. Phone 82 and outside at W. Firth's. . The Barrie Planing Mill We carry in stock a large assortment of Rongh and Drewed Lumber, B, C, Shingles I've never met her? If in this set, I'm sure Brooke's "TH take y be suggested. question ile was T'll tell you the a 'hen I do know her Yes." "But 1 thought you "That you never met "1 don't understand." he usked. Moore leuned forward, "She. But where. No questions." Brool | Ob. yes, it am, 'dent know that T hav to take you to her, unl the condition, and-- Moore sank back in hi ltween hie te-th. | cluded. yh, what cruelty!" girl who hax eluded me Why, man live, that's | Brooke explained, smili | wmused, the position of refusing that you won't ask an Promise, I shan't let Wh: than't be able to sleep of the joy of tomorrow. really she who dragged me back from the T've been bunting the United States over for her. Think bow you would ' Phillipines. {feel yourself under the sai She was visiting Walter ind just for fun wrote ceived between. them, ber name, and the only q hence the name. When though I bothered old because he didn't know. who is to bring the two ame, "Miss Peaches," sdded ingly. CHAPTER Loss. Brooke awoke the next Sun' Life [3224 (Continued from Iast welt) A Cryptic Smile "T'H be pleased. But how do you know her at some time or other, to her on one condition," 'You mustn't ask me any n't you going to tell me who she Brooke emptied his glsas. "Were you ever called 'Juckie Boy?" ly. his arms flung across the table. y Jove!" he exclaimed, "Oh, but T say, old chap, this isn't-----"* I's perfectly fair. 1 mission first; and if you persist in ques- tioning me I'll decide that you've broken Brooke Fences "And no* take you at all," Brooke con: "Fancy anything so inhuman! and now when a meeting with hersix p ible you threaten to snai Moore vrimaced to indicute how he suf. fered under this punishment. "AL right," he said at last, resolutdly. "TIL be good; only you must keen you man, I'm mad about that girl. I }and enclosed her letter in Nan Paddock' i: Just a Lark \ "Tt was just a lark of the two girls, con- Miss Paddock des- j cribed "her. friend. but|wouldn't give me letter. which I don't mind telling you was the first of along and very charming cor- respondence. was 'Penches.' Nan aaid she as awoet aa a, basket of then, and '¢ two months ago, Nan was abroad, and about it, be really couldn't help me out, 'We. will cash your Victory Loan Coupons or place them to your credit in our Savings Bank where they will draw interest at 3% per annum. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ~ PAID-UP CAPITAL. - RESERVE FUND - BARRIE BRANCH, H. M. Lay, Manager, 'MILLION DOLLAR SUIT CASE' By Horace Hazelton & The International Feature Service, Ino, Brooke, "or very her own salvation, charming and de- ung lady." cryptic. of thut bag of wealth. . owner through his ow r. said" her. I did say 60," vealed to him. he was rather aj "Not she?" caprice simply laid ment. ke interrupted ew right after all{ st once. less I ask her per- is chair, his lip be- exclaimed Moore, Here's a for a whole yt tch it from me, barbarous!" being put in I simply demand you out of thar, now for thinking I believe it was ime circumstances Paddoe! fer, to me to Manila!' he body of thé vou by falling from the signa'ure to that | Boston. with the body." ides I got bs Walter to death Be arenye a apatie Aes Dl's not a ed : CR ee =| Rheumatism Sciatica, Lu Brooke,~laugh- 100,000 women have on vactual use that morning with an} Templeton' 'tie' ed by 15,000,000 $iS.ooa000 allowed the erratic Miss Colby to work out More 'than ever the | through the day. truch surged in--upon him now that the! thought, hundred thousand dollars, for which he held |seeing the erand upon which he was bent. the safe deposit company's receipt, was | Perhaps it was even les wise, he told hint not his money, and that his first duty was #elf, to carry the to have rid himself of its custody--to have | receipt for the bag she's « Chicago girl. |hunded it over to the proper authorities © Tun scross explaining that the pasenger killed at Mott Haven was the probable rightful possessor | Of any contemplated dishonesty, ever, be absdlvel himself completely. From | ind in such magnitude that empty. led at the prospect Common sense had thus begun to lea his romanticism, and regret for hi "dvised first course succerded his enthus-| Paper in its place. That was clear. In , interested instaut-|insm ; for he saw now, in the light of calm. stantly he saw er reasoning, that he had by this impetuous All this be had gone over the previous | they know he had deposited a bag full of afternoon, und hed closed his cogitn Jwith a resolution -o set matters at Having found the owner of the funds and returned them intact, could then announce himself. show why he had maintained silence hitherto, dish in» taxiea ind make his delapew claim upon hin mis and tho es asd + |token avuncular relstive, Ie ceret th Damm te sll mratesston, (|e breakfasting Brooke bow dozen mornine papers and took them to the cafe, dumping them on the dow sill beside his chosen table. as he spooned his melon, sipped bis coffee. (his sleeve. and broke and buttered bie rolls, his eye ran down column sfter column of information on which. he reasoned, bung | paused-for an instont, nrobably not only hia cood name but per: hapa his personal liberty as wel. Interesting News In an out-of-the-way corer of the Her- teld he finally ended his search, hi public interest. column; today it was ight 8 half tion, i And. | Thirtv-Rourth Street when a band clutched nearch | Already Yea- 'Alexander Perry. of Boston." Brooke | lose no-time!"' read, "yesterday identified as his nephew man who was killed i moire State Express |two patensers had settled down upon ite at Mott Haven on Monday night. The vic-|cushions, 'Then the wind was beating their tim was John Brooke, of Honolulu, who | fa strived 'nt San Francisco, Avril 29. and i was'on his way to his uncle's home in| queried. as he made a grab for his hat, Mr. Porry left for Boston last his uncle identifying the re-! 'Not utter stranger as a kinsman, if gruccome as it was, annealed to Brooke's |add to the speed, "But here, {sense of humor. At the anme time he read|as the taxi swung to the car tracks to the statement with a measure of relief. 'There was no Jonger any chance of the |back to the asphalt men and wi frequented by men of the learn more about. of course, but he must follow the win and these straws told which way it w: blowing, A Great Surprise Brooke hsd slept Ia'er than he intended, late for him 'to breakfast. how: | hotel office. ers. Now. be gpa look at it and ser fe lifted the flap of the New 'pallor, and = blank sheet of note this blank sheet of paper the envelope was He felt his heart flutter, oppresively, and in his breath came swith an effort. Some one iil. "had taken out the receipt and pui the note now, the object of the they they know he had that receipt? How did ni mones? Foy But it was idle nd re Neverthe: be lost, He wigned his check in haste, dropped | is tin upon the table cloth and slmoxt ran tof the cafe, His first impulse was -o he jtelephone the bark, but on second thought wuse he decided tht he would save time by a . Tt was only a few bléck+ was no telling how long he might be deloyed in betting @ telephone connec: eudy he had had some experience with "wire busy. He wos huriedly making his way out to "Hello. old chan! Who's dying?" He recognized Moore's cheery tone and} Te-the Bank me with me,"' he ited, breathless: T'm racing to Thirty-Ninth Street."' Out of sheer curiosi'y Moore followed, Brooke wprang into a waiting taxi, his sequaintunce after him, "New Netherlands Bunk!" yelled Brooke, 'And drive like hell! It's » $5 tip if you had been headed towards Fifth "It was moving rapidly before its as they aped westward. you gone suddenly crazy?" Moore which the pace had threatened to tear from his head. yet," Brooke answered, straining forward in an instinctive if futile effort to he murmured, avoid a halted delivery way and then again, "if we don't beat those scoundrels there's no telling what may happen to me." Moore had s dozen questions at hia tongue's tip, but the churning of the 'axi turned dingo al outed unl (To be continued) HOW HAIL INSURANCE WoRKS i iat the money was fanks was evic ty' And now he would avail himself of it. "He would go this af- ternoon after be and Moore had called on Miss Colby 7. This morning he would go back to the barber shop on Brondway. It was evideritly as Organist. and Cheiclader of Cali Street claus he must He had not forgot'en the two who had yesterday morning con. jectured as to what had become of someone named Kennedy. That wan only a straw It was already 10 o'clock--unconscionably He lighted a cigarette and saked the waiter to bring his jeheck. Then he wondered whether be had enough money in his pocket to see him Tt was not wise, be , 10 cerry much about with him, fe deposit company's f bank notes. .It was | negotiable receipt, as he remembered it. All it needed was his signature and anyone could get the bag it called for. To be on |the sofe side he would deposit it in the He took out hiv wallet and extracted the the very first he had entertained no notion square envelope from among his other pap- | of appropriating any part of the money to his own uses' He hid simply conceived just the form ame you know her {the perhaps ehimerical ides of finding the envelope snd drew out the enclosure, Then unaided efforts. But |hie dark skin paled suddenly to a leadon ith s single day's acquaintance wit York, the difficulties of such an under-| trembled in his quivering fingers, But for taking bud been in # measure st least re- paper | Parsnips, basket... | Live hogs, per cwt. | when it 1» understood that the number of fy ii a knock-out drops, He was the John Moore | Sam ted in 1819 in Saskatchewan the groundwork for they wanted, after all, but how rossible. if 'not indeed probable, misjudg- Know? That was the ques'ion. How did Paid "mounted to $1,011,776, « different | view will obtain, || SUFFERED as it dodged one obstacle after another. | dential), L; shot across the Sixth Avenue rails and| be Fal Ife Fielden : Hat Hi KR SATURDAY MARKET tion almost entirely by wheels and motor, the closeness of the Christmas season. Po- tatoes did not go over $1.75 « bag. Buy- ers from outside were offering $1.25 to $1.50, which probably kept the price down for the small consumer. Eggs were 90¢ a dozen and butter priced varied little from a week ago. Small vegetables were plentiful, ss also were fowl. Some hens drecsed sold at 25e tb. chicken sound 30-32¢ Ib. In Vv Duck, per pound Geese, per pound |Potators, per bag Onions, busket ' Beets, per basket . Celery, bunch !Citrons, eacn '100 TEACHER OF PIAN Popils prepared | STUDIO--I roduction. AT.C.M, degree also elementary exams. of Toronto Con, servstory of Music or Uni gE | MUSIC Telephowe No. 160, Barrie P. 0. Box 375 36tic 'Felephone 151, Barrie ee Seti DOROTHY J, SARJEANT, A.T.C.M, TEACHER OF PIANO P.O. Box 88 49tfo MYRTLE V. RICE Methodist Church JO, ORGAN, SINGING 7 wiles Toronto Con- servat of Examinations. iT BLOCK PHONE 853 HERBERT L. BAMFORD, A.T.C.M. il it - | Organist-Choirmaster St, Andrew's Church Another mild Ssturdey with transporta- | Organ TION FN snd not a very big market considering PANG; ORGAN, THEORY and SINGING for examinations of Toronto Conservatory of Music, ete. Phone 5635 126 Dunlop St. Over Moodie & Jory's store ---------- MAUDE E, CLAXTON, L.T.C.M, Piare and Vocat Lessons vocal work special at Product! jano and vocal; rsity exam. Studio: King Block.,- Phone 424 MUSIC LESSONS PIANO AND VOICE --by-- MISS NETTIE COLPITTS (holding: diploma) For further information apply to Peel St. Phone 885 Pumpkins, each Apples. per bbl. ples, per basket ton .... 7828 2nd that the total indemgity For one oceurred in July of the, y orm alone that atisfied, In Alberta the total losses' for {Bull the amie year were $506,000 sguinat 4 les the system under Government supervision, there sre 36 companies in Saskatchewan tha: accept hail insurence und that paid out $1,750,000 in 1919 for losses caused by hail, Sr rte --, FIVE YEARS TE gf Office: ° Office a ERE : [3 : Barristers. Solicitors, Notary Public, Valuation of $12,000,000 insured, Besides | A+ Boys, K.C., M-P..__D. BARRIS. C. W. Plaxton Office and LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor. Notary, /Conveyarcer, eto Offices: Hinds" Block, No. 8 Dunlop street, Money to loan BOYS & MURCHISON Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. referred claims amounting to $1,100,000 were | Offices 13 Owen . in Masonic Temple iding. Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. '. Murchison eee & PLAXTON | . SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent 'Building ~ Toronto, Ont. G. Gordon Plaxton DONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building. Barrie Money to loan, CRESWICKE & BELL BAI Solicitors for the/Supreme Court of Judi- Finally Was Restored to | °ature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Con- Health by Lydia E.Pinkham's |" Otice in Row Boek 37;2° °* W. A. J. Bell. K.C. MEDICAL - a H. We iste Coroner County of Simcoe Residence ill University », corner Elisabeth and .. Barrie. Office hours 9 to 10 a.m.,1-to 8 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 105 W. A. LEWIS, M. » CM. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY --and-- ¢. S. DICKSON, B.A., M.B, 61, 56 Collier St., Barrie DR, VICTOR A. HART Graduate 'of 'Trinity University, Toronto; also Edinburgh and a Specialty--Diseases of Stomach + Corner Bayfield and Worsley Sts. Office open until 8 p.m, daily L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON and residence. Collier St., comer of Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 275 DR. FRED. A. ROSS ~ (Formerly of Drs, Late 8 P.O. Box 1075; (4 DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor =. W., Toron! MISS VIOLET TAYLOR, A.T.c.M. TEACHER OF PIANO-AND Titcbay a | he

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