Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1920, p. 12

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eer vk ee an 'A CHILDREN'S NURSE wanted to go to Toronto. Good wages. Apply at this "office. : 470 nee MARRIED. COUPLE WANTED-- Wife as housekerner und man to help on the faro:, Will Warnica, R.R. No. 1, Allan- | Thuraday, Dec. 2. 470 dale, 47-49c | Like Barrie, Hamilton bas seoured some --_---- | we rom Algonquin Park. The eity. is WANTED-Girl or woman for general charging $16 per cord. housework, small family. Good home "A charge ugainst Jatk Hanmer of being and wages. Mrs. H. Desourdie, 189 Bradford, St. 470 ANTED- -Resident salesman calling on 'retail grocery and butcher -trade to sell high rude Oleomargarine ax a side line, 'K, 8. White, 59 Wellington St. East. Toronto, Unt. 47-49npc Wanted | --Big reductions in all kinds of furs, jean save you money, Simmons noon tea at Bt. Andrew's Presbyterian 2. iby P.M. Rudenburst on Monday, Dec. 2, for sale of work and home-m: Henry, Midhurst, fell, breaking his left thigh. in the R. V. Hospital. Petri titi td --Don't forget the sale eee en, lintoxicated in a public place was dismissed | --Keep Thuraday afternoon and evening, duinties at St, Andrew's Presbyterian 8.8, |_ 'The 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank i on Sunday last, The child is now -- PIANO TUNING--Harold Webb, piano We ade weeves. You don't have to wait any the winds bluster and blow," these Overcoats, because you, know you are You couldnt be otherwise, for the fabrics are all wool, downright Ye are these garments; that's just as interestir these Overcoats and Suits cost us a g ket price, but, believing that the public Proud of the style a longer to buy your Suit or Overcoat, 'Let you'll say when you are wearing one of going to be good and warm. nd workmanship which distinguish ng as the big cut in price. Some of reat deal more than the present mar- snappy" tuner, graduate of the Schoo! of Piano Tun- should have the advantage of 1 'e ANTEO ; fa » Tun » DENCY - WANTED - Good sant hand autiee in Brantford. Leave oder at Webbs changed conditions in the clothing, we re-marked every Overcoat and WANTED Position as housekeeper, Apply M. B. Tudhope, Orillia, has donated a Suit in stock. We are going to give a straight five dollars off every man's An eT rein ash ap mile pee tthe asad ead Suit and Overcoat, and the clothing is the best value in the market at our BOARDERS WANTED by day or week, of Barrie, Orillia and Lindsay. | regular price. Less $5.00 off every Suit. Bf Apply to 44 Worsley St. 4449p | --Children'x woolen sets, searf and r. a WANTED Furnished or unfurnished bupe (aint eco eee Pe SO Pee wet. me MEN'S BLACK BEAVER OVERCOATS, with or BOYS' OVERCOATS, sizes 27, 28, 29. 80, 31, 32, with all conveniences. Apply Box 503.!" "This week the Fisher Flour Mills hade « ml au ve vet 'collar Men's Tweed st 33, 34. 35. These ure nice up-to-date Over. seduction of 25 cents jer bbl. la fe he Ulster. with bolt. The prices wer 818,00, coats and the prices ure very low at the regular By two ladies, three furnirhed & ee Aug, 18 thes Have made thiee redus. $20.00, $25.00, $27.50, $32.00, $49.00, $49.00, price, and Ws Give You $2.00 Off these Prices. huuwkeer ing rooms by Dee. Ist. Apply jin the total cut being $3.15 per bbl. | --Less $5.00 off each Coat. Compare these MEN'S GREY, AND RED AND BLACK CHECK to Box © Exagni aie -Pisno and organ tuning--H. 'Souve of Overeouts with uny you can see onvwh re and MACKINAW COATS, with belts, sizes 36 to i Petarboco Will cbe in Barrie all this "weak, you will ny oy are the best value for the 46. Th Coats are big vulue at $15.00 snd Property for Sale 'Orders left with the Green Music Co. will money to be had. price, $12.50. SE | FECCIV ompt and careful attention. 47p ~ § lots 50x150. $300.00. C: A_ meeting of poultry fanciers is called Howe, Lewiston. N.Y. 43-8» 'for Friday night in the office of the Repre- Tio LoTs, 0 fee: frontage ean oa eee ae ne er ercture 2 MEN'S TAN AND BLACK CHECK MACKINAW , Within Si, Allaneale, for sale, Apely t 'ultiy show jin Barrie. COATS, «izes 38, 40, 42, 44. These Coats are to Mrs Jo Al MeNeul, 10$r31, Alla s My CL : tn dae S' Tatife gg Tn OF EY irk' Clam and Club of TT wens SUITS, Savy Blue Serge. 'Tweed and extra value at $16.50.--Sale price, $14.50 - 5 Whi as ably wected the ss Worsted, waist lines, suit any young men' or 5 FOK SALE | Howe, shop and toed stable,' who s0 shiy stited them in any way with men Bf ney apes Pride $106, toe 00, MEN'S HEADLIGHT AND LENOX OVERALLS, az IV 21 Collier St. Apply W. A. Reid, 26. their rummage anit banc $28.00, $32.00, $35.00, $38.00; $40.00, $45.00 plain blsck, plain blue, blue end white stripes, Colne Ave, Hounaton, or Creswicke & 48 proposed to make this an annual sale, .00, $32.00, $35.00, $38.00, +00, tanner a a aia bine icitors, Barrie, 45-48p Keep this date open, Nov, 29, for the $50.00. are tw 6 4 ine is great value at $4.00, si - = - -- olds r e ent oli --Sale price, $3.50. 4 LA qT HOUSE Bren mame: weithcen Came DC BOYS' NAVY BLUE SERGE AND TWEED , t ie wen woodshed 16x26. Quar- the war, 1 ice ax low. 50¢ for tea SUITS, waist line, helt, and other makes, sizes SMOGKS to match above, regular $4.00, for $2.50 Wi jer were ba ¢ $1600, Apply on ard conce: served from 6 to 8 p.m 25 to 36. Prices were $7.85, $10.00, $13.00, ' Fa rete presse, 219 Klanbeth 'St. Poasp aa i 50, $15.00. $16.50, $17.00. $18.00, $20.00. MEN'S BLUE AND WHITE STRIPED OVER- --. s maker $22.50. Now we give You $2.00 off Every Suit. ALLS, with bibs, sizes 82 to 44. Thin line is EGR SALE Lea een Ves School Now is your time to buy the boy a Suit. big value at $2.75.--Sale price, $2.25. ra. 52 ae oo! Bouse Sichint Apply Mrs. Jno. Hock- ; nde. 2 3 nughout. Bi, Bayfiold orn St. For Sale i ins umn af money at valutble paper HOSE, Mercury nuke, full-fashioned, oe sy | _Reward_une his_nftic ' seamless, sizes 814 to 10%. This Hone 5 . NITURE for me AN APIFER aBTRAY: Came oa promivs is Big Value at $1.50.~ Sale price, $1.25. Lindsay Barrie Trenton during summer, one Hereford heifer, Lot PULPER FOR § 1s, con, 7, Essa, Russell Robeon, * 4 Collier St., ~ Ain _ Utoni 7-50e | 'inutitioh. Apply a ba i goad VOST. on Wed. Nov. 17, on Flizabeth 8t.' County Couneil meets ext Monday. | NOTICE « CARD OF THANKS -- POULTRY BREEDERS, Jory, Avy 62 Small St. Telephone | between Collegiate end Bryson's, old =-Bulanee our our ladies ready-to-wear), We il the person who borrowed the "Al Miss Mary Maw, Minesing, wishes to sw Ze weet wateh with HFT on hack. Find |, o-Rlance cur $1.95, hate up to $5, hums of War Picvures" from Hepplestone's thank her Kind friends and neighbors for FOR SALU-Violet Ray appatatus with el. | Tue leave at Hurlburt's Shoe Store, Summ &Ce 8 buteher shop please returu sume at once, 'their inany kindnesses shown to her in her] 4 meeting of those interested in A POUL- ; one attachment, FOUND--Bay horse. about 10 yes. ald, Fioa't forget: tile anlovol wodl-ond ate Réso Tae eee epdleen Teeent hereavement, >! TRY SHOW will be held in the Agricul. b2 elt St, upe aire. with white on forehesd; found wan. | lon t forget the sale of wo s ay ae ed eee ds Fl y Y. A Sessa air woh gt hlte Rar on fotehend: found wane! on tencat St Atdrows Fratpion a ee Dae sale af work snd home. Get your personal greeting cards from | tural Office, FRIDAY NIGHT, Nov. 19th, doring around Penetang Ril. Owner can x ve 'seme by! raving ainerchin ged, Thwenlay. Dee, 2, 7c |daintien at St, Andrew's Prosbyterinn 8.8. The Examiner. at 8 o'clock, paying expenses. Apply-Box 1082. Bor. | - SOD gerne rence cereneneanireneen annapneennennen ann een iebeee-asi-er-anbvennananven/an-asvanvar~asvuncanvancenvanransen, Live Stock for Sale | r SIBPRIAN RABMITS FOR SALE, quick. ' SATURDAY 84 Henry 8t., Barrie. ap as STRAYED from lot k t price obtainable in Ontario, All deseri nable prices. Nn waiting. anteed. A trial solicited, | Lost and Found ! STRAYED to north balf lot 10, con Innisfil, red yearhng steer, on the 1 Win. Robertson, black yearling hvfer, whereabouts kindly phone "| STRAYED from con, 6, lot 9, Oco Statin 6 hen cattle old 5 young und 1 two F, Hutchinson, TORT- Blick nt litter and 200 feet truck. te AL condition, FE, Robinson, Hazel. prompt on delivery. Alo a liuited number of corts of grown hardvood 'it marke' prices, Apply Box by Paxamniner Office. ATP) "Leghorns for sale, -- George | Brrwatar FOR S\LG Yellow Dauyer onions, 82,00 | _ Midhurst {| 4 FONE. pareniie $1.00 per bug: currsts | HORSES FOR SALE--Team of Heavw hore. | je per bag: cabbage 75¢ per dozen also 4 cettle coming 2 am old; one HORSE FOR SALE-One general purnose isre. Apply to Ed. McLaughlin, West A49p na cod general purpose young mare! End Ie; 1400 Ibe. oF over. Fisher Flour \ limited amount of | _ Mills 470 d cordwood. Ten dollars, | Thiteon dollars, sie.|POR SALF--2-vr,old fat heifer; ako eut- ter in good shape. St, 47-48¢ eee A.FGHORNS --Pure bred single comb white | ee. Apply to John Lee, Huie Farm, Shanty Bay, gred work mare; seme thoroughbred | --we 8% SAAB | Leine wes and ewe lambs. H. J./FOR SALE--12 8.C. W. Leghorn puljets, | Marne. Lefroy R.M.D., first house weet | Anril hatch. and 12 two-year-old hens, of Ponotone Re h con, 48-47¢) Apply Box "A". Fxaminer. _ --47-8p = == | | ; FOR SALE--Yorkshire Boar: Durbam bull Miscellaneous call: alo n few young cattle, --Anply to Po ene rt ci FURs REMODELLED AND_Repamnen, |? ™ Prone On, 476 Mim M. McArthur, King Bloék. Barrie, |§ ont 2Qtfe er WN. COTTER, 76 Worsley Sts Barrio. hoot | and shoe repairing promptly done in first- class style, 42.53p et CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old suit snd overcoat tun be made to look like uew by Harry Twias, Ross Block, Dunlop St. OSTRICH FEATHERS, stoles and boas cleaned, curled, altered to any style, Lowest charge." Mrs, W. Newman, 99 John St. West, Barric, 4 anand is ARE YOU GOING TO CLIP YOUR HORSES this Autumn-- An_ up-to-date climming eauinment has been inatalled at the Barrie Veterinary Hospital (formerly 'Vespra Hotel). An experienced man in nee, Horses clipped while yau Phone Sit, 45-470 tas et Eas Ld « DARK NOVEMBER DAYS have no terrom , for us now in the studio, as our special 2) electric livhting eives us be'ter results |" i M even than daylight, i lake an' evenit annnintment if you wie Studio, opposite public library, phone 1313. i - 46-5le Coldwater hos been awsrded a German ® for snle--Pure-brad Shron- shire ram and ewe Inmbs. Ressonahl Farms for Sale -------- FARM "FOR SALE-- 85% acres. lot 12, con, 4, Tp, of OxFo miles from Edger, Frame house, bank barn, soil clay loam, suring creck. Kor particulars apply to Wm, Jamieson, Shanty Bay R. R. No. ry = 48tfe [FARM FOR SALE--Lot 1, con, 4; 'Vespra. 75 qeres, f well fenced, soil clay and clay loam. about 4 s¢. hardwood. bush, 1 ac, orchard, bank barn 40x60. hay. barn 40x40, and sll negeseary ontbuild- ines; rural mail and telf ma. For par- ticulare apply to Will' Hamilton, Mid- burst, Ont. Ate Property to Let every convenience, corner Peel and Sophia Sta. * Apply to Mrs. Bird, 45tfo TO. LET--Small house, furniahed or un- |! furnished, furnished for lieht housekeen- jXrorch mortar and machine gun as war 'trophies. sing. Apply - Examiner "Office, 470 TO RENT--6-room apartment with conven- iences, $12! per month, ion: Dre, 3. Not nvitable for yonne children, Rn: quire 49 Dunlop ga SL Barjeant, 470 nell you what you require at "he elnse- of watch und elock rensir work at reo | Fully gusr- | A7tfe Apply to 119 Pene- | in- | 9. | h. | a. | LADIES' BLACK CASHMERE HEATHER } WHEN YOU BUY AN IMPERIAL YOU GET'A DOUBLE GUAR. ANTEE--Ours and the Factory's. There is no Agent's Commission added to the price of these Phonographs, YOU GET WONDERFUL VALUE--Exceptional Quality. And become the owner (of the, World's Best Toné Phono- graph, when you join as a member of this Club and get IMPERIAL PHONOGRAPH WITH THE REDUCED PRICES ON THESE LINES WE'WILL NOT GIVE ANY COUPONS LARNED, CARTER Special, 4 Chi is positively the HURR LAST DAY Then the Introductory Club Sale of the famous' Imperial Phonograph closes and your oppor- tunity to get'one of these first-class, high-grade Phonographs on these Special Terms and Easy Payments is gone. Only a few Phonographs left. Hurry if you want one on this plan. WE DELIVER AN IMPERIAL PHONO. GRAPH TO YOUR HOME ON PAYMENT OF $1.00 The' balance of payments are so easy you will never miss the money. o emcee eeeenees LISTEN TO THIS! Very many have joined this Introductory Club Sale of Imperial Phonographs. One Club Member says: "For some time | was considering the purchase of another Phonograph, when your advertisement: attracted my attention. J came in to see the Phonograph, and at once noticed the differ- ence in the Tone.of it and other Phonographs, and all my family aro delighted with It, and think itis the Best Tone in this district." FULLY GUARANTEED INFANTS' DELIGHT SOAP, regular 15¢.-- 10¢ cake, ATTENTION ! . 47p ing ti place on hurst cer turned he Misx Mz dlen havi have take 4 CHO The price' o fected 1 olates. "The a speciz Chocol: ment c Cocoan Maple Fig Jell ple Cre: is 50c 71 Take usually good til "The

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