Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1920, p. 6

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PHONE C. BROWN | 250 FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS BREAD HOME-MADE BRI ROWN BREAI SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL, LINE OF + PIES, CAKES AND PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Hinebeth and Gall Btroote Total 'Assets . PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND BARRIE)\ BRANCH, i Are Well Supplied at-- SCOTT'S BOOKSTORE ceremony Jas.A ircld FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT ¢ Money to Loan A Tale.of the * Serial Publication rights s Real Estate SS (Continued from taat week) | "Well, now, T don't want to hurry you, Min O'Malley," he anid, "but we've xot oven muon to 'a quarter to cloven now have gone ta! long ago, 1 expect um good horwe to ride ut Liked! #0 much." vxclamation of delight.) pile up --thero'n xome | do here, It was tow nich for one herve, mo 1 kicked for an | other and got it, Toride 'om turn about, | 'There's a good paxture at the back, with ao when L gu away for a fow dave an always turn the iquare one A number of Valuable Parma and 'Town Propertion for Sale on the mont reasonable tormin. Masonic Temple Bullding, - Barrie eee 6.6, Smith & Co, UNDERTAKERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT ile." Mor 1 She thanked hins pretily aud: gratefully her aml hie kunt of nee, BARRIE, ONT, - - Phone 82 | "Ob, not at afl; net at all, he replied * woabout, [in You've quire livened things up ------$_$$ er Pack all your Auto Worries ina "TRAVELERS" POLICY IT COVERS 1. PERSONAL LIABILITY Vin a kind of a lonely beg can't think how T've enjoyed VU go anit get the UW hit the tral ly man that might ride to ho with such mn interest ound here. nied all toy and but for the date hear and the fact af hor petneaty wig ly nw very agred, he could have He PROPERTY DAMAGE tnjury tu the | wished the distance longer other fellows property Wverytlang was dark HL COLLISION tujury to your awa eae Then cover agaist FIRE in one af aus many relia autis tripee A. F. A. MALCOMSON THE INSURANCE MAN, BARRIE i DYEING AND CLEANING will be Iiyury tw uit atl we they wh ran my owith mounted Elin hounds hearing (Bee appr Wate ae phone ethe Nataging gite a Che qh elosure wothon which the Fi il they walked shively wt by the loge, Trunar wut ty tieet then with a Tnutern an, his had Nes. peapde! wae his hearty greet What's abroad That you, Mary? Sergeant, ae you eh? | What's ie buly been up to newt Is ahe tinler agen Sune thin Honking of ol ' Your Clothing properly cleaned inside and outside ut W: Firth's, The linings and inside of your clothing wre as important as the outside. Why not have sont Rths Fughare Ps stim fallowed, and te the house tr was a coat home be. ty house, amply Well amd tibetan furnished. with | them done right when you r.onst aither skuve are having them dane? "All us Line Datel arti Wty, and been a nmghty hamter m former years, The well stocked Insth shel ne . and a few. but insu Atul eogeavings that . avemiend fe amply that svners wen people af stbatanee and nement Tramer was a tall strongly oH wnat af BMY ar tier bout Kinds of Repairing done. We know how. W. FIRTH Phone 229 y 3. . "| . i, he far he and al hy ys, Opn. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. eee ae Hie speech. ahnrush shehtl wasal was that of an educated American, and bis getial, Kite bearted per sonality crated an instinctive king. with al whe met him, He was rouchly droent in a waisteoat, gtry Marncl shiet, with Hlue overalls Tuck Manutne Sih, Worm tant hgh riding tote: for, apart from Mt idan: Wee Tn ine, fort thst be eas' eetbtacn' ea oe of the largest stock owners im the district, large amvetment af he warn worker himoclf and. Bked to umier WC. Shingles Muetintend the running of bis ranch je Wood Thening and Dirwesing done The Barrie-Planing Mill Cerner Sophia aunt Mare Stvets Ww ot Phevrng, Coiling, Moubtings, Water Tri Tanks ete We carey an stock! Rowed ant iewed sting, Wevang 9 Specialty "The wife's gune to bed long ago." he tT was sitting uy reading, when Why. my gil? TL phought you «aid RE_W stay the night at the They've got the"meaniee there, Well, all's well that ends well, tifinks ergeant Renton, here, Trust you not ect left, anyway. You buok pretty: well nlayet out! though, You'd better go te [met or youll be heing your goat hake, I Wou't het"? } "Iapaweite!"" exclaimed the sergeant with such fervant emphasis that a faint (Nish anee on the gitl's rather tine? face, as she thanked itt agaia, and hid hin [ Goodtnight."" {Me chatted awhile with Trainor «who: that Rositalty pratucnt a battle of whie Aes. and prrsently got up and prepared to Hepart. refisdng the latter's invitation far tay the night chance it tonight, Dave, he jxant. "Um anticipating the amval of one. [ot our atficens--taspector Panis, He's Jadout due here. visiting detachments. and Vdaw want to be away when he comes. | Thanks, "all the same? No you needa? come out, TM otfcadlle and 8x up okt Sam. S6 hong CHAPTER XVTL OF Rowers abe Bad a fall ecore, Xe mor, Amt foreuses they all Bad alien onutty sane sont os eh eour buikting THOS. ROGERS Prone') Office 183 VL beant the doge start an ty yay, Mary ot Your Family Your Business Your Future ; With an Annual Div dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life | haw ib atare; ' Tusurance Co, From the wists doen of the Crown, D.vJ.REBURN AIL eee coarting the wade Malang 3 6 AM were courting tie Widow Malsee THE BANK'S POSITION habe ng '$ 90757510 Other Quick Aasets 129,154,218 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE BENTON OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED by Sergt. Ralph S. Kendall through special arrangement with owners of copyright. TH Several timer, © your xaldle anté Johnny he's quiet |e VN rule Billy and trail kl Sam jehange of direct heared the ranch, until two hase eovate | Tratnor te! | with a! --Charkes Lever. Stare, 1 esaveroo7 2 foseosise = 479,644,205 s - $15,000,000 000 "$15,000, H. M, Lay, Manager, R.N.W.M.P. ecured by The Examiner In wpite of his morose and surely a whut fantuntic constancy, which obwewion, be it remarked, ho was rather prone to exaggerate thu ge, and the bitter, | hopelest philosophy with which he had ome to regard hin ainglo and seemingly inevituble lot, it must be admitted that found hin mind subconsciously revert K On many occasions during the next fow wooks 10 the girl who had 90 uncon vontiunally invaded his bachelor quarters. Yon, begadd! Wann atrong fusein ation about her," he soliloquiged, -- She was no totally different to any other wo man who had come into his lonely. life, fhe found this mame nawerable for his vax he found himeelf abseatly swinging off the main tgail north ante the one that diverged east and led '* ranch where, by now, he eto be regarded ag a regular 'andl |weleome visitor, The girl, on her part naturally 'wae by no meant oblivious to the renson of his frequent calls, though he always el him with her customary. careless, ite eyed genulity, their acquaintance hy having ripened inti the intimacy of ng. playful badinage. at which pna time, needless te aay. both of them ex j celles With an uinate deheney that was only natural and instinetive in one come of his gentle turth and early breeding, he had [forborne from ever asking her the reason that she wns occupying the comparatively polling influene one of thowe who you, that family, a enough, r Than Pill Liver Ilis for m rainy di there were hard struggles 'Ensy St,' Tho next to unable to pay the rent, O'Malley's wife bud died, and afterwards, all through their ups and downs, that girl kept ¢ ings as straight ax she could, She was regular mother to the boys in those daya--hus been all a. long. They'd have all gono to the devil Tong enough ago if it hadn't been for her. 's twenty-eight now, though ahe don't look it, After her father Hied, xbe went to live with an aunt of herm--a Mrs, Gor. man, of Philadelphia, She's sure got the 'rocks,' all right, but I guess who's ubout aa disngroeable an old party as you could find. You've seen her, you any,"" (Flix nodded grinily.) doesn't belie her face, on earth Mar; did, Sims SATURDAY MARKET There wan « berry market on Saturday, with raspberries in the lead, 00 and $2.25 for a 12-quart pail w: price for them. Black currant & quart were very plentiful. was unabated for thiv highly medicinal fruit, Gooseberries are having their day and ure n very fine rample thia 20 cents ® quart wax asked for them, showing a tendency to advance. 'some quot- ing 43 to 55 cents, Bu'ter also ia high, 60 cents, though surely nature never offered nuch luscious meadows, New potatoes were $4.50 9 bag and several loads were marketed, The week showed a wonderful Rrowth in beets, carrots, ete Butter, per pound Eggs, per dozen Chicken, dressed, per Ib. Potatoes, new. per bag Potatoes, old, per bag .... Onions. xreen, bunch mo, and nhe'n very P have had a hurd time of t, from what littl xhe'x told us, She lan't the hewniling sort that cry their troubles abroad to all and mundry they meet, but T auppoae it got too thick for even her to stand any longer, so she de cided to cut loom from 'Aunty. She wrote to the wife, neking her if he koow of any position that she could enrn her own living-at over on thie side. So that how i in she's hore. looking after Bert d Gwyn. Those kidn just warship her n+ rhe prefers this frewh ir life to an office job. You might know that u=yway by the look of her. [tell you, 1 rewpect Benton. Holla! was ub pile! just want? "Come on in, | Becta, basket Ube getting a scolding for being| Beets, per bunch ~-- | Carrots, per bunch Green pens, per quart Beans, per quart Gooneberries, per quart Raspberries, per box Black currants, per quar Red curranta, per quart Slowly, but neverthelea: surely. a the weeks, "und gradually montha, went by, nod their intimacy ineressed, "the inevit able happened to Ellis and Mary; for mero platonic friendship, between two individuals of their warm-blooded natures was im: | Cream. quart powsible wmidat such surroundings, and by | Hay, per ton He degrves their mutual interest | ffaps, 'ewe. i and liking for each othor had developed into w atronger feeling. 'Mia still wavered, For the © idews that he held regurving fed Policeman's general life. ja ient pag, and husardoux oceupation NEARBY MARKETS (July 29, 1920) $2.00, rye $2.10, oats 2.75 3.00, hay $21-25, butter oe, potatoes $5.00 bag. Alliston in the "non-comminsioned navies, any mt Bator em 50-536, way rendering hin uni) for marriage 50 i a gtinued. to obaews hin and slightly |" Orittin Wheat $2.00. rye $, warp hia ordinarily generous, nature. The hubite of years are broken, and long companionship w: Rrave had net tended ta mitige his Views. "Since the death of his firet love. in w great degree. held aloof from women's society, ke: "curb an himself and rigidly ing all his emo, 'F. C. tone In whatever convictions he fosaenard 5 the grand. passion he and wedded lias in the impulsive 2.75, hay $16.20, butter 50.58¢. awily pens $2 titors $3.50-4,00 bag. egen License Numbers to be Hyphenated The 'contract for the motor vehicle b. cense mekers for 1921 has been let by Hon. Riges, Minister of Public Worke and v2 The numbers wil of two and The Canadian-born See. humble position of governee@, lady cont | (rdnion. or awe she herself had put it 'what you will," on a ranch, (han. When he had firt met tlrenes! her disagree. aunt, wh nian dhetinetly inposeinng worllly Anyway, those were the ampremsione chat he had formed in the brief ghmpee Montad hun of the 0 bales on that oe On thee head he ane day. easual Jy sounded Dave Tramor. ae the two of thom lounged in the stable tulking eatile and horses. preparatory to the Chinese exon K's shrll summons af © Gab plas ile weralded with the enstomary kauekle tat | Tramor, with at garry and with his usual lok? TMs prvcevy ve huown thar gicl,"" be aunt all her family for many years | ever mince she was a little shy of a jSal, an fact 1 started out im Wife ax a Fruning engineer. That's my real pro | won, though Tve been at the ranching business now for twenty year or more. Ty mast have been in" mur. er fsther Terence O'Malley York. He lent mining stock booker then, and ace | | more or les mixed up in the wane els Mi buxiness, we drifted togeth-r and o game pretty chummy He was a typical | haruinsearum Irishman ont of Inland, | One of these lovable, brilliant kind ducks the hfe ard soul of whatever pany he was in. A mgular 'Mickey Free." | Of geod birth and education, clever and, shrewd in his business, but a proper gam ter at heart, and implusive and change | ate as the wind. She's very like him 2 muany waye---got all his impulsiveness, witty humor and 'brogue, but without his selfishness and improwidence. Oh. he was sire some high flier, O'Malley. Made | fortunes in one day--loet 'em the next. YouCkmow the way they run amuck the stock exchange? He married a New York girt think her name was Egan. Any- | way. she war of Irish extraction, too. Ths girl--Mary--is the eldest of the fam. ily, She's got four brothers, but they all came come years later--there's quite a, space ia between ber and them, Somebove | another were all brought up and re ceived pretty fair educations The bors | Rave got decent enough positions in var. ( ocuutnenieneeeeeeeneeee ee {to en nt Lacal tate for New York State, the Hon. Francis M. Hugo, originated this plate hychenstion scheme. It was found that appeal to him at all numbers x0 broken into groupe of two were Whether ov not the et recinrseated his fmuch rote readily and accurately seen and y remomberrd., average snug, thrifty. mar ence contracted usually by of meager or moderate means form of th f been no love passages between them to| Minard's Liniment Ri He thousht xhe amt was not abogether indifferent to hin, and that was all Tae not te be suppoaed that he wad eatmly done in bis attentions to that detonate young woman, Her sex were hot over numerotis in the neighborhood, and she war therefore duvinetly attractive to the various middle (In effect tune 27, 1920) TIMES OF TRAINS ARRIVING AT AND LEAVING BARRIE ; From Toronto--Northbound aged, rested within 20. 'te the "Traino' establish. {Ne. 3 (The Natonali--Daily Toronto to ment may bs inferred that she North Ba; . did not Tick suitors, many of them ad: Ly, Toronto 11 p.m, Are, Barrie 1.30 a.m. muttedly eligible as aris their posses: | No, 49--Daily exeept Saturday, Toronto to re Mf worldly goods a fact which Ellis tia Junetion. ly realized at times, when the bitter | Ly. Tor. 11.40 p.m, Arr. Barrie 2.15 am. rusnens of hie own limited meant No. 41 Daily exept Sunday. Toronto to| sd prospects would come home to him. Scotia' Junetion, | with cruel antensity Ly. Tor, 7-43 a.m. Ai Br the strong, ane, logical mind. of |e 55--Daily except the moitspredominated, and he kept his Non Ba' self well in hand. They had the prior _ right. he argued: for. plain and homely {Lv- Tor. 10 a.m. Are, Barrie 12.18 noon } though most of them might be. they didn't ]No. 57--Daily except Sunday, Toronto tof hang fire like him. anyway, | They were Muskoka Wharf | HT in the paation te give girl a better|Lv, Tor, 10.30 a.m. Arr, Barrie 12.48 poon | home then he could ever hope to offer her. [No. 43--Sarundays only, Toronto to Scotia | He would therefore [be no "dog in-the. Junction, } ~ te stand in their way. he slecid [Ly, Tor, 1.30 pum. Arr. Barrie $48 pm. | SF pclr Tintenrr be chanced to Bnd C001 No. 45--1vaiiy exeept. Sunday, Tecate 00 of three would-be suitor ahead of him in Gravenbune, i he field. b¢ always promotly excused hin Ie. Tor 480 prom Are. Barrie 750 aad self and Aithdrew: which policy of elf: | O° T° Daily, Toronto te Nort Bay qiicement, (be it remarked, piqued poor | No. 47 --Daily om. Arr. Bare 1110", | Mary not a little. He was not exsctly made of the stu To Toronto--Southbound North Bay to Tomato. | that calculating, lukewarm, cautious lov ers are prone to be composed of. but the 1S am. Art Toronto 7.8 am. | Sires of sealouty had once scorched him | No. 43--Dailr except Sunday, Gravesbuns pretty severely and the memory of the to Toros tively torment that he had endured in/Ly, Barrie $40 a.m. Arr. Tor. 1138 am those "mierable days war still too vivid/No, 41 (The National'--Daily, Noets Bay tn bis recollection to nsk a pewible repe- to Toronto tition af that dread disess Le, Barrie 12.38 goon Art, Toronto 3 pam, Barrie 10.52 a.m.) unday, Toroato to, He need have had no fear One andj g t Sendag- Sovti Pheer Main SQ Y fo. S6--Daily except Sundar, Scotia Juse cage St_ Teroete l--irrespective of nn paca tion to Torvare. {HiWaeaca en Camgdel C4 pearance. she treated 1 LeBarne 1.50 p.m, Arr Tomets 413 pam. Lughing impartiality. rendering to each | UV-B! ' rea same answer. In kindly fashion ar| No. 58--Dsily excent Sunday, Moniek | hat. too, for she realized only as a dower: Wharf to Toroazs. H ewe "spinster can. that the well-mesniug. |Lv.Barrie 2.80 pm. Arr.Towats 448 pm} camest love of an honest man is act s|No. thing to be contemptuously cast asd= oF scofind at. As often as not Ell, nearing | Ly. the 'Trainory' ranch. with the intention of | No. 48--Daity, Scotia Junction ts Torwenn | Paying a visit. would chance to oberve|iy) Barrie £13 pm. Arr Tee. 1135 RR. one of these rejected. lovelora swzint | paneting: ot a fe bove iheueh fe HAMILTON-MEAFORD LINE j himself was, that fact did not. however, (Daily. except Scaday H totally eclipse bis sense of humor. No @0--Meaford to Hamiton, $48 am! Si--From Hanis Wan | Barrie to Meafon?, MIS am. He wat only human. snd the aight of a| No. dicomftted rival beating 22 ignom'niows Tetrest--or ae be (Ellis! put it--"chacne | No. over the bakd-beaded." wae too| No. €3--Fme: Hamikan, 18) pz. | -- i ly funny 3 spectacle to prevent 3 Barne to Meaford, TIS pm. |p ARRett PA, UN, NOR amd FRA, seacices surly chuckle escanine And. nos. [Tevet ke Sema Daren gndue poning bit intended visit iva then. from PENETANG LINE statinen em motives of be wonkd ride on his (Dale, exeepe Sandee! way, in all probability, rejoicing. an te mee ae fRo be: contin' From Baris, 1013 sawn at RAS an, THE WESTERN CROP bars ae Tas Is is ectimated thst about 30.090 mer | Arr. Barrie from Prortame --. Qk will be required to work as farm Isborer | (rr, Allumdole from Protamg .. 2.60 'to smist im harvesting the crops is Mani toba, Saskatchewan 'The Camsdian Pacific bes arrsneed am? is scivertising seal scecial fare of $15.00 ee ee a er ee fi Toreato, August Sh. 11th 16:4 +. Barrie sssies BU 1s. '31-Sde | Arr. Alamdale from wae MUSIC LESSONS PIANO AND VOICE MISS NETTIE COLPITTS 'an(telting diploma) For further information apply to Peel 81, Phone 88g LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and admis » and Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc, Block, No. 8 Dunlop street, PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Yc, Offices: 707-8 Kent Buildin, Masonic Temple Building, Barrie Money to loan. CRESWICKE & BELL 4 BARRISTERS Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of Ontario, Proctor, Notaries, Con- jeyancers, etc. Mor Offices: in Ross Block, Barrie, '= W. A. J. Bell, K.C, MEDICAL Office nee and Elizabeth Streets, Methodiat Church. OR. E.G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill Universi Office and Rexdence, cores eae and Office hours 9 te 8 p.m. Phone 108 W. A. LEWIS, M.D., CM. F SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY ¢ especially q Phone 61. 56 Collier 8t.. Barrie. 4 OJ. SIMPSON, MB. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and residence, Coll : Cisrperton St, Barta Plo 2 ; OR, FRED A. ROSS f (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ress, Barrie) Sa Late Surgeon Specials q OR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W_ Toroato. will be at 8} = L Owen St. Barrie, every Saturday Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 9 Consultation hours 11 am to $ pm acd by appointment. Barrie Phose No. 3. 2 Toreato Phose North 326 | LAWSON. WELCH & CAMPBELL Nag 0 Sat ake eb a os A as sc ec an

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