_ ULF.O. STORE -NEWS to sell our surpli seer 30e "SUNFLOWER" SALMON, Talls.... This is & good quality pink salmon. "SUPERLATIVE" SALMON ........ 45¢ 1 lb, net flats (choice red Bockeye' Another Shipment of Brunswick Sardines, Special at » 8 for 25¢ Corn, Peas and Tomatoes... + 20¢ a tin We. have another shipment to hand < Choice Seeded Raisins at,....... 2Be Ib. FIGS--first quality cooking. 2c Ib, ENING, 3's at $1.00 EASIFIRST SHORT! Is ait Stee * * 10's at $3.20 WANTED EGGS at 52c. doz. Limited amount of Butter at 57c. United. Farmers Co-Operative Co., Lid. 139 Dunlop St. BARRIE,ONT. . Phone 185 EOI WOR WR IO OR IR IORI % * NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS * Sn ee eer ete Lt ee BIG BAY POINT LEFROY " he Big Bay Point} Aug. 2--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tebo have Baptat' Church" srgenieedtherwelves into returned frou their trip to the Pucide 8 Society last Sundsy mor- | Coast. aaa Ting, fue folowing ivore elected ea pfic.| Kenneth McLennan of 'Hamilton is vie aming year: Pres., Edmund|iting his parent," rice Vibe Sudtiorie Mayor: Secy..| Mise Chrisens, Kirkjitrick, graduate of Camilla Webb; Treas., Morley Mayor;|a Pittsburg hospital, and her sister, Miss Convenor of Committees -- Devotional, | Annie, nurse-in-training, spent several days Fred Binnie; Musical, Grant Mayor; Lit-|with their uncle, A. Kirkpatrick. erary and Social, Clarence Armstrong. First | Mise Marjorie Willson, Toronto, is en-| meeting on Aug. 13, joying two weeks' holidays here and ut| Next Sunday morning at 11 a.m., Mr. |Minesing. H. . Lloyd, Pastor of Baptist Church. |" Mrs. Gardhouse is up from the city. | Minesing, will preuch. Local singers will! sr, and Mrs. Robinson of Victoria Har- | provide special music, bor visited relatives bere. ----Miss Jessie Christian, of the Chicago| "Mrs, R. J. Stewart spent several days Opers Co., an understudy of Mme. Galli-| of jas week in Barrie. Garei, and' one of Europe's most noted op: |" yfr' and Mm. T White have gone to era singers, will appear on the Chautauqua | Lakefield where Mr. White has charge of] program at Barrie Town, Aug. 23-28. Do services at the Baptist Church. fot mise one of these eleven splendid ©m-|""4e and Me, dunes Little and family fertainmente, Secure your season ticket at| ,"ypvand Meu, Jame Little and fanily once. | week. = ------_------. Mise Della Wood hit gone to Dalston for SHANTY BAY two months, | Mr, and Mrs, George King ars down from the West on a vii Mr. and Mrs, C, Kirkparzick of Toronto spent the week-end bere. Miss Pay and Miss Mackay of Toronto are spending their summer vacation st Mrs Button's, "The Maples."" Mr. Bint and son are also spending their vacation with Mrs. \ day. \ ' \ | ) Mi i Hie pe Be! uf Mr, and Mrs, Marshall "Wilson of Aur- ora were at R. Rogerson's on Sunday. Miss Luoy Jack of Toronto was up for the holidsy. Lucas Noble, of the Bank of Nove Sco- staff, Barrie, has-been transferred to Mrs. Wm. Barry's brother, John Kelly, is very low at time of writing. Fred Beatty has purchased Thos, Jack's farm on the sixth concession, Rev. W. J. Watt of Allandale will oo- cupy the Presbyterian pulpit for the next 'two Sabbaths, Rev. Wallace Johnston be- ing away ov holidays, Stephen Marshall bas completed s cot- tage a Big Cedar Point for Stanley Mar-| shall of Toronto. --A limited number of season tickets for Chautauqua week, Aug. 23-28, are how on sale at A. F. A, Malcomsoi ice, Barrie, | or from any one of the 43 members con- stituting the guarantee committee to whom | Barrie and district are indebted for this | splendid week of high-class entertainment. 'There won't be enough tickets to go| around. ,Get yours at o1 STROUD | | Miss Ida Mathers of Toronto is visiting Mr, Fred Jobbitt, Miss Mary Pollock spent the week-end | in Cookstown with her mother, Mra, J. Pollock. Miss Ethel Beelby of Barrie spent the |week-end with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs, Warrington Hughes of Toronto were with his parents, Mr. and |Mra, J. Hughes,» over Sunday jandale "is visiting her who is able to be + Mrs. Hoover of, son, John Hoov around again. --Svy, I'm planning my holidays so 1 will be free to attend the big Chautauqua in Barrie Town, August 23.28. Are you! Miss Mildred Green of Toronto is spend: ing a few days with her uncle, A. W. Green, D. McConkey and daughter of Midland Wilson Forbes. Mr. and Mra. Harvey Hughes and fam ily spent the week-end with her mother in | Orillia. | Mrs, Wm, Young and Miss Mary Wilson have returned after visiting friends in Cookstown and Stayner. Button. Miss Irene Grose wax at Cookstown for Mm. Herrington end her three daughtery Jnpent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. THE SHORTAGE OF HOMES warrants you in purchasing now in preparation for next The fall rush for no doubt be as Sreat as the past spring rush. We advise you to purchase now . winter, homes will See us when you want to Buy or Sell Town Property. M. D. CUBITT-NICHOLS cmenampietneietnetnetentneeetee eter are holidaying st the home of her sista hata 8 succesafill garden party at home of Mr. and Mrs, John Pratt on Wed: |qua week at B: Mrs. Kell, Cherry Creek, (From another correspondent) e and Mrs, Dyer and Miss Ida Mathers of Toronto are renewing acquaintance here. Mrs, Hewlett and son and daughters have returned to their home in Toronto after 4 pleasant visit at Mrs. Wm. Nightingale's Miss Mary McCraw of Buffalo is holiday- ing with her grandmother, Mrs, McCraw. Mrs. Lawrence and little son of Orillia} fre spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Rolling. Mr. and Mrs, E, Beynon and daughters of New York are visiting at Wilson Black's, Miss Padden of Toronto is the guest of Mrs, Harry Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Prattyand Miss Alice Pratt of Toronto spent the holiday at Hen- ty Pratt's Mr. and Mrs. John Banting, Mr. Mrs, Harry Banting and Mrs. Hussey of Ivy visited Mr. and Mrs, 0. R. Black. A branch of the Stundard Bank bas been opened in Stroud. ~ CROWN HILL Aug, 2--James Rix went to the Royal Victoria Hospital lest week for an opera- tion on his leg. Latest reports are favor- able and it is hoped he may soon return home again, Miss Effic Church of Weyburn, Sask., hus been visiting her uncles, Fred and Will Partridge. Ed. Partridge and Mr. and Mrs. Camp bell of Tor nto were guests at "Beechwood Holme" lust week, Miss Anderson of Galt has been the guest, of Mrs, and Miss Rix for a couple of weeks, Misses Annie and Gertrude Bell of Ar. den, Man., were the guests of Mr. and Mm, R. F. Calrwell and other friends last week. Miss Elex, Partridge of Toronto was a holiday guest" at her home here. A meeting of the Women's Institute and Farmers' Club will be held ut the home of Mra. A. Jory on Tuesday. Aug. 10, at R p.m. A good program and a pleasant and profitable evening is expected, Every one weleame, Farm, and Shore Property. Get Our Catalogue |needay evening. Owing to the rain in the 'afternoon and evening the attendance was not as large ss expected, but the sum of| $130 was realized, so the ladies need not feel their work was in vain. --Are you a live wire. SEE OUR STOCK The Ladies' Aid of St, James' Church 7 1 i Lot Con. Ac, Arrears Costs Total j Lor Arrears Costs Total | Lot Total | Lot Arrears Costs Plan 545 63 442 3.50 7.92 | 1252 8.99 1.25 10.15 3.00} 247 2.37 < Plan 545 . i 2 Plan 544 3.00 | 248 2.37 7 P| 5. 2 | 2 7 Plan 545 . 74 215 3.17 1,25 4. 3.89 | 249 2.87 Treasurer's Sale of Lands; tis ss). 0 i ete IB t gay) 29 2.37 Plan 545. W hf 120 y : 4 2512.37 1 In Arrears for Taxes Plan 845. W hf 132 | 218 an si? 4 5 8.84! 252 2.37 . Plan 545, E hi 182 'lan 50 1.92 1.25 3.17| 253 2.37 1 COUNTY OF SIMCOE "| Plan 645°... 171 198 157° 125 66 3.601.250 4.94) 2540037 'The Annual Sele of Lands in Ar lads i for Taxes inthe' Plan 645, N hf 183 | ae te 1.25 2 70 8.15 1.25 4.40) 255 2.37 1.25 e Annu: le of Lands in Arrears for 1d 1.25 2 7 B.15 1.25 4.40) 256 2.87 1 County of Simeoe will be held in the COURT HOUSE, | VILLAGE OF PORT MeNICOLL oo iar sae) 2 BT's «MMi er 3 2 BARRIE, on ian | Lot Arrears: ts 1.57 1.25 2 73 3.15 1.26 4.40/ 204 1.60 1.25 Monday, November 1st, 1920 Lot 14.05 "1.25 157) 125 74 8.15 1.25 = 4.40/ 205 1601.28, ey ) 21 9.85 1.25 1.57 1.25 2. 75 8.15 1.25 4.40 5 x st 2 p.m. The Sule hus been advertised in the Ontario | 31 165318 ye oS 200 «6138 osso| aoe OS 7th, Saturdi i 1.25 Gazette, Soturday, July 31st, Saturday, Aug. 7th, Saturday, | 32 14.05 1.35 187 "1282 503, 123 628/208 te Tap Aug. 14th, Saturday, Aug. 21st. A copy of the list has| 35 8.60 1.25 1871252 355° 1.25 © 480/200 «178135 been posted up in the Court House and copies may be had | 57 4:60 1.25 167135. 3.55 125 © 4.80] 300 «178128 at the County Treasurer's Office in the Court House; 'Barrie. | 57 1808 1.38 ; 'a ¢ é 1b7 135 5.03 1.25 = 6.28) 301 3.00 1.25 The following dt ores ded plinetay 7 73 18.80 1.25 1870-12582 156 125 = 2.81/ 3028.00 1.25 NS SI 74 4.45 1.25 1.87 1.25 24 Plan 555 303 1,78 1.25 Yot Con, Ac. Arrears Costs Total! 75 445125 157 125 5.03 1.25 6.28) 304 284 1:25 Part us described in Reg. | 70 4451.25 Us7 125 5.03 125 © 6.28] 3051.7 x deed No, 8540, part ..28 3 4 $27.11 $3.04 $31.05) g9 16.06 1.25 187 1,25 2. 5.03 1,25 6.28) 306 ie 138 Park lot 9, plan 20, pt ., 6 14 11 6.00 3,50 9.50) gy 445° 1,25 1.57 1.25 2, 5.03.25 6.28; 310 3.00 1.25 TOWNSHIP OF ORILLIA | ssos| 5 135 171352. 5.08 1.25 © 6.28/ 812 1:78 125 Helen Island 4 -.230 «14 . E E ? e 1 1.25 2. 3.55 1.25 4.80) 358 7.65 1.25 Bouth 75 scr s gall 2 76 56.40 4.65 61.05) 98 4.45 1.15 1.57 1.25 2. 3.55 1.25 4.80) 403 2.40 1.25 ew Cor, a 'described in 99 445 1.25 1.57 1.25 2. 8.25 1,25 4.50) 404 2.40 1.25 Meg. deed No7612, pt 17 2 1 6.71 3.50 1021/1090 6.88 45 135 7 195 2 325 125 4.50 405-240 1.35 N. Homewood Plan 428 . 5 98 3.1 A b in. of 5 " J 1.21 2 2 1.25 4.50) 46) 5.03 1.25 N. Homewood Plan 428 .22 14.76 8,61 18.87 | 101 4.62 1.25 4.45 1.25 1.57 | 1.25 2 3.25 1.25 4.50; 471 4.10 1.25 Plan 583 6. 4... 0. 18 2.55 3.50 6.05 | 7% ft. of +1285 (1.25 17/125 2s 8251.25 450) 472 4.10 1,35 Plan 563 6... .. a1 8.70 3.60 12.20 | 102 4.62 1.25 12.85 1.25 157 1.25 2.82) 175 5.03 1,25 6.28) 473 4.10 1.25 Plan 563.2 0. 0... 2.69 15.66 3.64 19.80 Plan 531 445 (1.25 187 (1.25 2.82] 182 2.00 1.25 4.15 | 474 4.10 1.25 Plan 5 as 89 2.55 3.50 6.05) 28 22.82 1.25 445 1.25 1.57 1,25 2.82| 198 5.03 1,25 6.28| 475 6.03 1.25 Plan 672. 20 & 30 9.53 3.60 18.08 Plan 445 1.25 157 1.25 2.82], 268 = 5.03 1.25 = 6.28/ 476 «= 6.038 ---«1:28 Pan 885 0 nee 9.53 3.50 18.03) 67 11.75 1.25 445 1.25 157 1.25 2.82) 287 5,031.25 6.28] 478 = 8601.05 Village of Washago-- 229 28.48, 1,25 16.06 1,25 157 1.25 2.82 Plan 565 495 8.75 1.25 E. Muskoka Plan 174 ..36 17.08 3.67 20.75 | 306 18.87 1.25 445 1,25 187 1.25 2.82} 410 515 1.25 6.40 496 4.10 1,25 TOWNAHIP OF BUNIIDALE Plan 540 445 1.25 157° 125 2.82] 411 5.15125 6.40| 498 4081.95 5 350 460/64 1097 1.25 445 1.25 157 1.25 2.82] 448 = 4601.25 8.85) 499 «4.251105 piideabalatn tbe: hat © : 10.97. 1.25 4.45 167 1.25 2.82 449 = 4601.25 = 5.85| 504 8.82128 we te ele H : ; 14.56 1.25 4.45 "157 1.25 2.82] 5.16 2.02 1.25 3.27) 505 = 8.82.28 4 1020 135 17 1252.2) 5i7 202° 4125 3.27) 500 3.82 1.25 6. 7 4 e e 1.25 2.82 lan 569 507 5.86 1.25 : 1456 1 157 1.25 2.82/26 5401.25 6.05] 508586125 et eee reer it ie em ie ie tea Is ie x k ! . 2'8: ; 1.25 6.85) 5115.86 1.25 vee aT 68 8.50 418/192 0.97 1°25, W177 1.25 1.25 2.82] 29 5401.25 6.65 622 --B038--125 TOWNSHIP OF TAY 194 781 1.25 1.700 1,25 1.25 2.82) 30 5.40 1.25 6.65 | 599 156 1.25 W 1 ae, pk. lot 2, pt lit 1 1 3.65 3.50 7.151195 781 1.25 11,70 1.25 1.25 2.82) 56 = 8.69 1.25 4.94] 602 156 1.25 "Lot 45 pt pk lot 10, pt 1 18.75 3.50 12.25 Plan 544 19.78 1.25 1.25 2.82/ 57 3.69 1.25 = 4.94] 608 = -BB2 1.28 Plan.592 E 9th St... ..18 1 24 8.27 8.60 6.77! 119 9.02 1.25 19.78 1.25 125 2.82) 58 = 8.69 1.25 4.04/ 6548.68 1.05 b hf 9 8 33.01 4.09 38.00 i $32 is 19.78 135 42 282) 0 125 4.96] 704 5.85 1.25 in x 3 19. 4 25 © 2.82] 60 1.25 © 4.94] 705 5.85 1.25 Reg. deed No. 12523..4 11 @ 5.17 3.50 8.67/ 113 9.92 1.25 19,78 1,25 1.25 2.82] 90 Hl 1.25 6.28 |. 737 4.50 ie Plan 354 pt 7 ond 8, pt.. 6 11 % 5.02 8.50 8.52/192. 17.95 1.25 11.50 1:25 282) 07 3.11 1.25 4.88) 738841198 y Plan BA, bo ao Ms 6 1% 1.76 8.50 5.26 Hd 43 13s 11.9 13 2.82/ 98 3.11 1.25 4.36/ 730 341 1.25 Part as descr .. ¥ 16901 2.82/ 100 5.08 1.25 = 6.28| 845 2171.25 deed No. 7288, pt Whfl7 12 7 3.45 8.50 695/207 14.02 1:25 11.69 1.28 i 2.82) 106 2.70 1.25 3,05] 846 = 2.17.25 | TOWNSHIP OF TOSSORONTIO 255001547 1.25 11.69 1.25 ° 157 1.25 2.82) 107 7.651.258 8.00| 847 «8.00 1.28 Wht .. vor 2M PIO G68 4.06 00971388 12.31 135 oe 17 125 28 Hy 4101.35 5.85) 848 178 1.35 Al. x 10 |: . x 1252.82] 1 410 1.25 5,85/1027 5.85 1:25 Ally. 4.30 46.50 | 318 7.35 1:25 8.58 1.25 = 9.78/ 205 1.57 1.25 = 282] 185 = 2.70 «1:25 «= B.95|1028 ~=-- 85108 Eaherly" 3.50 8.58) 319 7.85 \1.25 580 1.25 7.05} 206 1.871.250 2.82] 187. 1:56 1.25) 2.81 /1105 248108 3 3200-735 125 5.80 1.25 7.05) 2071.87 1.25282} 200 «1.23125 48|ies «= 1.22128 in 4 15 1ga7 3.70 22.07 321 735125 580 1.25 7.05} 298157 125) 282] 210 1.281.258 = 34s|1107 1122128 North 4 80 20.78 4.00 4 Plan 549 580 1.25. 7.05] 209 1.57 . 1.25 © 2.82] 222 4110 1.25 58511488 3.00125 NE 4 50 1845 3.60 17.03| 7 4 1.25 8.10 1.25 " 10.85) 308 1.57 4.25 = 2.82/ 224 «= 4.901.258 .15/147 §=--« 2:60----«1'28 Au 5200 39.08 422 48.80/ 8 f 1:25 6.57 1.25 7.82] 306 1.57 1.25 2.82] 227 5.55 1.25 = 6.80| 1475 2:60. «1128 Ww fre oye 7100 28.69 8.06 32.05] 12 13.08 1.25 6.57 1.25 7.82) 305 1.57 1.25 «= 2.82] 228 «= 5.55 1.25 = 6.80]1751 «8.BB «125 : TOWNSHIP OF 'VESPRA 11216 1.25 45 1.95 10.70) 806 = 1.57 1.25 = 282| 229 5.55 1.25 = 6.80/1752 «8.83 «1'28 Lot 13, plan 21, BMH 6 ae 9.12 8.50 12.62| 18 442 1.25 45 1.25 10.70] 807 1.57 1.25 2/82] 282 «5.27125 8.82 Plan 570 Toy 18 ; BM. 275 850 625/88 16.02 1.25 18.100 1.95 14.85) 808 = 1.57 1.25 -2.82/-288 527 «1:25 652] 14.48 1.25 pete ii tele ie ig ih is agli) iy is GBB i iB ie; te ig 5 : 1 2.82 5 1.25 53 132 1.25 é Deis mal? ib ae ie ig 8B] 8 is imi fe ig fel 3 ie ie % x 24 1.25 1/10 91.80 6.55 97.85) 59 880 1.25 848 1.25 0 1.28 3m aa 385 1.25 © 4.60] 10 5.25 13 VILLAGE OF VICTORIA HARBOUR 8a 880 1.25 946 1.28 D 1.25 2.82) 2428.35 1.250 4.60 202 7.08125 2.21 3.50 8.71 87 445 1.25 9, 1.25 558 WS 8.35 1254.60] 280 18 1:25 4.42 3.50 7.92] 58 445 (125 . 125 81 1.25 4.80)-244- 2.37 1.25 3.62] 281 10 1.25 « '2.21 8.50 6.71! 50 445 (1,25 $90. 1.25 82 1.25 4.80) 245 2.87 125 8.62] 232 0° 1.25 2.21 3.50 5.71] 65 4451.26 890 1.25 6 125 4.48] 24600 -2:87 1.25 3.62| 288 ie 1.28 3.62 99 69 60 60 60 60 60 60 RRERaRSeRERsRkRRRRRRRRsRReesse 92 69 00m Comm co sot HHO LOS, MIO HO 99 0 009 2BRaR Seroonmen SISsRs WANT TO BUY OR SELL A ARM? Farming was never such a profitable business as now. We have the most desirable list of farms in Simcoe County to choose from. the best value in farm proper- ty, see us first. tho| hustle to secure If you want PHONE 31 BARRIE your ticket for Chautau- 8. jarrie, Aug. 23-2! ------____ CRAIGHURST Mr. and Mee, Bacal Robertson and Miss Robertson of Barrie were , the of If a0, you'll] Mrs. Binnie for "s a few days, ANOTHER CARLOAD OF ROOFING JUST ARRIVED We have a large assortment of Ready Roofings, Asphalt, Slate Surface, in roll and shingle, as well as several kinds of B. C. Shingles. GET OUR PRICES The Sarjeant Co., Limited Arrears Costs Total 510 1.25 6.38 5.03 1.25 6.28 5.00 125 © 6.25 5.00 1.25 6.25 5.00 125 6.25 3.55 1.25 4.80 3.55 1.25 4.80 7.08 125 8.31 217° 1253.42 217 125 3.42 217 125 34a 217° 125 3.42 7.038 1258.28 515 1.25 6.40 515 125 6.40 490 125 = 6.15 598 125 02s o 25 O15 5.44 1.25 x 677 1125 f 125 B11 1:25 B11 1.25 3.1L 1125 Bll 1:25 B11 1135 Bl 1.35 B11 1125 311 1.25 B11 125 3.11 1,25 7.08 1:25 584 1.25 3.33 1.35 3.25 1.25 3.25 1.35 3.25 1.35 7.08 5 4.79 1135 4.79 1125 4,79 1.25 4.79 135 5.15 1.25 5151.35 7.03 1135, 5.031125, 5.47 1,25 223° 1125 448 1125 4.96 1135 496 1135 7.08 1.35, 515 1:35 5151.35 515 125 5151.25 2.90 1.25 7.03 1.25 7.08 1.35 7.03 1195 7.03 135 2.17 1.25 217 125 i 515 1135 ' 1561250 ast 7.08 1.25, 3.28, 485° 125 = 5.90 40500125 5.90 5.03. 125 6.28 479° 195 4.08 544° 1256.69 4.70 125 6.06 5.00 125 4.95 5.00 125 6:25 5.00 185 4.25 558 195 88 $70 195, 6.04 oe Oe 4 604» Plan 680 5.03. 185 28 508 (1,95 28 156 195 82 QUINLAN, i 9 -wW. has tak Dominic formerl; Rall. To spe will be hence, 'quality