Drug SENS MWOOQ > ' BARRIE EXAMINER sible. Wells to. do, my g in / Mr. Ailen strongly seconded his wife in her assertions on thrift, 'There was no talk of an eight-hour day when I started my married life," he declared, "We work- ed from sun-up to sun-down with tea at four o'clock and supper at dusk, when we came in from the fields, The roxds to and from the towns were rough in those days end wagons and sleighs took the place of motor cars. We did not use electric light, because there wax none to use, und the candles which we had were made by our 'own hands from tallow." In concluding the interview, Mr. Allen told the that, he expected to live 15 years longe and complete a full entury. SUNDAYSCHOOL LESSON AUGUST 8:--THE KINGLY KINDNESS OF DAVID.--2 Sam. 8:15; 9:1-13, « (Read 2 Sam. 8:15; 9:1-18; Col. 3:12 17.) GOLDEN TEXT--'David executed judg; ment und justice unto all bix people. LORPRORELEREAAG APH RERERER TIME oun B.C. PLAGE--JERUSALEM. ¢E ge z ONT. Mephibosheth in Lo: mone IN WOMEN'S REALM A@R [in Pini" So a pleasure! Ceylon growths from British hill gardens --the supreme tea for British tastes. Order today. \ WM. BRAID &CO., Vancouver, a a David w at last on the throne "over all Israel,' type of when David's greater Son AELELFAGLELEL ACRE RE LERE RON tall 'come io. reign over reunited. Larsel, His government ix righteous and impar- CHURCHILL W. |. NOTES the Barric W. 1., will give any information | tial, be "executed judgment and justice} * just Wednesday of July the us Myuinst or assist in any way possible, eith- |'Gnto all his people." Now that he is we! -- On th ual meeting took place at the home of Mry. ¢F by telephone or otherwise curely settled on the throne, he begina to tay clement. Om accourt af the un. A Rest Room for the travelling public | think of bis dearest {nend of the days of rail weather the attendance war aml wf for weary mothers and children is an|bis trial--Jooatbun. The house of Saul year's programs were not arrang- featisl ima town like Barrie, and it is! as a whole bad been his bi:terest enemies d the efforts of the Women's Institutes | but he will show them kindnem for Jon mectemirb good success, { athan' . The sinner is » better en: lemy to God (Rom, 8:7; Jus. 4:41, but and th ug ed. The acxt meeting will be held in Se} rember at the home of Mre R. W SI Further notice will bs given st a later fahont the arrangements it SIMCOE PIONEERS CELEBRATE God loves the sinner und will search him DIAMOND WEDDING 'out and show him kindness for Jesus' REST ROOM Mr ond Mr. Henry Allen of 701 Shsw sake. The house of Ssul hed sunken from foreent for a Semet Toronto. on July 26 gelebrated its former greatness into such olseunty | Te eerton Ser diamond wedding, when about 75 that it took some time of searching to find ce ne OP relatives and friends were present. Mr. and one of the household. A former servant 3 Harvie so Mr Allen were married at Primrose, in of the huuse of Ssul was better known see ee eee Mis. Charis it County of Simcoe, 60 years ago, by than his children or grandchildren. The Sibiihe CEG, sore Mee. Charis Mr. Calhoun. Immediately after |kindnese that David dewired to show to oneymoon they spent nine years clear- 'some of the house of Saul wus the "kind-| 200-acre farm in the northern part! nes of God," unmerited kindness and inur townshi;, 'They then removed great kindness. As God hari shown kind: |TO KEEP UP MILK SUPPLY DURING SUMMER AND FALL syner. where for some pew to David. so David would show bind. sl ngsged in buying and |new to his enemies, Mephibosbeth & 8) Gnee inore we nie iin CUTICURA HEALS RS About 25 years agoe with fitting typeof the winner; he wae "lame pone yf the ror wh seen uti ibe | he moved to Toronto, where he on bis feet" and so is the ainuer, unable |e ty the greatest. yiedd from his cown eben engaged in the brokerage to walk upnehtly im the paths of rigbt-| sid bis pastures, aud if the season in eel ss Mr. Allen was born on Nov. 7, coupes. constantly stumbling and folliog;| the land will te fairly "flowing with unilk | near Newton Hamilton, County of and be lived in Lodebar twhieh means. | yig howy."' Unfortunately, however, the | Qrmagh. Ireland. snd is therefore in hie |"'po pastures, and the sinner is without ee : sean ie pot alwayn just ae might a it pasture. starving. God bas made the bul oiyh: te Invariubly in one ection or! man soul on w) large a plan that nothing yujther there i a drmgbt with its eon ean satisfy 1 but God Himeelf, We mey jeuuent shortage, of pasture and deceenee ago. who wos few yeare flatter ounelver that if we have much "OV PT) hum er bus 4. Sarah J. Gra | goods laid up for many year. our sul ft » unpertant at this tine that some Jean "take their rae eat, drink and b- form of auiplementary feed be supplied, merry) (Lu 12 We, out the human soul fur if the milk flow i ener allowed ws de S- {that drinks of spy other well than that (chor it an almost imponnble ty get it up iret AGMA 1, previow high mark again, A Little ke of the extra feed a thu time will produce more pever thet inlle than will three times the ammount fed after thy dechne bee taken place. Muny p experience att for the shortage Aa b may On Body and Face. Redand Itchy, Cried For Hours. Lasteda Year. "A rash mared a1] over my line girl's body. and she had some on her 40 pasture. but RVs more wae net only in Ladebar tut hore of MACHIE- Sf aol and the unsaved moner sepsis (Rom 714) No soner od bear of Mephiboebeth in ste condition than be sent for of wrommary Where wut flee in the eer when be draws ough ves tevesiod over f infinte love. a Dine smd the trembling enner (en 4110, 13, 43 sorely show thee Kxndnem for Jonuthen's y fecbere rake God pvee we men foe patting fear from us be FORMER BARRIEITE DIES 1m MUSKOKA only begoren Bon [1618. 18; 2 Cor. prommed w reeore ali the Inn Brectndge Herelé--Avout 7 o clock os No eurhly king's table wns ever aos works be wie unstle to fully sores? a the table of the gre funeral wok place Weduehdey Kong to which He invitee every einuer to W the Methudie: cemetery Ent wi lnspriy wrtendes Toomzeon Weve be wile aud even Tie cougiters ure Mer How ar Gamour of Greve lved. Your ce aupamen ene is solv "always be kept beautiful and fresh by washing with Lux. e g i i; t v Pea ak & g i £44 i Ty rE i 4 t ayn att ne itsk Irs i Ae eat : 4 i i ls : fi i i g ig it | i The Finest Corn Flakes ever made--that is our unchanging standard. Our "waxtite"pack- age holds the oven-fresh good- ness of Kellogg's for you--- Basin Toasted Corn Krusobles-- ae is cur'new mocerieed wichens tA INTO sad always wrapped "Westi Everywhere Lou Fleming, of Tottenbam, broke bul 1918, 770 soldiem have ten plaend im arin while ersnking hun car. | pontionn Adjala Council rueeting hax been post) Hugh McDermott, aged 71, an old aud poned ww August 9. owing to the celebra\renpected renideut of Beton' viernity Soe 'wn falling on the regular meeting date. \teny year, Lakeview Cattoge, Atherlry, a summer on July 28. resort. which wan dertroyed by fire, i Weduralay to Bt, John's Church eemevery, being rebuilt on © more elaborate weale, to Tecumseth. the Key. AP. Kenny sceommods te 5 gueste ductiog the obmeds Jobo Donnelly, farmer, commatted -- Berton World "For hutoneal purame mie in a swamp omar Alliaton on duly it we dewized, if posible, ts obtamn the on 4. hus inind having become deranged agin of the name Mulmur Varinua euegem ough ill bewlt] nd worry one bave been offered, but none of them The Ontann ermment Eiiployment appeur to be well eupported Perhaps' some Bureau in Onillia will close the end af July. of our rewern of many year' stunting Bince the Bureau war opened in March. could throw sone light un the questi HIS handsome nickel pl i paper fixture will lend 2 tone @istinction to your bathroom. It i neat and orderly and keeps the free froméust. Besides the advantages: beauty and sesitation, it is economical, The ONLIWON is moderately --Ask your dealer to show you one. Eddy: "altwo?t The E. B. EDDY CO., Limited, Hall, Can. 'Makers of the famous Edy Matches. a