--IN-- "LITTLE COMRADE" A Paramount Picture * Also Smiling Bill Parsons in "Bill Settles Down". First show 7.30, second 9 Admission 16 cts. Monday and Tuesday August 9 and 10 ENID BENNETT --IN-- "WHEN DO ~ { OPERA HOUSE Friday and Saturday August 6.and 7 VIVIAN MARTIN LARRY SEMON ne: "THE HEAD WAITER" One of the best comedies 4 Semon has ever made. 1 Come early and avoid the : crush. First show. 7.30, Second show 9 p.m. Admission 16 cts. COMING Fri.-Sat., Aug. 13-14 JOHN BARRYMORE --IN-- I. a3 THE CHERUB OF CLEANLINESS ia always present wherever one of our Sanitary Buthtubs is installed. No bath- rooms cun be unything but spotless and | inviting where our tub, toilet, wesh-basin and other sanitary fixtures are in daily use. Hot water always available and plenty of it for all needs. See these fine fixtures here. : MOFFATT & PARR Sole Agents for "Hecla" Furnaces Plumbers, Phone 531, Barrie aa qroennnnnserreesennneeeeeeennoeen: BUY YOUR SUNDAY JOINT AT WISEMAN & MCBRIDE'S Every piece of meat we sell is tempting, and at the price splendid econ- omy. Let us have your Saturday meat ofder. All odd- cuts sold at snap prices on Saturday even- ing. Closed every . Wednesday afternoon Wiseman & McBride Next Huxtable"s Garage The People's Popular Meat Market PHONE 106. Have you read the. Classified Adlets? {eer visited with Mr, 'here 'recently. (Saturday, August 21st, 1020, PEC LL Lo % A : i ae RING TOWNSHIPS * Pree errr ett LE SHANTY BAY Aug, 3.--Raspberry picking is the order of the day here. R. Lytton is busy getting his engine \ xed up to be re sdy for threshing, Miss Hazel Murphy spent the week-end with friends in Bare. Mrs, Thos. Pearce of Barrie is the guest of Mrs. James Pierce, 8r. Miss Mary Cochrane of Toronto spent the week-end at her home here. Cecil Cameron of Orangeville ia the guest of bis grandmother, Mrs. A. Coch- rane. E 'Mr, and Mrs, Sam Frankeom and Bert Frankeom of Toronto spent the civic hol day with Mrs, J. Frankeom. Mrs, Charles Coutts and daughter of Toronto are the guesta of Mrs. A. Finlay. Mr, T. A. Drury of Barrie~and Miss Hattie Bolton of St. Marys spent a few days last week the gueste, of Mr. and Mra. W. W. Boyce. Mias Murgsret Fieldhouse of Toronto spent the holiday at her bome here, F. J. Zishr. one of the operators at the CP'R. station, Midhurst, spent the week- end ip Toronto. E Mra, S. Weaymouth of Barrie spent one day Inst week with Mrs. F. Wallwin. 'Mm, E. Meredith of Weyburn. Suak., and Mrs, N. Dunn of Ogema. Sssk., are the guests of their parenta, Mr, and Mrs. 'Thos, Spence" ~ Mr. and Mra, Joseph Cook have returned home after spending a month visitin 'friends in Beetan and other places. WE EAT" i The funniest picture in j) months. | Never play poker with a {| cashier, it isn't his money. This picture will tickle | you silly. » | --ALSO-- Mr, and Mru, F. Butler of Toronto spent the week-end at H. Tracy's. CLOWES George Hickling had charge of the pray- er meeting in Clowes Church leat Friday j evening. Miss Elsie Ambler of Barrie spent tho week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Jno, Emm Mr, and Mrs. Walter Wilson and Mrs. Peters and her son were Toronto visitors bere for. the week-end. Mr. ond Mrs. Anderson and two daugh- ters of Hamilton sre holidaying with Mr. land Mrs. Joseph Bonney. Mrs. Blough of Hamilton and Glen Sles- and Mrs. Jas. Gray. Mr, and Mrs. John Syme were visitors 'A large party of farmers from here went by motor to Sparrow Lake last week for 2 day's outing and returned with a goo supply of huckleberries, which are a very wundant crop this yi Executor's Sale of Valuable | Store Property in the Town of Barrie. There will be offered for sale by public auction by W. A. McConkey. suctioneer, it the Barrie Inn, Barrie, Ontario, on at 11.30 a, m., the following properties RCEL T--All avd singular that cer: tain parcel or tract of Innd and premises situate Barrie, in vinee of Ontario, being composed of parte Of Glebe Lote numbére one hundred and thitty-two and one hundred and thirty: three on the north side of Marks Street, | according t6 a plan of record in the Re, istry. Office for said County us Number Two and more particularly described as followa: Commencing at a point in the north limit of said lot being the south limit 'of Dunlop Street in said Town distant one hundred and eighteen feet eight inches from the northeast anrle of said lot number one ||hundred and thirty-three measured west along said north limit, said point being the northeast ungle of a parcel of land heretofore conveyed by one Henry Bird ! to one Thos, E. Rawson by an instrument of record as number 54489°for said County ; thence esst and along said north limit sev- entcen feet eleven inchea to the northenst angle of the building erected on the parcel terler description: thence south and at Fight angles to aaid north limit and along the east face of the cast wall of asid build- ing thirty-nine feet eight inches to the aoutheast snele of said building; thence west and parallel to said north limit seven feet three inches along the south face of the south wall of said building; thence south and right angles to anid north limit four inches to the south limit of parcel of land heretofore conveyed by said Thos, E, Rawson to said Henry Bird by said instrument; thence west and slong last mentioned south limit eleven feet more or leas to the southwest angle of last men- tioned parcel; thence north and slong the west limit thereof and the east limit of the parcel first mentioned above a conveyed by said instrument number 54480 forty feet to the place of beginning. All that part of the parcel ander description with- in the limits of said lot nun@er one hun- dred-and thirty-three being northesrt- erly' part of the parcel of land heretofore conveyer by an instrument of record in Registry Office as number 53246 for d County RESERVING the right to the said grantor, his heirs and assigns to use 'ss a party wall the asid east wall and the east seven feet three inches of the said south wall measured west from the east face of the said east wall, the esid prop- erty being occupied by F. A. Lett & Co. PARCEL Il--Those parts of Glebe Lote numbers one hundred and: thirty.twn and 'one hundred and thirty-three on the north side of Marks Street in said Town of Bi tie, according to Plan Number Two, con- fo Henry Bird to A. D. G. registered instrument number 7670 for Barrie SAVE AND EXCEPT the = r. 'On said Parcel One is erected # three. storey brick store in the most central and best business district in Barrie. On said Parcel in erected s three- storey building with cellar, heated by hot water, electric lighted. with three bed- Yooms and kitchen and plumbing over ground floor now used as Tobacco Store frd Billiard Parlor, s splendid business 'These properties will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. For further terms ond particulars apply to Stewart & Stewart, Executor's Solicitors, Barrie, Ont. John E. Hanmer, Executor, Barrie, Ont. 81-388 Dated July 22nd, . 1020. * 'the death of Mrs, George Moore on Thurs- PIE E THORNTON Aug. 3.--Mrs. R. C. Cunningham has returned from the R. V, Hospital much improved in beal'h. 'Those from here who attended the sports in Cookstown on Monday report a good time. Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Shsw and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Henry motored to Wasaga) Beach on Sunday last. Rev. G. N. Grey of Toronto spent a. couple of days with his many Thornton friends this week. Herb. Thompson pending the past two weeks at his home in Sunderland. Miss Lottie Bone has gone to Torontu| Mr. and Mrs, Gregory and son Allan are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Lennox. Thornton friends are pleased to see Mr. and Mra, George McMenemy of Hamilton, who are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Herman Thompeon. Burrows Btewart ia holidaying st Algon- quin Park. | HD. M. McGregor of Wheatley, late man- | ager of the Union Bank bere, paid our vil lage & brief visit recently. "Mis Ella Sproule has gone to Parry Sound for couple of weeks. , Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mr. John Cromley. Rev. John Wright of Des Moines, Iowa, | | prother of Mrs. Matt. Sharpe, delivered an | excellent sermon in the Methodist Chureb on Sunday evening. Hilliard Stewart bas returned to Toronto after spending the past two weeks with bis | mother. nd Mrs, F. T. Verrall and son of Toronio and Dr. and Mra, Smith of New York. spent part of last week with Mr. |and Mrs, G. B. Henry. | Mr. J, A, Corbett spent last week with | her sister, Mra Currie, of Elmvale. | Migw Yvonne Hamilton is home again after s pleasant vacation at Oakview, Wa- saga Besc'. | Are you a live wire, If so, you'll hustit to secure your ticket for Chautau- | qua week at Barrie, Aug. 23-28. | | Ie ia with profound regret I announce | day, July 29. Six weeks ago Mrs. Moore | srrived in Thornton to spend the summer sith ber mother and sister, Mrs. June Gil-| pin and Mrs. R. D. Henry. Three weeks af- fer her arrival she war taken ill, Although her illness was not. regarded as serious in the beginning an elarming heart condition developed which resulted in sudden snd | unexpected death. Mrs. Moore was well and favorably known in this community. | She was the second daughter of the late | Robert Gilpin and wax born on the old homestead in Essa, receiving part_of her 'education at Cherry Hill school, Twenty- | five years ago s 1 Geo, E. Moore of Marinette, Low: 1 moving to Van couver, B.C., where Mr, Moore carried on | fan extensive lumber business. Mrs. Moore de many wari friends in this commun ity. a great number being old echool-mates, | O- Three hours befure her death, her husband and youngest son, Charles, arrived. Be-! jsidee her husband and three done, who have fost 8 faithful wife and devoted. mother. jshe leaves to mourn, her 'mother. three 'aisters wid one brother, Service was held | {Sr her mother's residence on Friday even: | ling, conducted by Rev. Mr, Adams. Her | Tremains left on Saturday morning en route to Vancouver, B.C., where interment will 'take place. "The pall-bearers here were | former school-mates, Jonas Shaw. Wm. Me- | Donald, D, H. Corbett. J. A. Lennox, J. iA. Patterson and G. B, Henry. Sincere <ympathy is extended to all who mourn. DALSTON Miss Isabel Walker of Barrie is visiting Mise M. Irwin. Mrs, A, Wood and Mrv, W. Wateon left for the West this week. Mr. and Mrs, J. Spence spent Sunday |ot Port Sydney. | [get yteretith and Me. N. Dunn of Saskatchewan spent Sunday with Mrs. A. Wood. His friends are glad to see N. Neve) home from the hospital Miss Harel Key jedonte. Dr. C. H. Baldwin, V.8., of Beaverton, called on friends here this week, The meeting of the Women's Institute will be held.at the home of Mrs, D. Me- Lean on Thursday, Aug. 12, st 2 4 Mrs, Baldwin will give an address on 'Liv. ing up to our Motto." Current events will be given by Mrs. Bell, and there will also be music. --A limited number of season tickets for Chautauqua week. Aug. 23-28, are now on sale at A, F. A, Malcomson's office, Barrie, or from any one of the 43 members con- | stituting the guarantee committee to whom Barrie and district are indebted for this isiting friends in splendid -week of high-class entertsinment. 'There won't be enough tickets to go around. Get yours at once. * GLASSES are either s source of great comfort or discomfort, MUCH depends on the examination to determine the kind of glasses needed-- MUCH depends on how the glasses are made and fitted. , We examine eyes, make and fit glasses in 1s thoroughly scientific manner. Satisfaction guaranteed -O, R. RUSK Optometristand Optician Phone 143 99 Darilop St., Barrie Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College, Toronto. * has returned after {orial service at Sixth Line Church on Sun- and Guelph on s week's vacation. lean work," recalling many interesting im CHURCHILL Aug, 2--Minses Ida and Arlie Canning of Crag: eam a pod ogy their = . Thomas Bradio it the week-end with rite, and Mrs. PE Hodgson. Findlay Thompeon of Beaverton visited Walter Allan over Sunday. James Little and family of Teeswater spent part of Inst week here among old sequaintances, aad d ; irs. George King laughters Marion and Lucy, of Melville, ak were recent visitors at the home of Audus King. For many years Mrs. King was a resident here. Quite « number of our baseball fans at- tended the tournament at Cookstown last Monday. £ Wheat barvest is sbout over in this lo- cality, ani prospects point to an extra A large congregation attended the mem- day last, Rev. W. J. Watt of Allandale presched © very inspiring sermon from the text, "For the night cometh, when no man cidents in the lives of our forefathem. A union choir, under the direction of W. 8. Reive, led the singing and rendered special anthems. There seemed to be no lack of nthusiasm in this upjque service, and it is to be hoped it may year to yeu. A large number of our young people tended the masquerade at Tent ry ant tim who still feel young, evening there to enjoy tl (From another correspondent) Mr. Berkinshaw of Toronto spent the holiday. with his family here. Me, and Mrs, H. Willson, Mise Brown and Eldon Paschel were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Bi H. Sloan. Mise McCallum, Mias Manson, Mr. Jen: kins and Mr. Rollins of Torento spent Sun- day with Dr, McCallum Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs, 8. Watt and Will Sloan attended the funeral of the late Mr, Wright st Mark- ham on Tuesday. 'A car driven by some Americans ran into Norman Willson's fence and tore up about forty rods. . Quite » number from this vicinity at- tended St, John's garden party at Cooke- town on Friday evening. Mr, end Mra, Albrecht of New Hamburg spent the holiday with the Mises Canning. Minsea Ruby and Arle Canning of Tor ronto spent the week-end with their mo- ther, Mrs. Smith Canning. ANGUS 'Aug. 4---Henry Brown and son Row of | Toronto spent a few days at H. L. Tar: Bush's. Mr, and Mra, W. Dean and family spent Sunday with Shelburne friends. Mr, and Mrs. John TurBush and baby of Toronto are visiting Mrs, Jno. Brown. Miss Priscilla Wilson is visiting friends in Belle Ewart, Mixa Della Doan went back to Toronto fon Monday after spending a week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Maw and Mr Young of Edenvale visited Mra. Carson last week, Mise Pearl Smith of Muskoks is visiting her cousin, Miss Beatrice Smith. Mr. ond Mrs, David McMackon and daughter Grace went to Highgate on Sat- urday. Miss Ida Kirby of Thornhill ix visiting her parenta, Mr. und Mrx, Chas, Kirby. Cracken passed away in the General Hospi Toronto, on Monday, Aug. 2, The funeral is being held today from his late residence to the Angus Union Cemetery. (Too late for last week.) July 28--Mrs, John Brown of Fernie, B.C., is visiting ber mother, Mrs. Me- and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. D, Ferguson and Jean, of London, are visiting st Thos. Bell's. Mr, -And Mrs, H. L, TarBush, Jr., of Torosto, are visiting the former's parents. Mg. 'ampbell and daughter of the West are visiting at the Manse. Mise Eliza McKeever of Toronto is visit- ing her sister, Mra, Thos, Duckworth. Mr. and Mrs, Johnston, of, Chicago, spent few days with the latter's mother, Mra. 8. Duckworth. John Scott of Toronto spent the week- end-with his sister, Florence. Richard McMackon of Toronto Sunday at his home here. Frank TarBush of Toronto is visiting his parents, Frank Brennan of Schreiber is visiting his_mother. Miss Della Dean of Toronto is visiting at her home here. Mrs, Leonard Lee and Jim are visiting in Muskoka. Mra. Hibbert of Toronto is visiting at Mrs, Walkinshaw's, Dr. Everard West was in Toronto for a few days this week. Rev, and Mrs. Alex. Shepherd will leave on Friday for a short holiday in Toronto and Port Dover. In Toronto Mr. Shep- herd will preach on the first and second Sundays of August in Dale Presbyterian Church of which his cousin, Rev, A. Shep- herd, is the minister. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Coulton left for their home in Capreol ov Monday after spending 'a week or two with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Coulson. --Who said Chautauqua? Why, Barrie --a whole week's entertainment, 23-28, BSeoure your tickets at once. HOLLY 'Aug. 2.--Rev. A. W. Lougheed of Man- itoba is visiting H. Lougheed. 'Mr. and Mrs, H. 8. Cowell and family of Toronto are spending the week with Mrs, J. Hawthorne. Mr end Mrs, A. Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. T. Cory motored from Toronto to spend the week-end with Mrs, J, Haw- thorne. ' James Brown and Miss Clara spent Sun- day in Wyevale. Poy og ve, Se bape return- jome after ling pleasant time with his sister, Mes. Wm. Bloxham. Mim Reita Campbell spent the week-end with friends here. Mr. Orok of the Gospel Band preached spent Avg, 3.--Mr. and Mr Ferguson of Tor ont wave returned home after 'siti Ce ae ee Dr. and Mrs, Atkinoa of Toronto have |resident of this neighborhood returned home after visiting the latter's |i pornond ee ee one ag lieing ter's| sixty years and wan highly esteemed. She _ A. E. TRAVERS-BAILY EXPERT WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER Late Principal Ontario Horological School 101 Dunlop St., (opposite the Barrie Inn) Watch Crystals fitted ... 20¢ each Genuine Elgin and Waltham Mainsprings . $1.00 each Watches Demagnetized .. see $1.00 All work guaranteed for one year. No repairs kept over a week. Delivered the same day if desired. 'A number of "made-over' standard watches on hand at reasonable prices, A TRIAL SOLICITED <--e CUNDLES day afternoon, The service ndunted by Rev. Geo. Knighton. Tho. pall boaters were James od Joseph Cockburn, Robert 'm. Jamieson, Jas, Lauder Allan McLean. Mrs. Brown was = is survived by t in British ieBichrn and son of Toronto| Columbia, and Tha tho pois continued from |eglled on friends here recently. Saturday-evening and report a very ploas- Many of our older people, t00, nd an oeearione! to Toronto this afternoon. x listen 10 the music, The community in fav- Mies, Walter Milligen and daughter of jored in having such « well-conducted place 'of recreation, and Mr. Jacks in to be con- Mr, and lara. Vooper and family of Tor- onto have returned bome after spending pleasant time for two weeks ot their summer residence here. Mr. and Mra, -Walluce Brown motored at- on Mr. House of Rochester has speot two weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. r. Mn. Wm. and Mis Camon are home again after being in Toronto for a week. 'Mm. Botham, who bas been ill, is re- covering nicely, T regret to report the death of Alonzo ©. Knapp of Barrie. He was » resident here for some time and much sympath; homesetsd; also two daughters, Mrs. Jas, Cameron of Toronto, and Mrs, Wm. Gray Mrs, Brown was in ber G3nd year Say, I'm planning my boli will be free to attend te big Chamtasgua in Barrie Town, August 23-28. Are you? BARRIE MARKETS THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES is extended to the family. 7 Fall wheat, which is an exceedingly good crop, is nearly all safe in the barn. Veg- tables look fine. '& great crop. Aug. 1.--Visitors spent the week-end with friends here were Mrs, Blough of Hamilton, Mr. and Mra, Walter Lauder, Mr. and Mra. Harry Cur- rie, and Mr. Glen Blewer and John Byme of Barrie. The funeral of the late Mra. Geo. Brown, whose death occurred at the home of ber daughter, Mrs. Gray, Barrie, took place | Kips ft the Congregational Church last Wednes- hh August | a very excellent seria in the absence of Rev, A. E. Owen. Potatoes promise to be F New Potatoes, per bag New Potatoes, per peck EDGAR from a distance who 'and Mrs, Cussidy of Toronto, THE SWEET SHOP OF QUALITY IF YOU CARE for a better quality of Chocolates, I can satisfy you. They are packed in beautiful boxes or in bulk, varied assortments of Chocolate- Covered Fruits, Nuts and Cream Centres of many flavors, giving you instantaneous, complete realiz- ation of every sweet wish. Week-End Specials for Friday and Saturday PINEAPPLE FRUIT Pineapple in Cream with a Delicious Chocolate Coating COWAN'S LUNCH BARS DAINTY BARS OF SOLID MILK CHOCOLATE A.E. Taylor Confectioner to Those Who Discriminate