Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1920, p. 3

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Of all the new fuel bei pure Anthracite Coal S $12.06 per ton. All Fuel, and no clinker. No Odor. Phone 88 or 94 BOULETS competition with Anthracite coal, we think we have secured the best in the Boulet which is made from AND BURNS LIKE ANTHRACITE COAL This is the Dutch process of Briquetting. Good results are reported from those that have used them. The price on this first car just arrived Suitable for either Range, Furnace or Fireplace. Give it a trial and be convinced. The Sarjeant Co., Limited ing put wn the market in TOWN PROPERTIES FOR "SALE BY M. D. CUBITT-NICHOLS Houses fer Sdle Around Barrie and Allandale ne house on John Street. ns. Prive . $1700 { house on Bradford St Hardwood floors all through, 3 bedrowms. bath room, sewing room, stn room, parlour, diming recom, kitchen. pantry and tall, Good cellar, All convente Good room in altic. 'Large verandah Prive . as $4500 Frame house am Essa. 'Three bedrooms, line root chen and pantry, 1 ae land with strawberries other fruits. Price Brick house an Maple Avenue Price . . ~ $1900 Brick house on Cowan rooms, Sumuet woodshed, water light in house black currants ¢ bushes, garage, chicken pen Price... 2.0.5 aaa Rough-cast bense on Alfred St, six rooms, good cellar, wood- shed, stable and hen house. Price ......... 2205 -. $1000 Fine brick hense on Louisa St., frontage £52 fl., shade tree first floor drawing room, din- ing room, hreakfast room, kit- en and large square hall. Fire place in dining 'room and drawing room, all finished in black ash bedrooms, -elothes closet, 3- piece bathroom, bot -air fur- nace, fine view of the lake, A furnace, cular anil fruit cellar Price Fine Brick House on Street. Price 2.2.0... $5200 Brick cement beuse on 'Park St. Price ... $3000! Brick residence om Maple Avenue, 'Price . : Brick house on Poel $ Rougneast house ea Sophia St. Prive $1800 Half double brick house on Louisa St Price .....+ $2400 Frame house on Centre St. Price Rougheast house on Gamberland St. Price 1800 Cement house Price .....---2eseeeee $26 Fine brick house on Penetang St. 6 roughcast houses on. Pene- tang Sl. 4 roughcast houses on Muleaster St. Large stable and sheds. Price for all .... $1 y sehodl. 40. sereyy 'wa, Long hows, small stable. Price $1000 | ¢ Second floor, four! {-jburn, hen house, $8500! Worsley | FARMS FOR SALE 'BY M. D. CUBITT-NICROULS THE REAL ESTATE MAN PERRY --185 acres in the township of erry. Parry Sound district, lote 1 und 10. five minutes' walk frou Stition. School on property. ree under cultivation, 50 neres im bush, soil yord loam, good spring creek 'running dneugh farm and good trout stream on farm. Frame house on stone foundation. Barn 22x40 feet. Drive shed, Gond wire fence around property. Price... $4000 106 ocres in the township of Perry, lot 24, con, 12. three and a half miles from Favsdale station. 4 miles irom Kewrney, (miles from school, 40 acres under cul tivation, 60 acres in bush, heuvy loam; this farm ik on the bank of "the Mugnet! uwan Ruyer. Price . 31500 The wbove 285 acres. including 2 owe yemr-old heifer; {registered Durham eam of muures, one 3 3 BH and o her T yeurs old; qnne machine, wagon. Avighs, cutter, buggy, ete. ll for $5000 INWISFIL- 50 se,. tor #, con, 12, Innis: fil, bank barn 36x60, slo, drive shed, soll Hay and clay loam. 7 rvom 'frame house (fst an AL cellar one mile from Barrie, great view of the luke, Price $4000 8. K. hulf lot 12. con. 6. Innisfil. five ies fron Lefroy stution, 14 miles from 10 seres under cultiva Im_5. con, 8. Innisfil. 100 acres 2 miles from Thornton. 2 miles from shool. Bank rm, good well at barn. 10 neres in bush Yond vut-buildings. Cement "brick house, {nine rooms, furnace, 1% nerea orchard, Good well at house. Price 100 acres in Innisfil, 3 miles from Le. frby, school_on property, 97 meres under cultivation, 2 neres bush. 20 eres in xwert clover, acres orchard, "Land. level. soil heavy clay loam. Spring creek run ning through farm. Large brick house Jovith good cellar, Bank barn 85x35, hay }fork and track. silo, hen house, drive shed. 50 acres in Innisfil. one mile from Bar- Irie, bert of clay loam. Good 'frame house, 3 acres in sweet clover {and 18 weres wheat, Price $11,500 4 nerex of lund in Tnnisfil, ew frame Jhouse, mew burn and drive shed inn nice grove, 'Price . 33.500 100 serex in Sunnidale, two miles from New Lowell. three-quarters mile from school, 16 ucres 'bush, 10 acren pasture, emall oreburd, "Soil, clay loam. Small jxalvanized brick house, bank bury 40x60, Veond well, 18x24. 12 acres in rye, if ~!fall plowing done. Price ...... 35,000 P| .ORO--Lot 28. con. 2. Oro. 108 acres, 85 acres under cultivation, 10 acres bush. Al 'loam soil. 'Brick 'house with 3 good rooms and summer kitchen. Barn 60x40, frame house, Stable 50x36, cow stable for 20 'heud of ewtile. drive shed, hen house, bay fork and track. Price..!......$6000 VESPRA--W. 44 lot 12 and N.W. quar- |ter lot 13, con. %, Vespra, 150 acres, 6% | miles 20 'Barrie, 2% miles to Midhurst C. |P.R. station, 1% miles to school, 75 seres under exltivation, 8 acres in orchard, Soil clay losm and light loam, an Al spring. 8-room frame "home and' good basement that coudd 'use for a dairy. 'Silo 10x20, bank bare 55x75, chicken house, a small frame house with 4 roomse S cows, horses, 6 pigs, 60 thens all of imple- ments for the farm, Price ........ $8500 200 acres in Vespra, half mile from sta- tion. two miles from school, 100 acres un- 5 jder eultivation, 20 screa in bush, 50 acres in pasture, 100 acres clay and 190 acres ~|sandy loam, ground level, creck runs through property. Five frame houses, Hip roof bank barn 45x60. Hay fork and "$5500 track, driving shed and small barn. About For catalogue of houses, apply to M.D.CUBITT NICHOLS SUMMER HOMES FOR SALE Fine summer cottage at Jack- son's Point, eight rooms, well furnished, hard and soft water, near the Metropolitan station. Price . Beautiful summer home at Hawkestone, large house, hard- wood floors, bathroom, store room, good attic, smoking room, parlour, six bedrooms, balcony, dining room and kitchen, hot and cold water, Wide verandah. Good stable and hen house. Large grounds beautifully situated on Lake Simcoe, An ideal summer home. Price ....... 500, Apply to M. D. CUBITT- ICHOLS -- Don't forget to read the advts, ---live news from live merchants. 50 'tons hay taken off every year. Good wheat farm. Price 2.000.000 $10,000 55 acres in Vespra, one and one-quer- ter miles fram Minesing, best clay land. Barn, cement table under one mow, 66x 34, Emsy payments. Price .... $4,000 Small farm in Vespra, aot far from Bar- Hie, PHC Seecsens. neresnne' -$900 185 seres in Veepra, Price ....$3000 For' catalogues of farms, spply to M.D.CUBITT-NICHOLS FOR SALE Brick House, all convenienc- es, 4 bedrooms, central. Brick House, Allandale. A bargain. Easy terms. Apply to W. O. PARTRIDGE Land Agent Phones 861 and 864 17-49¢ |On0' "$8000 |x poxt office. store and blackamith shop. Price soe ees $44,000) W. BE. 07 THE BARRIE "THE ORO BULLS" OF DAYS OF 1866] Some Interesting Reminis- cences by: W. O. Black of Vancouver. Some time ogo we received from Fred W. Grant of Victoris, u clipping from the Vancouver World, giving some reminis- cences of military 'affairs in the early days of Simeoe County by W. O. Black... Ac- companying the clipping was a letter from Black to Mr. Grant. These are here reproduced and will no doubt prove of in- terest to the older readers of The Exam- iner. Mr, Black's Letter 'The following is Mr. Black's letter to! Mr. Grant :-- T am not really of Barrie but 1 was well acquainted wih many of the Barrie boys in the summers of long ago, for 1 was bora m Oro Tp. 70 yeurs ago und Barrie was our market town, when Mra, Oxen- ham kept the murket tea room, the Bing hams and Mawndrells ran the butcher shops and Joseph Rogers, Mic Shanucy, George Plaxtem. Pete Campbell and Don: | ald Campbell of the Bunk of Toronto were in their prime and our Oro com: pany met them for battalion drill from '68 }to '70, when I had the pleasure of meet- {img auch rare characters sw Phil Holt, Pete | Soules, Charley Smith (Ben Smith's oldest brother, who died 30 years ago) and many other warlike men, ineluding John McWuit of the Barrie Hotel, John Livingstone of the market, Wm, MeLean, druggist, Tom Simpson, in fact in those days T knew ev: erybody. but while cast this summer [| found 'there were very few of the old boys lett. I will always have a claim on Barrie for I wox murried in the Mansion | House by the late Mungo Fraser in 1876 to Mix Boynton of Hillsdale and thank God wr are both in good health. end if T have ocewsion to visit Vietoria in the near future 1 will certainly call on you. We may bave met in the old country, being the anime bear weems familiar und 1) miay meet other old friends. One died not | Jong sen that T missed calling on, Mr. Neil | Cambell, a brother of my old sebool| mate. Donald. 'The Oro Bulls' of 1866 Vaneouver World.""At the time of the (Fenian 'Ruud, in "66. there were only a few companies of volunteers inthe of Bnneoe,"' suid Mr. W. 0. Black. Simeve war one of the largest counties in Ontario. The only cailrosd tracking the | courty was the ole Northern, leaving Tor- | onto nnd pasting wishin two miles of Bar| "Ace No, 2" re, the county town, and on to Colling-/\{ CARHARTT seond. Barrie hail one volunteer compaes.| 2) OVER ATTS "South Simeoe was prominent YT asked. | "Yos." suid Mr. Bluck, 'South Sim-|@ and GLOVES feor wus nearer to Toronto and fairly well organize, South Simcoe men got within a few oulex of Ridgeway before the Fen HOR as nothing backwurd about the complete orgunization of a complete battalion in ol Simeoe when the news reached them thst volunteety were want were all bone, defence of Canada," suid the mother. rol these boys for the ur township wax in it. T suppore 1" | I fecht-- aii ye can take old. Angua. feyther with 'em. Only let the three of 'em get where the whisky is an" they'll make a regular rendevour of themselves." "Tavie answered the sergeant that Ton: al if they had a kit to fit him, would come back with the Victoria Cross. and Tonal said he was sure Tavie would be made a colonel." riainly looked enough to fright: eninns,"" 1 said i : anid Mr. Black. "About 25 years the Inte Maier | steerwarda I staged the brothers in a great 'Brien, M.P., was our captain. We wer lows vhrouehout ue country a] Kayahumiiay Pecan whee they won 'O'Brien's Oxen," some culled ux 'the Oro] MEH Monee Bulls." The name seemed fit enough. for | yp, Chm Believe i I will venture to guess that the average | 01") i lotogruphe- weight of the men in the company was bars about 180 Ibs, and the average height ies was 5 ft. ten or eleven. for there were | i! many men of 6 feet and over, We were graded from the ends--and though rot a| small nian, T was pretty neos the centre "Can, you reeall any other well known names?" "The late Sir 8. B. Steele 'the famous Sam Stecle), our own late Policemun Jobn jcEwan and his three brothers, the strong THE SAGUENAY DISTRICT men_of Winnipeg." In the Canadian National Railways "Some of your family were in the ranks Magazine for March, Mr. H. K. Wick- with you, T gues? dap qar| Steed. chief locating engineer, has a very "Yes, jintleed. My brother "Dud'"| interesting article on the industrial devel- Binck, one of the best known old timers| opment of the Saguenay district und ite who arrived in British Columbia 45 years! pulp and paper industry in particular, aco, was there. The men I have mention-)" -p,. Saeuenay."" be stater, ed are just a xample of the make-up of the | osayon cutting. 1 aed champion company of the 35th Battalion |e and having the 'rest. expanse of Simeoe Foresters. The fight was all over! Take gt, John available nx n storage basin before they could get us transported to the | sod regulator 'This river was recognised front--that was what His Royal Highness |from the earliest times ax being, next to the Prince of Wales, would eall our toush | the Ottawa, the greatest waterway of the oe wet ie fotos: of war--auch | out, Jacques Cartier made bis firet land- email wer as-was then in our mind." ing at its mouth and founded the little "Never mind--the will was there." church at Tarlousac. which still stands. "Yes! and the name thing occurred again |The Jesuits soon built a mission there, in 1870, We had kept up our training. | About the same time the fur traders found T remember the Sunday, the memorable! their way up the Saguenay, and at the Sunday of which Mr, Wilton spoke. My | close of the 17th century the Hudson Bay brother, J, N. Black, and myself were re |Co. had several posts along its bank, turning from church when we met W. E.| "As early ax 1760 the pioneer spirits of O'Brien, our major at the time. His| Quebec established little settlementa on horse was covered with foum, for he had} Lake St. John. Following the settlers ridden scross the township sounding ®|came the railw: three lines were built esll---"'to arms!" | Of course we boys} through the district. Yet, despite the in- struck the war path and by two o'clock | dustry of the people, the wealth of their on Monday morning every 'fit' man stood | forests and the fertility of the soil, they in his place in our drill shetl. By the fol- | prospered comperatively little because of lowing day we marched to Huwkestone to| their isolation. take the boat to Belle Ewart. That boat| "Then came the pulpwood cra and the never came, eo we returned to our armory |establishment of great mills at Ouiatchou- and were disbanded. an, Chicoutimi and Jonquicre. With the ""A few years ago," continued Mr. Black. | war came the increased demand and fol- "'we applied to the Federal department of | lowing the demand the higher prices; the Militia for $100 grant for the men of|country Began to boom. Farms rose in "66 and '70, and then we found out that | value from $20 an acre to $200, villages we had mobilized 'on our own,' as we were | like Chicoutimi became important towns; told--and without the advice of the Mil-| concrete buildings, churches, banks and itia Department, "Like Mother Hubbard's] hotels were built. 'The earnings of the dog, we 'got none' of that hundred dol-| Quebec and Lake St. John Railway, one Jars. Seis 4f the Cansdian National Railways' com- "You had some satisfaction and some| ponent factors, have been trebled, and 60 ence," I remarked. rapidly is the population and wealth in- "Yes," said the veteran, 'and that was| creasing that, in another year or two, this worth more than s hundred dollars. In|line must be improved or supplemented. those days there was a spirit of loyalty---| The expansion of the pulp industry means there was no religious animosity, A cer-| the development of waterpower, and in this tain percentage of our men were Roman| respect Chicoutimi district is gifted beyond Catholice but they were true to the Brit-| probably any other equal area so far op- ish flag and had no sympathy with Fen-|ened up. The Saguenay River drops 300 innism, h were, of course, most |feet in a few miles from Lake St. John anxious to 'fecht.' In Oro our tallest man|and numerous streams and rivers tumble was McIntosh. In the neighboring town-|head over heels from great heights into ship of Noftawasaga, on that ged nigh the Inke and river chasm. in 1870, . McTavish landed her "With millions of horsepower available, * replied Mr. Black, "Our ip. Oro, was situated between Bar rie ond Orillia, 9 farming communicy with |e was a small place, the people scattered [here and there, yet in three or four days x company of the full strength of sixty five wae formed; they were all farmers" sons."" "Some of these men have since become well known." T remarked, "Yea." said Mr. Black, "1 said as I looked at which ure here repro- W. 0. Black, who gave me the interes:ing particulars, is one of the beat known citizens of Vancouver. He sociution, & member of the St. Andrew's and Caledonian Society. He had three sone in the great war, one fell in action nt Vimy Ridge, F. P, sons, 'Tonal' and 'Tavie' at headquarters, other manufactures ehould develop in the| One was 6 ft, 8%, the other 6 ft. 8, and 'district, Bir Lomer'Gouin, Premier of "All| wood industry in Quebec, emphasized the have to do is to tell 'em the Feniana| need for manufacturing the raw material comin' ta drink ull the whisky and| in Canada, instead of exporting it to the im president of the Central Ratepayers' As} Raynsters The knowing buyer will ap- preciate the clever' styling, coupled with absolute depend- ability in Dominion Raynsters These coats are absolutely waterproof. Prices ranging from $12.00 to $27.50 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS IN THE POPULAR DESIGNS Men's Spring Suits in up-to- the-minute styles, long waist- line suits, showing the slender lines so popular this season, as well as the more quiet styles for the move conservative dressers. $25.00 to $50.00 Whatever you need in Sox, Gloves, Belts, Collars, Ties, or any line of furnishings, we _ A. STEPHENS 2 FURNISHER Agency for neither of them weighed 150 Ibs.---they | Quebec, in his recent utterances on the] some 60,000 thrifty and industrious Can- ioyportunce and magnitude of the pulp-l'adiuns, and traversed for its entire length by a modern railway, Beyond the settle- ment, hundreds of miles of forest wilders © ness and, in all probability, considerable "Consider the combination: a eaport| mineral wealth and a very bealthy, even, ne ood ws, way, Quebec, and nearer to|if somwehat rigorous, climate.' Taken wlh the Atlantic, an enormous aggregation of|in all, there are few more promising lo- waterpower within fifty miles, 1000 square |calities in the world than the neighbor. miles of the best agricultural Innd, much |hood of Chicoutimi for industri! develop of it alreudy under cultivation, peopled by : United States. For rosy cheeks, happy smiles, white teeth, good appetites and digestions. {ts benefits are as GREAT as its cost Is SMALL! (t satisfies the desire for sweets, and Is beneficial, too. Kept Right Sealed Tight ao 7

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