Thursday, April 15, 1920 Buggy Rubber. Tires oo {PUT ON PROMPTLY AND 'GUARANTEED _ Neate Cournot INTERESTING FACTS: | Easter W. U R R Y. © ae IIE, Git tard. Steward: of iors Concerning, the ' 'onto 'apent a week. recently -with' the for-| Mi 4 +54 36 BAYFIELD ST., BARRIE ge Me ne ues ts ==": Gold and Silver TELEPHONE. : |at Cherry Hill after sp-niiag the boliday Prodi ee ee ee ad Mrs. Jas, R. Jamieton and Mrs. Simp:| Northern QOntario's Miss M. E, Henry 'ss returned to her son ure visi'ing Elmvale friends for a few g Mines THORNTON - + Apr, 18--Mrs, M. E; Dutcher and"Mr, and Mrs. Jas. A. Patterson are visiting |for two weeks with friends in Detroit and Ee al Corbett of Thirnbury "and 'Miss H, By Watson of Creemore spent r 'An Mlustrated Booklet' | O9OOOOO OOOO days, Mre. (Rev.) R. J. D. Simpeon end Miss Sent FREE on request Write fer your copy to-day | Tillie Boake of Toronto are visiting their r 4 Homer L. Gibson & 60, | mother, Mrs. Jas. Boake, who is ill a: time 203-4-5 Bank of Hamilton Blig. | of writing. Bert Cunningham, M.P.P., of the Soo, TORONTO {und Nelson Brimstin of Toronto spent a | few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. / Cunningham. + Master Earle Grose and FE. C, Ayerst spent a few days recently with the Intter's mother, Mrs, Jane Ayerat. . Herb. J, Thompeon and' Dalton Rant- ing have 'purchssed new Chevrolet cars. 'The Epworth League concert was a. de- |eided success. Mrs, (Rev.) Kitching and daughter Se $000000eooeeooees roas0 flavors like the pyramids of Egypt? Because they are long-lasting. And WRIGLEY'S Is a beneficial as well as long-lasting treat, Ruth, spent « few days in Toronto, the | guests of her mother. Mr. Bowling. Gordon Henry motored to Toronte and will visit for a few days wich friends there. en The Wome Institute will meat at the! home~of Mrs. Alton Jobnaton on Wed.) Ar. 21 30 p.m. Everyone welcome. | t Miss Winnifred Sharpe is visiting with ou e Toronty friends for s few days. i --_---- !~ up "tired as a dog' KNOCK | and sleep is full of Mrs. Thos, Hamilton and children of ugly dreams you need | Barrie spent the week-end with relatives Mre. Wo H, Murtin #pen " . with friends in Toronto, Mrs, Martin re- amining till Thursday in the city, ¢ swe WM, S,H a . rund Mre. Shuver and daughter left STUART «The Money Corral we ag ft a ha PI LLS {t helps appetite and digestion, bd take up Linas' in Torento. = Opera House ffs, Wleon Reynotie i vsting tends keeps teeth clean and breath ] . Fatigue is the result sweet, allays thirst. \ Friday and Saturday, April 16 and 17 | Knock echo 4 'i of poisons Produced a $ hoing cloxed nearly three weeks exercise or failure WM. S. HART IN "THE MONEY CORRAL" | {72% tst.'3". indiges toos prope: SEES SE OFTER SRY ee teaching for a few wee ly, and eliminate it promptly with the aid Upper Canada Bible Society iney: The churches of Barrie have-been sttend: of liver and kidneys. Ho many phases a, ) | heen found impracticable to hold 1 the usual time. 11 has now been ds 7 eecra, Monday and Tuesday o have Rev. A. F. McKenzie. ' eueat $ Denovan and Rev. I ese J several of the lea exon Sunday, Wael, & CS Come and see Bill Hart shoot the date out of a dime; is able to resume ber dut that's how well he shoots. \ SUNSHINE COMEDY : First show 7.30, second 9 p.m. Admission 16 cts. yy Sealed Tight-- . Kept Right 'LL 999990 O00000000000000060000000000006 Coeoeoorecoocooooooeoes: 2. nnd y even snnal meeting of the shove Society LILA LEE IN "RUSTLING A BRIDE" oe ras AND HARRY SEMON COMEDY an neenes = a Mon Before using u uew umbrella inject a spread bike .He other oils and spat we Worth a Guinea » Buu ' i sated mall quantity of vaseline isto the hing | covering, nnd ix a sure preventive against Minard's Lin a \ rorion of the frame. Vaseline will not | rust. --_ j Trinity A. Y. P, A. A debute sand social evening was h Troity Church Parish Hall on Wednesday. Barrie brunch of the A. Y. P.A.| their gueaie the members of the | anch, The sibject of the dle. | "Tix better to have loved and thun never te have loved st all" AE! | ter a spirited debate the judges decided in | favor of the aifirmative. A splendid. mus: ical programme was Aftermath Through no fault of their own,,six million people, 800,000 of whom are children, are " starving to death in Eastern and Central _ Europe. Canadians, red-blooded, charitable, humanitarian Canadians of every religion and creed, are asked to join in saving thesé human lives and in remedying the horrible conditions that now exist. Creswicke. Refreshments wete served uf tenwards | Orillia Hospital By-law Beaten A By-law voted on in Osglis on Monday a free e d ten w carried by a vote Limited. 608 to 61 = Another by-law to guarah'ee $60,000 bonds for the purpose of assisting in' the erection of a Soldiers' Memorial Hospital wis defeated. the vote being 378 fur and 220 ugninst, afid 363 favorable v f ing necessary to carry the by-low | The Glansconts Co. will put up x | { on the old smel'er site. bring clay | near Washugo st the north end wi the lake. | i 43 and manufacture sewer tile, It is expected the plant will be in operation by August Here is a. Situation where Race, Creed, Nationality ---- Nothing Counts Except Humanity Hunger knows no armistice. > Will_you, for_humanity's sake, help to send relief? e es HERE ARE TI!E FAC1S: Newspaper reports, confirmed by the stories of eye- poe wil save one child's life for a whole year. witnesses who have returned to Canada, have brought 25 will feea one litde girl for a month. into belng a Dominton-wide ization which has set Scents will buy a boy more food than he kas had at any one time during five years. one aes dollars as Canada = share in a great relief one ips eo rem save 4 boy or girl from the terrible typhus epidemic which is raging campaign. Fs ee an ; Poland is crowded with, children of eight or ten Id, no lay i : Your own individual help is needed to-day as | months, who cannot walk because of lacie of food. yearns Re sreer fia, EAfantaik few it nevergwas needed before. eee pre Joao of Sioeseads i Ra cies . Poland. Palestine, Czecho-Slovakia, Lithuania, Rep: ative ianieind Wooton ie thie coimmuntey will umania, Siberia ani ie Orient left helpiess and homeless by the war. Thousands of them, on pros you tw ssibactintiee: Larter pani dh be poable See foo fhe already Syercsowres érphanages, beg on the streets by day and sleep on bagi gentdiaband doary aa that four home ts | fe srest iy ai bt this, but for the Grace of God, might have. been the plight of your safe--that you and yours live in a land of plenty. ~ Canadian Jewish War Relief wrrmseon April 19th, 20th, 21st. 22nd. Jd. SCOTT. When frying mush it improves the eriap- nes if the mush is dipped in white of an 'erg. before tryin} DOMINION' COMMITTEE. SIR. MORTIMER 8. DAVIS, MONTREAL, Chairman HONORARY COMMITTEE Bir Wm, Mulock, KG» MhG., Chatman, ' =| LYON COHEN, MONTREAI Sir Edmund Walker, 6.V.0. LL.D, Treasurer. Las sae Moko Jan, F. Sweeney.Col. Nee! Marshall rarer . "ARAL, Hon. Drury a Hs i, 'rr. se ara Lio FRANKaI i ft wa Pe K. J. Dunstan Hie Worship Mayer Church denn i 2 NTO, Chairman Hon, Justice We. idaell t."Sacepe, Rabble Chairman sus Gommalteene Toi MILES M, GOLOBERO, d 'Campaign: Manager **Hamanity Knows No Creed"