~ aor ae Page Twelve CREDIT SALES OF F ADMINISTRATRIX' SALE "CREDIT SALE _ 4. THE BARRIE.EXAMINER - ' EDENVALE. The Late C. W. Sage There of Farm Stock & Implements) of Farm Stock & Implements| the meetings 'and went to the 'Bare The undersigned has received instructions | 7, seid Ra Ytnstructona| ued tsWag Rinse! Be from the Adnrinistratrix of the ESTATE OF THE LATE ERNEST S. DESJARDINE AND MARCIAL DESJARDINE Lot 17, Con. 4, Sunnidale To sell by Public Auction on Wednesday, March 10 the following HORSES--Draft mare, pure bred; bay horse, draft; brown hone, draft; black team, draft; team draft colts, rising 4 yru.; heavy colt, rising 5 yrs. CATTLE--Number of good cows with calves at feet; a large number of young cattle, steers and heifers of ages varying from' three months to three years old; number of good cows, in calf; pure bred Shorthorn bull, reg. POULTRY--A aumber of fowl. IMPLEMENTS--Munure spreader, Corn King, new; wagon and box, new; wagon gear, nearly new; buggy, with top; stock rack, buggy, without top; land roller, two sets sloop sleighs, nearly new; set 'light sleigh with box; potato digger, large size, new; potato assorter, new; hay rake, po- tato cutter, new; seed drill, two 2-furrow Cockshutt plows; two single plows, mow- er, single plow, nearly new; stiff-tooth cul- N, Hf. from WM. BROOKS Friday, March 12th the following: Lot 15, Con. 14, Innisfil he succumbed. He had six ounces of fluid on Town Line half mile west of Allandale to well by Public Auction on yrs, old. black cow. milking; In public al He was a m HORSES -- Brown horse, 8 yre. old,| Kirkpatrick. after which he moved to the bla¢k horse, 10 yrs. old; bay mare, 13| farm on con, 2 Flos, where he died. . he took a keen interest, CATTLE--Holstein cow, fresh; Hereford "FO. shi fe cow, milking; Durham cow, due date of Nonh Simcoe, ie waa tien tsa sale; Holstein cow, due in April; Durham | character and happy disposition and a uni- gow, due in Aug.; Holstein cow, due in| formly pleasant smile, winning for himeclf Aug.; Durham cow, due Mar. Ist; Hol-|« host of friends, tein cow, due May 1; Durham cow, fresh ;| oss a loving wife and six children all am cow, due/under ten years of age, and three sisters, an of good leaves to mourn his July 1; Durham cow, fresh. Mrs. H. J. Finch of Toronto, Mrs. N. IMPLEMENTS--Binder, 7 ft. cut, Frost | Mills of London and Mrs. W. J Robert. Frost & Wood; corn cultivator, Internat. Massey-Harrin; single plow, set iron har-| we & Wood; mower, 6 ft. cut, Massey-Harris; | son of Californi hay, tedder, 8 fork; sulky rake, 10 ft.,| predeceased him about a year. Interment was made in the Minesing ional; seed-drill; cultivator, root pulper, | cemetery on Monday, Feb. 23. A short ser. , cutting-box, turnip drill, disc harrows, wag-| vice in the house was conducted by Rev, on. buggy, democrat, cutter, gang plow,|J. A. Leece. Those who bore the pall Newman Giffen, rows, wheelbarrow, hay rack, set sleighs, | Albert Maw. S. Anderson, Charles Gregg separator, De Laval; set double harness, | and J. Strath re Bert Richardson, His father, Willard Sage, tivator, grain binder, Massey-Harris; bind-|set single harness, 50 hens, a quantity of = er, Deering; corn binder, two sets iron |hey; quantity of mixed grain; quantity LEFROY harrows, dise harrow, fanning-mill, half in-| of household furniture; organ. in good or = terest in turnip drill,. grindstone, straw | der, Mrs. Neil Hamilton (nee Florence Me- cutter, grain grinder, 8-inch plate; cycle grinder, emery; one 3-horse tread power, good; wagon scale, power hore or sheep chipper, De Laval cream sepurator, large size; quantity of lumber; three sets heavy double harnoss, set single harness, cutter, pole ssw frame and saw, new; power wash- ing mochine, new; eight tons of good hay; quantity good oats. quantity wood; also | robes, blankets, forks, chains, shovels, doubletrees and many other articles, TERMS--All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. Sule to commence at 1 p.m sharp, Rose M. Desjardine, Administratrix P. A. COUGHLIN, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Andrew Johnston & Sons have instruct: ed the undersigned auctioneers to sell by public auction, on Wednesday, March 10th, at 12.30 o'clock, a number of REGISTER- ED SHORTHORN CATTLE and farm stock and implements, The sale will take place on lot 14, con, 10, Sunnidale, }% mile from Sunnidale Cors. south. 9-10. FINLAY & FINLAY Provincial Auctioneers, Real Estate Brokers COLLINGWOOD Phone 261 Box 235 FARM FOR SALE South Half Lot 22, Con. 7, Innisfil Wishing to pay a visit to the Old Homeland before launching out into another line of business locally, 1 am offering for sale one of the best 100-acre wheat farms in the County of Simeoe. The land is deep, rich, clay loam, sheltered on the north by a natural wind- break. There are no stone piles, stumps, sand or gravel, and the level fields are splendid- ly adapted for tractor ma- chinery. Besiries being underdrain- ed, there are two streams running the whole length of the farm, taking off the sur- face water early in the 4 County of Simcoe to guarantee debentures has \sold hix farm. TERMS OF SALE -- Hay. grain and| all sums of $10.00 and under cash; over en to parties furnishing approved joint notes. cash, W. A. McCONKEY, Sale at 1 p.m. BY-LAW NO. 1343 tion of the County of Simeoe on the 3lat| pa day of January, 1920, authorizing the County of Simcoe to guarantee debentures | 1, to be issued by the Corporation of the Town of Midland, to the amount of $30,: |11" 000 under By-Law No. 1019 of the said:| suid Town of Midland, And that the anid By. tion of the County of Simcoe was registered in the Registry Office of the County of Sim coe on the 18th day of February, 1920, thereafter. Dated 18th day of February, 1920, Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe tion of the County of Simcoe on the 3lst day of January, 1920, to be issued by the Corporation of the Town vf Midland, to the amount of p. for the purpose of granting-a loan of is lighter. R. J. FLETCHER, home, int, Mrs. Robert Stewart. Mrs, Johnston and Miss Glad; cs rived home to-day. Bete! gor apni allowed) oft for PU gett creme eis spent at the home! of Ohas. McCullough when a number gf the friends and neighbours gathered togeth- ee __Auctlonees | i bid thet farewell an the ee of tee | departure to Barrie. F of the evening was the presentation of Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe | lading larrn to Mis, a Mine MeCullough | ' ae and to Annie o signet ring. After the pres. Notice is hereby given that a Py-Luw entation a dainty lunch wus served and the | was passed by the Council of the Corpora-| rest of the evening wan spent in music and The following is the addres: . MeCullough and fam- pleasure this even- ing to remind you on behalf of your friends fact that od. For Comporation of Town of Midland, for the | ny vgges it hos beer' our privilege to extension of the waterworks agstem in the [jum 200" household ie. genial frieeiahie Some of us have grown up with you from aw of the Corpora: | childhood. When we sought pleasure your presence added pleasure and when we were in sorrow your sympathy made the trouble Remembering all these years with herewith mes at_we are not forgetful of. t] ju are leaving our neighbor! Asy motion to quash or set aside the | their Pleasant associations, we same or any part thereof must be made| present to you and Mrs. McCullough thie within three months from the first publi-| reading lamp and to Miss Annie this ring, cation of {his notice and cannot be made| ax s token of the esteem in which you are held. We will ulways remember you and hope that you will be very happy in your new Signed on behalf of the neighbors Mar. 4.--Miss M. E. Henry has left for Notice is hereby given that By-Law Bradford. where she hus sccepted a posi- was passed by the Council of the Corpora- | tion as teacher in the High School, Mr. Dickie and sister of Stayner are vis- authorizing the |iting for a couple of weeks with their friends, Mr. and Mra, Jas. Anderson, There is a slight improvement in Mrs. Her many friends $15,000.00, under By-Law No, 1021 of the hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Scott's ssid Corporation of the Town of Midland, | niece. Mi W. Scott's condition. in attendance. Positixely no reserve ax the proprietor |Cullough) and her husband, of Kincaid, Sask, spent Tuesday at the home of her 'Miss Edith McCullough left for the city that! amount 10 months' credit will be giv- | this morning. ye Reid ar- A pleasing fea*ure e 8.10¢ Clerk of County of Simeoe.!and friends, D. J. Irving. W. B. Jacks. R. J. Stewart RE BY-LAW NO. 1344 SS : THORNTON Shortreed, nurse, of Toronto, tion $15,000.00 to the Copeland Shoepack Com- + pany| Limited, for the erection of » new titute concert on Friday, Mar. 5, at 8 p.m. factofy in the Town of Midland, And that the said By-Law of the Corpora. | the Methodist Church on Wed. evening to| '7 the County of Simcoe-was registered | farewell Mr. and Mrs, Wm. J. C. Bonke und Don't forget to attend the Women's Ins- A guthering was beld in the basement of coe gn the 18th day of February, 1920. same or any part thereof must be made eationmof this notice and cannot be made in the Registry Office of the County of Sim- | children. Mr. Booke bas been a very en- thusiastie worker in the church and Sunday i " School here all his life and Mrs. Boake sey, mation 0 dua ot fat aside che Bahia Bere, a Hie eo Mie. Boao tlie thi j. | "long with choir work and any other kind withip three. monthe from the first publi | one with, could help with, Mr. and Mm.|B. of LE. Spring, and giving a good | thereafter. supply of water in pasture right through the season. Orchard and three wells. Two good barns on sub- stantial stone fouridations, litter carrier, hay tracks, ropes and slings complete. of the Corporation of the Dated 18th day of February, 1920, RE BY-LAW NO. 1345 County of Simcoe eek Henry and W. Notice 'is hereby given that a By-Law jing "'Blest be the tie that binds. Bouke and girls leave a host of friends who will miss them in the church and in their home here. During the evening a choice 'ean Clerk of CU MTCHER, «| rrogram was given consisting of solos by 1 "| Miss Spencer and R. D, Henry, also ad- | dresses by Rev. G. R. Kitching, Mra. W. A, Jamieson, A. W. Morris, J. W. Henry, ake. After sin one Their Two imp'erftont sheds and $}was fased by the Council of the Corpora-|msny friends wish Mr. Boake and family et uitdinge. . ' te ¢ oe Sout of Blisone oh the tisk Srey: eonceat ad prosperity in their new 'y frame jouse in ay january, ), authorisi ne in Tottenham, first-class condition, good $j County of Simeoe to guarantee debentures | 'The Epworth League will give a concert neighbors, rural mail, tele. $};0 be issued by the: Corporation of the|here on Mar. 22. phone, school and. church Town | of Midland, to the amount of $30,-| Milton Gillespie has returned to his dut- half milé, * $000, under By-Law No. 1020 of the aaid|ies ns teacher in Gilford after spending a Lefroy" 410% , tion of Midland, for the few days with E. E, Patton, tan roy al levator about os a 75 Sy $30,000 to oon ioe sore, sega Pid is Irew's i construct: cel - | mother, . J, 0" re for a few This farm is. pleasantly ${ditiong and making certain alterations, {days recent situated one mile from Lake Simcoe and right in line for tion of the proposed Innisfil Town- $| in ship Lake Shore Park. Safe bathing, boating and good fishing. Short, pleasant walk to Tent City where the family can get recreation and en- Joyment during the summer months. Four seasons with sweet clover'and wheat should pay for this property. will finence, bal- wi ent ance easy, TH 8. H. WHITING, Lefroy $/ Ors 5-5 --- "Canis Bay EE i : 82 Can go very far in Business without special training. 5 THE TRAINED PERSON is always in demand. A Few short months of SPECIALIZED TRAINING at the|!# BARRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE The best equipped school in ION OF RESPONSIBILITY Enter any lime, H.A, Henry there: 8.100 ay Beet Beet Calf -Ontario, will prepare you fora |Home Bape the County of Simo: the Registry Office of t! tion | Dat R. J. Clerk of County of at that the asid By-Law of the Corpora- was registered unty af Sim- coe on the 18th day of February, {320. Any, motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made| 26, ithin| three months from the first publi- of this notice and cannot be made| ture.' Sale ter, 18th day of February, 1920. MARKETS IRSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES $1, -83. pam. \P. A. Coughlin, auctioneer. 85-376] + MoConkey, Auctioneer. "CREDIT SALES Fri, Mar, 5.--T. D. 80 t half 24, con: 18, Inst, postedast fre Fee Pure bred Durham cattle, {arm stock, implements and household' furni- at lpm, W. A, McConkey, auctioneer, Wed, Mar. 10--Estate of E. 8. and Marcil Desjardine, lot 17, con. 14,. Stnnidale, farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 Tues, Mar, 16-4. Alerander, at, con. . farm stock iplements. ite} "Salo se pam. Ps A, Coughlin, sections: $8.19 |Tuoe., Mar. 16:--Frank ios. bt Wet 10, con. 8, DGG fered and implementa, "Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. half 48 the thirst was so great, tenip- .|the hospital on Tuesday morning id when Mra. Geo. Watson, Caroline ijfew days afterwards, She was later. S.U.E. meet Friday in the Orange Hall. W. Catlin, of Toronto. been home over the week-end. | Pte. D. | from England and is visiting with Mrs. Lainson, Wood St. B. Stone returned home week from Bartonville where he jhas heen spending the winter. | 'The infant child of Mr. and the age of four month Barrie Presbytery wiil Mareh meeting in th hold its Allandale! "resbyterian chureh next Tues- day at 10 a.m. Robt. Reed, the milkman, has heen confined to the house for some days trouble Mr. and Mrs. J. Bennion have! arrived in Allandale from Eng- }land, coming over on the 88. | Canada. They will take up their residence here owing to sal the Pres- re suests Epworth enjoyable League, when time was spent. Mrs. A. Pudgham and daugh- ter, Lizzie, arrived .back from England and are staying here wilh friends. They came over} . Grampian, All members of the GLA. to are requested to be | present al the next meeting to he| | held on Wednesday, Mareh 10.) [Important business to be trans- acted, W. J. Clarke, who left for To-; 'ronto on Monday, evening, took |with him a handsome club bag and a pipe as tokens of remem- hrance from e number of his Allandale friends. A car load of Raton's cata- logues left. Toronto last Satur- day with supplies for Bradford, Allandale, Barrie, Orillia and Midland. The postmen are very busy these days delivering them. Rey, Edgar B. Taylor will be in Hamilton next Sunday taking nart in the induction of his soi the Rev. i. H. Bowden Taylor, to the rectorship of the Church; OY St. John the Evangelist. Next Sunday morning Mr. Rand will have charge of the service in St. Georgo's and Rev. R. J. W. Perry will officiate in the evening. One night last week the sta- |tion at Glencairn was entered and with the aid of a bar the thieyes endeavored to break the glass and bars"of the wicket, but as the glass frame had been se- a very curely locked by the station agent they did not succeed in breaking info the office. Tho cause for the breaking in was that some sterilized water had come to the village that day and tation cod not be resisted.-- Alliston Herald. A very sad death took place jin St., suecumbed:. to pneumonia, She and-all her family had been NEWS FROM THE RAILWAY WARD | a has | ham. three Ferguson has arrived whom is seven years, sur ill with influenza and as soon as she felt able she got up to wait fon the others. In her weakened condition pneumonia. laid hold upon her and she} lived only a Open for the Season Our millinery department has reopened 'for the Spring Season: under the management of Misses Marshall and Lawlor--and we are Pleased to announce that we have retained the services of Miss Browne, late of Murray-Kay, as trimmer in charge. Early orders for mourning or wedding outfits will receive prompt and skilful attention--our first showing of representative styles for spring wear will be ready in due time, of which notice will be given a THE NEW SUITS-NEW DRESSES-NEW WAISTS are arriving in numbers There's an advantage in seeing them early GEO. VICKERS at 8 p.m. Me years of age, the daughter of M and Mrs. Hunt, of Totten- Her husband. one son and daughters, the eldest of ive her, Interment is to be made in the Union Cemetery today, Rev. W. J. last) Watt taking the servfces, as she was a Presbyterian. --Oil Cloth, Congoleum and Mrs. Orville Allison, 39 Cumber-| linoleum Rugs any size at Dou- Jland St., died on Friday last, at| all Bros. 6uf BARRIE MEAT MARKET DUNLOP ST. Phone 51 for the choicest of Fresh, Cured and Cooked Meats. CHICKENS « WANTED -- Highest Cash Price Paid for Chickens * M. J. BRENNAN Res. Phone 655 WANTED All Kinds of Rough MAPLE, BIRCH, HEMLOCK, PINE, BASSWOOD THE BALL PLANING _ Phone 109 'Thursday, March 4, 1920 Bar RE BY-LAW NO. 1346 Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notice is hereby given that o By-Law ° was passed by the Council of the Corpors tion of the County of Simcoe on the Slat day of January. 1920, authorizing the County of Simcoe to guarantee debenturen to be issued by the Corporation of the Town of Barrie to the amount of $136,239.00, $59,239.00 under Bi pose of building Collegiate Institute, $77,000.00 under By-Law No. 975 for the Purpose of altcrations and additions to 'the Wes Ward School "snd improvements to the South Ward School. And that the ssid By-Law of the Corpora- tion of the County of Simcoe wax registered in the Registry Office of the County of Sim- coe on the 18th day of February, 1920. Any motion to quash or set aside the e or any part thereof must be minde within three months from the first publit cation of this notice and cannot be made thereafter, Dated 18th day of February, 1920, R. J. FLETCHER, * 8-100 Clerk of County of Simcoe. -- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Jumes Buchanan, Jae of the Village of Lefroy*in the County of Simooe, retired section fore- man, decensed. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sec- tion 56 of the Trustees Act, R.S.0. 1914, Chap. 121, that all creditors and other having claims or demands against the es- tate of the said James Buchanan, deceased, who died on or about the Eleventh day of January 1920, at the Village of Lefroy, are required, on or before the Twentieth day of March, 1020, to send by post prepaid or. deliver to the undersigned solicitors for John George Douse and Thomas Alfred Sawyer, the executors of the last Will and Testament of the deceased, their christ- ian names and surnames, addresses and des- criptions, the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their sccaunts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, And take notice that after such last men- tioned date the said executors will pro- ceed to distribute the asscts of the aaid de ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then haye notice, and that tho said executors will not be lisble for the 'said assets or any part thereof to any per- son or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Creswicke & Bell, . * Bolicitors for the said Executory. DATED at Barrie this 14th day of Feb- ruary, A. 8-100 1920. Lumber . MILL CO., LIMITED se Bayfield St. y-Law 927 for the pur \ !. i?