Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1920, p. 4

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4 A Few.shor Wishing to pay: a visit to 'omeland before: launching; out. into another line of buginess locally, I fm offering for sale one of the best 100-acre wheat farms in the nty of Simcoe. The land is deep, rich, clay loam, sheltered 'on the north by a natural wind- break. There are no stone piles, stumps, sand or gravel, and the level fields are splendid--- ly adapteg for tractor ma- chinery. 7 Besides being underdrain- ed, therd! are two streams running the whole length of the farm, taking off the sur- face water early in the Spring, and giving a good, supply of, water in pasture right through the season. Orchard and three wells. Two good barns on sub- stantial stone foundations, litter carrier, hay tracks, ropes and slings complete. Two implement sheds and other buildings. Roomy frame house in first-class condition, good neighbors, rural mail, tele- phone, school and church, half mile. Lefroy three miles. This farm is pleasantly situated one mile from Lake Simeoe and right in line for the proposed Innisfil Town- ship Lake Shore Park. Safe bathing, boating and good fishing. Short, pleasant walk to Tent City where the family can get recreation and en- jJoyment during the summer months, Four seasons with sweet clover and wheat should pay for thia property. will finance, bal- ance easy. H. WHITING, Lefroy og Sar Li elevator about Foirville, Sept. 30, 1902. Minard's Lipiment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,--We wich to inform you that we consider your MINARD'S LINIMENT a very superior article and we use it as a sure relief for sore throat and chest. When T tll you T would not be without it if the Price was one dollar a bottle, I mean it. Yours truly, CHAS. F. TILTON. { street to David Ross of Sunnidale, and in- 5S. H. Brown re. Conn intend taking a trip West before Real Estate HOUSES FOR SALE $4,300--Solid Brick, 8 rooms, newly built, all conveniences, good loeation, 'west. side. $4,300--Brick, 8 'rooms, hardwood floors, up-to-date every way, located in good res. idential section, $3,800--Solid britk, 7 rooms, stable, 2 ac- res land, good orchard, east side, $3,500--Large brick, ll conveniences, west tide, $3,200--Brick clad, 7 rooms, all conveni- ences, Sophia ptreet. $3,000--Brick clad, 8' rooms, all conveni- ences, large stable, McDonald street. $3,200--Brick lad house, 8 rooms, all con- Veniences, enst: side. $2,800--Brick clad, 7 rooms, all conveni- "ences, Bradford street. $2,800--Brick clad, 7 rooms, lights and sth, Florence jstreet. $1,850--Frame hpuse, 7, rooms, Charies treet. { $1,800---Ronghcast house, all conveniences, Sophia street, $1,500--10 roomed brick house, Peel St. $1,500--Double brick . cottage, Penetang street. $1,200--Rom busi. ness in village in| County Simcoe, property worth $3,000 anil stock at invoice price, about $3,000 stopk; will sell or exchange as part payment on good farm; yearly turn- over of $18,000. jInvestigate this, FARMS FOR SALE . | If you are looking for a farm well im. proved, see my list before buying. I handle [farms of the betier claw. I have on my 'fist at the present time a large number of 200, 150, and 100 scre farme all with rood buildings" antl some extra good values » all within 11 f ie. Y it jail within 10 miler of Baie. "Don't wat values are gone, "Buy now. |. §.-HJ BROWN St. NO ONE Can go ve far in Business without special training.,' |. 'THE TRAINED PERSON "© | is always in demand, } months of |SPECIALIZED. TRAINING at. the | BARRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE - The equipped school in ; : Ontari6, will! prepare you for a POSITION OF RESPONSIBILITY anytime, -H, A, Henry F i * a H a enemy. ae £3 if Re in this commu: place here on Tuapiy. STAYNER Feb, 23.--There aro a great many cases| G. Sot of flu in town and surrounding country, but Tam glad to report no deaths from, ite effects, The little son of Mr.and Mra. H. Oliver, Main street, died from scarlet fever on Thurday. 'A private funeral wae held on Friday. Ray Palmer of Chaplin, Sask., who was 'on his way home from a trip to Florida, is visiting his uncle, Levi Raymer, going West again, Mr, Conn has sold his house on Chetry nds, bat The speci a sale in March. Ede a eB ee lt 1g 'Again on Bundey morning the vill further shocked by the nad news ol deat of James Macey on the fk n, javing passed awsy night, after a short illness, Mr. agric urally followed the business and when he married remained on the homestead, the other brothers and sisters having branched out for themselves and father and mother gone, He married Miss Ellen McVeigh of this village, and the union was blessed with two boys and three girls, the oldest 16 and youngest 3. Some five Marley secured the Post Office through Conservative government, but his wife not caring for the change he returned to the farm where et scatauely: . Marley was everything in the shape of gentleman and in all his transactions, busi 'ness or pérmonal, was upright in every point, and it would not be the least exaggeration | to say that Mr. Marley did not bave an| in It was only a few days ago that Mr. Marley had o sale disposing of his entire outfit, -having sold his farm to Jobn Gillespie and intending to come and reside in this village. Mrs. Marley and the remaining family have the sympsthy of all . The funeral will take ix years ago Mr. down again, baving bought a house Collingwood. services which were held in} the Mennonite Church for the last two weeks conducted by Evangelist Rev. G. Manley of Detroit, closed on Sunday night owing to so much sickness. Miss Ells Robinson left for Toronto Isat 'week where she has a position. Minard's Liniment' Cures Dandruff. 24 eg ¥ before EABEES. oe Fs wrong. As 4 farmer Mr. Brett was a suc- cess, He took a lively interest in the scientific side of the business and agricul- tural college bulletins sent to him were t aside unread. He was a member of the board of directors of Alliston Fair for » number of years and up to a couple of years sgo was one of the active direc- tors. Twenty-one years ago he married Mire Graham and leaves to mourn his wid- ow 'bree daughters. and two sisters also survive. Wm. Brett of Mesdowvale, Rev. Mr. | Brett in Alberta, W. J. Brett of the Cuna- dian Soo, Mrs. Seott of Winnipeg end Mre. MoKensie of Thornton. CUNDLES Feb. 24.--Mrs,. Mathews, formerly Mise L. Moffatt, who has been visiting hor pur. ents here, recently returned to her home Toronto, I regret to report the psssing away of little Muriel, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Shannon, n week ago. She was '8 lovely child, six years-of age, and their many friends here share with them in their deep sorrow. A. Nash. Sr., who bas been ill, is mch better, snd is sable to do a little work in his shop. Many families dre ill with the flu, but so far with no very serious resulta, ule and family, residenta here for four years, are moving to near Fern«lale. May they have every success in their new home. Some here are going to try and knock the high cost of living by producing all they can in the garden. Keep a cow, a pig and a few bens and work hard and save. These things are profitable and will solve the problem, NEW FLOS_ Feb, 23.--E. Atkinson of Barrie is spend- ing » short time with his parents here. Mra, Ed. Pickering of Toronto is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. B. Young. 'The flu seems to be dying out in this loc- ality although there are some cases yet. A great sadness awept over this rection because of the death of C. Sage. Sympathy is extended to wife and family in their ad bereavement. W. Atkinson has returned shome after spending a week with friends on the Sun- nidale Road. snd Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in\Cows interest at end of year "consid No speculstive securities of any nature held. INSURANCE IN FORCE - - $76, 4A Gain & $16,577,208) PROFIT SCALE MAINTAINED 'Surplus on basis /Domitiion Gi 9,293 for the yoar 1919 A RECORD YEAR FOR THE - 4 London LifelnsuranceCompany Head Office +. London, Canada INSURANCE 18st VED - - $24,818,776 {A Gain of $8,385,195) PROFITS EXCEED ESTIMATED BY 70% nmeht" Standard, $1,155,898--A Gain of NOTABLE FEATURES : SAFE INVESTMENTS--No loses on investments during the year. Overdue lerably leas than at the end of the previous year. PROFIT SCALE MAINTAINED--The Company's unexcelled financial pos- ition makes possible the continuance of the present liberal scale of profits, as illustrated in the following example: ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL RESULTS "ty Prot "Ongen Sainats na ett A? fits ate, tui ~ Acti Issued le of Profits Profits * to in year. End of for 5 years Payable Estimated. 1915 Sth year $172. 50 $317 20 183.9% 1910 10th year 270 00 464 30 r 1905 15th year 397 00 634 00 158. 20th year 510 00 818 00 ' 160.4% PROGRESS--The remarkable yenrs,is shown in the following statement: STATEMENT. SHOWING COMPANY'S PROGRESS Have you beard of formation 'supplic » pany'a Policies our Policies--"' pplied from either the Head growth of the Company's business in recent 2 at Life Rates? Offiec or any of the Com- "dood as Gold! any | Vieinity. | eause of four teachers being sick. jing a week with her parents, Mr. and Mra. STROUD Feb. 28,--Miss Irene the week-end at her home here. Miss Ritebie of Barrie is the guest of her sister, Mrp. Ed. Hughes, Misa Isabel Goodfellow has returned from Aurora where she was attending her cous- in's wedding. Mr, and Mra, Jon. Cooney of Armitage spent a few days with the latter's parents. 'The flu is gradually dying down in, this Churches and schools havé re- opened. & Mps. J. Jacks is s visitoF in the city. Mrs, Zela Crom of Barrie spent over Sunday with her sister, Mrv. Alf, Martin. Mina Litsie Robinson, Bondhead, hes re- turned home after visiting her cousins, Mr, and Mrs, G. Neely. Miss Birdie Patterson of Iroquois Fails is home on o visit for a few days, Much sympathy is extended to Mra. Wma Paterson in the death of her brother, Har- vey Wilson of Buffalo, T. Todd is not improving as his many friends would like to see. Miss Margaret McConkey is spendin few days in Lefroy, the guest of her cousi Mrs, G. C. Allan. Wilfred Booth of Toronto spent the week-end with his father, Charles Booth. Mins Loraine Forbes of Toronto is spend: W. Forbes. Mrs, Cooney of Newmarket is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lennox. Clif Webb and Herb. Black have return- ed from Midland after enjoying two weeks of holidays with their friends. Miss Mabel Fagan of Midland is epend- ing « few days with her cousin, Iva Fagan, CLOWES Feb, 23.--Qhite 2 number of flu cases are: reported imethe neighborhood, 'but all are improving. Mrs. Bligh is visiting in Toronto with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ostrander of Craighuret spent Sundsy with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Bertram. Mr. and Mrs, Ottaway bave taken up residence here op their farm recently pur- chased from Mrs. F. Turk. Mrs. Archibald has sold her farm to Mr. Holmes of Toronto, A Toronto resi- dent also 'has bought Mr. Peters' farm, lot 6, con, 3, Mr. Daniels being the purchaser. Quite a number from here attended the oyster supper st the residence of Mr, Whit- taker, Edgar, and report a mogt enjoyable time. i Newn was received last week of the death of Mrs. George Thornton, which occurred in Sovereign, Sask. Mrs, Thornton, who before her marriage was Miss was a resident of Hawkestote, ago she was married here to Mr. Thorn- ton and immediately afterward they left for their new home in the West where have since resided. Besides her husband, she is survived by four small children, the youngest being six months old, Much sym- pathy is felt for the bereaved husband, who has many Yriends here, and for the little family. ' BAXTER Feb. 23.--The people of Baxter were shocked last Thuraday at noon when they heard of the sudden death of Mrs, Frank Jamieson. She was going around her usual household duties Thursday morning and was gone by 10 o'clock, Heart failure was the caude, She had been in poor health for some time. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and five children. 'They have the sympathy of the whole commun- The Forward Movement canvass went over the top in Baxter. Mra. Jas, McKnight, Sr., was called sud- denly to Toronto,on account of the illness of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Thos. Knight. Fred Robson of Toronto visited friends at Baxter for the week-end. Thé-people are busy getti for the hot summer months, Mr, and Mrs, Dave Terry of Egbert vis- ited friends in Baxter last Sunday. MINESING STATION Feb. 17,--Mrs. W. H. Gostick of Mac- Tier visited here Inst week. in their ice Owing to the flu in this vicinity there ie | N quite a large number. on the sick list. Miss Monica Torpey:is home as the B.C.1. in Barrie is. only partly. in operation be- 8. Knapp has gone to MacTier for a while, DALSTON Feb, 28.--The flu io still making ite Daniel McLean ia home sgaio after ealling no "5 ' 'on his ds at Jarratt, - Lot 19, Con. 7, Vespra Sunnidale Road, (neat Usion Cemetery) re Wo ell by Public Auction on IMPLEMENTS--Froat & Wood binder, 7 ft. cut, with fore carriage, nei new Rew; 4 mower, nearly i Horke rake, 12 ft., 'nearly El gad sore ne' ris; ecuffler, Cockshutt; complete, new; potato . road scraper, Flet fanning-mill 'and complete; 'set scales, 2000 Ibs.; bag truck, hay fork, 4 seta long slings, Massey-Harris: tels, 8 number of apple barrels, wagon, Jamieson ; wagon, International; truck wag- on, 2 sets sloop sleighs, set woop sleighs, with hafta; buggy, new ; 2 buggies, in good repair; 2 cutters, cutter pole, hay rack, wagon box, stock rack, pig box, gravel box, 4 M xxx shingles; 2M 2xx shingles Sinding stone, roll barb wire, roll wire, ator, 1500 ft. hardwood lumber, quantit of other lumber, 3 cords short hardw Pendora range. cooking stove, 2° heaters and a quantity of other furniture, Also many other articles. All will be sold Without reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm, TERMS OF SALE--All sums of $10,00 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months' credit will be given to parties fur- nishing approved joint notes, 5% per an- num off for cash on credit sums, Sale at 1 pm. W. A. MeCONKEY, Auctioneer. CREDIT SALE of Farm Stock & Implements |. The undersigned hus received instructions from FRANK W. LIVINGSTON S. Hf. Lot 1, Con. 10, Vespra to sell by Public Auction on } Wednesday, March 3rd the following: HORSES--Dark brown mare, rising 4, Silver Birch; light bay gelding, rising 6; dark brown mare, 10 yta, old; sorrel driv- cr, 10 yrs, old; brown horse, aged; driv- ing mare, 4 yre. old; black Percheron colt, rising 1 yr. 'CATTLE--Thoroughbred Holstein cow, 4 ym., due June 7; roan cow, Shorthorn, 4 yzs., due Apr, 5; roam cow, Shorthorn, 6 yre., due Aug.; red cow, Sborthorn, 4 yrs., due May 24; Hereford cow, 5 yrs., due' Apr, 28;/ Jersey cow. 4 ym. freah; registered Shorthorn bull, Lydia Pride, No. 122541, 21 mos, old; bull, dark red, 10 igi jon; 4 spring Ibe. 70 hens; Collie dog. HARNESS? Set breeching harness, long- tug; set double harness, new; set single harness; set brass bridles, new; 2 sets hal- ters, new; string bells, 2 prs. horse blank- eta. ° IMPLEMENTS -- Masscy-Harris binder, 7 ft., nearly new; Massey-Harris manure spreader, new; Massey-Harris rake, new; Massey-Harris 'stiff-tooth cultivator, eet Massey-Harris seed harrows; riding plow, Farmer's Friend, Verity; walking plow, Verity, new; walking pl Fleury; mower, Peter Hamilton, and pea harvester; Bain wagon, new; Bain wagon box. new; sets sloop 'sleighs, 1 new set; set light morket sleighs, new, white oak; Verity souffler, pulper, set cales, 2,000 Ibs., G ney; rubber-tired buggy, cutter, cart, Cay man engine, 2 horse power; wood sav. grain pickler, cream separator, Capitol; Ford csr, new, with 'all equipments; Ford attachment, dev. 9 horse power; blicksmith Me-| drill, blower, snvil and other blackemith tools; 6 tons hay; 200 bus. oats, quantity of wood and other small articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS--Cosl stove, nerlor_ cork, cooking stove, heater, Fav orite "churn, No. 8, new; eu writing desk, 2 large mission chairs, bed room suite and other articles. TERMS OF SALE--Fat c: oats and all sums of $10. cash; car, half cash; on sums over $10.00, ten months' credit on approved joint notes. 5% straight off for cash on credit sums. jo. reserve, Sale to commence at 12.30 o'clock sharp. P. A. COUGHLIN, Auctioneer'. ees, AUCTION SALE | [stam he tadegned snes ell by ed the auet to mblic suction, on Wednesday, March 10th, tt 12.80 o'clock, a number of REGISTER- ED SHORTHORN: CATTLE and farm stock and implementa, 'The sale will take place on lot 14; con. 10, Sunnidale, 4 mile from peaciian Cot, "FINLAY & FINLAY Provincial Auctioneers. Real Estate Brokers sprayer outfit, digger, nearly new; Pe outting-box, Chatham | 4,, ay mare, 9 heavy; brown mare, 4 yre, ld, Laval; long-tug hi 'Aumerous fo mention. _ All will be sold without reserve as prop- rietor is giving up farming. TERMS--All sums of $10.00 ancvunder, cnah; over that amount 10 months' ered- it will be given to parties furnishing sp- proved joint notes. Discount of 5% al- lowed off for cash on eredit sums, W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer... CREDIT SALE of Farm Stock .& Implements The underviqned hus received instruction CHAS, J. COPELAND S. Hf. Lot 6, Con. 3, Innisfil to sell by Publie Auction on Friday, March Sth tho following: HORSES--Ilorse, 6 yrs. "Pearl Find- "; horse, 5 yrs., "*Poarl Finder"'; mare, er' 11 yrs., "Dainty Lord"; ym., Find- mare, . 3 "Paddy Todd"'; colt, 2 yrv., "Pearl er". CATTLE--Grey cow, ecolf at' foot; red gow, calf at foot; grey cow, milking; red heifer, in calf; 2 steers, 2 yrs,; 4 heifers, 2 yeirs; black heifer, red steer, 3. spring calves. PIGS AND FOWL--Young sow. 30 hens, geeve and 1 eander; duck und drake, IMPLEMENTS--Erost & Wood binder, 5 ft.,-nearly new; Frost & Wood mower, 5 ft., nearly new; Massey-Harris hoe drill,' 18 spout, new; Mavsey-Hurrie hoe drill," 11 'spout, nearly new; fanning-mill, Chatham, with bag attachment ;'set harrowa, 18 bull; 2 sets doubletrees; Adam wagon and hox complete, nearly new; double plow, Cock- shutt; cream' separator, + plow, Frost & Wood; single plow, Fleury No. 21; sitftle plow, Verity, No. 21; sulky rake, Mumey-Hatris; land' roller, 'turnip: tower, stock rack, all complete, set sloop sleighs, set long runner aleighs, grind stone, turnin pulper; 2 sets 4-horse doubletrees > wheelbarrow, set disc harrows, pes harvest- tension ladder, 28 {t.; 2 sets long-tug- }, set single harness; buggy, cutter, pulley, churn, Bale at 1 p.m. rope. car slings. rope and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS--Barrel 2 tables, cupboard. A quantity of potatoes, barley, onts, hay, cut oats and other articles too numerous to- mention. TERMS OF SALE--Fowl, hay, cut oate, grain. potatoes, sow, and all sums of_ $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months' credit on approved joint notes. 5% per annum allowed off for cash on: credit sums. 4 Sale at 1 p.m, Lin W. E. STODDART, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture ;|[Implements, Harness, Syrup Outfit, ete. The undersigned has received instructions JAMES A. PATTERSON THORNTON to sell by Prblic Auction on' Saturday, February 28th . the following: plow. 2 furrow plow; phaeton. HARNESS--%% set half tug hurness, pair blind bridles (new). « SYRUP. UTENSILS--Furnace pan, 30 sap buckets and spiles, bir idily gle om oie parlor suite, nearly new;. bedstead and springs, net new, 2 bedstesds, 3 Tattreaaal at meg 2 beds, act springs, writing desk. 2 rocking chair wasb, stand, 34 ds. dning-oom chara; %6 dos. kitchen chairs, extension, table, leaf table. ot chen tables, wardrobe, flour book esse, 3 hanging Jampe, walnut wofs, couch, bracket lamp, num- mention. TERMS OF SALE--Cush. Sale at 2 - H. A. GROSE, Auctio p.m, HERBERT. L. BAMFORD, A.T.CM, bite and Choirleader * : 'Andrew's Church '

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