"Yes, sir, I ban recommend |; Tanlac for it set me right two years ago, while I was living in) j Hamilton, 'Ontario, and I have been in good shape ever since, said Jeffrey Gilbert, while in | Kinley's Drug Store in Halifax, | Soi I recently, Mr. Gilbert resides at|\> 35 Ochterloney street, Dartmouth, and is employed as boiler maker! at the Halifax shipyards. "Never in all my life," he con- tinued, "have 1 bad a medicine to do me so much good as Tan- ify rr ape Fry as af rte SUNNIDALE COUNCIL -- Fase E 3 lac. My stomach had been giv. |%,7mpatbetic crite of - 4 ing. me trouble for some. time.|Sutuntary: Soektiee shoul tot be peared, bers ie Fine Work ¢ The annual re . | it just seemed like T could not| It will be s long tine before any. new j eat anything but what would givo| organisation, no matter how gifted -ite| 4 ,igputstion, from geoaes ee me indigestion the worst kind. I| members may be. or how well intentioned)! i> that a Townahi; Comm can fully understand and grapple with the| 0° TC unity Hi would bloat all up with sour gas/ can iil undentand tnd grep © erected at. Sunnidale Co stitutes of Ontari BF ili et a F | and feel miserable for 'hours af-|™W 'The following resolutions' were passed, ter every meal. | There was a fearing ot Siosiaai t. people from the] vis., Township Council grant $500 for eree- Bie one feeling like a-lump of lead in the! tail, 'This is work which can hardly be | of community hall if they have z & in all "home" | pit of my stomach. I would al-| standardised. In ordinary state social prob- |°T °° ae Peter Coylé to be Path i= z health, | most double up with cramping] loms it is pomible to legislate for the mare, | '¢",,%¢ Corn Hill; He Kaiser topics. Au eve pains and could 'hardly draw a at 30 gree ty general same eae | est it, wo must "put away. oF meter Ma Jeiptal Interst i | ; ion. somethin 3 . deep breath." My appetite was so| tl enething more reed. Fan: Geom Powers be Pat Mery thei" and "ule aid Hyper, to en, ith; the. prove poor that I could never relish) Oy Ot, speak, and the endeavour has to|*8tant-be made to Oakview on statute and all evil speakings." whereby farmers' anything fo eat and T Just oie ee ee een ae ee eee erer ail | tbor necount. jmen from the Word of God like sin in the Gligible for elect The following orders were isued, vis.,/ heart and in the life. 'The Bible hidden in this interest will efforts made mon & effort of the Won ter gt ne national pr \. ered constantly with. that indi-|in fresh atmosphere, which not onl | gestion. I was continually 1os~ should not hinder their natural growth, ut FraN qecrgmraan, rekund, statute, Inbor' the beart will keep us from sin, (Fs. 110: * ing weight, felt. weak ang slug-|jin the reeult should show a greater increase |7,5)5 Wi Gossard. wort Town, line Sun- 11): Sin hidden in beat i i | rish al! the time and had in heslth and prosperity. than would have es e been possible. in their" olf surroundings, | CHiN, work Town Ene, Sifinidale and from the Bible, but sin blinds us to the! 'eash'and goods t . tae Esch family--ench individual I might say | £15 ino. mm, work con. 6 meaning of the Bible when we do read . patriotic _organiz "Thad tried all! kinds of med-|""Srwents ite own particular problems, |$2.00; H. Maxwell, work con. 2, $2.00; D., it. All kinds of wickedness must be put rosimaity 40 I, Bell, grant Onkview, statute labor acct. ~ "all wickedness." and "all guile," th icines, but, kept getting worse,| and it is in dealing with these separately | and after Tanlac came to Ham-|that the phenomenal success of the Salva- Sr bs Soa es eee aca all bypocrny ait, shat a ion and so any peopl, hrs Ae ot sai of eh Se Sp, met ewe," tle, and { declare that was the| me? end women and children from the Old [A750 "Teen pant rind Dee ar ie hee " in| World to the new that the chief merit of ; shat best investment T ever made i eee ee ais vsontained- although | S08, Sick Child- ings." One of the greatest {day in our church and in our | my life. Before 1 had finished | (ys Mf appeale. to the | 2's Hospital, gran the first bottle I, felt a consid- ee ee lasso batt 1 Ppeals. to toe | Township officer for 1920 are as follows: © 19204. B. &., Lids erable improvement. Then 1| methodical sifting that gors on from among be i ea Sb Booed a g Wis a saa ni ie born, age, eis "Thro e peso w ° ' bought another, and another, and/ the thousands who desire to make-a change | 100 'rch Scott; Auditor, 8. C. War-lereation" (2 ne, 5:17) but 'we \are no! your bundle in et ele. ' when I had. finished my fourth|of their habitat before any party can be \ , my cud) iling 'The Sel ame | net und Jno. Matthews; School born giants. The "wherefore" of vs 1 bottle my stomach was in fino| 9resnised for sniling/ 'The Salvation Army| Per and Jno. Matthews; Behoo!. attendance born iat pony ed wud tell going to "SHUB ) : ; in not anxious to send overseas any per condition and I-Bave not beenyis not anxious Jo send everson ony Der [taker of Hall, James Micks; Caretaker of to the last verse of the preceding chapter. troubled with indigestion 'since | 00 he wants to go. All along its policy | Cootery, Reuben Rogers; Sheep valua-| end shows conclusively thet. the spiritual Oxo Cubes oo that time." 'The was and pain all lm beta one of inet election, Tt Bee we | re havin Roger andChas,Secler;Pour| ilk which meant here o "the Word ot | ARG Highest Prices Ever Known ment of prime disappeared and 1 am still eat-|conform to ite standards of suitubility--|Keeners, W. McBride, R- Markel, W: jhe Lord." the word iby. whieh the Gow 'That's What You'll Get from "SHUBERT" convenient « fc ing just anything T want without | and those have always been in advance of |! ¥: a - eer, a pecans, pel is mreiehed ong eu. A. further for use anywhe the least trouble from it. It was| the Government requirements--which bad x ler, W. McBride, Jno. W. reason why we should desire the "sincere | -qyIB WANT "EM NOW--AND WILL PAY THE PRICE TO GET EM aabe--bot wat Marivnce with |been fixed hy its experience of the needs Cordon. T. Pridham; Amessor, John Swit-|milk of the Word" is given in v. 3. It is = eer a light « tude for believers in Christ to v zer; Collector, T, Risebrough. rons ingr: Council adjourned to meet st New Low-| so neglect what their glorious Lord has to ell the first Thursday in March, say to them aa the average believer does We are to come unto the Lord ss unto fe "Living stone." He is the great stone of foundation upon which the church ix built (1 Cor. 3:11), and upon which oll not only my own Tanlac thai convinced me it is a wonderful medicine, but I per- sonally know many others who has had-remaykeble auecteib took it with, just as fine results| migrating women, and oul§of these thous as I did. You can't beat it, andjands it has brought across for household r if I should to where Tsnoed | service--somewhere shout 15.000--not lese | $35.55 per bushel on the Toledo market of medicine again L-wouldn't think|tban half of 1% has not turned out right.|the 6th instant. Toronto prices then |our hopes and character are built. This of anything else." Many of these girls are' now partners in| ranged about $3.00 per bushel in advance , living stone was "'rejected indeed of mer ? henpy Cahedian homes and the mothers of |of Toledo prices. Clover seed that would |just as had been prophesied centuries be- jy Tanlac is sold in Barrie by| sturdy Cansdian children on whom the fut | grade 'Prime' on the Toledo market could | fore that it would be (Ps. 118:22; Ac. 4: Geo, Monkman and by the lead.| ure prosperity of the Dominion depends.|be bought in Toronto at $38.50 and, be-|10, 111, "but with God"' this ame reject- ing druggist in every town, Of the thousands of women we intend send.| cause of exchange conditions, delivered to ed stone was "'lect'. (that is chosen), ing out in the future it would not be wisc| United States points ut approximately | 'yprecious""; nothing else in the universe SSS for me to prophesy, but I can safely say | $33.00 per bushel, or about $2.50 lex thon | 'ax, so precious to God as this same stone 'od and, Gun" BEAVER ne es RACCOON Ea Wie Ew Bie le [SD to TLD] 1000 ts ESO] 1000 to Ge ats em |e | 10008 850] 8.00te 650] 8.00t0S.00 Ordin 15.00 to 12.00] 10.00 to 8.00] 750to 650] 6.00to 450] 6.00t04.00 of new settlers, and the requirements of the State or district to which they intended Buy Red Clover Sted Early Prime red clover seed was quoted a that their kind has not deteriorated tith-|the Toledo price. The money -sustion, |that men rejected. What ia your attitude er in womenly qualities or industry since |short supplies, and an earlier anand in| toward Him; that of the world rejecting the United States will explain the heavy |Him, or thut of God finding Him exgeed- Laws of the Herd and Flock" is the|the War, and those who come here under title of an engrossing nature article in ROD AND GUN IN CANADA for Febru- our direction will be as good as those who have come before. and that as much care exports of clover seed. 'The price of, red clover seed has ~dvanced \ingly precious? By coming unto Him as a living stone." we ourselves become iving stones." We are, by coming to ary. George R. Belton, the well-known |. H . waitin wrter, @ Weventhor of th te il be cake bringing them and finding) almost $14.00 'per bushel on the, Tole ticle, which is only one of ten stories and|? "The personhl touch in dealing with these 'be sufficient to. meet normal re- articles in this ise of Canada's leading | negple who are forsaking old conditions for| quirements. In these circumstances, Cana- and thus becoming living 'tones, . sportsmen's monthly. A few of the other Sh st has bee farmers who delay the purchase of | the individual believer meri preg Ee Eeiees =e Ontario us are based on the well- storing area "North-West Mounted Police |o7 Cnt chet ceghets of the Salverion Ace| their red. cl sd requirements until |body of 'bel llectivel Enown SHUBERT" ite ral grading and are quoted for immediate shipment. "Silver Tip," 'of the chief secrets of the Salvation Ar-| their clover seed requirements until ody, of a Cheat Who, foils the "Rock| No. 3, No. 4 and Plons on inferior skins at market value, 'sip my's success, Its officers are men and wo-| seeding time may be unable to obtuin men who by instinct and training haye|*upolies at any price. been drawn towards the service of ot! GEO. H. CLARK, Seed Commissioner. The introduction of| and in helping the migrants they have es 'Luck Don't Cor our Furs " row'. by Richard K. Wood, 'ind ro som, q Parra a gee vera ewe | by F. V. Williams, (Petra)"* upon which God built His church, Peter himself became "'a pi he (Petros (Mat. 16: 18 R. V.. also note | inde into, Canada is fieured in an able) nya adopted. intensely human" methods, A Farmer's Experience <_|Marg.).° The believer in Christ also be: SauP eee KEEP 'EM esa FAST fing departments deeling, with the ay, |The chief attraction of their job has always! 1 ited ro make a farmer out of my{ CoM Nriest ultto God. | Every believer R UBE Hvitien of rod. gun and trove are contained | b°e2 tbe apportunity it gave them of ser¥-| gens gon because T went at it WrOng,"" AA | ays aye fgets, here i ne Ppeey in this fue which how on sale at the| ™F oUBER. and not any proses! of IME 1 tarmer told the other day Pict Eee sae aoe ste Tan Lie A, 6 Bee © news atands, W. J, Taylor, Led., Pub bdo the difficult work of the farm--plant- a Wl Hence they have been. ble to devote] 'he om. running vhe binder, looking | 22 yfiectt ina ee pop are a= ion IVELY IN ers, Woodstock, Ont. i themselves to the work in the true. spirit] i76 INE 90 a te aoe al the of service, and have thus gained an in-| (te ' business probleme--so much better than he tense knowledge of the needs of men and er Y Granulated Eyelids, | women adventuring forth to start life afresh | Could, that T did) it and teft the less inter, : 4 ou Byes Hafiamed sLntiemed by sage, | ander. new oonditions. There' never have hind man aud finelly left it. 'Tam try:| 2: How to Work, 11, 12. Dep ses Gul Saiaon Army Fertig noter lan i my other bop, HOF teat the Rainer elu the secret of our ruccem, and T have no {Plans 'he work and 'when, there is a job ies oot Ee ome eke ik tne Gormocem's no | requiring special skill I let him do it. He j ( We should never for- Bock [Sha ah he Gerraeny# npr ge hinge m7 Su |e cnet Bone we tat [have been doing-cperhaps in. time, when| Perhaps, but he is developing an interest | |pilgrims, we should "abstain. from (hold a viitions are more settled, on anextended | 2, {8rming that he could not get in any | V8Y,, from), fleshly lust word conditions are more settled, on anvextended | other way. 1 may love a little by not)" lust" as ueed in the Biblo covert a wider ea teats with the Government in the| 4210 these things myself, but if it helps | clase of physical desires thin ie covers by pas tid: they "have ost W.| develop the boy into s good farmer, I will it in the modern usage of the word. see reeneetlnts ' abendy thousands of |D€ Tepaid many times over.-- Freé | fleshly lusts "'war against the soul," that Ne reg Mg yd a i sh ase wide sneld nial oes Many desire to get' to Canads, others to should also Rave cae "babar cwenly ARE Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. |' (beautiful) among the Gentifes." -- Our My impression in tht although the call whole conduct in word and act should be =e Socata of tbe Ants © ogre of "he 'uibaincar mio. seu" dante i nm ie is nm f ie vi This. Woman Recommends | ever it-wse, with greater faelitis for thone Christ by eriticising Ha people. Our con: who want to get there 'owing to the, Brit- duct should be of such n character a8 to ish Nahin 2 offer of a snpep to soaical. she Sonics Pole Christ - glorify secre mee mene (or $01 'Those who have found relief are ¢! ause of our works fgets ae a Gowen people who want all sufferers to shee Ill. How to Act When Wronged, 19-25. Teiry lof captale classes of British. se'tlern| WhSt they gained from their experience, | | Beautiful conduct on the part of a ser- Mrs, B. Walters, of Savona, B.C., lceptable to God, not because of what they themselves, but "'through Jesus through His atoning work, NORTH cmon RAW FORS 24 Donald St Dept: Winnipe Rc opal ties, The chief factor in his success is good health. The chief factor in good . health is cleanliness irtside, Keep his mipid keen and his physical re ever jincreasing * through the ination of waste att god intestinal poisons from his system. By an ontisalt new principle Nujol Hee Message Is te Everyone. they may find that when they desire to vant (the word means' household servant), take away the barrier that the settlers| writes, praising Gin, Pills for the im. /C™muste in, being. "in subjection. to your have gone. somewhere elee. mediate relief given by these-splondid "| tionto manifest itself not only to the "good "Meanwhile, the Salvation Army's Emi-|-Pill, Mrs. Walters saya:-- foertn pint Va only oT "ates zation selection "ctpaniation "ls working) ~ ", e asd st bigh pressure, and we are quite willin 'I advise! people who have not | There is 'no more real test of Christian will keep the Wweate '10 nd prepared (© help the Government if| tised Gin Pills to try thom, Ihave |Charecter, than true subjection under an out of the body, iy: ning they desire our aid. Our machine in the| been troubled for years with wenk | |UBworthy master. To bear up! under teoauent other form most complete of 'any organisation with| Kidneys, and ona box of Gin Pills wrongs' inflicted pon; ua is acceptable to irritates or forces the 'our officers in almost every town and_ vil cured me. I say God, bese our Sp ini are the: it out- system. fujol works on the waste lad in fe Oe Jani, and then it extends 'am absolute and reliable cure.'* bgt St we dota a y ae gf} ety instead of On the system, over ro take 4 et of kidneys or blad "if, when we do well, and suffer for it, 9 constipation by keep-" ery serious that, af the frat sree {we shall take, it patiently, this is accept ce wa wart soft thus helping © Take Care of a Cold A Peculiar Caso A case of particular interest to hunters in reported by the Walkerton Telesco; as! follows:--'Two Brant boys, Ivan Park: jpain'in side. or back, treatment |sble to God are Pills should begin. The duty of to cleanse the blood. If, weak or. Nenstices urie acid and ther poisons snd waste are -catricd