Barrie Examiner, 22 Jan 1920, p. 5

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CIRCULATION THIS WEEK ; BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1920 Parisian Chocolates ARE NOW SOLD IN TASTY BOXES 1 pound box ......75c Try them today. A treat in chocolates that costs no more than the ordin- ary kind. CONFECTIONERY Friday and Saturday JAN. 23-24 WM. S. HART --IN-- ""THE POPPY | GIRL'S HUSBAND" Lots of action in this picture, so don't miss it. --ALSO-- A new Mack Sennett Comedy, entitled "HEARTS AND. * FLOWERS" First show 7.30, second 9 (Prices: 16-11 cts. --Musical night at rink, Mon., Jan, 26. 2-40 Don't forget to read the advts. |> ladies is not the ease fo weleome any + CANADA ' To All Ladies called for of forming a Auxiliary anch GW.V.A. was until when intevested in this work will be present. The meeting will be held in Club Rooms store) C. R. KENDALL, During the past week I have been speaking to some cilizens of the We will be glad |!ime later it was announced that ' Wynes--0 02 10010303140201 1-19 man, town of Barrie ols membership of the Ax I have told the people to whom | have spoken oy this sub- ject, it is trus that there are v few attractions in the Atlanda building for young men, but we could have the hel operation of the Barrie people, | we could surely make this place the finest and most helpful, both bodily and spiritually, No later than Jast week I ex- plained the situation to one man, who when learning the truth sald that he considered it a privilege to be a member of such an insti- tution, anid he joined at once, and now T am hoping for a rush of Barrie men to join with us. Thanking you for space taken Tam respectfully yours, L. E. MeMILLIN, The Thrilling Story of Armenia will be told by REV. L W. PIERCE, B.A. . a returned Missionary from that land, in Central Methodist Church, Barrie ON... Monday, 26th Inst., at 8 p.m. under the auspices of the'Ministerial Association and leading citizens ho want ie tones 'story from one who passed throug terrible and heartrending persecution less than a year 'ago. This is not a church -affair. Everybody Invited. __ Silver Collection for Armenian Fund | below. Friday was the coldest day|to &.. At the same time Barrie jand again on Tuesday 18 below|Boys 20, H. Meredith 10 jwas registered. Today seems a/ The final should have heen jharder to bear was the storm|ine 'Thistles and Collingwood jing, the storm continued all day likely to win fill towards the end COLLINGWOOD'S MERCURY DIPS 23 BELOW ZERO} TANKARD GROUP A Week of Zero Weather --/|Beat Barrie Thistles by 4 Storms Fill Roads--Power| Shots--Barrie Club Lose in off One Night. Close Match with Orillia. During the past week the peo-] Only fonr clubs competed in ple of this district have been ex-|the Ontario Tankard primary for periencing the rigors of a real!ihis district, played at the Clap- old-fashioned Canadian winter.|perton St. rink on Tuesday, In In.the last nine days there was|the afternoon Collingwood made not a single day whon the mer-/a runafvay win from Penetang, cury did not drop below zero and| Fryer healing Boynton 28 to 8 on several days it was very much/and Wynex 'leading Robinson 2 of the winter, the lowest temper-|Thistles ware disposing of Stroud ature being 23 below and ithe/by 12. The scoren were R. fl. highest 2 below, On Thursday|Webb 15, W. Patterson 12; W bit milder, yet the temperature Played off at night but postpone- was {2 below this morning. -- |ment was necessary owing to the What made the cold weather|tights being of, Next morning which accompanied it for a fewltought it out, the visitors win- days, Starting on Friday even-|ning by # «shots. Barrie looked 1 their appointments, |there was no serious tie-up, Ow-|Boya - 21 Jing to the extreme cold, there was | Fry idifficulty in keeping up -- steam | pp Saturday and Sunday. A con-|when Collingwood got a couple of = ne y ends, Wynes, who skipped [hea for the winners, has been play} C3 in Tankard matches for thirty men were able to keep! limpn fable Very few country/vears. Rinks and scores were: ( ro AID THE SUFFERING ARMENIANS tor "Barrie Examiner" | (ler T use a smal paper to make Trstanding amon) people in connection, RRMA, al Barrie Collingwood A. A. Smith W. T. Rennie Considering the storm, the G./J. 1). Milne TR. did well with its passenger) F. H. Williams service. The most trouble wa3/R. W. Payne F, H, Nettleton experienced on the Beeton, Mea-|W. A. Boys W. B. Fryer | ford and Penetang branches, y skip, 17. skip, 14, 3 0012101040--14 the line was down somewhere be-|{ tween Rarrie and Waubaushene Barrie Lost in Orillia There was a rush for lamps and) matches in Omilia, A great appeal is being mado, to the people of Canada to send] The aid to the starving and stricken' have beon tees Population of Armenia. The cry {pers of the Barri of the thousands of starving wo-! Church: 91377049 2-17 | men and children in that devast- A. Godden ated country is not going un-| sf, ay Hart 4. Mair} heard, - SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 A LARGE STOCK OF COLUMBIA RECORDS They are the best, wear the longest, and give you the greatest of satisfaction. Bring your Record list up to date. . Here are a few winners: You'd Be Surprised ......... Oh! What A Pal Was Mary... My Baby's'Arms .. +42811. 90 Miss Trombone ....... ++ -82825..90¢ When I Look in His Face......... 42833. .90c 1 Know What It Means to be Lonesome 22826. +90 Also fresh arrivals of Pathe Records, which are played without changing the needle. Garrett's Music Store Phone 259w . P.O. Box 178 ++ +2815. .90e -42786. .90e Subscriptions following subscriptions ived from mem- ie Congregational A fine response is being 00 00 rise enon | 2nd consequently a number of) R's. stephens H. Prentice | given to the appeal made throu! 4 that they ier at the opinion ther | rains tan Inte for several days./q) G) Hart G. B. Westeott |the Toronto Glue. Barrie te do- % this institution is for the use of|,, ThE storm was responsible for) a') Wenb I. G. Wynes|ing its bif, and quite a number | Mr 00 railroad, men only, and that rail- |!" town going back to primitive] skip, 12 skip, 19 |of subscriptions, ranging from | Mi Jean 00 1 e may heeame Conditions in lighting on 'Tues- | -- zz | 81.90 to $100.00, from this town| The following subscriptions have been beg to advise anyone |@¥ night. About 3.30 in the af- 29 33 /are ineluded in the list of Globe| forwarded through the Cunudian Bank of whe may have this idea, that such |[@Fneon the power went off. Some |Wehb ..110021010200020200-12| cranes Commerce to January 2lst. It has been suggested The Ex-|A. & S.RS.C.R.C. per W. F. R..,810 00 aminer assist in the work by re- | Baptist 8.8., Barrie ubaush ceiving subscriptions. 'This we |H- Bei and power might be off all night.) Barrie club played its Tankard |will he glad to do. Any contri- eople to hear the the scenes of most candles, the flickering light pf the latter being the chief illurh- inant throughout the town, Short- ly after midnight temporary ro- pairs had been made to the power | line and lights were again avail- able. The trouble oceurred in the swamp near Apto where a big| 4 tree, blown down, fell across the '| wires breaking some of them and jsmashing a cross-arm. d temperature away below zero, the "4 ; Barrie Midland sands of orphans of th sa- vi nyth but pl je massa. Pegaen® ob swe: aaything But ent T. Campbell |cres to perish this winter becanse poo Low High Snow| Alex. Habbick E, Alexander |there is nol bread enough in the 4 2 2.9|P. MeNiven W. Bishop|orphanage to supply: them. Let "888 7 --|Harry Hook, 21 8. W. Benson, 8/no one doubl the extreme state 23°02 0.3|A. F. Maleomson R. White /T'ents thal are being made abont ag 7, $.0/A.E. Stapleton Norman Playfair) Armenia's agony. T have belie "7. 0% Qs ith Geo. Copeland | essed it with my own eyes. and i: 12/4. D. Simon, 28 (P Packenalit is in no way Lo he discounted, "48 6 643 ----------------- "6 7 eae 49 17 Barrle Tanning Co. "12 - --| Orillia Barrie At 'the annual meeting of the Gravenhurst beat Bala iby one {shot. Ina fine game with Orillia, jfinal. The Barrie rinks wer With al} .| Thos. Trout J. G. Seott |treasurer,' has commenced his Playing |hutions will be acknowledged in against. Midland, Simon won 19]{hese columns and the amounts o I! and Hook was up 17 to 12.| forwarded to the treasurer, Indeseribable Suffering A gentleman not long since re- turned from Armenia writ "Iam all the time receiving Personal information from my colleagues on the field setting forth indescribable suffering amongst the people. They ara} turning out hundreds and thou- Barrie lost by 3 shots and Orillia disposed of Gravenhurst in the . Malcomson, A. E. Staph Meredith, A. D. Simon, sk; Scott, A. G. Habbick, D. A. Niven, Hy. Hook, sk. A. Maleomson| Barrie Tanning Co., held on A. Stapleton'|Tuesday, a satisfactory year's Alex. Harvie L. J. Kearns W. C. George 8. Meredith | business was reported. E. B. Farwell, 19 A.D. Simon, 10) The old board of directors was re-elected, viz, M. J. Frawley, G.} : M. Esten, Jno, Sinclair, Alex, Sin-| B. W. Hatley Alex. Habbick | ujuir, Walter Seott and J.J. Gih Dr. A. H. MeLean -- D. McNiven ' d 'iven| Officers appointed ar J.B. G. Curran, 12 He Hook, 18 M. J. Frawley; Vice Pres,, ri Pa inclair; Managing Director ; °8/ Ino. Sinclair; Sec., Walter Scott. GOOSE FEATHERS WANTED © Highest price paid for j goose feathers. Bring in next Saturday, Jan, 24th. or Saturday, Jan. 31. Ihave sold big quan- tity and must get feathers at any cost. H. LEVIT 66 Bayfield St., Barrie Telephone 384 : 'Final Orillia Gravenhurst ------ per pile " Zilia AATCC TTT TTT s] W. C. George B. W. Yeats . E | E. B. Farwell, 18 | M. Kohn, 12 W I t F Pia Thos. Trout A. Faweett € nvi e ar- -- B. W. Hatley Geo. Clipsham Dr. A. H. McLean W. F. Wasley J. E.G. Curran, 16, D. McCrea, 11 --_--_--__+ G.W.V.A. Notes Gartner, Allandale, who was appointed by the Executive Committee as assistant secreta: ledge of Canada's dition can make it. duties. He will look after the Allandale end of the work and will undoubtedly prove to be a big help in assisting the Allan- dale Comrades in any matter-in which they need assistance. The Secretary has been notifi- ed that the Dominion convention will beheld in Mortreal (date not yet set), and the Provincial convention will be held in Peter- borough some time in March. --and make sponsible farmers. E Pald-up Capital, + § 9,700,000 {seco = 18,000,000 Rawvereee = = = = $90,90,000 Burton Avenue Methodiet Churoh (> Bundy, Jaa. 284; : 11 nin --"The addreas will be' given by a Bd 'from' China. mers' Accounts Our service to farmers is as com- lete as 87 years of growth and know- ~ We collect or discount sale- notes, cash produce cheques--by mail when We extend courteous, friendly ser- vice to our farmer customers at agricultural con- advarices: to re- alltimes.

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