RSE Oc: = metas Se a Thursday, Nov. 28, 1948. musio GWLADYS JONES THE WELSH SOPRANO Tescher of Voice Production and Singing. Page Six THE BARRIE EXAMINER ed, with an air of relief, "'here you are at ase ¥ " was the light-hearted reply. "Fearfully sorry I'm late, but lis ten--just listen for a moment." The newcomer threw his hat and cont to Are Well Supplied a SIR EDMUND WALKER, ph senda" wag ae thon, Special lessons for repertoire, English and at: rec! young man, with a i ; '. C.V.O, LLD, D.C.L, President forehead 'and ligt sioured tin His eves is, tudo at Mr Cauley', 67 MeDooal Bt, ---~ . | just now were with the enthusiasm ie, 5 ms, eto., 9 Caprrat Pato Up, $15,000,000 RESERVEFUND, + $13,500,000" | which trembled in hie tone = ee CG an studio' on Wednesdays, Voices tasted free. CO $ =-- fread ken Seamus, erpping bis iH MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.T.CM. d's arm tightly, "I'm late, I know, but qT a 1 PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS, Bookstore from "Balisbory He aoe ana "I Ss In vocal work special attention is given to TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Convenience, security and economy are secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank. They enable the bearer to identify himself and are readily converted into the current coin of any foreign - 'and I've got it! One of my shells, which 7 counrry, a in 8 wood at daylight this morning, | killed every living thing within » mile uf BARRIE BRANCH--L. F. CROSS, Manager- it. The bark fell off the crees, and the Voice Production. Pupils prepared for A.T.C.M. degree in both piano and vocal; also elementary exams. of Toronto Conser- vatory of music or University exams. Studio: King Block. Phone 424. W. H. THRESHER Organist and Choirmaster of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Feacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Organ and Theory. Pupils prepared for any examination, practical and theoretical Voices tested free. Residence and Studio, 'swear to you, Dick, I've done it!" "Done what?" Holderness demanded, a little bewildered. "T've perfected my explosive--the thiag | I wos telling you about last week," was the triumphant reply. "The whole world' | struggling for it, Dick. The German cheia- ists have been working night and day for | three years, just for one little formula, | Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Money to Loan MARKET ITEMS A number of Valuable Farms and Town Properties for. Sale on SATURDAY MARKET the' most reasonable terms. labourers in field beyond threw dows | prishee URIKet ,o Saturday ast, Dressed {88 Worsley St. Phone 510. 34-yrly BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING their implements end ran for abeir lives. [fowl of all Kinde wae ter beret Oyen panne Sg; Hep the Brineiple of intensiication. "The |The price dropped several oeser ecteTin. LEGAL Yj eoiaon feeds on ita own vapours. The for: |;oot genes Groped several cer Tey peal. mula--I've got it in my pocketbook--" ful. Eggs were just in fair quantity but ALEXANDER COWAN e€ awn S ou Nn raping, ate, old fellow," Holderness in- /the demand was not large, eo they did not | Succemar to Lennox, Conse Brown ' feerupeed ok all oer phages wd vary much in price from a week ago. For | Barrister, Soliciter for obtaining probate of one , m dying to hear you talk about it, Lut potatoes $1.00 to $1.25 bag was asked wills, hip and administration, and 6. 6. Smith & Co. By E. Phillips Oppenheim Cane EPs gow and be introduced to Mus In vegetablen, onions and cabbage wire | Cu, euardianah "Notucy,Oocvagsnee, soa . . 'an Tey! lolly's over there, waiting, and | very plentiful. $1.75 per bag was the|Ge oe pina n tablished 1869 Copyright, 1918, by Little, Brown & Co. we're all half starved," |price 'of onions, Cabbees ie" quomtites | Offices: me er (be: 8 Donkey Bt UNDERTAKERS 7 5o am 1! was the cheerful answer. |could be secured a little less than prices|____----Momey to loan, ---------- Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner, "Hullo, Lutehester, how are you' Just | given below. BOYS & MURCHISON enact ; . copvri one moment. I must get a wash. I mo: | Eggs, per dozen ec ; - Open Day and Night through special arrangement with owners of copyright. tored straight through und "I'm choked | Beetey tp, © ; Sq | Barristers, Soliton, Notary Public, Con with dust. Where do I go?" Chicken, dressed, tb. ic t st t f interest, Morgue and Chapel "Tl show. you," Lutehester volunteered, | Duck, Ib., Kone 4 hae Prato ity tones ee levcomazction FOREWORD | aaegl¥S have no typical millionaires," she |--tiurry un Fowl e | mmerly Secupied tyr the Beoe ca a ) me comnectiol "Lam for England and England on| assured him "They come from all clusses| The wwe men sprang up the stair towards | Turke: . ¥ Brom dite Elmvale, Ont. . --_ John Lutehester, the Englishman, asserted | 4nd all States." eye the dressing-room, und Holderness strolled | Creain, - |W. A. Boys, K.C, MP. D. C. Murchison BARRIE, ONT. + Phone 82 I am for Japan and Japan only," Nikas. Fischer is a Westerner, ian't he buck to where his sister and Pamela were | Milk, . ---- Pamela nodded, but did not pursue the conversation, Her eyes were fixed upon girl who had just entered, and wha was looking a little doubtfully' around, a girl plainly but smartly dressed, with flulfy light hair, dark eyes, und a very pleasant expression. Pamela, who was critical of her own sex, found' the newcomer attrac tive. "Is that, by any chunce, one of our ini talking to a amall, dark young man, with | 4 rather high cheek-bones "und olive 'com- | Apples, Snows, bbi plexion. Pamela turned around with | Apples, Sheep' Nose, bbl smile Crab apples, basket, "I heve found an old friend," she told | Potatoes, bag him. "Baron Sunyea--Captain Holderness, | Pumpkin, each Baron Sunyea used to be in the Jupanmse | Squash, ench Embassy at Weshington." Citron The two men shook hands. ieee panel ti, the Jap, insisted, "Tam for Germany first and America af- terwards," Oscar Fischer, the German-Am- erican pronounced. 'Iam for America first, America only, America always," Pamela Van Teyl, the American girl, declared. They were all right except the German- American PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building. Toronto, Ont. C. W. Plaxton, G. Gordon Plexton DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, All Kinds Placed in RELIABLE COMPANIES WE WRITE marae fi "I was interested,' the Japanese anid | 6 . sing guests, Captain Holderness?" sh : y P Cabbage, each y Farm Risks at the Old Rates CHAPTER | satel tale ee enema oi 15. Moves, San your. conyernation 'just now Radu bone Money to loan. YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED Mefiez-Vous! know why, but I have an idea that it ix | #bout thw ovice: } Toudhe indact {Beeta, basket, SSWICKE & BELL To Cover Everywhere Tuisez:Vous! your sister." was telling you Hewacvery loud incee, Parsnips, bunch SRERuICKe A. 8 Les Oreilles Ennemies Vous Ecoutent! *By Jove, yes!" the young man assen- |it seemed to me, which you sone E nog | Odions, ' basket | Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judi [known across the North Sea | right 2" A. F. A. MALCOMSON The usual litle crowd was wasting in the | ted, stepping forward. "Here we ure, Molly Lobb iy |eature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Con- of 4 fashionable London restaurant | nd at last you ure going to meet Miss . Parsley, bunch, veyancers, ete, Holder- The Insurance Man, Barrie. |. few nunutes before the popelar Inecken | Vat Teyl wie Loved Molly tif, talking | 18 5 tenes zo are of course why, | ouge, bunch... Money to loan. hour Ramela Van Teyl, «very bewutiful | bout you."" he explained, wx Pamela held | ness wm "tke # club. Where sre the en: | Horse: Radish, Offices: in Ross Block, Barrie. Americun girl, drewed in the extreme. of | Ut her hand [the lace ow ike a club, Where are the ea | Porky drewed, fb, . W. A. J. Bell, KC. fashion, which she seemed somehow to jus-| The girls, who stood talking together for a? Come from, I should like to | Vortsbire Pigs, young pair, 'si Prey i tify, directed the attention of her compan- |! Moment, presented rather a striking son. | KHOW!" Hay, new oo... +++ $20.00-$22, Gia, Bieeies the Mteoti iat ee trast, Molly Holderness wan pretty but | "Where we tems expect te, find them, as "s MEDICAL thes. usual. Pamelx was beautiful and unuaual, |® Tule," was the grave reply NEAR-BY MARKETS DR. H. T. ARNALL "Except," abe declared, "for you poor| She had the long, slim body of a New York | "Quite right, Lutchester, who had just | (November 22, 1918.) mead dears who have been hurt, that is the first | itl, the complexion and eyes of Souther. | rejoined them, agreed. 'They still ray, Office and Residence Corner of Toronto Creemore--Wheat $2,06-82.11, oats 74c, barley 97c-$1.04, peas $2.25, butter 45c, eggs 50c, live hogs $17.25, 2 Stayner--Butter 48-50c, eggs 55c. Alliston--Wheat $2.08-82.13, peas $2.25- you know, that our home Secret Service is just ws bud wy our foreign Secret Ser | vice 1s good,"" | Holderness smiled in somewhat superior and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church. | Telephone 167. DR, W. A. ROSS ner, the savoir faire of « Frenchwoman. She was extraordinarily cosmopolitan, and yet extraordinarily American. She impres: sed everyone, as she did Molly Holderness thing I have seen in England which mukes me realise that you sre ut war," The younger of her two escorts, Captain Richard Holderness, who wore the un:form of # well-known cavalry + ed | ut that moment, with a sense of charm, fashion fs , "RCS. Edi h; F.CP., London, ot ie oe ie ieee Biante eculd: alton secept a truth her own | "Can't say that I have much faith in shut 2.50, bay 820-26. butter 43-490, exes ie, ROR, Edinburgh; F.C yee "What rob it seem!" be excleimed, "We stw'ement--that abe vile her looks chet Be tae ek fiemlamel: No: doubt there | Pepstore a8 SLOO-SE 10. 13, oats 70. | Office and Residence, Dunlop St., Barrie. wax any' quantity of espionage before the | Us pret well we d ow, | 73c, hogy $17.00 ewt., potatoes 90c-$1.25 Fah haw Ged vient ete TOP | Bae" belies die euee dle rekon cates ly because they helped people to forget thot she had brains 1 "T won't admit thut I have ever beon!I suy, how good civilization is!" he vent get fed up with that sort of thing in France, Telephone 165, It's always the sume at every little railway stati d every little inn. "Mefiez-vous! ; DR. E. G. TURNBULL Taser vous! They, Wiiste igre ee on bored, Mas Ven Tevl** Molly Holderness on, his even dwelling lovingly on the inter Meee 52 082.18, onta 7o, pens Gian a here.'" asoured her, "but Dick hes certainly told {ior of the restaurant. ""Tophole, isn't it, Ee eNew aries ere ae (Successor to Dr. R. 8, Broad) OF CUR FUNERAL BERVIOE: ners a Tuishenen:e'tal clean-shaven mun, |e all sorts of wonderful things about you | Lutchester--these smart gitle, with they pe batter 45-480, eggs 60-800, potatoes |... (Sue Residence, corner 'Elisebeth and {--Persiaal attention to the most [dressed in civilian clothes, raised his eye. |~"how kind you were in New York, and | furs and violets and perfumes, the little vie Eollingwood--Wheat $2.10-82.15, oats Bradford Sts,, Barrie, ste ---An insistence |glass end read out the notice languid what a delightful surprise it was to lind |of music in the distance, the cheerful clutter gwood-- ne Phone 108, minute details An insistenc uidly. 75c, spring chicken 22-250, butter 43-470, Wel ee f ent |... "Well, I don't know," he observed. |¥ou down at the hospital at Nice. I am|of plates, the smiling faces of the waiters | 75¢. Abas, "bay 226485, onetacs 5 ees upon Fe OE NO ome af tou Service fellows--not the Reg- | #ftaid he must have been a terrible crock | and the' undercurrent of pleasant voices. es ewes Hay 920.-600., potatoes W. A. LEWIS, M.D. C.M. throughout, 3--No commission | [some of you Servie nus |b dood deal nee | then." Don't leugh at me, please, Miss Van Teyl, | $1.00. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY too great. no duly ton xovere for you tome beck T deett meena any'! "Got well in no time as soon as Mina|I've three weeks more of'it YO | ES 'ally, us to execute for you. Moderate [3¢ youl hing, 0 i Y |Xan Teyl eame slong". Holdernem de-| perhaps mare. I don't go. up before my 9 especially. ; feos and 'posilive adliatartion {eaten whe ede. qlonciog ee his waa (stared, "Ne weal bit dreary down there Board il Thureday fortnight. "Dash it, [Be exelsimed. "Is your leader « man of | Phone 61. 56 Collier St, Barrie, 3 5 _ i "Army's full of Johnnies, wh Jt first. None of my lot were sent south, |I wish Sandy would hurry up!" cok ian qaeured: "(he most particular. Avay's 'Shire' BOSdGSL" Holter cod 4 lamer fas sopans'e coed deatenet | oe roe nee how you got your | Never, have Seng rg ety DR. VICTOR A. HART family assented gloomily, "No wonder they cant |YOU've got your lungs full of that rotten ' Pamela observed, aa the conver- | ™ 1 *|Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, s vy. "No g is one of the most wonderful per- 'also Edinburgh and Gla W. D. MINNIKIN keen their mouthe shut" gas and are feeling like nothing on earth. |sation flagged for » moment. . ioimete id the So He eee > urgl BOW. "Seems to me you need them all," Miss |! wonder where that idiot Sandy is. I 'old Can't even remember,' was the careleas | {Ormers in ia marvellous. «Captain | off Spenieliy Diseases of pone oe, Phone 431 34 Mary St. Pamela Van Teyi remarked with a emile. |him to be here « quarter of an hour before| reply. "We were all scrapping sway as Holderness ted partoulaty "for tta sgh ml Burtick he recler you others--thought we might have liad 8 quiet chat first. Will you stand by the girls for a moment. Lutchester, while I hard w we could one afternoon, and neerly,| Holder '8 dozen of us got the same knock, all #t the'| '!- same time. It's quite all right now, though, except for the stiffness. It was' gas did me in... What a fellow Sandy is! You people must be starving." They waited for another five minutes, Then Holderness limped towards the staire with a little imprecation. Lutchester stop: course we do," Holderness assented, rand Heaven forbid that any of us Reg- ulurs should say a word against. them. nt Jolly good stuff in them, too, as the have # look round?" he added. Germans found out last month." | He hobbled away, one of the thousands y All the same," Lutehester continued, | who were thronging the atreeta and pub- still studying the notice, "news does run |lie places of London--brave, simple-mind- over London like quicksilver. If you step jed young men, all of them, with tangled down to the American bar here, for in-| recollections in their brains' of blood and 2 doors south of our former location, DYEING AND CLEANING They seated themselves at the table re- served for them against the wall. Their cicerone was withdrawing with a low bow, but Pamels leaned over to speak to him. "Your music," she told him, "is quite wonderful. DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen S8t., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Toronto Phone North 3326, The orchestra consists entirely stanee, you'll find that Charles is one of | fire and hell, and a game leg or a lost arm ped him. » "They are real Southern darkies, from Jo- Barrie Phone No. 2. > t i ' the best-informed men about the war into remind them that the whole thing was 'Don't you go, Holderness," he begged. seat .. | = Your Clothing willbe [| jh petinfonned men shout "Army, in [not a nightmare. "He looked a litle discon. | "I'l find him and bring him down by the |#¢Pb, the leader, down, to little Peter, wo AOOOUNTANTS Properly cleaned inside and |] the Navy, and in the Flying Corps, and it's |solately around, and was on the point of /scruff of the neck, Pamela's interest in the matter remained |~--7 He strode up the stairs on hiv mission which ended in unexpected failure. Pres. ently he returned, a slight frown upon his forehead. "Tam awfully sorry," he announced, "but I cuo't find him anywhere, I left him washing his hands, and he suid he'd be down in a moment. Are you quite sure that we haven't missed him?" LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronte J.-F. Lawson, F.C.A. (Phone 171, Barrie) H. J. Welch, GA. G. D. Campbell, C.A. T. E. Lawless, C.A. W. 8. Hulbig, Production Engineer Manager Cost & Efficiency Department. rejoining the others when the friend for whom he was searching came hurriedly through the turnstiie doors. "Sandy, old chap," Holderness exclaim- astonishing how communicative they teem 'o become after the second or third cock- tail." "Cocktail, mark you, Miss Van Teyl, Holderness pointed out. "We poor En slishmen could keep our tongues from wih fing before iv, acquired some of your Am= ASK YOUR STOREKEEPER "The hubits' are all right,' Pamela re- torted. "It's your heads that are wrong." FOR ' "The most valued product of your coun try." Lutehester murmured, "is more dane B gerous to our hearts than to our heads," uuabated. "I tell you it makes one feel almost homesick to hear them play," she went cn, with a little sigh, "Did they come direct from the States?" Ferrani shook his head. "From Paris, madam. Before that, for a little time, 'they were ut the Winter Garden in Berlin. They made quite a outside at Maxwell's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? "There hasn't been a sign of him," Molly a . We know how. declared promptly. "Tam so Huagiy tha eka tour of it before they arrived , AMES PATERSON ; my eyes have been glued upon the stair- . \ icensed Auctioneer and Appraiser MAXWELL & C0. ease all the time." yo tan ook des, the man, whom | For aunty of Simcoe Preparad to som 4 | She mode a ne : Pamela, who had slipped away a fow , in' | duct Sales et reasonable rates. Satisfaction PI away, holding out her' heed to ener e moments before, rejoined them with w tte | una good-bumoured face----not much in- | sueranteed, 120 Bayfild St, Prove ta hone 229 rival--a tall, broad-ehouldered man, with expression of surprise, Ferrani's protest was vigorous and ges-| Ofders left at A. F. A. Malcoinson's offise 'Isn't Captain Graham here yet" she asked incredulously "Not a sign of him will receive prompt attention. 4 strong, cold face and keen, grey uyes, y. vil ad i fbi aggressive even behind his gold-rimmed ticulatory. He evidently had ideas of bis own concerning Joseph. Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie, " Holderness replied. spectacles, 'There was queer change in . lderness replied. | O% 2 ink, ee | it fece as his eyes met' Pamele'" He plage) etm ee Od Per a er Mere aM ~ © |wemed suddenly to become more human. Tan eel ei ceepiny Sater and Mie eee. a barge belle ee Oe PHONE c BROWN His pleasure at seeing her was certainly Yan Tes! in, wil you?" be ent 00, HOG | heey than Tate eae ee nal ge le more than the usual transatlantic polite-- rani will look after you. I'll foley din st, | Bet, these fellows here!" 250 eeSMr. Fischer," she exclaimed, "they are 2 yen. "st |'""Pamela looked him in the eyes, ad FOR THE BEST IN saying hard things about our country! De in canna The chief maitre d'hotel advanced to| owe ctreful, Monsieur Ee yea ets Please protect me." meet them with a gesture of invitation, and | Vi8ed, "that it does FOR mo Y F il BAKERS' BREAD He bowed over her fingers. 'Then he led them to s table arranged for five.' The |8°t, rid of them. our Family CROW ADE BREAD looked up. His tone was impressive. SUSPENDERS festaurant was crowded, and the coloured |, She leaned ast beta 4 Y ° for Men mana n, ne pein Meno the wall |e of ube, wed Fora 6 Hil our Business : SANDWICH BREAD i AND A FULL LINE OF 2 PIES, CAKES and PASTRY "If T thought that you needed protection, Miss Van Teyl--" "Well, I can assure you that I do," errupted, Iaughing. "You know my on their left, was playing a lively one-step, Ferrani was buttonholed by an important client as they crosed the threshold, and music was once more in full swing. Their luncheon was served, and Lutchester did the Your Future Dollar Value for 75c : . : ; i in his companions, Their friends, don't you? they lingered for s moment, waiting for | his best to entertain Bakery and Saleshop: "T thi Sh " i his guidance, Whilst they stood the: eyes, however, every few seconds, strayed = 56 Gor. Elizabeth and Small Streets | erica tered hating eae the Am cxtiun thing happesed. Ths lender ef ihe | owarda the door. There was non of the] With an Annual Divi- chester and Holderness. orchestra seemed to draw his fingers reck- | "missing guest. dend Polity in the (To be continued) "'Nowswe'll get an independent opecian | lessly across the t wall, The Barve Plaine Mi e Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia and Mary Streets Menufeeturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, 'Tek ee Mouldings, Water Troughs, = We'carry in stock a large assortment of Promptly. Consult us with your building. THOS. ROGERS Office 163, ES Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete, the former observed, pointing to "We were discussing that notice, Mr. Fis- cher. You're almost as much a Londoner as a New Yorker. What do you think?--. is it superfluous or not?" Fischer read it out and smiled. "Well," he admitted, 'in America we don't lay much store by that sort of thing, but I don't know as we're very good judges about what goes on over here, I shouldn't call this place, anyway, a hot-bed of in- trigue. Excuse me!" He moved off to greet some incoming well-known stockbroker and his partner. Lutchester looked after him cur- Residence 353 | io yusly. ty Mr. Fischer one of your typical mil- lionaires, Miss Van Teyl?" be asked, She shrugged her shoulders, down by his side. His features remand imperturbable, but the gleam of hisowhite teeth, and a livid little streak unwer his maitre d'hotel, who had now re-joined Congoleum rugs, all sizes, at W. A. Lowe & Son --------S Saas BIG SURPRISE TO MANY IN BARRIE and patienta, which m. "What an extraordinary breakdown!" Wm. Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142. Dis. Mgr. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.