Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1918, p. 8

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JUNK of all kinds, wanted. HL Levit, Bey. field St. Phone 384 FOR SALE--Three General purpose horses, apply to D. C. Howard, 124 'Dunlop. Be, iis PROF. D. E. WEIR-- Teacher cf Piano aod Violin. Piano Tuner. 6 Owen Bt, arrie. 48 a FOR SALK--2 Durham Bulls, 6 months old. Apply E M. Caldwell, Shanty Bay, Phone 33. 47-529 HOUSE TO RENT--No. 4, Mulcaster Street. Immediate possession, 'Rent $8.00. Ap- ply on premises a2tfe. a cara Aa FOR RENT--Figst-claos brick residence, all conveniences, on Brock St. Apply Gar- rett's Music Store. 40-tf -- es RADIANT HOME HEATER For Sale-- Nearly new, large size, cheap. Apply to 77 McDonald Street 45-50p RAW FURS--Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of raw furs, Simmons & Co., Furriers, Dunlop St. 47-3mos. | 'TO LET--Arlington Hotel, low rent, suit- able for « good boarding house, Ten bed- rooms. C 12-28p-tf T. Devlin. sath | The snow plowing contract has t¢{been let to Scott Bros at 8495. Dr. Murphy is leaving Phelp- ston, having purehased the prac- tice of the late Dr. Johnston, Stayner. : Victory Loan business: has added immensely with registered local post office. If you have all the business you want, don't advertise. But if you haven't, advertising is one of the most effective ways of in- creasing your trade. ----------_______, GOOD PLAIN COOK WANTED--Apply American Hotel. 46-tfe STRONG BOY Wanted to help in Bakery. C. Brown, Barrie. 41-1 to the work letters in the FOR SALE--Few young Hens, also some cockerels. Phone 199523. 47-48 | COTTAGE FOR SALE--Large lot, central. Apply W. J. Lennox, 11 Peel St' 40p-tf 38 FINE WHITE ROCK COCKERELS-- For Sale Ready for mating. A.M. Mar- shall, Ross St, Barre. 47-48p FOR SALE OR RENT--Solid brick house, 101 Mulcaster St. 9 rooms, all conven. wnees CT, Devlin, 4itt -- iLEBRATE! "R POTATO y D.C. Howard, Call and see them at 124 Dunlop St. 27 200 AGRE FARM--Suitable for all modern farm, Good house and barn, in Flos Township. Apply Box 178, Barrie. 44tfe _------ HOUSE TO LET--Bayfield street, live rooms, electric ght, town water, reason. able rent. Apply Jus, Cheeseman. 47 48)) TO RENT 6 Room Cottage on Grove St, Electrre light, water, garden and orchard. Rent $700 month' Apply this office AT 49 penne STURE LAND for Sale--50 acres, -vell (, » Some good wood, Apply at this of-- 4548p | FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Mire M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie. 37-tfc FOR SALE--50 Acres good hard wood bush. Apply Joseph Hewitt, Edgur 4853p --_-- WAR OVER--Cheap meat of all kinds, At Jno. Bingham & Sons, Elizabeth St 48-53) DRESSMAKING by the day Miss McGill, phone 452. 33 Alfred street, Aland: 48 REGISTERED SHROPSHIRE E} Ewe and Ram S ond Lambs for gale. Geo | Raikes, 48-49 BARRED ROCK COCKERELS --Soine choice birds of fine laying strain. Apply S. J. Fisher. 48-49, -- te. HOUSE FOR RENT OR FOR SALE 6 rooms, on Sunford street, Apply to 25 Ehzabevh street 47-tfe MAN WANTED--For farm work for a month or longer. Phone 417715, Angus (Barrie Central) 48-48c. FOR SALK-- Six nice, Shropshire hwe Manbe Write or phone tu doh Ro J Anten Shils, RMD. Phone $14 M sing 47 Wp CLEANING ANID PR suit and overcoat ea like new by Harry Twiss, Dunlop St SSING- Your old nude to look Ross Block, -- CHRISTMAS STOCK of raixins, currants, peels, nuts, candy Fresh --Ro J. Gala. gher, cor Bayfiekl and Sophia streets, Phone 295 47-tfe ---------- HOUND LOST. Black lugs and back, half while cul, white legs. Finder please no- | tly T. H, Aconley, Shanty Bay, and re- ceive reward, 46-48p | _ department TO LET OR FOR §. niodern conveniene 60 Mary street Brick House, all Apply Mrs. Smith, 48-40 FOR SALE ~ Cou Baby's High ¢ Cumberlund street 1 fair condition, $3.00 mr, $1.00. Apply 41 48-48p {MAID WANTED. --One capable of taking full charge, Family of three. Apply. at once, 87 Worsley street 48-480 Six-room cottuge on Mul- Low price. Eusy terms. 37 Dunlop St 48. Bp NTED--A good strong boy or man for delivery rig for gracery, flour and feed Brown & Co, 46-tfe FOR SALE--Ford Roadster in good condi tion ; tires nearly new; one new tire extra Apply A. T. Moore, Shanty Bay, at E. V. Wilson's furm 46-51p FURS WANTED--Good prices paid for all of riw furs. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Harry Levit, Phone 384, Bayfield street, Barre, 46-51p ROUGH CAST HOUSE TO LET--30 Mac- Donald St, 7 rooms, conveniences, also garage, if desired. Apply W. G Luek, 11 Francis St, 45-tfo. tl 'WANTED--Good girl or woman to uct ast housekeeper, family of five; good home and good wages. Apply 135 Cumberland Areet, Allandale 46-48p STEER STRAYED. Vespra, nbout Oct with white on face A. Finlay, Midhurst From Lot 12, Con. 6, 15, dark red, yearlin, Finder pleuse not: iy STRAYED- From Lot 25, con. 12, Innis- fil, 1 red Heifer with nick in left ear. + Pinder please notify H. B. Armstrong, RRA, Allandale or Phone. fe SHOICE SHORTHORN BULLS for Sule or Exchange, rising 2 and 3 years. Will buy an aged' bull" E. V." Wikon, "The Woods" Farm, Shanty Bay. é 'DO RENT OR FOR SALE--Business pr erty, residence and stables, corner abeth end Mary Sts. present tenant, W. D. Minnikin Apply Mrs. Meaford Webb, 26 Small St. Phone 119. 38-tfe FARM FOR SALE or Rent--Lot 7, Con. 9, Essa, ner Cookstown, 109 acres, all clsared, good clay loam; frame house, large barns. Easy terms. Andrew Cun. hingham, 26 Small St. Phone 119. 38tfc. FTRAYED--On to the premises of lot 23, con."9, Essa, about Oct, 10, 1 red steer, apparently one year old. 'Owner may have 'xame by proving ownership and paying expenses. Wesley Martin, R.R.3, jornton, AGtfe.. 47-48 | FOR SALE--Good young Horse, suitable for delivery rig or general purpose. Ap. | ply to 118 Penetung street. ~ 47-485 | ROOMS TO LET--One apartment of 4 and | another of 3, aver Merrick and Litater's | _itore Apply' RH. Webb. 48-48p |YOUNG. MARE FOR SALE well'bred, will make good. di 4 Harmer, 72 Codrington St., Barrie, 13-Sp yous, |FOR SALE--Player Piano, Solid Walnut, in first-class condition with bench and 16 rolls of music. Box No. "W" 48.50p FOR SALE--Very profitable cartage nusi-- ness, | Good list of customers. Large monthly receipts, Easy terms, Enquire at 237 Dunlop St. 48-48p LOST--On Saturday morning, black span- | et pup about 5 months old with tong cars and tail. Reward, Thos. Rogers the Barrie Planing Mill. 48-tfe | TOILET SOAPS--Palmolive, Gobli Baby's Own, Mother's Own, Olive Oil, Cucum ber. Oatmeal, ete. R. J. Gallagher, 110 Bayfield St. Phone 295 48-48¢ STRAYED--Came to lot 19, con. 4. Ves- pra, on Nov. 26, 4 small calves, Owner may have same by proving nrnperty Paying expenses, Mrs, Wright. 37-47¢ | | FOUND--On_ Saturday, Crown Hill and Owner may have sume by ny Penses. A. D. Campbell, Shanty Buy. . 48-48 $i *-8 FOR SALE--Durhem Bull, eight months old, Registered, Red, sired by Royal Mastodon (Imported). Apply Fred L, Bonney, Shanty Bay. Phone 535122 eS MUSIC--MISS MAYDEE McAULEY 's. do- sirous of beginners or advanced music Pupils for instruction in Pinno and Theo. ry. For terms inquire at 86 Mary stre-t. 48-48p SARM STOCK FOR SALE--Ihave # num ber. of one- und two-year-old Shorthorn grade heifers, also a number of good thrifty young pigs just weaned. If you want them, write or phone to Thos. E. Ross, Guthrie. Phone 822, Oro. 46-48¢ ZARM FOR SALE OR RENT--Lot 17, son. 2, Flos, 100 acres, 75 acres cleared, 'Salance pasturéand bush. Comfortable omse, bank barn 40x60, driving shed and vuttatildings. Possession, Mar. 1, 1919, with plowing privileges. P. A. Coughlin, Bhelpston. 25tf. re a YOR SALE--A two-storey Brick Cottage at Tollendgl, three scres land, good stab! good spiary, first-class location, no fc brood; abundance of good water; ideal glece for retired farmer, gardener or apiarist. - Price right, terms easy. W. J. Goedfellow, Allandale, 43-480 'WOMEN TELEGRAPH Operators are in de- mand by G.N.W. and C.P.R. These sys- tems will promptly place every Graduate of Shaw's Telegraph and Railroad School at a good saliry. We therefore ask you to prepare at once. Write for particulars, PLAYER PIANO--If vou are looking for a real snap in a slightly used Gerhard Heintzman Player Piano, call at Garrett's Music Store. Almost as good as aed 48-tfe te RAM ASTRAY--There came to my prem- ises, lot 24, con. 7, Oro, on or about Nov. 19, young 'ram. Owner may have same on proving oroperty apd paying expenses. Thos. F. Bell, Oro Station. 48-51p WANTED--Qualified teacher for School Section No. 17, Innisfil. Salary $600 per annum, duties to commence Jan. 6. Ap- ply stating qualifications and experience. H. E. Hughes, Craigvale, Ont. 48-480 SHEEP ESTRAY--Three came to my oremises, lot 9, con. 7, Innisfil, about Oct. 1, one ewe. Owner may have same by proving property and paving ex- penses. T. Connell, Thornton R.R. 48-50p. >t {) night, is a real s *lgiving for The funeral of the late Mrs, Pocock took place in London on Monday, Nov. 25. Less than four weeks till Christmas. Get busy early with that shopping list. Read "The Pawn's Count," the new serial by Oppenheim which begins in this issue. member the Christmas sale on{Dec10 in aid of the Field Comforts Wool Fund. If you wish to find a lost article, use The Examiner Adlet Column, one cent per word. Geo. Cameron shipped 250 hogs, 50 cattle, 150 sheep and lambs in the last two weeks. On Tuesday the official ther- mometer registered 20 degrees of frost, the coldest this season. "In Old Kentucky," which plays the Grand, Sat., matinee and how, not a pie- ture. Council has decided to build a sewer (about 300 feet) on Hol gate St. to connect with the William St. sewer, John Skinner of Bradford has moved into the house on Mul- caster St., purchased from H. I. Otton some time ago Don't forget the matinee at the Opera House, Sat. Nov. 30, at 0 sharp. Children 27¢, adults --"'In Old Kentucky", * Dr. Fred Oreock, aged 35, died lu" in Winnipeg General Hospital on Wednesday, Nis parents live at 191 Owen st of The regular monthly meeting of the W.G.T.U. will be held at the jhome of the Misses King, 13 Poyntz St. on at 3.30, What might he called the first Monday, Dee, 2, On Monday morning, Last ye there was a similar fall a month earlier, The Allndale having i sale ladies are f Homemade Bak- ing in the Orange Hall, Allan. dale, on Saturiay, Dee. 14, in wid of Field Comforts The District Representative af the Dept. of Agriculture is ar- ranging fer ao short eeurse on rin Pe fe he held in Barrie and 28 The regular monthly meeting ef the Barrie Women's Institute Will be held on the afternoon of Dr. Simpson will nat come as a stranger, having already numer. hous friends in town, Eddie Gauld, who is well known fo Barrie hockey fans, | had charge of the Vietory Loan | publicity in Brantford and. did his work so well that he was /presented with a silver tea ser. vice, On Monday and Tuesday night sabout two-score men of St. An- drew's Church made the annual visitation of the homes of the congregation. As a preliminary to the work the men had a very enjoyable supper together in the school room on Monday at 6.15. At the meeting of the Women Teachers Association, Thursday evening last, Miss Burns of the Collegiate Sta' discussed Col. McCrae's poems, "In Flanders Fields" and "The Anxious Dead." These poems--always recognized as fine--took on new beauly and meaning as interpreted by Miss Burns. Under the auspices of the Cor- inthian and Kerr Lodges, a Ma- sonic memorial and thanksgiving service will be held next Sunday, Dec. 1, at 4.15 p.m., in the Collier St. Methodist church. Rev. Geo. A. Brown will preach on 'Thanks. Vietory' and other clerical members of the Craft will assist in the service. Mrs. Laidman will sing "In Flanders Fields" and: the choir will sing the "Hallelujah Chorus" and the "Gloria" from the "Twelfth Mass." PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. W. D. MacLaren is spend- ing a few weeks in Toronto. Mrs. H. Desjardine and son visited friends in Brentwood this week. Mrs. and Miss Kells of Mill- brook are ing Mrs. H. A. Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Davis left today for Chengtu, China, where they will be engaged in mission- ary work. Misses Myzia and Evelyn Graydon of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Will R. King over Sunday. Miss Olive Handy accompanied by Miss Claudia Stone spent the week-end in Toronto with the former's aunt, Mrs. Campbell. Chief Rayner of North Bay has returned home after spending a few days with his parents in town, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rayner, Sr. Capt. Kimmins of the Salva_ TO LET--THAT most desirable Brick House on Bradford street at entrance to the Park and Collegiate with all conven-- iences and the same will be let at a low W. H. Shaw, President. Gerrard & Yonge, | Toronto, 87-82p Tent to a permanent tenant. Apply to Jaa, Cheesman, Box 59. tion Army has been transferred to Kitchener and left for his new post today. He is succeeded by Adit. Wiseman of Simcoe. Nov. 27.! fall of snow of the season came | Friday, Dec. 6. at 4 «clock, ing the Poliee Cour A full atten. dance is requested Dr. 1. J. Siinpsen has disposed of his practice in Elmivale and is moving to Barrie, where he will open an office in a fow weeks. The Mack lar. Sizes up to 50. Blue and Red Plaids. The same good quality Plaids. pant you can buy. We We stock the famous " but there are none bett ity considered. Fine Rubbers All sizes, styles, shapes | TAYLOR'S BORAX LAUNDRY SOAP For easy washing. 3 Bars for 25c. WE GIVE A Sc COUPON, WITH WHERE MOS dvisable for him to go to the hospital. Miss Marlin who has been at her home in Maple Ave. for a couple of weeks recuperating after an attack of influenza, re- turns to her duties in Hamilton General Hospital on Friday. Wellington Street, West. BORN HUNTER--On Sunday, Nov. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunter, Craigvale, a son,| (Albert Craighead). it LUCK--In Toronto, on Wednesday, No 13, to Mr. and Mrs, Allan J. Luck, | °m son, 7 LAMB--In the R.V. Hospital, on Nov. 27, to Mr. and Mrs, Lamb, Owen Street, | x5 son. ROBINSON--In Barrie, on Monday, Nov, 26, to Mr." and Mrs, Clifford Robinson, Victoria St. a son, Congoleum rugs, all sizes, at W. A. Lowe & Son's. 43-tf BIG 6 DAY SALE OF MEN'S SOFT & STIFF HATS All New Goods--Regular Prices $3.50 to $4.00 -. +. ..On Sale at $2.88 .. . Also 10 doz. Sample Caps, regu- lar $1.50 to $2.00. Sale price $1.00 FURS - -- - FURS Big reductions in all lines of FURS Black Wolf Sets from $10.00 up Fine Natural Wolf Sets $15.00, $18.60, $25.00 to $40.00 If you want good value in Furs-- BUY NOW Big assortment of Mitts, Glo Woolen Sets, and Hee™vear of all kinds. SIMMONS & CO When J. B. Feilding arrived in Barrle, Ont. f THE WARMEST GARMENT FOR OUTDOOR WORKIS - WE HAVE BLACK MACKINAW COATS at pete eee e eee eeenee ees $10.50 Made of superior quality Mackinaw; with belt, four pockets and high storm col- PLAID MACKINAW COATS FOR MEN at .. The material is soft and warm and the colorings very attractive, Grey, Green, Sizes 38 to 46. PLAID MACKINAW COATS FOR BOYS at ... Sizes 28 to 36 MEN'S BLACK MACKINAW PANTS a This Mackinaw is untearable, turns wind and water and is the warmest pant you can get. The range of sizes is from 34 to 44, MEN'S GREY WOOL FULL CLOTH PANTS at These are untearable, heavy and warm, and next to a Mackinaw are the best Come to this store For Rubber Footwear CG eee { EE eee = tow uesday night, from Hal DIED Buy your Christmas Gifts at DURHAM--On November 25, 1918, at the SWEATMAN--At Simcoe Hall, Allandale, DONNELLY--At his home, Lot 12, Con. and Sermon, .A., Financial Commissioner. Thursday, Nov. 28, 1918. inaw Coat or Pants ve teeeeeeeeees $15.75 - $9.00 =4 $10.00 as the Men's in Red and Black and Brown and Black $6.00 have them in sizes 34 to 44, MEN'S AND BOYS' HEAVY RUBBERS Maltese Cross" Brand. There may be others as good, er. We have so many styles and prices that we cannot enumerate them here, but will guarantee our prices to be as low as anywhere, qual- For Boys and Girls, Women and Men and qualities, at reasonable prices. A SNAP IN Buy This TOILET PAPER SUTCLIFFE'S SPECIAL Extra Large Rolls LAUNDRY SOAP 3 for 25c 4 Bars 25c. REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE OPLE_ TRADE the Field Comforts sale on Dec. home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Norman, | 10th. fan Allandale, Harriet Saunders, relict of the late James B. Durham, Bradford, ©) {$$$ . COFFEE DRINKERS Paste the following In your Re- celpt Book: It is possible to make a very on November 22, Susanna, widow of the late Archbishop Sweatman, aged 76 yeurs, 7, Vespra, on Wednesday, Nov. 27, Robert Donnelly, aged 60 years, Funeral | Mrs. Walter Ross and her| 0M Friday to Grenfel cemetery. Poor cup of Coffee, even if the daughter,, Miss E. Helena Ross, 7. best grade is used. Ti this:-- of Toronto, mother and sister of conn tures: framed by Dougall Sesld an ordinary jug out in the Principal Ross, have taken a z -- | Coffee, then nearly fill with boil- house for the winter at 22 [/--------------_____ ing water, place a table napkin TRINITY CHURCH jon top. and set the jug in a pan Sunday, December Ist of boiling water for 20 minutes National Thanksgiving Day or more, then put + cup of cold First Sunday in Advent. water on top And serve. You will .30--Holy Communion, be pleased with the result. 00.--Morning Prayer, Holy Communion T. N. HOBLEY TEA AND COFFEE MERCHANT For your ,Christmas baking we have choice Dried Fruits, Raisins, Currants, Shelled Nuts and Sweet Cider. 46-48 .00--Children's service. 00--Evening prayer and sermon. Preather at all services, Mr. R. W. Allin, Special Thankoffering, REV. H. D. RAYMOND, Vicar, Great Sale of Ladies' Cloth Coats FROM SATURDAY, THE 3074, TO DECEMBER 7TH THE GREATEST COAT BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN BARRIE Every coat in stock at a big reduction, besides 50 SAMPLE COATS for this sale, This lot consists of the best Velours, Beavers, Whitneys, Etc., Etc., in all the newest shades, - If you need a coat, this is a great opportunity. SIMMONS & CO. a COATS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 9

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