d 55th Year. «ee A. MecLaren, Editor 'Walls, Business Manager 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED--------------_--_ THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING \ 12 Pages : 3600 Copies SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 Je Capers Pet camem [tr edvenael Bras => a No. 39 BARRIE, CANADA, SEPTEMBER 26, 1918 A MEMORIAL TABLET IN ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH To the Memory of Rev. Dr. McLeod and Mrs. McLeod, Unveiled Last Sunday. In honor of the memory of Rev Dr. MeLeod and Mrs, McLeod a some brass tablet framed in has been erected in St. An- Chureh and a large con- gregation was present last Sab-/ Erected ax a token of affection bath morning when the memorial was unveiled, Rey. Gen Brown took his text from the 93rd Psalm, "The | Lord reigneth," because ane of! the distinetive features of the re_| ligsous life of Dr. McLeod was a In loving memory of REV. D. D. McLEOD, D.D. Born in Scotland, Oct, 20th, 1844 Died March 9th, 1917@ Minister of St. Andrew's Church, Barrie June 1884 to May 1916 and his wife ANNIE McLEAN McLEOD Who died Feb. 16, 1914. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord" by the congregation. ------ eS the life of Christ means and if the life ix to count for God it must live much with God; through prayer keeping in close touch with Him, Dr, MeLeod's f the sovereignty of God. This was an outstanding motive ef action in his life | Rev, Neil Campbell spoke of how much Presbytery had missed Dr. MeLeod, a man so strong and so sympathelic.. He understood | the great questions of the Church | as no one else in Presbytery did, | and was able to grapple with them. A man of great culture} and piety. tie had a most uphfting | influence upon his brethren, Were he here today he would empha sive this point) that in the: strenuous days the Chureh and nation needs the help of everyane vl ribas ever for ff ef talemts for the upline of tha tantiers off Christ. What the Chureh nerds really is a broader vision of what REAMLAND~ The dazzling pomp, the weird mysti cism, the haunting charm, the fiery" passion and deadly hate of the East are in the mammoth six-part Pathe Play adapted from KIPLING'S fumous book-- THE NAULAKHA A Story of the West and East, starring ANTONIO MORENO AND DORALDINA This six part produced at great feature de iuxe wa+ ost, [tis a faseina tng, exerting and beautiful picture which will se every a Us fidelity to life und its Supe DREAMLAND THEATRE Fri. and Sat., Sept. 27-28 HAROLD LLOYD in "KICKED OUT" A Scream. Monday and Tuesday EDITH STOREY --IN-- "Treasure of the Sea". A Truly Wonderful Metro Production. ALSO ANOTHER FUNNY KEYSTONE COMEDY REAMLAND Just now it's Harvest time and our Custgmers are getting the fruits of our la- bors in the swell Coats, Suits and Dresses that we are offering now much below present value. 'was ala low ebb but under Nis jwas ussailed by new fangled doc: spiril lives and as his people look upon the tablet it will be a re. minder of his holy ministry, bis leaching and his life. Mr. Hay, who was for t four years clerk of the under Dr. McLeod, and for eight years secretary of the Managers, unveiled the tablet after which he spoke on Dr. MeLeod and his work as minister and citizen. When he came the congregation aL ministry it was rapidly built up and prospered. His theology was of a stalwart character as) were his politics, and everything else about him. Although the Church trines, he always stood by the old theology that had stood the test of time. 'Though of a ecanserva- live nature, he was willing to adopt ew methods if they pronised@to bring good results, His sermons were practical and farceful. Wherever he saw a wrong be could not keep silent, 4 y tastes he was a ersationalist. In he tal a most de eel aud their bane % lospatality: Voheth be remem Voted dt was an Lanne will t ed by the negation Too Much Rain Phe excessive rains of the last {We Weeks have serenely inter fered with the work on the farms In cats were yet the wet spell te PH ORI opportunity fer them in. for shower sue shower so rapidly, in various de- grees of intensity, that the eran sections consid 1 nin the fields when i bas wand there could net te dried, Many fields of peas were caught in- like fashion, suffering heavy damage. The ¢ontinual soaking -- also threatened the potatoes with rot, especially on the heavy lands. Buckwheat. which should be har- vested by this time, is still stand- ing and even after the rain lets up cannot be cut for several days lof the T. The Late Rev. Dr. McLeod The Late Mrs, McLeod To whose memory a tablet has been erected in St. Andrew's Church WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI | James 'Tadhope of Hillsdale received word last week that his son, Pte. I. J. Tudhope, had been killed in action Among the wounded reported; were Ple, Ko Lawlor, and Pus Wo Whitton, Elmvate Gunner Ed Smiley, san of Wan Smiley. Toronto, ix reported ina hospital suffering from -- shell gas. He isa cousin of P. C. Lam bie Lieut, A.J Millan of Wood- ville, only brother of Miss Bessie MacMillan, formerly of the Cen- tral School Stat, was killed in action recently Mrs. cowed potifie that her hus 16 Charles Si, re- tion cen Monday Pte. Win. Cook, Ss was adinetted to at Elaples with gun- 1916, and was transferred to the | trd Batty of Machine Gan Corps. | Mr. and Mrs. Win. Shelswe't Rdgar. have ceceived word that | their son, Pte. Chas. AL Shel<- well, had received "gunstey! ds in right arm and hack ef and was adinitfed to the General Hospital, Camiers on Sept. 5. He enlisted in Sas- katchewan and went overseas in a draft on February {5th. Corporal Ardagh Weaymouth, wor owing to the ground being so soft. Don't forget Hospital Day, Fri- lay, Oct. 4. Reaping Our Fall Harvest In many respects our business is like a farmer's:--We plant our ideas for fall and winter in the spring and reap the benefit of our forethought in the fall. BUY A NORTHWAY GARMENT They are the best Canadian Makers--and their ser- vices through us'are at you r disposal. We have no brief for the Northway Co. and the only reason we recom- mend them so highly is they give the highest satisfaction. Whether a Suit, Coat or Dress every Northway garment is Shapekeeping--and Moderate in price. ee NOVELTY HEADWEAR AT SARJEANT & KING'S The rush season is here in the Millinery Depart- ment and we are very busy--right style at right prices is our motto--and the extensive early purchases are helping very much to keep tion invited. prices within bounds. Inspec- Machine n Corps, who enlisted for overseas with the 37th Bn. bere, was killed in action on SARJEANT & KING fronto, shot wounds im the right thigh Pu k was an the Re he- fore ho enlisted with the (77th | Ballahon HOD, flodgers, Gwen St. was netified on the teth just thar | his sen. Private Jack Redsers had been tod isan the dy Fourth General Hospital Dannes Canons te Reulgers ents | with the AAMLC. in November, | Septeinber 2nd. He was in his 27th year and was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Font. Weaymouth, To- and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John Weaymouth, Barrie, Besides his parents, one brother and one sister survive, Pte, Archie MacKinnon, brother of Wo 0. MacKinnon, and a former student of the B.C.L, narrowly escaped death on Aug. 30 when a German sniper sent a bullet clean through his head. The bullet entered just below the lett jaw and came out through ht cheek, He went over a sergeant with the Buffs and on duty as a scout when he received bis injury Pte. Sidney Simmons Killed On Wednesday, September 18, Mrs. Mary Simmons, 61 Victoria St. was notified of her husband, Suluew Siiomoems, being killed im acben in France on Aug. 28. He Fon Apr. i, 116, with the Jl dived) in hg from he acon When he was nearly a year willow, 27, f and 2 ft to mourn in Branee. & three stall chil yeurs of age, are des his ior him whe paid) the supreme sarrifice Pte. Thompson's Death Instan- taneous From Capt. Bradfield, Mrs, C, W. Thompson following letter or death of her hushand: tis with deep regret that I ve to inform you of the death your husband, No. 643342, Pt. *. W. Thompson, He was killed the morning of August 9, while in the execution of his duty, Death was instantaneous, You will be informed officially as to the place of burial. The con- solation you will have (if con- solation there can be at such a lime) is that he laid down his life in a great cause, Although only with us a short time his will- ing manner and cheery disposi- tion made him a general favorite. We shall all miss him very much. I assure you of the heartfelt sym- y of all ranks of this com- Pressed Forward Tho' Thrice Wounded Mrs. A. E. Bell has received the following letter from 1 ; Weir, with whom her husband was serving: "It is with the greatest regret that we must confirm the news which you will already have re- ceived, that your husband, Lieut. Arthur Egbert Bell, was killed in action on the morning of the 26h of August. Lieut. Bell led forward his machine gun section in the attack and, although wounded three times, he showed the utmost gallantry and pluck in continu- ing to press forward until he met s death frofm the fire of a Ger- man machine gun. Your husband was one of the finest men whom it has been my privilege to know. Although he had been with us only a compara- tively short time, he was respect- ed and loved by all ranks. I can- not begin to tell you how keenly his loss is felt by all of us. His work has always been character- ized by its efficiency and he will he a decided loss to the service. Will you please accept the sin- cerest sympathy of his friends, the officers and men of the bat- talion." Plokpockets Active The loss of several pocket books, with variaus sums of money was reported to the police on Tuesday. Geo. Binnie of Craighurst had his purse with $40 abstracted on the fair grounds. Wm. Robbins of Stroud was touched for $100 inside the gate and an Oro man whose name could not he ascertained was re- lieved of 817 about the same Spal. Mox. Ferguson of Allandale lost or had stolen $100, but this Was not on the grounds. S. Maneer of Stroud also was so unfortunate as to lose on the street about $25 in bills. Taxes Well Pald Notwithstanding the high rate, the percentage of taxes received on the first instalment is higher than ever. Over 8500 in dis- counts was taken. In August there was paid $43,825.12 and in September 847,612.87, making a total of 891,437.99 out of the 130,000 on the roll. Shell Contract Correspondence In connection with the corres- pondence regarding shell con- tracts, appearing in this issue, it should be stated that this is published at the request of the Canada Producer and Gas En- gine Co. FORTUNE SMILED ON BARRIE'S BIG FAIR Perfect Weather--Attendance of 11,000--72 Entries in Baby Show. (Continued from page 1) Some very large field carrots were shown, also mangolds and sugar heets. Polatoes were a very good sample but not equal to last year's. The art exhibit was the small- est in years, but contained some geod specimens. Ladies' work had hardly so many entries as last year, but there were many samples of exceptional merit. The Baby Show When, at the suggestion of the Dept. of Health, the Board arranged for a baby show in con- nection with the child welfare ex- hibit, they had very little idea that the event would attract any- thing like the number of entries. Altogether there were 72 entries and the methodical manner in which the judging was done made 'considerable waiting unavoidable. |For every entry a card, supplied by the Dept., was filled out and (Continued on page 12.) EMT Must off than before. This Bank wil a Savings Accou save. Call or information. --THE Paid-up Capital $ 6,500.00 Reserve Fund . "12,000,000 Resources. | 130,000,000 $5.0 NOW IS THE TIME YO SUIT We have in stock about thirty-five suits----good styles and strong----suits wants to look his best----suits, too, he can, after a while, wear every day and tional resistance to wear, for they're made of attractive tweeds and serges. They a green and blue patterns, styles, some with belts. Bloomer pants. Sizes 28 to 33. Specially reduced during next two weeks.......$5.00 ---- MEN= SWEATER COATS Special offering of pure wor combination colors. Plain--In Blue, Green RAKE 3s essaic ote ae Checked Pattern--Cardinal Brown and Myrtle, Black and White and Navy and Myrtle ......... The right place for Nobby Neckwear ARJEANT & KIN Extra copies of The Examiner for sale at book stores or this office. Three cents each. CLOTHIERS & TT oS To Succeed You Above all things Canadians must learn thrift to-day. Thrift implies saving systematically and intelligently, so that each succeed- ing day or week finds one better either one or more persons may Bank of Nova Scotia Clothes for the Boy Who Plays with All His Might MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHIERS Save ll be glad to open nt for you, where write for full A. G. MACLELLAN Manager Barrie Branch $9.00 UR BOY NEEDS A NEW a boy can wear when he find in the material excep- re in attractive grey, brown, single and double breasted ol sweater coats in plain and , Brown, Maroon and +++ $7.50 and Black, Royal and Black,. ++ +eeee+ + $8.00 and $8.50 HABERDASHERS