ten by revolutionary [Te follows is 2 pioneer. tures, nd scenery, With ¢ humor and ighes, ntertains and man finds @ at, wucbes @ Lt Be Irrowing detutls, he charge jpre- {he four months thin put up the would otherwise hand Tiberty Watson to Barrie owe understut ly he put in at es of years I was B Weakness and il) pains--and Thursday, Sept. 26, Devlin & Murchison LADIES' WOOL SWEATER COATS FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, priced from. $5.00 to $8.75. Some of these are brushed wool and some are not, but the very appearance of a brushed wool sweater is com- fortable and warm. All have a sailor collar and belt. Purple, Corn and Emerald. MEN'S SWEATER COATS in all the plain colors such as Greys, Navys, and Browns, and in the following combinations: Brown and Purple, Black and Red, and Grey and Navy. These coats all have shawl collars, pockets and tight-fitting cuffs. Prices $3.50 to $8.50 i MEN'S AND BOYS' PULLOVER SWEATERS in all combinations of colors. Those priced at $1.00 are MEN'S OVERCOATS--\We have all styles in Men's Overcoats, including the Trench Coat- Many of the staple styles are coats bought late last season in order to avoid the high prices this season, and consequently will be found real good value by our customers this . year. Overcoats priced from $10.00 to $25.00 Devlin & Murchison | VY. Jermey, W, Adam, J p J. Tudhope & Sons J.C Tudhope, Alex. Roadsters--Brood Mare,-H. 1. Barn. | thart, RT Curseadde Spring Colt,---H. 1 ANOTHER BIG YEAR | AT THE ORO FAIR) 'Continued trom page 1) Lost of Prize Winners at the World's | Barnhart, E. Leigh, Hlemun's Driver, -- | HORSES (So Harvie, D Bell T. Miller, M. | Mahoney, Free for all) W. Hughes, M. Paria ea el ten am Taries | Mahoney. Farmer's DriverRus. Harvie, toll Be Z ar I, Me ARG < W. Hughes; 3 year-old, M) Cunningham. | Yearling. -Jus, McArthur: Team, Miteellansour Gent's Suddle, Geo. | O'Brien, Bo Stir, best Mare gr Rutkes 1 and > ¥: Popy Dil Lalling. any age! --tis Medethurs Yeatigg, BN Swath, tie Mehoneys Pony" Drive stallion, Ree HD Barnhart lo areeet Hsien Agricultural Bio! Mare, To Fletcher as SS raat Toul W918, Albert Grahame; 2-vear-old, rae DE Bel cl pl M Mahoney; Yeurhing,- Id, Pearsall; Teun, {2s 0 Bell \ ~-Russell Harvie, D Bell; Mare or Gelling, ihe Mies Mahonev ; Hee dent, Miss Mahon Le | CATTLE | Shorthorn+--Aged Hull, LT. Shaw: 2-| Percherons--Brond M be T W Jermey; | eres; Yearling, TW. | Spring Colt by Mann, T. W.| yeur-old.--Alex. Curne; Yearling, RA bs ' Leh ex. Fletcher; Bull Calf, 1 T Carn Brood Mare. RD Coutts; 4 Cow. 1 T McMahon, Soring Colt, WL Clark; Yearling,-- T. IT. Me It's the great war- \ time sweetmeat. --the benefit. the pleasure, the economy of a 5c package of WRIGLEY'S LSS Co aa <---- -- A Py --has made it the fa- vorite "sweet ration" of the Allied armies. : 1 \ «--send It to your friend at the front: --iIt's the handlest. & longest-lasting re- | freshment he can carry. CHEW IT AFTER @*<x EVERY MEAL mace The Flavour Lasts (p Canada ulT} Shearling I. 8. Ram lamb,--J. Aged ewe,--J. Shearling --J. S. Sanderson, F. Ewe lamb,--F. Aged ewe,--J. W. Walker; Ewe lamb, Ww. Wi and 2; Aged ewe--A. Currie, 1 and Shearling, ~ Clark; Ram lamb. Clark} Aged ewe,--G . < rs ae Clark; Shearling ewe, Union and those priced around $5.00 are all pure wool ff} lambeA. Fletcher, |ham ; Ewe lamb son; Brood sow, |Seou; B GLEYS eT and 2; Call, rit Brien, A. Currie, L T. McMshon. Sweepstakm--Best Bull. T. McMu- , : : hon; Best Female,--G. Rouse; Best Co We are showing them in.Rose, Gopenhagen, Cardinal, J|! 7 MeMabony Herd --I. T. SHEEP Cotswolds--Ager! ram,--J. 8. Sanderson, F. Sundersoa ; | Sanderson, F. Sunders; | Sanderson, F. nderson J. Leicesters--Ram lumb,--J. W. Walker: r Oxford Downs--Ram lamb,--A. Currie, T Campbell, A. Curie; Ewe lamb,--A. Currie, nd 2. Shropshires--Shenrl Grades--Aged ewe,--J, W. Walker. G. S.| thearling ewe,--A. Graham, A. Cra: | AC Graham, A, Grubam. | PIGS Yorkshires--Aged Bour,-W. 1 Addi ow.--A. Graham, A. Graham, L. F POULTRY Barred Rocks--W. Tuck, R. F. Carsead- den; Barred Rock chicks,--H. Morrison, E. Paine; 'Brahma chicks,--W. C. Rhode Island Red chicks,--W. C. Wilson, 1 and 2; B. Leghorns, Pane, W. J Leghorn chick» Puine, Vand 2; Wo Leghorn, --W sou, W. Leghorn chicks, --W. C. Wilson, E. Pane; Wo Wyandottes--G, E. Thompson, W. Tuck, Wo Wyandotie chicks,--G. Thompson, Minoreas, W : Bantams, LT M Thompson Ducks Fi Shaw. Display --W. ¢ Bouquet, Wo J Bouquet, Wo J tion of ater, Wo ¢ aime ; Collection of Dabhas,--M- Elson: Crab an ples, He Gammon, Grabam ; Pewau kees 1 WOM Campber Wealth seatiden, W dison: Gold Mo Campbell; Ben Daves GA. Scott, Le. wlermey; T Ho MeMuhon, FE, aawsence, Miss Bo MeCumg, TF Tulman Sweets, WoT Addison, M- Elson, Alexanders, J A Brandon, WM. Camp bell, Red Po W. M. Campbell, Contes: L Greenings, AW MeNubb Pluus,-- Miss Bo MeCumg, Pears, -- MEL son; Collection, - Miss Bo McCuatg, WooM Camptell. GRAIN AND SEEDS i Timothy, Go oS Clark, IL J Tuthoye & Sons, Clover. T Fletcher Flax pbell, ALD. Campbell: Wh: Wheat. No Morrison, WoT Wheat, RE Cs Spring Wheat J. O'Brien MeArthur. Goose wheat Wo M, Campbell 2, Coates; Burley, Ro F _ Garsead den, T. Fletcher: White Oats, -F. Costes, No Morrison; Large Peus, Ho J Tudhope & Sons, Small Peas, Ro T, Carseadden 3 : Yellow Corn,--G --T. Fletcher, W W. J Scott, W J OBrien; Ensilage Corn,--W. J. Scott, L Jermey. DAIRY PRODUCE 20 Ib. crock butter,-W. J. Seott, Mrx T. McCullough, N. Campbell 10 Ib. crock butter,--Mrs. D. McCuaig, A. MgNabb, G Lauder; Rolls--Mrs, T." McCulloch, Mrs A.D. Campbell, Mrs, MeCuaig; Prints,-- Mrs, A.D. Campbell, Mrs. A. Gilehrist, Mrs G. Lauder; Cheese, Mrs. T. Me tracted Honey,---A. Graham, M. Maple sugar,--D. T. Strathearn, A. MeNabb; Maple syrup,-E W. Walker, D, Bell: Fruit cake.--D. T. Strathearn, T. W. mey; Home-made bun: Mrs. A. D, Campbell ; T McCulloch, Miss MeCusig; Jelly chke,-- N. Campbell, A. D. Campbell; Tudhope f--A. D. Campbell, Mrs, A. Gilchrist ; Thomson Loaf--Mrs. D. MeCunig. Mrs. G. McArthur; Soldier's Box--A, Graham, H. P. Merrick. GARDEN PRODUCE Early potatoes,--W. I. Addison, E. Sni- Mrs. A. Gilehrist, W. I. 'W. M. Campbell, letcher ; Aberdeen turnips,--W. J. Scat W. 1. Clark; White Turnips,--W. J. Scott; Greystone Turnips--W, J. Scott, H. Pear: sall; Mangolds--Mr. A. Gilchrist, W. J. O'Brien; Sugar beets,--E. Coates, W. M. B. Camp! White carrots,--W. J. Scott; Red carrots---W. J, Scott, W. C. Wilson; Pumpkin--M. Elson, Mrs. A. Gilchrist, Mammoth squach--E. Coates; Collection Roots--W. M. Campbell; Red onions,--- M. Elson, G. 8. Clark; Yellow onions,-- Mrs, T. McCulloch, Mrs. A, Gilchrist ; P¢ te onions,--Mrs. A. Gilc! Elson ; Shorthorn,--W. J. Scott, Mrs. Culloch; Parsnips--W. C, Wilson, Mrs. D. McCuaig; Turnip Beets --W. M. Campbell, Alex. Nori rie; Early Cabbage, --L. A acri Jermey, M. Elson; labbage,--A. Currie, J. Paterson; Cauliflower--Mrs. D. Me: Cunig, N. Campbell; Table Corn,--G, Rouse, M. Elson; Hubbard Squash,--Mrs. 'T. Mo: Culloch, W. C, Wilson; Vegetable Marrow, --W. J. Scott, W. Tuck; Salsify--W. J. Scott; Tomatoes--Mre. T. McCulloch, T. H. McMahon: Gitrons--W. J. Scott, 1. Jermey; Watermelons--G. A. Scott, W. C. Wilson; Musk melons,--W, C. Wilson, Col- lection,--M. Elson; Bag of Potatoes,--A. D, Campbell; Celery,--Mra. A. Gilchrist, Miss B. MeCusig. LADIES' WORK Apron, fahey,--Mrs. A. Graham, Mrs. T. McCulloch; Apron by girl,--E. J. Tudhone; Baby's Jacket,--Mrs. A. Graham, M. E. Madden ; Bedroom Siippers,--J. E. Gilchrist, G. Wilson; Button --Mre, N Camp- bell, Mrs. 'A D. Campbell; Crocheting on eotton,--W. I, Addison, A. Graham ; cheting on wool,--Mrs. G, Lauder, Mrs. A. A. Currie, A.D. Camp- | letcher ; Bacon | has Wilson ; | c Wi | E| T, Fletcher, A.) B. McCusig; Ex- | deny yourself. so that of the nation for war increased. Each person knows he or she may save. it to you to say by fl Build up the ' Mighty National Force HE measure of your love of freedom is your willingness to This self-denial must take the form of money-saving--thrift. The national need says you must save, but free Canada leaves and to what extent you will save. 'OR fifty years the Teuton Peoples have been trained, disciplined, whipped, into servile cogs of an implacable military machine, by which is maintained the Prussian doctrine of might, and the Kaiser's autocracy. The Teutons deny themselves, they make sacrifices, because they are trained or forced to do so, but they do it. The peoples of the Allied nations must make great sacrifices and tremendous 'efforts in order to defeat the enemies of freedom, but because they are free peoples it is left largely to the individual to say what or how much self-denial each will practice. So if freedom is to prevail individuals must make voluntary sacrifices which in the aggregate will be greater than the forced sacrifices of the enemies of free- 'OW, it is for you, each of us, everyone of us to say how much patriotic endeavor, how much loyal sacrifice we will make by saving our money, by "doing without" so that each day will see a surplus to add to our own and the nation's strength. No matter how small the surplus it is important because each saving is an effort made, and many small the strength effort will be in what way what means individual efforts make the mighty national force. -" Published under the authority of ¢he neue 7 Minister of Finance of Canada. F cae Grahatn ; Child's Dres--Miss B, McCusig; |Mra RW. Waters; Corset cover, Crochet jyoke,--Mrs, A. C. Harker, J. E, | Goreet cover, nbroidered,--J. EM. Abbott; Centre piece, white--Mrs. T. Mrs. A' Gilchrist ; Centre piece, color- M. Crawford, M. B Madden; Dinner Mats, --Mrs, T. Crawford, Mrs, G. McArthur; Darned stocking.--Mrs. A.C. Hurker, Mrs. H. J. Tudhope ; Embroidery on linen,--Mrs, W. I. Addison, Mrs. T. Gray; Embroidered pil- W. 1, 'Addison; Flannel Mrs, A.D, Campbell, Mrs, N, Camp- el; Gloves--Mre. D. McCusig, Mrs, 'T. McCulloch; Hooked mut--Mrs, 'T. MeCul loch, Mrs. G. Lauder; Hat bag,--Mrs, A Gi M. B. Madden; Laundi | mitts, Hoch, |Night dress, embroidered,--Mrs, T. McCul- |loch, G. MM. Abbott; Night dress, crochet |yoke---Mrs, A. Grahum, Mrs. C. Campbell; |Piliow cases, Ince inse Mrs. A. Gra: ham, M. B.' Madden; Pillow shams,--Mrs. T. Crawford, G. M. Abbott; Patch on old | earment.---M , Harker, Mrs, Chesney ; |Pin cushion,--Mrs. T. McCulloch, Mrs. T. Sray; Quilt, patched,--Mrs, A. McNabb, M fadden; Log cabin Quilt,--Mrs, E,W. | Walker, Mrs. A. Cumpbell ; Quilt, pieced -- Mrs, T.MeCulloch Mrs. A.D. Campbell ; Quilt knitted,--Mrs, Chesney, Mrs. A, Graham; Quilt, crocheted. McCusig. Mre A. Graham; Socks, woollen,--Mrs, T. Me- Culloch, Mrs. A. Gilchrist ; Sofe pillow, em- broidered,--E. J. Tudhope, E. M. Abbott; Sofa pillow, any other kind,--Mrs. G. Lau- A. Graham ; Bath towels, embro im. G. Lauder, E Abbott ; towels, _crocheted,--Mrv. Merrick, Mrs. A. Graham; Guest towels--Mrs. A. Gilchrist, Mr, A. Mrs. B. MeCunig ; Tray cloth,--M. y; Tea cosy,--Mrs. T. McCulloch, Mrs. A. Gilchrist; Table run- ner--F. M. 'Abbott, Mrs. A. 'C. Harker; Worsted mat,--Mre, Chesney, Mrs. Revi Grey yarn--Mrs, D. McCusig, Mra, N. Campbel White yarn--Mrs, A. Gilchrist, Mrs. A.D. Campbell ; Table cover, embroidered--E. M. Abbott, Mrs. N. Campbell; Table cover any other kind--E. M. Abbott, Mrs. A. Graham. CHILDREN'S WORK Girl's writing, under 14 years of age,-- Ethel Barnhart; Map. Co. of Simcoe Map, Oro Tp., NOTE.--As the copy which came to The Examiner \~) very indistinct in places, there may be errors in this list. If s0, eor- to this office. ; Cro-|rections will be made on notice being sent | Golf NOTICE TO CREDITORS xr Twelve enthusiasts of the Barrie Golf Club journeyed to Orillia on the 18th inst, |IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of Ger- and crossed swords with a like number of | vase Kightley late of the Township of Vex members of the sister club. pra, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, de- The following day the return game was | ceased. played on the Barrie links--ten men a| Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.SO. side--and both events were marked by the |1914 und Amending Acts that all persons utmost goodfellowship. The score follows: | having claims or demands against the late 'At Orillia:-- Gervase Kightley, who died on or about Srwast 1 Gunn 0 | the twelfth day of May, 1918, at the Town Galt 1 Gilchrist 0 [Ship of Vespra, in the' County of Simcoe. Arnall 0 Downey 0 [are required to send by post prepaid or to dort Repley 0 [deliver to the undersigned, solicitors for the Boye 1 Whitman 0 |Administratrix of the estate of the sail Cee 0 Shidle 1 rvuse Kightley, their names and addresses Bennett 0 Dorg 1 [aad full particulars in writing of their Grote MePhersey 0 {claims and statements of their accounts, Beecroft 1 Tamble 0 [and the nature of the securities, if any, EL woot eld by them caergond xceorge 0 | "AND TAKE NOTICE that after the twen Rano Car ty-sixth day of Ostober, 1918, the said Ac ponies will proceed to Cala ed the assets of the said deceased among the per Lead sons entitled thereto, huving regard only: » aL larrie :-- the claims to which she shall then have hel Stewart 1 notice, and that the seid Administratr< a will not be liable for the suid assets or any Arnall 14 part thereof to any person of whose claini Heed ei she shall not then have received notice. Gray 1 geDATBD AT BARRIF, this 24th day of 1, | September, Bennett e Beane STEWART & STEWART. rea Lamble 0 Barrie, Ontario Calderwood 0 Moore 1 139-42 Solicitors for Administratrx, aa Total 3% "'s Liniment Cures Distempe: SOW GRAIN From each acre of grain you sow this year two benefita are derived, First--you help the Allied cause by producing the much-needed food. Second--it means a handsome profit for you, Grain means real money next spring. Sow while you have the chance and reap the beneSits in due Sextensive cultivation may necessitate 'a little money. Consult our local manager on questions of finance. UNION BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE . WINNIPEG, MAN, 220 BARRIE BRANCH, = A. COOKSTOWN BRANCH, T. McMILLAN, THORNTON BRANCH, W. T. HODGSON,