Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1918, p. 2

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Thursday, Sept. 26, 1918 Laxaceld A Tablet Cure for Lagrippe, Coughs, Colds, Headache And Neuralgia DO YOU ENJOY THAT COLD? ir sug uo donot, we ta hox of Laxa. It does not matter so much just' how you ight the cold, but you woyet are feverish, eyes leaking, all stuffed My and) the chinery bad ly clogged all over. IE informs you amera or kodak tiow to own one mght soon, You will ho obligations to us if you allow us how you the different types of koduke as which we carry, The newest and best from the Eastaian Line are here A kodak for every member of the family anil every one a perfect picture-tuking ma chine Kodak Supplies: Film-, putes, tripods, racks, mounts, Prating frames, ete Developing and Printing: Leave your orders with us and we'll at he work for you, giving you the bie results, Our charges for de vlujung and peiting ate very reasonable We make enlargements of all kindy and all siz liver, Kidneys and Pores all on strike. Laxaeold sta revthing working again and alinost befure you realize it ynu are fool. tine alrught again. Con- {ains nv quinme, but dees the work Sve Don't dilly-dally with veur eold until it) ben eomes Cheronie In a word wish for in an equipment ll taken care of ated with this tm Take Laxacold Tab- lets for a quarter. 'WM. CROSSLAND Nual > On; oo || ekXeeeO.. Snug, Bars CORRESPONDENCE RE bling tien, A. tvirgs SHELL CONTRACTS Herawith Dench i apy Vowhich 9 jure hs turn naw MEIN The HseniTe" Vent that tevtten Lwall Ieave nv That yeur Conipeny ge Hompmient Yours truly WA. Boys Ottawa, Sept 80, 115 WeoWON Boss tee. UP, Barre, Ont Gentlenver We enelose berewith sinus. ue C153 "anal Sesshientyen 3 ve i HED Tenens Weowill pie 3460 for the HO posnder High patios ie Pets 'out at UEP AS ATT ced Nee ADE and Spwesfieation No Aan 210 these a share TREN Wie 0 pounder shed Meee fF the werk Shell Voours sen truly i unetyabel anette ieee SHELL HOTT TEE i thle ie a.nchiners. | WON Bertrat enbars weoean get this Barre dune 2s, 1905 The wlucer aul Gus Engine Co same You ena twelve month ett say that 1 have finer deliveay. Please | 5, ttsfactery treatment ftian t visto im i Ha Ob ay shart by 1 ee the Mnite Milt wre the n "Look for the trade mark dog on it" CE "His Master's Voice" Records same price Letore the war 90 cents for I rinch, double-sided When We Meet in the Sweet Bye and Bye sone Mes Sterling Trio } 10484 A Rainbow from the USA. "Peerless Qt. Old Dan Tucker " Victor Military Band } 18490 The White Cockade Vitor Military Band 1@-imch Blue Seal Record France, We Have Not Forgotten You aambert by ¢ 45153 rive sea} Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealer Vidtrolas from $34 up,-on easy if desired. Ask for free copy of 620; Masical for our 620-page pedia Tleiog over 9000 "His Master's Voice" Reeorda. Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. MONTREAL LIMITED Lenoir Street "His Master's Voice" Barrie Dealer GEO. VICKERS Don't Forget There are no others! Yau eannot purchase Victrolas or "His Master's Voice" Recerds at any but our authorized desler, Remember--There ere no oth 18250-210 ers! the Chair 'component parts: Mark V.-- 3. Grub serew machined ready to se into nose. 4. Copper driving band 5. Varnish and paint, 1. Forgings of body of head 2 Socket machined ready to screw i head. 3. Plug machined ready to screw socket, 5. Steel dise finished, 6. Brass tube finished. 7. Tin cup -& Wooren block and felt washer 9 MLead bullets and buck shot 10. Resin, solder, paper, varnish and pai 11. Copper, driving band All orders pluced for the machining » assembling of shells will be subject. to 1 rules and conditions in the accompany: form, of the date of this letter in order to considered by the Committee. Yours very traty, (sgd.) SHELL COMMITTEE, Alex. Bertram. Barrie, Ont. Get, 2nd, #915. Barrie, Ontano, a letter T have just received from the She und specifications therein referred to shells I would be glad to do whut I ey fo secure the contract. From tha letter yai Will see that the contract will run for twelv You will notice that I must send a reph within ten days, might I therefore ask yo you are disposed to take hold uf then facture of these shells, E think the prope Jeourse would be to urtinge u trp to Ot tawa, for ay fur as Tenn learn other com fit as Jowing to the many reettest= for cv which the Comnutter ger put' the only way to se un frutiber of tens ane t Yours truly WoA BOYS Copy of Meht Letter Barrie, iat Get Lt, 1ans Col Bert pyar Shell Coniratten Orta. Cnt Mr WA Boys we ure Dtract for manatee hugh +3 uuelred jar he nuseb EY Satie sy the ps Ira eXpeune ot the duty? wir thd we wall go to Ottawen te muke aria nents The Canula Producer a Gas Emgue Os | Late Ne teply wes received ro this teloge in i Orr 18, Ms Colonel Mex Bertran e whether there for information ITY pA muchinery In fer the manufverure af wor antons renin Upon teeny from you whieh we trust will Fe. we wall gat Mrrwwa, und make ments for talong x rentrut nf che sixty pound high ex Hlosive shells Trusting we may be fuyered with un Jearly reply. and rhanking you in ady see, dy reply, amd thanking you i i Yours truly The Canada Producer & Gus Nu reply was received te the above Oct 28th, 1915 Ca, aiivived by "Gen recently asked mu te tender on 4.5 shells, T presume that you have sb ly receive | the drawings sand speeifientions to enable you to do this. If you fave not or if there | is anything T can do to assist you in the matter, kindly Tet me kaow and T wall be | glad to do sn, Youre truly WA. BOYS, Oct. 30, 1915, W. A. Boys, Fsq., Barrie, Ont Dear Sir--We have your favor of Oct ober 28th, re shells, and note that you have been advised by General Bertram thut he has asked us to tender on 4.5 shells. Up to the present time we have not heard from General Bertram, although we wired, and also wrote him asking if there wax any possible chance of getting an order. Yours truly, 'The Canada Producer & Gas Enbioe C6. No reply was received to this letter, ORO STATION Sent. 23.--I am glad to report that Mrs. Wiggins, Sr. is improving after her illnow, Allen Mortson of Latchford is visiting Oro friends, Joseph Strachan spent Sunday with J. A. Crawford. J. Platt Rose is improving his property by the erection of » new. stable. The "World's Fair" drew its usual large | attendance although the shower in the afternoon marred the event somewhat. Miss Zelma Murray of Hawkestone wae Mr. and Mrs, John Emms of Coulson Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Crawford last Sunday. '8 few days with A. M. Graham. Erie --Pictures framed by Dougall (a) For the 60 pounder High Explosiv 1. Forgings of body and of base plate. 2. Plugs, machined ready to screw into ose. (b) For the 60 pounder Shrapnel Mark 1 into. 4. Grub serew ready to serew into socket nd he Replies must be received within ten days VER WOMA be fi eR Ses Lo The Canada Producer & Gus Engine Co Dear Sirs:-- enclowe herewith « copy of Committee. I have in my office the plans you are in position = to tafe hold of the manufacture of thew Bionths from the date of first delivery to deal with the matter promptly, and if u fanies have bewa doing this in the pust and _| THE ONE AND ONLY COMPANY ~ the guest of Miss Vera Emms over Sunday. |Men's Hats, Tweed Fedoras, Felts |crops up) and, again, the farm happens to published. | Ce y of S POG. Wm. Graham of Shanty Bay is spendieg |*t0CK in the County of Simcoe Tew ADVANCE SUBSCRIPTION ORDERS NOW OPERA GRAND 60st MON., SEPT. 30 into BARRIE, ONE NIGHT ONLY Lr eee HENRY W.SAVAGE OFFERS THE SOUL STIRRING SYMBOLIC SPECTACLE ell If ry ne y u PAE won f ne og TAAT AAS BER» | OSICAL COMEDY TAE LARGEST DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL ORGANIZATION EVER TOURED! ER YWOMA: te creations which has made theatrical history. W, Walter Browne, it is revolutions: in as every conception. It follows no beaten path, Ie is @ pioneer. Woh its magnificent stoge pic us wealth of costumes and ry. it bewilders and astonishes. With us fine wit, its delicate humor and its Keen satire, i entertains and enlightens. Everywoman finds @ response in every heut, wucbes @ chord in every bream. 1 bes a U] message tor mmmen SPECIAL SYM PRONIC ORCHESTRA RESERVE YOUR SEATS BY MAIL NOW reulur Sule und will be filled in order of receipt. Si Xuct unount with self addressed stamped envelope, y orders puyuble to Grand Opera Honse. Office Sale Open Now Prices--50c 75c $1.00 and $1.50 which location you wish seats will be sent you VT niepa | Mote a point oF two ae LO the ete uiEht | LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS |# 29 12,2) Nell, to get aver the burrowing detuils, il guilty to the charge pree From Capt. Fred A. Ross [raermously big tlungs Our hospiti: here ake the four months | Following are some extracts from a letwer | for instance, bis 1 constant populadon of her than put up the receutly reecived by Mins Kate Sinciate uf {about 3000" peuple und we oes acs » which it would otherwise |Guikese fa Cane Pa ane handle tons of muterials of all sorty every | have o F frvedom und liberty re Fen ties hens tn, gang ay [HAY ad we are only oe anit ithe 5 nied Chief Watson to Barrie yom have at binwe ad often. too, the ays | Hb of pluers here you go for milks | Joe Tues ufternoon, but we understund i { 'r hospital located alosely } ire cree alt uae na fer et vlna ra way tee tinat_ Hex tneasitn: et of work done, But | Pi then a are elt soldiers tehea 'the work consis uf wholesale dew [7 OM OF Mather srt. One divas truction of life and propesty you wil un | 20% with all their equipment weal ! Je) satis busy times [9 will tad about 2012 hours tw pare st! th Glen. wan ho the pro. / HEF certain point. Motur transport aonvore y ehether it, he af. ities |[Dluck the reads for auiles cea mil Fou enn't get ueross the roud at for hours. All of thin iw ructive ag Be to the places where mand tere guns ur country us olosely a itz Dospital on will Gkely be put in at oe (are the dates of w realize that che we Die ae thope ure elise of the dle ji hely add th ms, UNS, Gs a =: =: mi == = ao .e T the FURS AND fat matt ly | Mis, Courtney Tells How She Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. t] appreciate so much the good ussistunce of cur fittle friends who huve stayed. be hind and who have worked su hurd and Splontid assortment of murt-| so faithfully for the men whe hee eat ately priced winter enats fur fov mess. Ages ae wane Pil materials hd always be sure that your efforts are | | Oskaloosa, Iowa.--" For years I was aint desig hoor special apreciated und the boys are ever so | Simply in misery fin ay" caknes and aint desig pleased to get things made and sent by ul pains--an mibeey, _ Hetcoxsyc@ 16-00 to F000 A he eee they ¢ nothing seemed te Hudson Seal Coats trimmed | write aud sometimes not but they always With SABLE. BEAVER, FITCH. /look forward to going back again t JUTRREL, of PLAIN, prices. ... [thr loved onex they have left. They are take Lydia EL $165.00 to $300.00 | slays cheerful too and always ready 'when ege- Wet "the finest r their time comes and Canada's sons have y id. e have the fines mn i Hat ee anes OC sun an undying name among the natrone sma furs hat ow a eve! at ee Me Bopuee mus 1p, {TINY FARMER WAS MAKING WHISKEY aver, J Fitch, Fox, Wolly Persian Lamb, Opossum, Bade ger, aml dozens of other hand. some and durable furs. We them all in sets or single pi His Still was Discovered and Four Months' Imprisonment was the Result. (Penetang Herald) done such fFese " " help Down and out," for a term of four| others if they will give ita falr trial, nae Children's, [MoBths is the result of Clement Murchild. | Mee Luzzi Courtney, 108 8th Ave., See our range oh ats, {on thamgrview with the power that be, | West, Oskaloose, lore Misses' and Ladies' Woolen sets, |on the charge of manufacturing intoxicating Why will women drag along from day cap and scarfs. | Prices range |liquor, contrary to rules and regulations. | te day, year in and year out, suffering from $1.75 to $2.76 per set. Clement operates w farm on the 13th Con: | gach wlsery as did hoe Courtney, when cession of Tiny, (see how the unlucky 13" | such letters pals arecontinually pe Lot number 13, South half. A visit by | frem @aplacemen Inspector Fisher and Constuble Watson to | flammation, uleeratio 13 in the 13th on Monday evening, found vousness, or who is Clement in the very act of bottling a small | Change of Life shoul distillation of whiskey which he had just | Feot and herb rem made. The liquid was steaming hot, and | ham's Ve; table Com; the "mash" had been thrown out and not vice write and Cloth Caps The largest and best assorted ies yet cooled off. The plant was a very crude | Medicine Co., Li , Lynn, 'The result Bros, 45-tf HATS, COATS AND FURS 'and simple one, but we are not describing | Of its long expe: lence is at your services, c ben Boal M3 1 Pe Fo a a

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