pare "Page Twelve Thursday, Sept. 26, 1918 IT PAYS TO SHOP AT VICKERS'? ' HERE FOR YOUR | 0. v0ye:c00,'".0°" 2 ( BEAUTIFULLY TRIMMED HATS FOR UALITY AND | CLOSE PRICES ON L may be perfectly sure of get- ting a dependable article that ' x 3 wil give satlsfaction, We ave UNDERWEAR been extremely careful to buy . . ' The New Coats are supremely | no poor merchandise made to When choosing your'new Fall Hat come to this Store and conte Ginn are graceful of line; Trim and | sell for a low price. Our | See our Grand Display of Fall and Winter Models. Gnd Grrvibe the tines aemane. FO MEN Neat in appearance; distinctive stocks have been chorea with They are trimmed to please every taste and portray eople are spending their j sdocg ' . scfaa. en c "om ey Ff y 8 a in style and (ailored to perfeo. | exireme care from rep shapes to become every face. 'To look at them they give you gl" {,0ney 8¢ they should do, but Our: Winler-Onderwsar is all tion, a a ade of st Ns s : P - ene y are coming to a Store like h bt forward and wi vEienelouia WhTlies eine As for prices, we charge only | the tmpression that they eost twice ay much as they really | this where they "are sure of | P°i& Drought forward and we ais p ¥ Clo! a fair amount above actual cost | do; for they possess many of the distinctive style marks only | general dependableness and | are showing,a quantity of "Old and Faney Mixtures; and as } to us. We are not profiteering, found on Hats much higher priced Price Fairness.. Thrifty people | Stock," being 1916 and {917 prices are based on quick sell- [ although the opportunity to do ' : enjoy coming here where they iechitg 4 ing. an early selection is of ad- | 80 is often presented, This is When you see them you will nute how reasonably priced | can buy safely; where Quality | 804s Early buyers get goo vanlakE to Fu more than ever a Bafe and Sat 7 nov are, Get your Hat early, ay all repeat and later orders | i8 always first; whote styles | choice---pricrs quoted are "Old 3 factory Store with which to J YS" Ct tere Mt ~ | are weil chosen and where | prices," vix: 1916 and 1917 Get Your Fall Coat Here deal will cost much more i they are safeguarded against | PT®* aan When Assortment is Best | It Pays to Shop at Vickers' --Misses Marshall and Lawlor--Miss McCall, Chlef Trimmer. | higher prices. The Savings are Apparent 0D BU INESS This means good wearing qualities--Hose which are thoroughly comfortable to the foot; dyes that are reliable and . . * prices without profileering tendene W you select If you can save money on your clothes il's good business your Hose from our stocks you can depend uyfon them from For years we have sold this celebrated Shirting, and -- providing the Clothes fit, are stylish and of good quality. every standpoint--Examples:-- salon are incrnasing--fongudntly we have had cate for "TIN We can save Money for you and give you everything you have Women's Fine Gauge Plain Black Cashmeré Plated Hose, with, re 'axing-- frequently we have had calls for "Tilli- f been getting garter top, seamless foot, soft and good wearing; sizes 814, coultry" made up s they were not to be had in the trade 9, 9% and 10. Pair so... .. eee eee ee ae 5 +.» 600 we have had a ¢ . Z| vo styles. - eintiexare woud burinexaxciney + 5 ad a quantity of the Flannel made up in two styles, Dur clothes are guud business--they are made on models 1 Women's Plain Black Cashmore Hose, =p) el and soles, : Pan wo as to fit every figure--they wear long and keep their appearance. warm and good fitting, seamless foot 9% and viz: Band and Reversible collars in sizes 14% to {8. Gur system of close marking ensures good business. 10. Pair ....... Savane oe This is a boon to men requiring the best. It is a strong Come on in and : Pee wearing Scotch Flannel, in Grey Mixtures. It will not fade-- MALCOMSON, Mgr. heel fashioned, y {British Made plendid worth, Sizes, 9, 914 and 10. it will not shrink----the longer it is worn the brighter it gets-- PaIT vee eee si ie Nice as BU a8 friends every. F 5 T' TIME NOW THIS STORE Is Children's 1X1 Rib ga tookings, clastin' plaicaenin. makes friends everywhere. 'To be had only at this Store. At Jess toot. in White iud Black - Each $2.85 Sizes Dus aaiebinnoeenne Hi 8 FOR FALL AND WINTER HEADQUARTERS 50 B8e 38° 400 f very fine Botany Yarn, LOVELY WAISTS i UNDERWEAR FOR WOOL seamless foot, good wearing, Black and Cream-- Victor Sizes 5 8% 6 6% 7 7% 8 BY vely new Wal The cool days of Fall are] eit Prices ........., 50c 55¢ G60C 6ig 75e 806 ROC BOE Some lovely new, Watsts have Victrolas and the colder winter days | "Victory Yarn", the best grade | Ghild's 1X1 and 2X1 Rib Union Cashmere Hose with double | Just arrived, 'They are of Fine not far away. Now is the on the market. Is fine, long knee, seaniless foot, a grand wearing Hose for school days. Crepe de Chene in varia time to replenish your supply and smooth; easy to knit, | Sizes siaeiiaiety i ar | styles, in Maize, Shell, Ivory, af Winter Weight) Underwear light gre Prices ....... eis 2Be Re Oe BBE 35¢ 7 Flesh and Black. All have long and Records Assortments whieh inelude all 4 Hanks te the Ib. And included in our stock are quantities: of Old Stock, leeve 4 "th ti teh xoud Garments for Men, Woe Per Ib. 20.2.0... $8.25 carried over from previous seasons and all bearing the old | © veka te A ap note Ch f k men and Children are at their Spindle of 6 Ibs...$18.00 prices, which ax you know, means Extra Value, in style. Sizes 36 to 44. oose fri best ow, assuring you of | "Bonnerworth A." a fine Knit- COME EARLY $3.75 to $9.00 om stoc! easiest selection Our prices ting Wool of even weight give you the best values ob. Comes in Light Grey, Black tainable because eur parcel and White. : were male away rk before Hank ». 65c prices had advanced to) their Lb -- - $2.50 present day height Spindle of 6 Ibs... $13.00 a _ oo FORTUNE SMILED 'ON oti atflor her father teft for over: Jon y lagging was never] Ed. Byrne Suffers Fire Loss zi | seus y received, About 8.30 on 'Tuesda 4 BARRIE'S BIG FAIR Chil Welfare Extibit ciils wore Well Hille |tire broke out ta: test ea ees A a . Around The child welfare ex- fed and keenly contested, Consid-|stable, 101 Owen st, anc (Continued From Page 5} folut sent by the Ontaria be: {ering (he circumstances the track Jing to the premises of Byrne, When the baby went ante the of Health, th was a continual was in good shape, undertaker, did considerable dam- Tom Bell is spending bis holidays in | Sept Archdeacon Ingles will |MUH#1Ns Troon there was nothing erowil examining with evulent ine; 'The nicest thing in the way of fage. wn jieeecdi vening ser. {Whatever ty indieate the identity {the ejueatioual charts |sheaf grain shown for a long time} Mr, Byrne's stable with feed, Mre C, MeNiven spent the week-end | Yes, Wl be special music of the ehild vording to its Ting with tle feeding, clothing {was exhibited by Lloyd) Living-|harness, robes, ete., Was destroy- HN hee ther tn Tecanto. , The handsome new memorial hal of WO1ZHt, measurements, ete. the aud care of ehiliren particularly /stone of Minesing. This was fed; also his workshop and store- Remember Oct Anniversary. Sunday 8 Seotge's Church is completed and will fchild's card was 'scored, only 5 ,in'therr early years, goose wheat over 54% fect high, {room with contents, which ir. iw Burton Ave Meihudist Church pe opened nest Monday night (Sept 30), Fpuints being allowed fur looks and | Merchants' Displays well headed with beautiful straw. feluded $1200 worth of caskets, Brownie Gates is home again after spend- gramme has been arranged. Tickets 36 [> DOMts for clothing, Some of the) Attractive displays were made| Bandmaster Slatter and his jother funeral equipment and a tng his holidays im Toronto and Humilton, | 24% local me ten were called iNiny a number of Barrie 1 s|Highland-men received all sorts [complete set of carpenter's fools. Fal Doran of Torunto paced the week: [Record Grain Hauling by G.T.A, | help the nurses take the moa. |rs,, um not, only halyed aioag {at praise: for ther muaie. Not |He: celinates bis: loss at $ae0e: cud under the parental roof in Bradford) stontreul, September Oo-A new eon Whatwcnts, but they had nothing | the show in this way, but brought |only was it good music but it wax [Some damage was done to the Mr. R. Griffin of Orillia spent a few duvw |{F Brain Bandling has just been established ietever to do with the judging. |their goods before a very large /given unstintedly. The manage- {house by smoke and water. The with her mother, Mrs. H. Robinson, this | (3,the Grand Trunk on its tines in Eastern | Which was entirely done by Dr.j number of people. Among those |ment will make no mistake im {firemen did well to keep the fire bay jCanada. During the month of Augurt that |Shier of Cookstown and Dr. John- who exhibited were: G. G. Smith booking them for next year. from spreading further. Mr and ow Rog, Bidwel ane wh aay tranpared the geal total of ston of Midland. Miss Knox. thag ¢ay cmmlattd Wore: GC Sis th Receipts of this year were:| Bert Cooper's stable and its en Like: ol 371,521 bu 'ain, carrying the | nurse fro ¢ Dept., Miss Somer. | GC. How .F. S| so s ere: | pape : Teletiven'at Maple-Lake:for stout » Tor bull of hi vat tonnage from Geet Lake ville the Beeee ieee Somer fanuston & Warren, Merrill &/Tuesday, gate $1326.15, grand [ments were a total loss. iss. Williams Com Miss Thelma |POrtS to Montreal for export. The cars a ae ves pon, | ubbard. J. G. Keenan, Often |stand 878,75, concert 8158; Wed- "The Naulahka' atts, Wiliam Caron 2a Mig Ths | equ to move this traffic numbered [G04 twelve graduate nurses ren-|Hardware Coc 'Barre Mateie (newton gate 8178, grand sland, 'The Naulahka" Toronto. d885, showing the remarkable loading av. /errd fine assistance to the stare, Singer Mfg. Cu, While * Potal $1744.40, -- Last | .tudvard Kipling's famous story jee shad to made to. the {°T88¢ of 1799 bushels per car. The amount |Judges. {Sewing M A a ae rures were: Tuesday, [2f Temance and ad "The hols, the Burton Ave shod! wae 'lowed [°F anspored by the road in Aurut | 'The Victory Bond hahy is the|paWit®, Machine. Automsbite fas ears, figures were: Tuesday. WNaulahka". which hax heen put Thursday, Friday" und" Monday jaurpasced the best previous record by |daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dugald }aughlin, Chevrolet, Dodge' and (#163: Wednesday, veate eiso {o8t by Pathe as an six-part fea. verul Allandale youngsters managed to |*?°M half_s million bushels. Sieverl, Thoraton, and is {4|Popq Be ang Total 155400" EN? SB Ture extraordinary on the Pathe et ind s honey, . 'i ----_----_ f . si '4 " otal $1553. lay progr: . am fet ini the tones atthe baby show held Clocks Will Change Back OF 100 paints, ee ane 88 wut) T.'G. Koonan was much dis-| "Through the carelessness of a fioy, broataio. ail oe at Dream Te LOMGEA Tallcedar meaceneee ofl (Bracebridge Gaeette) = alt point lower, theme, wos ppointed in being allowed only |workman, Selby Garr lot a Here- |atnouncement will he atoceat tae hunt luck recently when foxce carried off {I 4 few more weeks the freak time wilh other af 98 and three at 97. Al-{parch Sduare feet of space, he|ford cow valued at $300. When [Pre not only to lovers of Kip- eight pullety and six cockerels of his /¢%4. We will be able to live for one whole together the babies averaged ver |aving made preparations for a|through cutting some weeds, the ling, who is probably the great- pure bred Barred Rocks, ew Witheat Gronieg okie, Fox om ele | 8 Gee Git Wine in the [/@Pe exhibit. man left the seythe lying on a pile lect writer of English now living, h ury ing | cent. 's ' Uf aed ips ee re les of Englis i Rally Day next Sunday, Sept. 29, at /the time for nothing. Some time, in Ost |Various classes were aa follows: Beles f weeds and when the cow Was nut to all motion-picture theatre B ve. Methodist Church, Hi a Did y ' 2 being taken out to show she re 12 am. in Burton Ave. Methodist Church, | ober, is it not, clocks will be turded. beck | HVE | la@mmecs dbaci id you see R. J's smile ne taken out to shaw she ran (patrons, who will see in Uhis Te inday School and congregation. Illus- | and 'we will be able for one hour to live | Bs e202 eutries Phyllis Marr proved herself a/0M the scythe cutting one leg s0lmarkable picture, sereen art al ° 9% trated wubject for young people. Harvest Thanksgiving services will be means. Men have uttered the lament in } held in St. George's Church next Sunday all ages "If 1 only again." Well, Borden is giving you one chance at it. Sometime in October you me live an hour and then turn back your wateh an hour and live it over again. just one time it should be done, be done at 10.59 Sunday evening. Just think! The young man and maiden in their first blush; of acknowledged love, sitting fon the safa, hand clusped in hand! The kitchen clock on the minute of. striking the dreaded hour eleven, the signal for There is DO YOU ever think of the plight of your family if ever you were-carried off by disease? Now your wages provide them with the comforts they deserve. Your wife is free from worry. Your children ate ob- taining a good education, Your love our lives over again, Just fancy what that Harold McCosh Patterson, Allan- had my life to live over Ralph Douglas Brunton, Francis Alex. Dempster, Utopia. | Ada Varina May Smith, Barrie. It should | Betty Burkhead, Barrie. , Betty Burridge, Barrie. e: Boys, 6 to 12 mos--i5 entries 'Wm. Ross Wilson, Allandale | Harold Franklin Gibson, Thornton very clever litle dancer. Only two pumpkins were shown. | Bad prospects for pumpkin pie, C.C. Hinds showed some table corn 11 inches long with as many as 22 rows on a coh, Two aeroplanes gave a nice xhibilion of fancy flying over the grounds, Tuesday afternoon. On Tuesday the Red Cro: freshment booth took in over 8 and the girl vendors of ica cream dale. Allandale Girls, { to 6--6 entries 170 shields and protects them and th i ; | hapey, But what would happen if 'the separating for, alas, a whole day. When, : Thos. Allenby Goulter, Shaut¥igathered in & "unexpected"'should overtake you? bel Bi onl Borden bas eed | y Something went wrong with the Deprived of your support and pro-||clocks turned buck st 10.50! And THA Girls, 6 to 12--12 entries |works of the merry-go-round and tection vate wile would be compelled to ee. pur! Mary Burnie Isabel Johnson, |it refused to go. much to the re- dod, ledieg seer a ee as Orilia Boy Fatally Shot Barrie. gre of about 2000 kiddies. Mor bs forced to take whatever work || Orin, Sent. 11.--Leo, the ten-yearola |"720C, Margaret Dollman, Chur-| Sorat. Whitewood = and | his she could get--poorly paid drudgery |! son of 'Angus Walker, 'was fatally shot | Chill. . ; Sssiatant pulled off a number a! that would break her health while ting: | last evening, a 22-rifle'in the hands of a|Margaret Jean Tucker, Barrie. |zood stunts in the way of ing in hardly enough to avert starva- tion, Your children might bz forced to Jeave school to enter the ranks of the workers, Make adequate provision for your family by means of Life Insumgnce, the only sure way to provide for tle fu The Great-West Life issuee Policies to suit every need and circumstances. Do not put it off any longer, but write now for information--a post yard will do, stating age to ! companion being accidentally discharged. A group of boys were engaged in target Practise in a neighbor's yard, when a fed of fifteen, whose turn it was to shoot, hit his elbow against corner of shed and the rifle was discharged. Walker, who was about twelve feet distant, was struck by the bullet just below the left breast and died in half an hour. An elder brother, Roy, was killed in action last year, and two bro- thers are now serving in France, They Have a Big Liar in Maine They have « big liar in Maine or they had a big snowstorm. A Maine farmer is re- ported as having had the points of his lightning rods on the roof of his barn boxed in, Inst winter, so the cows wouldn't turned Boys, 12 to 18 mos.--t{ entries Victor Lewis, Barri Alpine Tribble, Barri: Lulu Anna Belle Stewart, Thorn- ton, Helen Jobnston, R. Munro, Vespra. names of parents were not given. The Examiner would be glad to.were entered by the bo, 3. re-publish names of parents if someone will Soldiers' Aid in their Tag Day and supply the latter. Roman riding, costume races, ete. The midway was lacking in both size and variety. This is ex- plained largely by the Dept. pub- lishing the wrong dates for Bar- rie Fair, Those who did come had a big day. In the bankers' live stock com- petition there were only three entries. First and second prize the ; for calf went to Willie and Leslie lark of Hawkestone. ».No hogs Girls 12 to 18--18 entries inesing. When entries were made the list with the! $412 was realized by jthis busy bevy of girls would j, The exhibition of war the; badly that she had to be beefed, relics, failed to no fault trench methods, but ete, materialize it, was of the directors. All arrange- ments bad been made with a company of returned soldiers, and when they failed lo turn up the first day the management tried to get in touch with them. This they were unable to do, nor hava they heard anything further from them, This feature was adver- tised in good faith, and the dir- ectors regret very much that it did not appear. Flag Drills In the flag drill competition, five rural schools were entered and the drills were very well done. Minesing, 'which 'drilled first, made the mistake of attempting too much, though several of their movements were excellently executed. The three prizes were awarded in the follow- ng order: Nantyr, Cundles, Ivy. The fifth school competing was No. 14, Innisfil. Some vegetables, ete., highly creditable to the boys, and gir were shown from the Sunday School gardens, Allandale Pre: byterians having the biggest share. The work of the rural school What will Canadian perhaps, enes are its highest and best. particularly appeal to audiences in the stor is the fact that the laid, not only in India, but. America, and that the hero and heroine are Americans. THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL, BARRIE GRAND HOLINESS REVIVAL From Sept. 28th to Oct. 14th SUNDAYS 11 a.m., 3 and 7.30 p.m. Every Evening 7.45 The Great Message "Holiness Unto the Lord" Talks from the Bible Come and Hear the Special Revivalist Baby Doliman of Churchill is easily have added another $100'children was represented by some . the daughter of a soldier and was had their supply of tags not run'first-class exhi ADJUTANT KENDALL Territorial Revivalist MEETINGS TO BLESS YOU,