Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1918, p. 8

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I | | \_ Page Eight --_ THE BARRIE EXAMINER THE ADLET COLUMN JUNK of all kinds, wanted. H. Levit, Bay- field St. Phone 384 12-28p-tf DRESSMAKING--Miss Megill, 33 'red Bs, Allandale, Phone 452. 1p Pana i ae FOR SALE --Baby Carriage, reversible body. Aply 101 Collier St 39, FOR SALE--Three General purpose horses, apply to D. C. Howard, 124 Dunlop St. 27th BROKEN COLT --4 years old, light driver, Sell cheap. Apply R. R. Bothwell, Phone 100. 36-te. PROF. D. LE. WEIR-- Tescher of Piano ard Violn Pisno Tuner. 6 Owen Bt, Barrie. . 48p FURNISHED ROOM-For one or two Ia- shes. Modern convenionces, Apply to thas office 38-38c. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS to rent, fur- 'ished ; light boune-keeping if desired. No 1, Maple Avenue 36-41p FOR SALE--House, lot, (about 24) seres) and stable ut 56 Penetang St, on premises, FOR SALE Royal Matron Range and Art Sousrur Heater Apply at 62 San ford St 38:39) fs bargain large shed apply at Fire-hall ot further par- vs of land, brick house BRATED HOOVER POTATO Sale by D.C. Howard, Call 4 Young man for Otton's Hurd ware, one who = willtog to learn und make himself generally useful 1» Worsley street, rand water. Good Apply ut this office 36-41p | Ma: Player Plano, -olul walnut, Colors first elass cut Examine Aywily Bax WANTED) Hy rhe salv Lun sew 'n, in town of Burnie. Ap | ply Mrs. M. J. Byrne, Barrie. 38.43p | BOY WANTED--for delivery. Apply to J Bingham & Son. GIRL WANTED--Good once, Mrs. Dignanf, 40 Sophia St. 39¢ FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss 'M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie. 37-tfe condition. Apply Mrs. E. Sprott, Cundles. 39-39p. WANTED--Lady wants board and room, central location, Apply Box 626, Barrie, 39-39p, sD--Woman to do housework. Apply to Box 347, Barrie. 39-40p TO LET--Over 4000 sq. ft. of floor spac all on one flocr. Apply at this office. 38:10p CARTING BUSINESS FOR SALE all in first class shape. Apply st this office. 37-39) | all conveniences, Apply Box "E", Exam. ner 39-39p | LADIES' TAILORING and dressmaking done, Miss E. Gosney, Adelside St, | Allsndale 87-40¢ | | Local News wages, apply at ) FOR SALE--One 'turnip pulper, in good | |6-ROOMED FURNISHED HOUSE, to Rent, | | A report of Stroud Schoo! Fair is given on page 10. Minesing| | fair is held toda: Thursday | --Night School at Barrie Busi- ness College reopens Oct. 2-- "September attendance at Bar- ie "Business College is double what it was for the same month |last year. | A horse belonging to Mr. Giffen lof Edenvale dropped dead at Mid. hurst while its owner was dri ving to Barrie | A bowling lournament in which a number of outside rinks are) jcompeting began on the local jgreens this morning The concrete work on § Fisher's new mill was al Jon the 18th, just three months from the day his mill was burned. | | In Hawkestone, Oro, and Shanty | Bay Methodist Churches next} Le Wed. and Fri. evenings. ISunday, Rev. W tulewell | |will represent the work of the} joanne Alliance | --------a Yn Sunday a complete squadron | COTTAGE FOR SALE 7 Rooms, cor, of log 21 planes, in sauadron. for. | | Owen St. ' 39-30) ;Malion passed over Barriv | HOUSE TO LET-- 100 Collier ern conveniences, apply to Collier St t., all mod. vigny, 94 39-39p [WANTED Cond. Seumstross by day or | week, Regular work if satisfactory HY ily ot thiv office 30.30 ae RSE 1 | Barrie Fair grounds | _ing to Examiner ST- Sept 24 39-30 ATHER RUFF LOST--On Tuewlay af ternoon at Fair Grounds, Finder please | leave ut this office. 39-39¢ [FOR SALE--One DeLaval Cream Separa tor No, 4 Only used a few months. Mrx E. Sprott, Cundles 39-30) LOST -$27 in bills between Station and Vuur grounds. Finer please leave at this office and recenve reward. Finule snl reerive reward. 34-30p Hat salt Hualeer in good condi FOR SALE Goo tight drving more, will " rec orl new, ene new tire extra. fer sung bravy work horse, To Moore, Shinty Bay, a BV difference. Box °C" Examiner Sect 3843p | 3940p AND) PRESSING Your old | LOST On Weenesday, Se . Serenat can to look | ferme Aberdeet terrier like new by Harry Twiss, Ross Block, ! Reward Apply Geo Livingston Dudu St HOUSE TO PET 1 Burt ve lyght and water Tet Apply to Phone 427 isiribute rein your own commun quired. Bill Press, Toronto. TO RENT OR FOR SALE B i aness prop corner Ehz D. Minnalin 26 Small S 38-116 : frume he Anitrew ( Phone 119. 38tfe JIFE IN CANADA and Industries, frust- grown ducks, geese, turk fhorers, ete Provan, Langley Port, FOR SALE Towect sty-aere Farms in the Taroe miles from Bare cons FARM f 2 OR 11, eon, 2, Elis, 1N0 ory cleured, and bush. Comfortable balance driving rhed and outbuildings, Pessession, Mar. 1, 1919, mith plowing privileges. P, A. Coughlin, Phelnston, 25¢f. FOR SALE --Two-storey brick residener on ariotie St. lurge double parlor, good dining room and kitchen on Ist flat, four bedrooms und bushroom on 2nd' flat. Baw ment with stuble, Amol, 7 Ow ZOR SALK--"Fairview Farm,' one mile north of Ivy village, Essa township; consisting "of 100 acres, clay loam, in good state of cultivation, Large brick house, good outbuildings, well fenced and watered. Apply to James A. Lenn: x, R. R_No. 3, Thornton, telephone Ivy. 23-tf WOMEN TELEGRAPH Operators are in do- mand by G.N.W. and C.P.R. These sys- tems will promptly place every Graduate af Shaw's Telegraph and Railroad School saa good salary. We therefore ask you tt prepare at once. Write for particulars. W. A Show, President. Gerrard & Yonge, Toronto. 37-52p JARM FOR SALE--S'% Lot 18, 8 E 4 19, Con. 3, Tp. of Flos, 150 acres, good clay -loam; good brick dwelling, bank barn, new implement shed and other buildings; spring water; close to school; Apply to Mrs, K. i lls, RMLD., or to G. A. Radenhurst, Barrie 38-43p FARM FOR SALE--The North half of Lat Six in the Eighth Concession of the Town- ship of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe ; 'an excellent grain farm; new cement hoiue; frame barn with stabling under seme; good well. For further particul- ar-apply to Martha A. Rainey, Barris, of Alexander Cowan, Solicitor, Barrie 36-89 Lost Pratl tree perulot, on Fur Stooon So 2 | ut this office TO LET. Two fine Hdl dimensions Apply 38 407 rtinents adjoity panitor's at this office, Player Pino in y cuse, Owner Apply 93, Toronto 39-39). FOR QUICK SALE confition, M. ing town for winter ne 85, mahogany parlor swite, aon table, hat sack b peubator and other things. Gi Muleaster St 37.39. Alo Brick ho} i vl lences Wd Lennox, 11 Peel St | COTTAGE FOR SA Ey on 8, Innisfil, about Owner can have entity ond paying 'Thornton. 39-41). |STRAYED- To lot 1, co [Aug 15, three sheep | 2 costs. R. Wi n Divehurge Button, nds, Finder please McKe, 14 Sack Reward, 39-39 | LOST. -Silver Canad No 441 at Fair comnmnicate with M. § ville Terrace, Toronto. STRAYED. To Lot 7, Con. 6. of Vexpra, one od and white Heifer, Owner mai have same property and ray ing expenses. les Cavanagh, RRA, Anten Mills. Cl _-- 7 years old; new rub- cutter, harness and FOR SALE-~- Horse, hee tired buggy. second bugey in good repair. Complete outfit for quick sule $275, Phone 278 for particulars 38tfe In Barrie, on September 24. purse containing $100 and knife, in Wellington Hotel or in jitney going to Allo: I reward, "Finder please ndtify Ferguson, Allandale. 39-39 -|DANCING SCHOOL Reopens Oct. 1st-- Special class for children every Satur- day afternoon from Three to Five p.m. For terms, apply to Mrs. F. Guilfoyle, 24 Mary St. P.O. Box 307. 39-440 WANTED--Farm to rent with option of buying, 100 acres with a few acres buish, fairly close to Barrie. Fair buildings and first-class Innd. Price must be reason- le. Box 'Y" Examiner. 39-39p ART CLASSES--Painting from still life drawing ih light and shade; portrait work; Wed. and Fri. 10.30--12 noon; Sst. 2--3.30 p.m. For particulars apply to Mrs, F, S. Williams, 261 Dunlop St. or at Ovenden' College. 30-0p FOR SALE--2-Storey brick house and out buildings, good rep land, large orchard in Allandele. Will consider exchange for small farm from ten to twenty-five acres with small house, near town or lake shore, Box 'M' Exam: iner. 39-29p. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all debts due the ext of Thomas Hill, Tate of the Village of Craighurst, deceased, mi paid to the undersigned om or 'before he 22nd day of October, 1918. MAUDE HILL, Executrix, Craighumt; JAMES HILL, Executor, Elmvale. 38-40p supposedly on | Reward on return- | ft. Sutable for lodge or lub rooms: sien" central. | also two others lots of five: and six, making 32 machines in sight at once | Deputy-Reeve was in town, Tue: the fair on his way north te act as judge of eatele at the Hunts ville fair, Last week he was judge as Rosseau fair Next Stinday anew GOTR, Giie table goes inte effect. The prin- |cipal cha Tie 1s fiscontinuanee of the south. | hound train at 2.30 and the north hour one at 2.18 pom Ry the ¢ vdituire of the canny peas visa big imprey sotnade in thee pid of the town had the werk coukl ner have Ste Dunk St. the Coughhn of Flos jay, takin tone the worst ef whieh as news felloin the Sun Moerday peat at VYopoa, be vere han ntedale Thu bist near the CPR ing des the wits an its fell Atlus machine wis a plete wreck, the ravi and steadin shel hove Have been arrested aid atirday. Vest have heen shit up) for atts out het sete Hine. The owners being away Sailors' Rellef will Tes held uy the vant Chamber Interested in the ey ievited Credit Sales Monday, Sept. 20 Lain. |e the Dyment Allan stark nid implements JSale att opam, W. A, MeConkey | Bradford Oct, 10-11 FURS! ULEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. MoKERNAN | 58 Small St., Barrie, Phone 323 | TIMBER FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to the Iat of October, 1018 for | the purchase of twelve acres of bush on the | south part of Lot 8, Concession 13, Town. ship of Innisfil. Timber consists of pine, birch, maple, beech, basswood, elm, ete. | No tender necessarily accepted | E. A. LITTLE. | Box 201, Barrie. | BIG FARM BARGAIN FARM SPECIAL--$9,000.00 will buy 9 goat 200 acre Stock and Grain Farm in the Township of Flos, growing all kinds of | grain. There is a flowing well on the | premises, creek running through the farm Large brick bouse and wood shed. orchard; large bank barn and good out- | buildings. Good hard wood bush. $2,000 | down and terms to suit at 444 per cent. | on the balance or all cash if preferred. Apply Box 178, Barrie, Ont, 36-tfe GIRLS WANTED STEADY WORK APPLY TO UNDERHILLS' =" ---------------------------- FOR SALE Boat house in Barrie situate in rear of Dunlop Street front- ing on Bay. For full particu- | lars apply to The Toronto General Trusts Corporation * ~ 83 Bay Street, Toronto. 38-39¢ ") Piniversity Small" NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THESE Warm Winter Coats FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS: The prices we are quoting are extremely reasonable for such good materials, and the styles and workmanship cannot be excelled. Bring your boy here for his winter coat. GREY DIAGONAL TWEED COAT AT $5.00 These are nicely made in Reefer style, good warm mater- ial, lined all through, and come in sizes for 6 to 10 years. TWEED HEAVY GREY TWEED eeetOaT AT S00 CORT AT $5.50 A splendid, warm, double-breasted style, Double Breasted with collar of same mat- well lined, with black velvet collar, sizes rial, lined throughout with black and for 3 to 8 years. white check material. In sizes for 3 to HEAVY OVERCOATS FOR Boys AND * *"*"* YOUTHS NAVY BLANKET CLOTH $8 00 Sizes for ages from 10 to 17 yrs., made of COAT AT - heavy wool Tweeds, Frieze, Cheviots, Made of thick, warm, all wool, Navy Blue etc., in fancy Brown and Grey Mixtures at prices ranging according to size and quality from ...... 6.6. $7.50 to $16.50 Blanket Cloth, double breasted style with brass buttons, lined throughout. 3 to 8 year sizes. A 5 Cent Coupon, redeemable at our Pre mium Counter is given with every dollar purchase. PERSONAL MENTION Death of Wm. Elliott Win, Eliott passed away DIED COXWORTH--At Ivy, on Sept Monday 20, a son AG. Price of Newmarket was & te, howe in Bayfield St. For several | to Mr. and Mrs, Norman Coxworth, br Pawn Westerly Seabee: at pee ve lTelling health: and ROBINSON On Sunday, Sept. 22, at the June been confined to his bed. i Ne ae Men ©. Mend Mrs Morley Dut at "He vue born 76.yeure agp near Galt. He! 8) alto Mr. and Mrs Belleville are lelidaying with re. lived in Alliston fifteen years and farmed Ttansn velond, Oia, # son icone Tatives ni basen in Oro near Grown Hill for two decades. | sITH in B : For the last eight years he had be i Barris. (on Sent. 22, a son to Miss 5. OM Do = return. ent years Be: ie ra 8 d ober 'ol ys aa dnae ae gu Ut E ue Gi resident of Barrie He wes a meniber of| MF. and Mra. Robert. Smith, Worsley St. al hone afte =it several Sy Andrew's Church, ', : ---- eities an the Wast ndrew hurch, and was of an un- MARRIED obtrusive nuture and upright character, res- pected by all who knew him. His wife, who was formerly Miss Mury MeLean of HUDIE--WEST--In Bafrie, on Sept. by Rev. H. Moore, Mrs. Jemima West to Peter Hudie, both of Stroud, Harvey Hitehie of Stidheatt ef hep siste MES ANT EW Allg fs Guelyh, survives him with the following | ir Alls. foe USS family: William, and. Mrs, Ernest Farrell plinth: Mr=. Win 'Thomas of New of Olds, Alta.; Geo. of Stettler, Alta.; Wal- BORN Jawoll w the guest of Mes. B. ter, of Donjesn, Sask.; Dr, John of Chiea- | ELLIOTT--In Barrie, Sept. 23, William W. Rhinehart during the Fair mw; Mrs, (Dr.) Gooch, of Hamilton; Mrs. Elliott, aged 76 years. Mrs. Jo 1 Chowan of 'Teronto y, of Toronto; Miss Margaret, at | GiLHOOLY--In Isolation Hospital, Toron- to, of diphtheria, on Monday, Sept. with ber brother. . Dalton Agar Gilhooly, son of Mr. and spent last ow auctioneer. in-law, Thos. Chewn. High St { | -------- | Mise Flareneis Oita, MEA Credit Sales Mrs. R. 0. Gilhooly, aged 5 years, FALL FAIRS Wiatiedd ad cindy fo reanmee Tues Oct. 8.--James Brennan, lot 32, con. |PALK--In Shonty Bay, Sept. 26, Hester ' Alliston woeevees Oat. $4. fy ' aa ut eit atl i Tarsnt, 5+ Essay will hold credit sale of horses,| Annie Palk, beloved wife of. S._ Alfred Becton Oct ee cuties 2a he sia erento cattle and pigs. Sale at 1pm. W. Al] Palk in her 56th year. Funeral on Saturday at 2 to St. Thomas' cem- etery, Shanty Bay IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Pte. Arthur W. Well- ingon, No, 199354 94th Bn but trans- ferred to 16th Bn., beloved husband of Mary M. Wellington, who was killed in action McConkey, auctioneer. Joseph Quinlan Weed, Oct. 9.--John MeGill, lot 28, con. 3, | Oro, will hold » credit sal» of farm stock, plements and household furniture. | Sale wt Lopan, W.. A. MeConkey, aue- tioneer. Mr. and M (left this week to attend the fine ri John of the latter's unele, MeMahon, of Corry, Pa Mr. amd Mrs. Irvine Sehrether and Watson couple of Taffy wax a Welshman, Taffy was o thief, Thorold are spending a 25th and wes with en parents: Mts and Tally will not work, so he must come to |9Sae Ggugct® Petween Serts 2518 an Mrs. A.B, Carley grief. Two years Kas passed since the news first | The neighbors planted seeds in their yards and vacant lots And spent the summer raising things on . thrifty garden plots came That our dear one cduld no more return, But two years nearer it must be | When we shall go to be with him. Women Teachers' Assocn. The Women Teachers' Asse vain Be ; i (ou They're canning 'em and drying 'em and Aen mend tte ao ae wi storing 'em away. Remembered by a loving Wife, Son and follwing: offi ree tabu elected: {1 Taffy cannot steal 'em he'll have grocer's | Father . olen Mfirers were electe bills, to pay - Pres.--Miss Morrison --Upholstering und furniture repairing neatly done by compc- View Pres.--Miss Booth, Send your orders for engraved visiting -Treis,--Miss Kennedy. -- | cards to the Examiner. itive Misses Moore, Min- THE LADIES ARE INTERESTED sident, Miss MeCall of the evening was Lhe All well dressed women appreciate smart tailor-made suits. My trade in this de- partment has been steadily growing-- gay Pr = Intellectual men," which was much appree- jlated and theroughly enjoyed by jall present. Scholarship for Ovenden A University Scholarship of equal value {0 the Wellington Scholarship in mathematies has been presented to "Ovenden" built on service and quality. School, Barrie, by Mr. and Mrs. aS: ' Rees, and has been awarded by See my Overcoatings in various shades. the school to Miss Rhoda Bird, who has been a pupil at Ovenden for three yenrs. She was granted matriculation standing on the re- sults of the Scholarship examin- ation last June, and obtained a first-class in moderns. Suitings in serges and tweeds. Woollen goods are exceedingly hard to obtain. It will pay you to buy for future require- ments. For Men I have also a full range of excellent cloths. HARRY TWISS TAILOR FOR LADIES AND MEN ROSS BLOCK, BARRIE Prize Baby Wears Hurlburt's Shoes - Baby §tewart of Thornton was the first prize baby at Berries. Big Fair, winning the $50.00 {Victory Bond, also the awdepslaie prize of 85.00. his beautiful | baby was fitted weh a pair of Hurlburt's Good Shoes, which is anotherSinstance that the Hurl- burt Shoe Co. are always in the front with the best footwear procurable. tent workmert at Dougall Bros. tf - wt

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