Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1918, p. 6

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| j THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, Sept. 19, 1918, YOUR BEST INTERESTS Are served when you place your Banking affairs with The Bank of Torcntc. In addition to its ampie facilities, id ad, well-chosen connections. and the strong fin- prestige of this Institution, you wil d careful Z mM given to your account, and an details that THE BANK OF TORONTO Barrie and Allandale Branches-- BIG SURPRISE TO 1 MANY IN BARRIE) e surprised at the INSTANT ple buckthorn bark. glycenne, | MARKET ITEMS w= the ENTIRE bowel tract =| SATURDAY MARKET SY CASE sour! "They came up smiling." Everyone and prevents | seemed to forget the troubles of s wet week ike surprises both doctors |some vegetables did look a little © yusey It resioves foul matter |and bad much of Mother Earth clinging to nel your stomsch for months. /them they sold well. Corn for canning was 6 sought by many but there was not a great deal on band. It is the nearest to buying en |% "bik-in'n bag' we kage ah. toe when husken may be disappointing or as often better then expected. Potatoes were scarce, 'The early cnes are nearly done, and either Ht Wus too wet to dig many or the growers were loth to touch their late crops; anyway they crept uj to Sle peck again Csuli- f. wer war 20 and 300 for choice heads A eges dit not change in price. who have been selling cream all sum: ag in butter utifal, crabs also, A pur to Loan HK OF TORONTO BUILD! BARRIE TS TES, g fOS.Smith&Cot ow. |S Lstabtished 1409 sk 5c banc 05: plessant | and & splendid market was held. While | NEWS OF COOKSTOWN I has leased a farm north of Barrie visited at Daniel purchased ble have purebssed ) Huis farm an Innssfil mpeland of Toronto is \week vith ber sunt, Mrs. W, J. Draper | Freemsn Rudd of Fort Wilhsm i viat- | | » parents, Mr Mrs Daniel Kuid. | | Will Donnell has returned to town after! th bis cousi in. Rus. spending the sun, 1 sell Donnell at Keswick. | Jack Ros, son of Mr and Mra D. K. Ross, of Toronto, underwent a enitical oper: |stica in Edmonton recently i |" Mrs Harry Fisher received word on Fri [day last thar her brother, Pte, Harry Silcox, « killed im action on Aug. 2 W. Lawrence, Paymaster-Sergt. at Otts- ws, and his wife spent over Sunday with his | parents, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Lawrence. | Thanksgiving services will be beld at) Luke's Church, Pinkerton, on Sunday, Sept. 29 and st St. John's, Cookstown. on Sunday, Oct. 6 Unusual Values--end they are unusual values for the present day. Fisher's are offering wool underwear at quite reason- | able prices. You will be convinced of the quality at first glance How Pte. Draper Died Mrs. Draper has received the following Jletter from Lieut F HM. Roy, dated in nce, Aug. 21 -- Dear Madam --It is with great regret 2: TP wnte to confirm the sad news of the feath of your son, 237611, Pte. H. Draper. | Sith Can. Batt in this hospital cn the 20th He wae wmatted on the 19th inet | ely wun rv lit thet 1e 2be. 17.00 f $15.00 ty $1800 aeily wll you haw niueh cash viiyone in recest af art ¥ in connection NEAR-BY MARKETS + we are continualiy drawing ptember 11, 1918 Wheat $2,10-82.12, 70, peas $200, hoge 815.75, vedic, eggs 440 | Allston--Whest &200-82 10, peas $3.00, | jc butter 35-40, eges 40c, potatoes : . van " = INSURANCE * $2.00. | _Beeton--Hogs $19.00 ewt,, butter 40-4 All Kinds Placed in Prete RELIABLE COMPANIES i Creemore--Whest $2.10, oats 75¢, pot- |atoes SOc bug, butter 40c, eggs 40-50c, live WE WRITE hie: £19.00, Ferm Risks at the Old Rates | | _Orillia--Whest 82.10, oats Be, pew 1$2.06-83.10, potatoes $1.50. butter 42c, YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED = | To Cover Everywhere i ges 40-42¢. A. F. A. MALCOMSON ° The Insurance Man, Barrie. Pheumatism _ Entirely Gone 1 TSe, BAKRIE, ONT. + Phone 82 UNDERTAKERS Z Open Bay ang Night Morgue and Chapei W. D. Minnikin Licensed Embalmer Proprietor THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING PARLOR ' f the latest Perea ' i i ipawe ur Goer tiny & Night Phone 421 ss iota Ee c Phone CBROWN Alter Twenty-seven Yeers of Suffering--Swelling and Puffi- ness Eas Disappeared -- Not @ Pain or an Acke Left. a case caused imaginable, 1 puffiness rasult- ears of Pheumatism ind there {8 not 250 6 Peete los. EST OIN and had had that fearful (ERS ¢ It was !y 'ERS' BREAD ty terrible what si fered. 1) MADE BREAD N BREAD her to try $1.00 worth of se's Kidnoy-Liver Pitts She is SANOWICH BREAD now on the last box, and let me tell AND A FULL LINE OF 4 she searcely knows herself, ane is es a so free from both these 6. PIES, CAKES and PASTRY |:ho swelling and puffiness caused by and Saleshe |the rheumatism has cone away, and th and Small Streets|#he has gone down in weight 18% She never has an ache nor ae billousness nor sick hendache all JAMES PATERSON ' jthe e months. She often says herself Licepsed Auctioneer and Appraiser |e Inetend af paying, docion enrmace For County of Simcoe. Prepared to cor na to make me worse.' duct Sales at reasonable rates, Satisfaction | There 1s only one way that the guaranten!. 120 Bayfield St. Phone 19% | polsons tn the blood can bé cleaned Toft A. 7 away and the cause of pains an eee cit dah en laches Semmatel ane staee Sees healthful action of the kidneys, live SSS | an dney-Liver Pills act directly and SIMCOE MARBLE WORKZ specifically ont! organs and in Barrie. G. W. J. Eastman, Prop. R. @ | suri they remove the ael, Mgr. Dealers in Gronite and Marble | & oe otras deeea ets and Tablets. Only best mater | ee en ene tee non ait denne at-used and Geetelate workmen emploved | or Eamanson. Rates & Co., Limited, Rirase Tablers a enecialty. Prices always right | Torente i 2 | Look for the portrait and signature of A W Chase. MD., the famous Ul receive prompt attention. Ey butter | interes ema frequently : + ha petwate mes . Well. there isnt much T could tell you of regurdiog cur smy life | It the same humdrum routine dary ond of | course monotonous, I am not a descriptive person at best and while things I might tell you of this old burg would he amusing T need to be asked the questions first T received s letter for Norris H. as well but he is on leave st prevent and will be going to a new depot on return However. | Tam receiving a lot of his mail and will forward it a* soon as he reaches his new camp. | Kinilly extend my best regards to the lucies of the Institute with my most sincere thanks. From JW Broome-- | I received your lovely parcel a half hour ego und a ein thanking you for the same n mmail has heen | delayed for so T received 9 nu fre old Cook: ve baiey all nigh: und hh Div t luckily arrived | er of letters wen which you had werrven J h for these and f ay bere! by the Wom Should have wri will have ne jbit busy. However, we have. the ion of seeing thines goine the right and there is come little hope of this |e little job finishing some time or other. 'We are out on rest now and sll the bays Cookstown are OK. een, Couse who has been one of the many to | tl ning Capt. C. F. reported missing. Cpl. 'Alpine Couse Corps and will train in England in the near | c! service in the trenches end never been |e 1d, France, Aug. 10, (3rd \--No'doubt the papers will have told you that we have been in action, Am very rorry to have kept you so long waiting for |o ing a great deal on account of not heari int Bar_ Receipt Book author, on the box you buy. from me, stand our situation and please do not worry [I oi: 7 Miss Marks, and gives her admirable Cpl. Couse Tells of the Drive for the excellent emotional work this bril Following are most interesting extracts |liant actress is capable of tuken from letters written by Cpl. Alpine | ment considers this the strongest play. in have n share in the great allied advance. {on Tuesday night The letters contain also information which | opportunity to wear rome handsome gowns, will interest many of our resders concer-|s she it looked upon us the best dressed W. Duff, who was recently | actress in repertoire. The management has in no way neglected the veudeville portion recently transferred to the Royal Flying/of the attraction and presents four high- future, He has seen over two years active |rens", posi from the Keith circuit. a letter becuuss I know you will be worry- |ebopped fine, one egg. two ta | milk, four of orange marmolare, and two However, hope you will under- |tenspoons of baking powder. foo much. I would like to fear it would not we have been on Have FOU since be outgoing note to say [am ve Am d throush r teen in the big push f ut have been having af We have had grand suce ¥ery few casualties However, the pa; nll mse you the news Sav nd he is still alive and well the lookout for our lads but have none of them Don't think sny are cas ties yet and certainly hope not T have had a band in this great victory -- the biggest show we bave been in yet, There ate a grest many things I should like to te! jut_must ybold them for u future ocescion, There 'are plenty of souvenirs but somehow T haven't the heart to "'fnsk" » prisoner of his belongings. Besides. the things we ste obliged to carry are burden enough. T have seen lads ditch valuable souvenirs alter carrying them out of the lines, We have run up against several Fritzie regi ments since the dnve started, including the famous Prussian Guards. They stick to their guns and machines to the last minute --then up go their bands--"'the brutes" It's hard to take them prisoners. Many of them have paid the price by being shot down. A few fortunate ones sre permitted to retain their lives as stretcher bearers August 12.--CAtterk still (going fine Weather is grand for ': too. We can stand all kinds of heat when everything is pro: Kressing rapidly. It is great weather for getting guns up. Tam sorry to have t relate the sad news I beard yesterday about Calvin Duff I was passing across the area over which his Bn, went to the attack and seeing 4 runner wearnng the colours of the 54th, I naturally enquired for Calvin. The tad happened to fe one of Calvin's company runner and toll me thet Calvin had been in comman. fowe L Gun Sections, stank befuce gone hath net returned nd g 1 may which were ta the wtack [ they wer, yon We had work rnin gravy and boiled potise tea But these feeds don't come weather stll pre 1 ch War news hus beens grea: avers say the offensive hasn't started. y when it doeg? why I didn't send more souvenirs? werp'all kinrls of them to be had this time. 1 felt like collecting some but it was the same old story--had all I could carry with: out loading up with souvenirs couple of small thingy I might send in t letter--a German "five-mark note"; a centimes note used by Germans in' flaces of business here and an epaulet off the great coat of 4 German anti-aireraft gunner. News is not very Mentifill so must close." In the last letter received Alpine tells of heing successful in transferring to the Roy ing Corps which service he has ubwa heen arsbitious tu enter, but which ts al meet unattainable for a mun who has been long in the trenches as the claim is that trench soldier i not s'rong enough in ner' force to stand the serv * air, He (says in part-- fra Fronee het fina hed fro per an and Kitty M. . ft or a play written express As the manege- he repertoire, it will be the one produced Tt gives Miss Marks on headed by "The Musical War- wely the highest selaried xct ver offered in repertoire, an uct dirdot lass ne \ Marmalade Pudding Mix thoroughly one cup of flour sifted, ne cup of bread crumbs, on cup of suet, espoons of Stenm three | restored |, too much, an Able to Start Work Again "| Trouble Was Easily Removed Don't be discouraged if you find that you have Kidney or Bladder troubles, and don't imagine your case is hope: less or that you will be erippled and suffer all the rest of your life. Here is good news: Gin Pills have thousands of sufferers to health and strength, What they have done for others they will do for you. Read what Mr. J. Harrop says: "lL bave been rippled up so completely that I could not stand. Work was out of the question. A few doses of Gin Pills put me right. I cannot praise Gin Pills every home should have a box. = Mr. Harrop's experience with Gin Pills has been the same as thousands of others, in all parts of this conti- nent. Take the case of Mr. B. Milford, Galetta, Ont. Mr. Milford had been troubled with backache and kidney trouble for so long that his wife deter- mined to find a remedy for his afic- tion. Having become convinced that Gin Pills were what he needed, she Permuaded him to commence treatment with this well-known remedy. He did so, and worprising results were ob- tained almost immediately, This is an extract from Mrs. Mil- ford's letter: -- "After one dose of Gin Pills my busbend found them to be exactly what he needed, and after taking two boxes he was completely | cured." Cases like these prove the value of Gin Pills. Try them. 80c a box at all dealers. m Bad Fire at Victoria Harbor (The Erp: 'lat 10 am, =| What in creation will happen |. mother dear, did you ever wonder There T have 3 jours. Serve hot with orange marma!: The fire demon hus gain visited Victoria 'Harbor and on Tuesday, Sept, 10, starting d low some of our best busi- muking a more thorough job the fire which attacked the ree years sgo. There is + "of smouldering ruins ines section ne: [Bess propel of than prope ware store "eause, This build- stuount of inflam ing, owing to the lar; niable material, stores mass of flaine resembling the continuous "erack-erack"™ to the Burnie bloc! which were complet | Standing. Allison's Undertaking Rooms; Mrs. O, Shels- well's Restaurant and living rooms upstai | Jewelry Store Allen's Milline age: The Cry artly damaged) | This is the second AF&AM, hus been through fire within three yeu rom being ec by the fire in the «a: nek in 1916 The bluze was for» atk wouhl re inet hy ah hk contleg NOW RAISES B00 CHICKENS After Béing Relieved of Or. ==------=-------- ganic Trouble by Lydia E, Pinkcham's Vegetable Compound. Oregon, Til.--""I took Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetuble Compound for an or ganic trouble which pulled me down un- t foot to the floor and could searcely do my work, and as I live fon a small farm and i raise six bundred chickens every year it made it very bard :|for me. Tila oo grateful that I'am eoommnent am 80 at ing it to friends.""-- Mrs. D. uM. along from day to da} realize relies which thi on Fo mendation, and if there are any co Haare Wine teases 1e BRB. The result of their 40 years experience ion is sup- | quantity of cartridges--shorgun, rifle end {8 p.m. daily. walls of the brick building and the part used | r Pm. 9 by Mr. Burnie as 9 jewelry shop, slone |Sppointment. Toronto Phone North 3324 The business places destroyed were: W. | | H. Rumball & Co.'s Hordware Store; G. W. | ACCOUNTANTS T. W. Brown's Drug Store; Jas. Burnie's | i | is at your service. .GWLADYS JONES Berrie, Phone 681. For terms, ete, es! 4 studio on Wednesdays. Voices testei | MAUD E. CLAXTON, L- PIANO AND VOCAL LESSON: {work special attention is given Production. Pupils prepared for x degree in both pieno and vocel; iso +e | mentary exaiis. of Toronto Con: lof Music or University exams. {King Block. Phone 424. eee | W. H. THRESHER |Organist and Choirmaster of § i Presbyterian Church. Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Organ Studs land Theory. Pupils prepares for [examination practical snd theore: | Voices tested free. Residence end Stu. >, |S3 Worsley St. Phone 510. Seasug jcommences September 3pd. 34-ytly LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and sdministration, ano PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. DONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of {Toronto Building, Barrie." Money to loan ------_--_----eawr CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR THR Suprenié Court of Judicature of Ontario, |Proctors, Notaries, Conv "Money to loan. | Barrie. MEDICAL ee _ DR.H. T. ARNALL dence Corner of Toronte ts, opposite Ehzabers Church, Tete OR. W. A. ROSS LRCS., Edinburgh, FCP, Lo sician, Surgeon, ete. Dunlop 5: Barrie. OR. E. G. TURNBULL (McGill) (Successor to Dr. R. Office snd Residence, corner Eli Bradford Sts, Barrie, Phone 105 | W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, especial ly. Phone 61. 56 Collier St, Barrie . DR. VICTSR A. HART field and Worsley Sts. DR. MORTIMER LYON ; 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be st 01 of machine-gun fire. The fire then spread | ad at the rear, both of OWt2 St, Barrie, every Saturday. -- Dit destroyed, the bare | 888 of Eye,-Eqr, Nose and Throst. Com sultation hours 11 am. to 5 | Barrie Phone No. 2. 'tAWSON, WELCH & COMPANY Victoria Lodge, | fv inconvenienced | "ES The Barrie Planing Mil 4)Corner Sophia and Mary Streete Manufacturers of Sash, D, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling. M ings, Water Troughs, We carry in band Dressed Shingies and Pre £. Wood Turning and -ecialty. Dre: done promp Censult us with row THOS. ROGERS, ne; Office 163, Residence 335 builds Ph PROTECT | | Your Family tilT could not putmy | Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. 'mi

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