Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1918, p. 5

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rave and feet nade and ters. sell ¢ pr. UT that tout an- ON of Toronto - CIRCULATION . THIS WEEK - THE - BARRIE - EXAMINER 3600 Copies 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED--------_- THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 12 Pages : 1. A. MacLaren, Editor * TERMS- Copies, Sith Year wives. \_ BARRIE, CANADA, SEPTEMBER 19, 1918 ae No. 38 REAMLAND-| WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI "OVENDEN" Friday and Saturday (Residential and Day Pupils)! Capt. Creswicke was wounded] Pte, Leo Albert Polgrain was Sept. 20-21 slightly in the leg, according toladmitted to Military Hospital, Re-opens Sept. 18th. EDWIN ARDEN information received by his|Colchester, on Sept. 7th with Course of Study from Kinder< IN mother today gunshot wounds in hip, He was garten to Scholarship Matriculas --IN-- Donaldson of Mid-{@ 157th Bn. soldier, going over- [tion, The Pathe Play Coverseas with the [Seas with the 75th Bn, to France, é Special attention given te 157 has mn killed \He was gassed last November and tonversationa tench, Soler "THE IRON HEART" |/ Boren Pig: Bae f ncitseman in{was im England till April when | and Music Along with "OH! BABY! !" "WITH NEATNESS from the story by the s: name which appeared cently in 7 Evening Post. Usual Prices--10 and REAMLAN BARRIE'S BIG "EX" * hart SEPT. 23, 24, 25. pecial display of Furs, La-jjater with the ¢ dat P Cloth and Plush Coats, |!" wis and all kinds of Headwear at Barrie's big Hat and Fur Store. jturned to the Frent ot Make our store your head-|,, lis mine years the deceased was evidently going] This week Mr. and Mrs. James : You are velcome to cuchanan lett Bi Presions [iu ide a elunbing turn. and was [A. Johnston oficial quarters. You @ iC ty entering the he wWas|hetween 200 and 560 feet up.|noetice that ther Flight leave wraps, parcels, etc., et fer " the Fe eaiatnens These chmbs were eseeedingly {Lieut Amos Johnston has been Come as early as you like; eh eth NEUE, tres. The turns missing sine Med hve i Fe SCA TRE was Sunmarried and dive, and) from training in' he left B Stay as long as you like. rroef the Reformed spin. and the ma. oon April 4 for England, SIMMONS & CO * HATS, COATS AND FURS | rie. Fai> SARJ EANT & KING'S Harold Lloyd (Luke) in AND DESPATCH" he Saturday We Pay War Tax Midland before enlisting. Elliott G. G Mr. and Mrs. feo, C. St., was wounded in the cheek es, third son W. J. Buchanan Killed ons and was removed to a St nf hospital, England. on Sept. 4 went overseas as a signaller 'the (77th Bo Flight-Tient Cpl. } Another of Barrie's bra has fallen upon the field honor, making the supreme rifice on right humanily sac aed, 'William | ame Te- behalt of Corporal George 6. M John Buchanan died of wounds in Kay, IVF, has been slightly |in 1916 on furlough |the tiled ain the right arm and |he was attached te th Thon. Fra 1 Seplember i toknee while flying over the and was in charge 15¢ ]'from gunshot wou in ara lines in France, Heisa sonef Rey, /Pany during is tr and chest, vd Mrs. GJ. MaeKay. of Munivo, racks in the wint | Corp Buchanan was the eldest formerly of Ehuvale. Ele entis' 47. He returned to England with D Jeon of Mrs, Buchanan and the an 1916 and framed in the battalion am April, £917, and | Sliate Robt. Buchanan and enlisted C.. but later jained the RUNLA.S, [Has stiee been en duty at the Re- the "Little Blick Devils' in He has been on active service for|serve base there Arthurian January, 1915 He a ven He d been recommend | } nile the trenches with the ed for Bis Captainey and «|| Pte, Stanley Penton Killed | TALE, in August af thal sear. He! twelve Ii plines te his credit) Pie, Stanley Penton was kills [te Ad been Corporal Ca, Xe before her sunced In aehin, Sept He went overs Major and tustructor and was) 4 Barrie sel was sent [seas Vhree times hy a clipping from wound each time ve the inquest on Septenmer, Two years ae Flt! biewt. ba Was seriusly wounded but te- [renee C. Barwiek. © 1] was stated every. That when the fatality happened crashed fo the ground qalet being killed instantly verdict of oN flving™ was returned isth Highlanders' Band at Bar: VISIT BARRIE'S FALL FAIR SEPT. 23, 24, 25 Fall Fashions on Exhibition Next Week A 'magnificent display, of beautiful and rich merchandise ready for your inspection at Barrie's Great Dry Goods Store. There's real delight in store for you if you visit our showing on Fair days. HIGH CLASS AUTUMN COATS IN GREAT VARIETY ores: vear at $30.00, 40.00, NEXT WEEK CHOOSE YOUR OF SERGE, POPLIN OR SILK Serge Dresses--An early purchase enables us still to sell handsome dresses @ $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00 Silk Dresses at Little Cost--Silk Dresses are so satisfactory and you can depend on getting extra value here this season. Pretty Shimmering Silk Dresses in the | very newest style @ $1800 and $25.00 Poplin Silk Dresses in all shades @ $16.50 and $20.00 YOU WANT A FALL SWEATER COAT They are looked upon as a necessity this year, and we have wonderful value at the popular price of $12.00 Of course there are cheaper ones at $8.50 and $10.00 but our special at $12.00 is made of beautiful all wool fabric or special weave. The colors are very beautiful and in good variety. Coats of fine Velour, Whitney Cloth and Plush. Coats that will please you in Tweeds at $18.50 to $2500. Velour coats inGrey, Brown, Green, Navy and Black in very pretty styles @ $30.00, $35.00 an $40.00 Plush coats are popu- lar again this year. They are so comfort- able and rich in ap- pearance and_ the prices are only slight- ly in advance of last 42.00 and 45.00. All sizes. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN LINEN SECTION 5 Doz. Pure Linen can be had for some time on Sale at each 75c. Prepare for Winter Towels, the last that 16 inch Linen Towelling all pure Linen in a Brown shade, on Sale at present whoiesa'e price 30c. by buying Blankets or Comforters now. We have a large stock of Flannelette Blankets, Wool Blankets, and Comforters at right prices. VISIT OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT DURING FAIR TIME We have prepared a very attractive showing of up to date Hats,--New York Models at Moderate Prices. Make this store your headquarters during the Fair Next Week. SARJEANT & KING - BARRIE, ONT. AUTUMN DRESS FROM QUR STOCK Coles, Blake on -- SSS Sept. 8 He Jeft-a position in the Monday and Tuesday GT. R. offices at Allandale to Sept. 23-24 sign up with the 76th Bn. and 2 went overseas with (hat unit. Francis Bushman and Mr. a : Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coutts, Mid- Beverly Bayne hurst, have received word. that me {No 'their son, Pte. W. M. Coutts, had ived muluple gunshat wounds Alban's He in ar | English {fsiee woul \ the jing tv France on Aug. 3 and two days later was flying over the trenehes. His brother, Cpl. Mille: ilental death while -|Chatham, he returned to the front. Pte, |Polerain maie his hone with Me. nd Mrs .0). Cairns, Mill Road, be- |fore enlisting | Among the list' of radian Meers mentioned in d ches | for special service in the recent offensive is Captain J. Clark Wallace of Orillia, wh |present attached to the [secre battalion in Third Re- England Caplain Wallace was one of the | first Orillians to enlist. a few |days after war was declared, He went overseas with the First Contingent and after serving in| | France gassed far seme months he was and returned with the [47th Bn, and was Word came ty is al present in Ontario, jhis mother wh Lt. Amos Johnston Missing hostan was killed in New. 6, 1947 Franve Pte. Lorne Corbett Killed was received in town that Pte. Lorne Corbett | was killed inaction en Sept, 2 Je went te England with the| [157th Bn, and was transferred to a machine gun section In a {letler written on Aug he sau te had had a strenuous time and [Was gating inte the fight again Juext lay. His home is in Gaaks- }town and he was employed in the [Union Bank here. | Rubbers! Rubbers! Rubbers! | Hurlburts Shoe Store, Bar- {rie, is again to the front with the [largest and best assortment of Rubbers ever before offered to the people of the County of Sim- coe We sell the old reliable Maltese Cross Brand Rubbers, Jevery pair guaranteed. Specials ltor Visitors to Barrie's Biggest, | Bri Annual Fair, on nd 25--Five hundred pair 1 Buckle Overshoes, all sizes, for $1.95 a pr, Four hundred pairs Men's Plain Over-rubbers |98e: Boys' Rubbers, Rubbers 69e, sizes for ; Youths' Adlets Bring Results The Examiner's big circulation makes its advertising effective. Here are a couple of many in- stances of Examiner Adlet re- sults, A few cents spent for a small advt. brought a purchaser for U. Wright's house, Mulcaster St. G hannon lost three colts. He advertised his loss in The Examiner and in a few days had the missing animals. One cent per word each inser- tion is all these adlets cost, the minimum charge being 15 cents. Save Your Hard Coal By using some Cannel coal in your grate and don't start your furnace too soon. Cannel coal does not come under the govern- ment restrictions. We have just received another car of hand pick- ed Ebony Cube Cannel and you may get in your full winter's supply while it lasts. 38-38c The Sarjeant Co., Ltd. Examiner readers will doubt- less be surprised to know that the big motor bus on the Allandale routestravels 100 miles per day. The round trip is 2 miles and the bus mak 50 trips. Since it |began running this summer it has already gone nearly 12000 miles. \church at the regular services and his |dauehters are: John of Guelph, George of | |Torosto, William of Hemilton, Edward excl urse under . Williams, and London, direction of Beaux Arts, England. or further particulars write for Prospectus or minke an appointment with the Principals-- BE. M. Elgood, E. J. Ingram, Mdile. Shopoff N.B.--Roys taken up to the age of 12 and prepared for High' Sehool Entrance Examination if desired, Pte. Ralph Weaymouth Missing Word was received by Mr. aud Mrs. Jobn Weaymouth, Dunlop DYEING AND St. Jas! week thal their youngest son, hee Pte, Ralph Weaymouth, reperted missing stuce Pile. Weayimeulh going overs in 1915. Pr he was placed Mounted Rifles saw much heavy fighting. His lives in Brantford \ CLEANING Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at Maxwell's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? 'We know how. MAXWELL & CO. Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel,- Barrie. arty an the wi with the 47th voeding ty Pri in a battalic and wife The Late Edward Armstrong \ Edward Armstrong passed away Monday morning at his home in Bayfield St, aged 78 yeurs. "As he hud been in poor health for 9 year him death wax not un ed. Decessed was born in Kini King's Co,, Ireland, and lived in the ald Isle until 1908 when the fan to Burrie. came | Of & very reserved nature, he | was little known outside the circle of family friends. While heulth permitied wax seldom absent from his seat in Trimty | christian principles were manifess in his daily life, To Irish history he had given much uttention und he followed with keen interest the events transpiring in hix native Jand of recent years. A strong Conser ve, he was s firm believer in Sir Ed. oe iS al i ele VEGETABLES Mrs. Armstrong survives with twelve of their fourteen children, One daugh:er died WANTED \ J and their youngest \ 1 Armstrong, was killed in France in . . « snl Quote Quantity and Prices. rary of this yoor. The other » Imperial Munitions Board Camp Borden Mrs. Good of Ireland, ly, Henrietta and Ave* Toronto, Louie of Mistaken Identity Furnishes Fun _Lietaldine Anes' mistake in spotting the Took the services, assisted by' Rev Te J, Fallis und the pall-bearers were five and Geo. brother-in-law fan an a erwok star {unusual comp "With Neatocw Jand Dispateh" a Metro AllStar serien pic- ring Fruneis X. Bushman and y Bayne, which will be offered om Dreamland 'Theatre, Bai wis published ning Post. long list of sous 1 basket Mrs. W fg apples: calf, 1 basket of apples; Rev. J. son, Dalsto fruit; M clothing; Mrs, F. clothing; Miss MeNiven, 1 basket of apples In May, Mise Qvinlan 'paid $2.50 towards the fuel fund for Crown Hill stitute which T believe we fuiled to ack- nowledge in the press, The Women's Tn stitutes have paid for » yeur's fuel or more and have our hearty thank T. T. YOU | BAKOGEORGE---In Barrie, on Saturday, Sept. 14, to Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Bake- ROBINSON--In the R. V. Hospitul, Friday, Sept. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Robinsom, Poplar , Stroud, a kon, VAIR In Allandale on Saturday, Sept, 2 to Flight Cadet Louis O, snd Mrs. Vai, 8 daughter (Murion Alemath), DIED DEMING--In Barrie, on Sept. Mamie Deming, daughter of Mr. and Mra, arle Deming, Innisfil St., aged 4 moa In AUlundale, Sept. 15, ¢ 1G, See'y Collier St. Methodist Church Rey. R. J. Fallis, Pastor, Vi Alco Sunday, September 22nd Rev. A. J. G. Carseadden of Vietoria Har- bor will preach morning and evening. Farmers-- Bank Here By Mail Just mail your cheques to us-- we deposit them to your credit and send you a prompt acknow- ledgment. If you need cash we cash your cheques by mail, too, sending you the money in a registered letter. We understand the' farmer's problems and gladly assist him in every way possible. We will welcome your account, Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital $ 6,500,000 Raserte Fuad' = * 13.000909 'Resources: 48th Highlanders Band at Bar- vie Fair.

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