Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1918, p. 4

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" PageFour THE BARRIE EXAMINER | UTOPIA Sept. 18.--The Seventh Line contributed Bh Red Cros Rooms on Saturday last 75, The Sixth Line donated $2.50 cash and 'one dozen eggs. iss B. Carruthers left on Monday to attend Hamilton Normal School. Rev. R. J. W. Perry of Painswick oc- eupied the pulpit of the Anglican Church on Sunday last while Rev. T. J. Dew preached at the Anniversary services. in Churchill. RW. Allin, M.A, will occupy the pul- pit of St. George's Church on Sunday next. Mr. Allin is a very eloquent speaker and ect will be "The Man and Woman Power of South Simeoe." Mrv J, Brown of Painswick visited her sister, Mrs J. B, Carruthers, on Suturday Hast. The many friends of Mr. R. Rosy are sorry to learn that her husband, Pte. R Ros has been gussed and is in » hospital Miss V. Ellis, who is attending Barrie Collegiate was home for the week-end. CUNDLES | Sept. 18 --Frank Pratt has sold a house | and lot te Kenneth McCullough of Min- esing, who hus moved in i Mr. Hothum has the contract for taking | down a tur and building a smaller one | more convenient, for Miss Munroe. Mr. Eo Sprott entertained u number of | her ellerly frends yesterday. They had a very social time which was much enjoyed. | iraham, Mill Road, who was laid up for seme Gime, is able to be out again. \ Everyone is talking ubout Barrie Fair and wishing fur weather for it Mr, S Prart returned home yesterday after vaiting her suns at Hamilton for a week Mre Knopp aud family of Allandale accompanied her home | Mr und Mrs, Cooper motored from Tor onto on Saturduy, taking back with them produce from their gakuen The county road as in bud shape here, There being teh to curry off the sur- fuce wuter. the recent heavy rains overflow: ed on private property, leuving water in iz ~ and putting some wells out of order, MIDHURST Miss Mury Cochrane has gone Sept 17 to Toronto und ta book keeper far Insurance Co, in the Doman ing Mist Barbara Wilson bh urned to her home in Barrie fan extended visit with Mre D. Carns Mrs. R. Mon with her daughter Orangeville Miss Lottie Cochrane hus returned home after spending some time with friends in | Toronto and Alliston, Mrs Canieron and children of Allis | ton have returned home after spending a| swith Mrs. A. Cochrane J. Falconer and Miss Nellie of Tor: | © the guests of Miss Marguret Cam ith ix spending two weeks Mn. J. Cameron, at Miss Ruby Hubbert of Hillsdule is visiving friends here Wedding bells are ringing loudly once | more in the village, Mrs Joseph Cook is seriously ill at time | of writing. Her many friends wish for | B ly recovery | es Frunkeom is recovering after tas | illness. | Mr A Morns of Toronto Fieldhou Somerville f the guests of Mrs. H. E, | lust week, Owing to the wet weather, some of the farmers have not got all of their grain in yet o STROUD len Sept. 17.--Miss Rowena Black returned | last werk after visiting ber sister, Mrs, | Ackerman, in Wiarton | Jos. Black is at present attending the ate. of Vancouver, who has er visiting friends and rel- atives here, returned home this week, ae- companied by her mother, Mrs. McCraw. Mre John Allan of Churchill is visiting ere is visiting friends Congratulations to Mr, und Mrs. F. C,{ Robinson on the arrival of u son. Miss Erich Rich is suffering from an at: | ended to Mr. and Mrs. | on the death of Mr. Ritebie, | Don't forget Stroud Annual School Fair on Monday. Come and enjoy yourself with the childre: My. and Mrs. Shopter of Campbellford and other relatives are visitors at the par- sonnge this week. | x Barnhouse of -- Madinonton, R- ly of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Web>r and daughter, Maimie, of Vandeleur vieito! Mrs. Duncan and friends here this week Mr. Merkley is teaching at Trout Creek. Quite a number from here attended the Canning Kitchen on Monday. Miss Violet Sproule- spent Sunday with her mother here. | Her friends are pleased to hear that Mrs. R. Thompson is recovering. iS SHANTY BAY Rev, Mr, Hazzard will be here ce on Sun- instead of Sopt. 16 in behalf of the Dominion A day, Sept. 20, Field Day' Sept. 22 as formerly 'announced. Mrs, Lowson and Mrs. Carey haye moved to Barrie, leaving two empty homes for some incomers. Mrs, Jos, Packard and Miss Gertie Adams visited in Orillia last week with Miss Lettie Hart. 'The last meeting of the Women's Insti- | tute took the nature of a farewell tea in| honor of the retiring secretary, Mrs. W. J. 'Campbell, Nearly all the «members were present, notwithstanding the fact that it was raining heavily all afternoon, The fol- lowing letter was rend" and presented to Mrs, Campbell: Dear Mrs. Campbell:--We have learned with regret that you are about to leave us for time at least, but before you go we with to convey to you our appreciation of 'your services while amongst us. We shall 'jiss you very much. Indeed, we sometimes wonder how we can carry on with so many breaks in the line but if we are trying to do the right God will prosper us and so we shall go forward in His strength. Your whole-souled willingness and good cheer qwere always an inspiration to us and when- ever there was anything to be done we could rely on you to put your shoulder to the wheel and help to carry it through success- fully,» We wish God's blessing on your new home in Toronto end trust that the ion which has kept us together hard thall not be broken slthough for With ¢ 'These Ce Samples ats, 20 in regular, them ak bext at a reduction of pass Stylish shapes Suk Velve Soft Velours and all trinuned ino becoming hearing some touch of ex are here this Departinent last season our Customers, COATS REDUCED $3.00 FOR FAIR DAY SELLING number, ny two alike', and all new them ata job price and inste: gz to 00 each. Chinchillas, Velours, Wide Wale Serges and 'Tweeds, Colors Grey, Green, Taupe, Navy, Brown and Black. Sizes [4 te 4a. Come ly and get first cheice $3.00 Saved styles elusiveness NOTE--The new method adopted in at this Store. we pane A MAGNIFICENT SHOWING OF FALL AND WINTER COATS Wool Taupe or Grey ats of Wool Materials ranging in price from $15.00 to $45.00, and Plush Coats from $20.00 to $68.00 you have a variety that will make choosing easy We just mention a few particular lines 7 Silk Plush Coats, more popular than ever, but more May them. shown in Wool Mater and Serges, are the ( precure them tram any Dress Goods Dept, or MOORE & ARMSTRONG--Barrie's Biggest Ready-to-wear Store THE STORE WITH THE STOCK ~ | Every Needful Garment for Women, Misses and Children. A Display Several Thousand Dollars Larger than Ever Before. THE VERY ACME OF STYLE AND SMART TAILORING IS DEMONSTRATED IN OUR SHOW- , ING OF DRESSES AND COSTUMES NEVER before, surely, have the designers exhibited such taste In thelr productions. Varying in price from $15.00 to $50.00 each and Poplins, Gabardines tumes that await your inspec als such as Dresses of New York design, manufactured by the best makers in Canada, thus eliminating the Customs Duty, are here in greater array than ever befure and all -- FAIR WEEK SALE OF RAINCOATS AND CLOTH DRESSES $1.98 and $8.50 Indeed these goods should move quickly at these "Out prices" RAINCOATS--15 only in the lot. They are Fair Week Sale $1.98 each Paramalta Clath, which makes them abs¢ wilors are Navy and Fawn, sizes 34 to 44. Uupert these from England at present the pr S600 each DRESSES --The materials are Wool Serges Colors Navy, Black, Brown and Green the materials and will you Velour Models, exclusive os Price occ eee eee eee a CHILDREN'S COATS IN GREAT ARRAY In the better qualities. Never before could you find Every desirable material is such a display in Barrie Fur Collars on expensive for Children models Ab cc cccseeeeeeeeen ee $20.00 to $68.00 each give~ us an mumense assortment. $3. Traveller's We bought ad of making them you on Tuesday Materials are are MILLINERY DEPARTMENT RESPLENDENT WITH ORDAINED MODELS FROM NEW YORK maile of Panne and | SPECIAL PRICES ON HATS FOR FAIR DAYS Table No. 1 at $3.00--Prelly Velveteon and Silk Velvet Sailors and Ready- Jats, all nicely lined and Beavers, and to. Wear f real that is, Selling Every at a much lower | Table No. 2 at $6.00--Mor margin of profit," has proven satis- that the writer will factory to us, and means a saving to fo describe them. vited to see them. special value ., $1.25 Black Cashmere Hose Handreds of yeu in our mark wes Eve ott is quite $3.00 ea. Is so varied not attempt You are in $5.00 Georgette Gr Chene over Style with either Another Sale of Palmolive nily. Falr Days 40 SEE OUR DISPLAY OF LINES THAT WILL INTEREST YOU THE SEASON'S BEST AT LESS New Plain Silks and Silks of all All Wood Coatings, 'Dress Goods underpriced. kinds, Crepe de Chenes, Georgette Velvets for every purpose Kabe Crepes $1.75 to $2.25 yd? LEAVE YOUR WRAPS AND PARCELS HERE ON FAIR' DAYS The popular Maribout Capes and| Cotton and Down Filled Com- forters for the cold weather. Neckpivces. The Vimy or War Bride BiLD. Union and all wool Blankets. and Flannelettes. less value, 20¢ to 40c yd. All linen towelling at 30c yd. Veils, than present "|Eidérdown and ete,, vle., ele. MOORE & ARMSTRONG the present we must part. ; Lettérs of appreciation of service dered were also sent to Mrs, Carey and' Mrs, Lawson who have recently left Shanty'Buy and who will be greatly missed in the work. Dominion Alliance Day will be held on Sunday, Sept. 20th instead of 22nd at the Methodist Church. 'The pastor will speak next Sunday on 'The Work of the Sunday School." ne: . Subscriptions to the 'Sailors Fund" at Mr. Robertson's and Mr. Martin's amounted to $17.00. IVY Sept. 17--The Rev. T. J. Dew preached Anniversary service at Churehill on Sunday. the Rev. Mr. Perry taking the service here. Miss Reta McDonald has been visiting friends in Toronto... | Miss Elsie Speers has gone to Hamilton d Normal School. ; ' 'Dumber from here attended the Amni- versary service in Egbert on Sunday. Miss Lizzie Smith has been spending -a couple of weeks with friends in Toronto. Bert, McLean went to Toronto to report for military service. Pte. J. Ellis, who is training now in England, is drafted to go to Siberia. (From another Correspondent.) Sept. 17.--Next Sabbath will be observed as Rally Day in the Presbyterian Church here as on the following Sabbath there will not be any service, owing to Town Line Anniversary. A number from here attended Egbert Anniversary services. Mr. Dunlop, a former pastor, occupied the abit and preached two very helpful and inspiring sermons. The Sharpe quartette assisted in the singing, which was much appreciated. 'The County Convention of the Sabbath Schools will be held in Thornton on Monday next, A good representation from here should be present. Mr. Campbell of .Cookstown has rented Jas, 's farm and;will move bere the éginhing of the new year. ORs Fics Game spending a week with friends in Barrie. McLean motored to Toronto on Tuesday, the latter having to report again on military duties. 'Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Arnold and Misa Edna Arnold visited friends at Egbert on Sunday. Mrs. James Lennox arrived home on Sat- urday evening much improved in health. 'The Anglican Church intend holding their Anniversary services on Sept. 29. Sept. 10.--Robt. Clarke of Meaford visited with his brother, W, T, Clarke, here last week. Miss Sarh MeCarthy of Toronto is holi- deying at her mother's here. €. Pink of Peterboro spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gauley. Ed. Morby has purchased Mr. Wheeler's farm in the vicinity of ToryHill. The harvest is all gathered and the hum of the threshing machine is heard in all directions. A fairly good yield is reported. Robert Hanna, Harold Arnold and Bat! The potato crop*here is a long way be- utely waterpro Tt we were to find you cannot y at high prices Your Choice $8.50 each Admired by every lady that represented A special purchase of 57 Sample Coats Waist Faney lines this Season Waists in the Coll the Kimonas Cloths, An assortinent that will Compare Favorably with Any Past Year. Buy Early--it Will Pay You Serges, made up in pretty s and $23.00. For Social Affairs of NON to $30.00. One mode! worthy of special mention is a lustrous Taffeta Silk, Nigger Brown shade, with Gold Ornaments and Braid Trimming to give Rubber lin ice would he and Cord Sizes 36 to tyles, in Brown, inspects $32.50 to $45.00 in Coats 00 to $15.00 va. Gloves such as these, well as our own are protec: for Black and 'Tan and known lines, Blouses may he shown en hear "Prottier than | bead trimr (rue in regard to our] gy, color Voile expensive @ and Silk Crepe-de rless Slip the Open Sailor or Cake they Woman, adian and GUELPH hind the crop of last year, both in size und quantity. The farm lately occupied by Jno. Des- jardine has fullen into the hands of Jno. Dumond, who intends to run it on a big scale, Mrs. S, C. Warner is in rBacebridge disposing of some real estate there. GRENFELL. Sept. 18.--Mrs. Thos. Ford apd son, Clar- ence, ure home after spending a week in | Toronto. | Mrs. S. Metcalf of Barrie is Mrs, Jas. MeMinn. Mr. and Mm. Henry Cole celebrated their golden-wedding anniversary on Sept. ing with 45 Thos. Walton, who underwent an opera- tion' in the R. H. on the 14th inst, is doing very well. Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist Church here on Sept, 20th. 8. Tracey and Miss Hattie Bolton visited friends in Midhurst last week. * lovely Silks and Crepe de Chenes are shown fron §1 Long Overdrape and the New Round Oollar. SPECIAL SALE OF PERRIN'S KID GLOVES this autumn, would be priced at $2.00 to $3.00 per pair. We bought heavily two years inelude al) of Sizes 5% to 8%. Black........ $1.60, $1.75 and $2.00 Tan.... $1.50, $1.76, $2.00 and $2.25 THE SEASON'S NEWEST BLOUSES ARE HERE Collar. The higher priced lines have Dept. and the re-|hand embroidered colored flowers and rviceable Habutai Silk Waists are here in Faney Stripes and all plain Waists by CORSETS SPECIALLY PRICED NEMO CORSETS FOR STOUT Nemo Corsets are so designed that meet the need of Crompton's A La Grace Corsets, BARRIE and i Thursday, Sept. 19, 1918. use comes the all wool Priced $18.60, $20.00 moderately priced. For practical tyles. informal ty, the quiet 50 This dress has Price $30.00 distinction. if bought from the maker zo and your interests as The prices quoted are ted. Perrin's well mings. Priced $4.25 to $9.75 Priced from $2.60 to $5.98 the hundred. In- Flannel and Sateen Waists. 59c up Penman Make, 75c. Soap 4c Cake AT 98c PR. rtiene are part of a purchase This is the overseas size and Fresh from the maker and a perfect oe it suey ano, ane about half the size of the 12% fitting pees they are. They are made 4 scete, wells wells St B25 this | ote: Ttose lass ini a! Haak ae of good quality Coutil, Low Bust, and to 10.180 pair only t sell. On | the maker's price has advanced Our Strong Hse Supporters. Sale Tuesday Morning 760 pair | + 19 fo 28. 75 pair only to sell :+ Falr Week Sale 880 pr. WOMEN Every Stout We show these both in Can- American models. $3.00 to $6.00 750 to $6.00 Buy Butterick Pat- erns and you get the best--Sold at this Store. MINESING STATION Sept. 17.--Miss Annie Dobbin of Toronto visited ut Mrs. E. McLean's this week. Harold Tracy was operated on for' ad- enoids and tonsilitis in the R.V.H. on Tuesday, the operation proving succcasiul, Miss Janet Anderson of Barrie is visiting at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Caldwell of Crown Hill spent Sunday at Chas, Wattie's. CRAIGHURST Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held in the Anglican Chureh on Sunday next at 3.30'p.m. Rev. Archdeseon Warren will preach. sions. Collection on behalf of mis CROWN HILL Harvest. Thanksgivi ices will be held in St. James' Church at'8 'o'clock Sunday evening. The special preacher will be Rev. Archdeacon Warren. A collection will be taken on beholf.of missions.

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