Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1918, p. 8

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Page Eight THE ADLET COLUMN HOUSE TO LET--Modern; central, Apply 168 Dunlop St 36-380 JUNK of wll kinds, wanted. H. Levit, Bay- field St, Phone 384 12-28p-tf DRESSMAKING--Miss Megill, 33 Alfred St., Allandale, Phone 452, 36-410, Pacers dD dens FOR SALE-- Baby Carriage. reversible body. Apply to. 107 Collier St. 38-38p 7 TO LET--All conveniences. HOU Maple Ave YOR SALE Three General purpose horses, wply to D. C. Howard, 124 Dunlop Si, 27 BROKEN COLT -4 years old, light driver, Sell cheap Apply R. R. Bothwell, Phone ' 300. 36-He PROF. D, E, WEIR-- Teacher of Piano 'and Violin. Piano Tuner, 6 Owen 8t., Barrie. 44p. SHEED FOR 18 Breeding Ewes, y N Dyment, Barrie and one ran) Apply to 15 Roxs St. 37-38¢ | | 38-38¢ | WANTED AT 0! furnished room § Two or three partly east end preferred. Ap: lyoRKSHIRE BOAR (Registered) for sale. Apply 8. V. Jones, Oro Station. 38-386 TO LET--Over 4000 sq. ft. of floor space all on one flocr. Apply at this office. 38-40p GIRL WANTED--Good wages, apply at onee, Mrs. Dignum, 40 Sophia St. 38-38p DUCHESS APPLES--Bring your baskets to 100 Peel street to fill for 20c. _38-38e Ss FURS REMODELLED and Repaired, Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie. CARTING BUSINESS FOR SALE all ih first class shape, Apply at this office. 37-39p | LICENSED CHAUFFEUR desires trips, urdays and Sundugs, I'hone 278, Ban 3 HOUSE FOR SALE--Two-storey solid brick, all conveniences, 52 Wilham St 38-38¢ 6-ROOMED FURNISHED HOUS| all conveniences Apply Box "E' iner, to Rent, Aum 38-38p | ASSISTANT COOK WANTED- Hall, ood 'UB Apply to Miss O'Connor, Sin neo 38e vat this o 38 cota SEL =| FURNISHED ROOM- For one or two Ia- TOOMS AND APARTMENTS to rent, fure| diet. Modern conveniences, Apply to ninhed; light house-keeping if desired, No | _ this office. 38-380. 1, Maple Avenue 36-41p | FOR SALE House, lot, (about acres: | done. Miss E. Gosney, Adeluide St.|Robertson on Clapp ' iad stuble at 56 Penetang St, Barre | _Allandide 3740 Inear the Baptist Chur ' | quire ull premises 5-48. | * ! = j TO RENT---Witth all modern con. {MOVIN te town FOR SALE Royal Matron Range and ce. Apply to Mra. Smith, 60 Mary! Rev. Give. Cumming of Cooks~ ieuter Apply at 62 Sun: | i 38-38p town preached two good sermons 2 - 3889p | in St. Attrew's Church last Sun | [YOUNG PIGS from Regstered Yorkshire day His evening subject wax ' FOR SALE ut a bargain ty acre land with | tock, price reaxonuble. Apply V.|+ th." his text being, "She Bek howe, large eed. For further par [ glen ire: Bigttton |stretehad the searlot cord ae teulars, ajply at Fire hal 36-41 Werte cults y ISHEEP, FOR SALE~ Some choice Shrop. |e window . FUR SALI sere of land, brick hu shire ewes and rams, all ages. Apply A.| Next Sunday morning a mem. ant Face Bee Barr W. Morns, Thornton 37.38 | rial tablet to the memory oof Py Mix M. J. Byrne. Barrie fe JRev. Dro amt Mrs, MeLeod) will {HOUSE TO RENT No. 15 Peel St, va [iu unveiled im St. Andrew's THE CELEBRATED HOOVER POTATO) crit Det. 19. AIL conveniences, Chureho Rey. Neil Campt the DIGGER for Sale by DC Howard Cull | Mrs, Lennox, 11 Peel St oldest member of Barrie Preshy- ait ser them at 124 Dunlop St 271 tery. will take part im the servic WANTED Younis tuan for Otten's Hard atte en A ee Tae ware, ene whe te willing to earn ane | BOS! ' W chipper awk, te: make luneelf rally weful, 36 1f |e Bane stackvards this week. SER.A0 per - Whowas paid for hogs FOR SALE Brick House on Worsley street, | POR SALES quece mahogany parlor suite, ea.) Single shipper was J aioe atte aa Nes at dimog-feen egtensient table, trae eee eee ney msl bi i hedroons suiteneubstor and other th fait ag. Willen 1M garden unt stable wt This 40) Muleaster St 4 for Gi head of vated fre at Une WOES. F TO LET Two fine Halls, alin Sinen ter Maan In) poly # he JU stitute for ledge or elu al laving A) Barred anitor'sapartents ply ny Apel an laying» ditions Ajpiy Box oM apis ak an Apes ' gon ay te te 3840p. wit has been shelling out Te OST Moray Sept 4q gokl aggnet ring. rawathaely, ole. ly WANE ) ee the Salvation Army Heme ay gnaede oR W mi e fine lot af White i nein 1 6 Fhasbeth Sts 1 Reeks ™ re. Barrie, 1 reparations POR > Vt ce Ne on; fins neaely new one new Un Apply AT Moore, Shanty Bay, a PV Wikon's farm 3843p CLEANING AND PRESSING Your old suit ami evercoat can be mate to bok new by Dunlop St TOR SALE kALouse, modern, ir Ape or Donald niber th ing Brie ?. ly Ros, 191s fon 12, Inmfil, kan lef ear, ie red ail ane we please nvaty 1 Bo Arm strong, Rural Route 1," Allendale, or rho spate | WE | A RANCHER > LIFE IN CANADA. ud | wot Rural fruit growing, FARM FOR SALE OR B bush, Confo: j » 0x60, driving shed and ' Iuildings Mar 1. 1919, I h plowing privileges. "POA Cough Phelp stan Twostorey brick large double parlor, good nd kitchen om Ist flat, four : bedroom: and bathroom on 2nd_ flat 1 t with furnace: garden and i terms. price low. . James } 7 Owen rie. f } JARM FOR SALE--St2 Lot 1s, 3 EY Hi 19, Con. 3. Tp, of Flos, 150 acres, good | clay good brick dwelling, bank j barn. yew implement shed and other | buildings; spring water; close to. school; 1 terms reasonable. Apply to Mrs. K. O'Neill, Anten: Mills, R.M-DS or to G. A. Barrie. 38-43p good state of cultivation. house, good outbuildings, well fenced and watered, Apply to James A. Lean x, R. 2 No. 3, Thornton, telephone Ivy. 23-tf FARM FOR SALE--The North half of Lat Six in the Fighth Concession of the Town- ship of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe ; an excellent groin farm; new cement house; frame barn with stubling under same; good well. For further particul- acs apply to Martha A. Rainey, Barri, ar Alexander Cowan, Solicitor, Barrie 36-29 ---------------- ee BIG FARM BARGAIN FARM SPEUIAL--$9,000.00 will buy @ good 200 acre Stock and Grain Farm in the Township of Flos, growing all kinds of grain. There is a flowing well on the premises, creek running through the farm. Enrge brick house and wood shed. Small orchard; large bank barn and good out- Buildings. Good hard wood bush. $2,000 down and terms to suit at 434 per cent. on the balance or all cash pply Box 178, Barrie, Ont. Maery Twins, Row Block FOI SALE A if preferred. | 36tfe rie Fair, Sept. 23, 24, 25. LADIES' TAILORING and dressmaking 4 Offer STRAYED Ti 37-fe}~--Barbers' Notice! pfof Oro Fair. Thursday, Sept, 19, 1918, Local News --NIGHT SCHOOL at Barrie Bus. College reopens Oct. 1. W. D. Minnikin has purchased Mrs, Pae's property in Mary St. Don't miss the Barrie Fair's big concert in the main building, Sept. 24. The price of 'haircutling has been advanced to 35¢ in Barrie. The New Edison Phonograph plays different makes of records. Hear it at Keenan's. 'Tomorrow | Friday) is the date It is also the day for paying the first instalment of Barrie taxes Roy MeKinnon of the Nottaw: saga Flats killed two cub bears Jast Saturday evening. This is the third bear he has killed this year. --While at the Fair leave your order for Corsets with Mrs. Heard, 15 Ross Street. See trench methods, war rolioa | and other interesting exhibits by returned soldiers at Barrie Fair, Sept. 23, 24, 25 Samuel Gill of con, 4, Vespra, has bought the residenee df Mrs Sine re Owner may tel by proving property and jay Charles Cavanagh, RRL While: workin Ar asy cMipvard=, We Wo Po sabbeated FOR SALE. Horse, 7 years olil, nex ryis ale Hwenty feet ber tired buggy, cut hart en bar He wis retdeved une second buggy in good repair, Is duit + cerpaval, Dp math tor quick sule $275 fe ed that ne benes rnert broken and that on Jewelry Stock of Clocks, Watches and guaranteed jewokey brouzht from Alliston und sold at Sheriff's Sale now on aale at AD Tuck's at less wholesale prices LOST. On Sept 6, dark tan Colle dog white breast and feet, white ring. Medaune une neck sae. wobbed tal : will be cewware "ng WILL PAY you $225 to diwrihute religious und patriotic literature in your Experience not re work, Internation . corner nt tenant ir. Meaford V Phone 119. D. Minnikm all St WANTED. housework, ror wor on farm, wages, R.M.D. or phone 223 r 13. @ FARM FOR SALE or Rent--Lot 7, Con. 9, RB 109 acres, all i frame house, terms. Andrew Cun- St. Phone 119. 38tfc. FOR SALE--A sere Farm in the Township of Oro. 'Three miles from Bar- rie and s quarter of a mile from Lake shore. All first claas ind, Buildings consist of good rough eat cottage and stable, Apply to George Raikes, Berrie P.O. p WOMEN TELEGRAPH Operators are in de- mand by G.N.W. and CPR. These sys- tems will promptly place every Graduate of Shaw's Telegraph and Railroad School at a good salary. We therefore ask,you to prepare at once. Write for particulars. W. H. Shaw, President. Gerrard & Yonge, Toronto. 87-52p NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all debts due the estate of Thomas Hill, late of the Village of Craighurst, deceased, must be paid to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of October, 1918. MAUDE HILL, Executrix, Craighurst; JAMES HILL, Executor, Elmvale. 38-40p ee TIMBER FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the under. signed up to the Ist of October, 1918 for the purchase of twelve scres of bush on the south part of Lot 8, Concession 13, Town- ship of Innisfil. Timber consists of pine, bireh, maple, beech, basswood, elm, ete. No tender necessarily accepted. E_A. LITTLE, 38-390 Box 201, Bar 48th Highlanders' Band at Bar_ Business prope | fun saa Webb. | 44: 3s-tie Wil for general | 10" Running water, | ust modern conveniences, no milking. Good |body by sending muney Apply to Mrs E.C. Drury, Barrie |ness will soon put « 37-tfe |Jotha: He were likely ta de vel wowits taken te the hy wunt. Mrs, (0 4 Arthur. - Free Press ' E The Treasurer of the Tecal Ty [Branch of the Red Crass: Suciety sin arrears ou trusts that all tb qoenthive instalments teowhen: le t will 1 apt payment of these arrears styes yen Bu nd he wishes ty have all the oul. wing aveounts against the Society paid before that date, but eannet ile se unless the pledged subseribers furnish the necessary ser nets the bends Sept send a dollar away fram home of the artiele that the dollar 1 he obtained at is our. finaneiad Mation keeps the ive, Bleed the home 1 Watch the hy enterprising sin this paper and y rn the hest places to these home dollars. Barrie's Big Fair--While you are there be sure and cal] at 'The bargains advers offered tise uy will spend they are quite as gond now. Take some home with you and be happy. Also Pure XXX White Wine and Gider Vinegars, Pure Whole and Ground Spices, also school supplies. Make 'The Hub' your headquarters, we will take eare of your parcels. May you have a pieasant day. Credit Sales Monday, Sept. 30.--A. W. Lain- son, at the Dyment Farm, Allan- dale, farm stock and implements. Sale at { p.m. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer, Write Secy. Fletcher for a copy of the Barrie Fair prize list. St. Joseph, Levis, July 14, 1903. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--I was badly kicked by my horse last May, and after using seversl preparations on 'my leg nothing would do. My leg was black as jet. I was laid up in it and could not walk. bed. fe fe fy a iter ting thre ttles of your MINARD'S LINIMENT pele cured, so that roi JOS, DUBES. Commercial Traveller. ORDERS to make ture. TWEED PANTS These are made of heavy, i Stock. SERGE PANTS Made of a Serge which will tion. TWEEDS ing pants. soft and warm. PANTS The old standard quality, we PERSONAL MENTION | | oN Metarthy is making a short visit in Chieage of "Poronte week Parente as ston str town thas Maw Leth Marri fr vd Mew were i Visiting Miss visitin Mr sof} Stine \ bawwit ay Mactaied dny Mr and) Mrs. ho Bo Sutelim few ditys in Oshawa jw JMS. Avan of Guelph is visite ing her daughter Mrs Win.) Mow 1 ore. Myers lett this ie wel for duty at Esqui- | | Wattle has returns | ef home atier spending al week | in Bracebridge, ! ) Mrs. Coombs of Lene Be: Cal. is the guest of Mes. E iu Bayfield St ! Miss Mlgerta. | Harrison Mount Albert spent. Inst we with Mero and Mr: ag | Misses Fie ant Shortresd of 'Torenta spent sun | "Jday with Mrs. He A. Orok, Maple Ave. | | Dr Rod. Spence, whe has been jon the stat et the Tarente Gen foral Hospital, is practicing with Dr. Lewis | | Mrs. Do Jacobs and Miss Rita Macobs have returned home afler sponding a week with friends in fee Nace ak Taronte, t Hub) 20 Elizabeth Street. 1. N-j Mr, Meherly was in town this eee eee lied dace week his family returning with Hamese serre nood in the ald him ty Toronto where they will spend the winter. Wm. Williams of the Colling- wood Bulletin was in town on Monday, heading homewards after a motor trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo | Mrs. J. W. Speers and son, Esten, have returned to their home in Sault Ste. Marie afler spending several weeks with friends in town, Mrs. Geo, RB. Rodgers and family leave this week ror Nia- gara Falls. Ont., where they will spend a couple of months, Major Rodgers having his headquarters there. Mrs. A. F_ Overs, of Dev England. is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Overs, Sanford St. Her husband is expected here shortly. They will then proceed to Van- couver. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Gill, Midhurst, announce the engagement of their jdaughter, Vida M-wida, to Mr. W. |Hubbert of Stroun, the marriage to take place the first week in October. Mrs. S. R. Raper and Miss: Gloria of Cleveland, Ohio, have YOU'RE WELCOME TO MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHILE ATTENDING BARRIE'S FAIR MEN'S SEPARATE PANTS Which we placed many months ago, and which we thought lately would not be filled have come to hand the past week, and we now have an immense range from which your selection at prices in many cases less than the present cost to manufac- These are a few of the many lines. MEN'S ALL WOOL HEAVY all wool Tweed in Grey, all sizes now in MEN'S HEAVY NAVY BLUE MEN'S ALL WOOL UNTEARABLE $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 The-most durable tweeds made for wear- They come in Grey, and are MEN'S ALL WOOL MACKINAW $5.00 and $6.00 ly double what we are asking. A5 Cent Coupon, redeemable at our Premium Counter is given with every dollar EOPLE TRADE FOR MEN'S ALL WOOL BROWN $4 50 TWEED PANTS a These are extra value, and a pretty, dark shade of Brown. MEN'S FINE WORSTED PANTS $3.00, $4.00, $4.50 to $6.00 In pretty, grey stripes and pepper and salt mixture, colors and patterns that look well with any colored coat, and are very-dressy. MEN'S COTTONADE WORK PANTS $2.25 A strong wearing pant in grey and black stripes. $10.50 MEN'S ALL WOOL BLACK MACKINAW COATS Buy these lines now as you will not be able to get some of these qualities at any price later in the Autumn. $3.75 good wearing $4.50 give satisfac- orth now near- heen nding a fortnight with|Mrs. Thos, Bates, | Mrs. Alive Webb. Mrs. O'Dell en Visiting her sister, Mrs. dine, and Miss V Thornton, Miss} Bates, Larmont Street, returned Vorthie nf e alse been| to Barrie with them, Visitors with Mrs, Webb, Aurera Banner--Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bates and family, whe have heeu spending the past week FURS! ULEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED with Mr. and Mes A. F. Bates, fyler Street, returned ta) their M, MoKERNAN heme in Barrie on Friday last. Phone $23 See Our Exhibit at Barrie Fair FORD MOTOR CARS FORDSON TRACTOR SMITH FORM-A-TRUCK With this will be shown the 8-in-1 rack, for use on the farm, readily adaptable for all kinds of loa SPECIAL SALE OF TIRES During Exhibition week we are giving spécial in- ducements to tire purchasers--with every tire purchased during the week we will give one inner tube free. People requiring tires for next spring should avail themselves of this offer as the market is advancing. Several makes to choose from. All sizes. VISITORS MADE WELCOME Motorists visiting the fair will be given free air service and free storage at our garage. FULL LINE OF ACCESSORIES T. R. HUXTABLE |. GARAGE, FIVE POINTS, BARRIE

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