COUNTY OF SIMCOE TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS FOR TAXES The sale of lunsis in the County of Simeoe taxes will be held in the | >: Friday, November Ist, 1918 AU) PM. ing publishs Gazette on Saturday, July The list i» b the Ontario | 27, Saturday, Avg, 3. Ssturday, Aug, 10. Aug. 17 'A copy of the list is posted in the Court 5: uy be hud in the Tress- Bower, ani turer's Office The following are extracts: tberefrom TOWNSHIP OF FLOS Part Lot Con. Actes Arrears Costs Total 10 100 $18, 11 69 SHIP OF Lot 30, Plan 5} pt Bro..25 5 NECor 19 8 PiSWCor 15 12 PtEptBro 2 Pt Bro uy TOW) 1B Ot 1 4 4 TOWNSHIP OF ORO Ct PL2e27 S75 NE 1% 7 9 50 Burilis Park 31 oer "166, 167 205 183. 188, 189,190,208 197 INNISFIL, 13 50 242.28 8.80 HIP OF MEDONTE 1 Between GTR 3.50 a1. 514 TOWNSHIP OF ORILLIA BE 4 Plan 51 B MacW? Jackson's Plan Lo Pt 4 1 4 BE lacBro WW 2 1 Plan 428 Homewood Ave. Wo Pian 428 Homewood Ave. Lots 33, 4% 1 N Creemore Plan 514 27 4 BPW 27 2 48 21.52 Wee WP gE} 22 4 178% 4155 4 40 4 40 4 50 5 100 5 200 SHIP OF ¥ N Sec8E42 6 5 820 W) Wh 6 20 N 86W! 100 Lot 4, TOWNSHIP OF TAY NW 1! ac Lot 57, E Onida St. 10 M SE Pt SW BOw. 1 1 2 NE pt..5 11 1 PrW%.8 iL 15 36.98 North Division South Division 6 OF SUNNIDAL! Pt Ape 10 4% 86 EOF TOTE 4 196 299.96 1 8 65 20.55 4 3 3.25 50 300 34.00 3.60 62 3.66 3.48 3.24 HIP OF TOSSORONTIO 328 475 45 3.97 42.84 3.82 7.34 191.01 3.93 373 42.98! 3.00 569 10.24 310.10 | 569 3.11 3.48 3.48 3.00 3.00 3.67 TOWNSHIP OF TAY Port MeNicoll Subdivision Lot 195.. 196. REREE 2 gueggagegnaeganaRRaneee Arrears Costa Total | 5 $12.15 $1.25 $13.50 Port McNicol! Subdivision--Continued Port McNicoll--Continued Arrears Costs Total BS ES Bub SSRR8ees ois is ke ig igi BEERS BREE error er rel at at rate! Bee82n5 Boke eeeeesReRs RRRERRRERRS it 18 7 50 43 WwW 17 43 52 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 BeebRe RRERE Ey SBSseRReess: as ees se BebeRRSEREERR RPRERRREERRSRaaS RRERRERRRRRRR Arrears Costs fotal Ehf77.. ..6 BEERER Be RS Pret lolatatated dct etelatetel attra RSSRETSZSGaaaD Village of Port MeNieoll--Continued Plan Lot 558 216... 858 (217. 558 218. EbeRewiE BEERS 8 5: &: Bnanae Hy 330 5 DANIFI. QUINLAN Treasurer County Simcoe, Canadian National Exhibition 300,000 admissions sold first day of advance sale. Come with the crowds to thegreat- est Exposition in the 40 years' history of the C.N. E. "The Heroes A production of tremen- dous force and beauty, spiring, dramatic---a spectacle every Canadian should see_ MOVEMENT - LIFE SPLENDOR A Patriotic Thrill in every scene Giant livestock and agricultural display-- Governinent exhibite--demonstrations of voce tiona! training by 50 crippled heroce--farmung, 'on factory linea: colossal exhibits of Iabor- saving devices -- Government patriotic tood show -- Creatore's world-tamed band -- Allies' eanipita of fine arts--AND A WORLD OF OTHER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. Price of admissivn 1s 'unchanged 25 cents Consult your local agent regarding railroad fares | oa. 'for sale at book stores or this office, Three cents each. THE JOY OF MOTHERHOOD Came to this Woman after Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to Restore Her Health Ellensburg, Wash. married 1 was not well for a long time and a good deal of ro about. Vegetable Com} JoENton, R. No. 8, Ellensburg, Wash. 'There are women everywhere who long for children in their homes yet are denied this happiness on account of some functional disorder which in most cases would readily yiclinto Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Co. vpo should not give 0] Such women should not gi p hope until they bave given this wond medicine a trial, and for special advice Write Lydia E. 'Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. 'The result of 40 years 8.48 | experience is at your service. Alliston . YO R33 5 | Harrie Gelling wood. 3,198,271 Midland 2 2 Oritia Penetang report of the ta 1yh6 This, toa, is inter 9.1 | Callingwooul 9.) Midland 4 Orillia Penelang Stayner | Barrie : | Collingwood | Mad |Oriha Aug. 26 TORONTO Sept. 7 le with all the member Reeve in the chair disposed of as follows: W. Rose, w line Or thy to conter with a comunittee from Ovillia 'Tip, Council. On motion of Thompson and) McDuff, the Reeve and Deputy-reeve were appeiated 1 of Britain") road scrap On motion of Dull, Councillor authorized to purel J. d. Link, wre lot ®. con, 7 veyance of urigh © Thompson that this matter will ot Tp. records notice of the. fol against Ore by the County for the ensuing vear -- con, 10 and Tt. Kinlay eilor an expenditure of burse her te some ¢ 'After T was the time was not in our home and one day my husband ack from Report of Municipal Affairs 'he Provincial Bureau of Municipal Affairs, one of the numerous statistical departments has issued a report on the mun- icipalities of Ontario. The re- port, which is for 1918, gives the population of the pro that year as 2,560,453, about 20,000 less than the year before. The total as: $2,004 taxes takes $14,607 'benture debt of the municipalil- jes in 1916) is 819,608,997 for municipal and $29,610,015 un account of schools, 'The sinking 'fund for the same year totalled 839,184.710. In 1916 the exempt- ed property totalled $162,011,349. ince for ssment is given as 5i;, the municipal 710 and the school 1387. The total de- The figures for Simeoe County \urban and rural municipalities are included and are interesting. or the towns the report is in part as follows Assessed School Town Value (1917) Only 9 1413,918 Again for the towns there is a imposed im! ting: 28,943 19.000 There as ve fog paar ot columms, these show- ing the debenture debt Allist nd 166.768 300 nelang ner ORO COUNCIL The Council met on Aug. rs present the The Reeve reported having asked tenders for bridge at lot 18 line, con , but had' not re- wed a Communications wei read find ting clerk Orillia 'Tp. at Lot 12, town- Orillia, asking for t of a committee rte re briy and appoint \ ighnessy asked for a road division. y and Me- Thompson was se seraper. . Bailey wrote that Depart- Caf Drainage had in eral experienced ors Who will make survey c free of charge, if provided with boar! and dndgings whale on the Job. and also fre to and from railway station, ete. transportation \. BR. Thom: jon ork was instructed to write My Ajusted soon as a search can be made, su, Clerk, sent a. Fletehe ing levies] ) unty Rate, $7, vt Patri quest fo pu se timber on ad allowance opposite lot tt, Moved by {Thompson that ¢ cout, after intery the owners of lot fH, if be thinks: seme or all of the trees would be better sold, te ask €or tenders for san, James Canlxon presented state: ment from Olive LE. Bannigan of 00 which she had lil out making a road ange 2 to Ridge Road, and asking that the council e amine {he werk dene and reim- tent. On motion of MeDuff and MeKinlay this was hud over until next meeting ada: Ns Pres. of the World's Ore, appeared on behalf the © Society and asked the Council to" make a similar grant to that of last year to aid the Fair in its cand we which had -- be carried on from year to without a break for sixty: ears, this year heing their six th exhibition, He also (hank. the Council for last year's con- tribution. On motion of Thomp- son and MeDuff, the request was grante F. ¥. Kendall ask grant on Main § Laid over. A bylaw to raise, levy and collect the taxes for 1918 was passed in the usual way. The tax rate shall be as follows: County, 12 8-10 mills, Local, Tp. rate, 2°6-10 mills: general school rate. 3 mills together with special school rates, ete. R. J. Crawford asked that Council examine bridge at Mit- chell Square. McKinlay and Scott will examine it. : Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Reeve. H. J. TUDHORS: jerk. d for a money Hawkestor Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows Mrs. Martha Stone Was For Years Associated With The Founaer or W. C. T. U. One. of the leatufes that dis- tinguishes 'Lanlac trom all other 'y medicines is the large : ui prominent people who everywhere are giving it Weir un enuutsement, 'the statements recently received at the Tanlac offic ticular that widespread interes, through the been made by 23 is one in par. | Mrs. Third Ave. North West, Seattle, aperance lecturer, years Way assu- Frances KE. | Willard, founder of the W. In relating her experien Tanlac, Mrs. Stune said: "Lthink itis the duty of every~ one who has been relieved us f |have to do what they can to help Wash. noted te benefits | have derived from the use of Tantac. many years wilh nervous trouble, which became so bad that 1 had {to take to my bed, where I lay for helpless and The least little nuise would upset ime and [| was anyone for cite me, and | was ble to move. | fear it would e: You see, | had passed reat San Francisco lost everything through the Was a severe shock to my already overwrought s. last | was able to get out of my such awful my room seemed to spin around s though I were in the centre of stomach was so weak and m y ig and what litle I forced down soured and formed a gas into my thr thal pressed at and in my chest 1 for me to speak. lower part of my sume gas pressur was all out of order and my kid neys gave me no end of trouble~ body from this My liver, too, the medicines | was taking, were doing me oo good he induced me lo try 'Tanlac, as he said it had nim se niuch good he believ- p me tuo. To oblige him, I gol. me a bottle and the ine that it was just what I needed, and iny first bottle put me right nm in splendid nerves are. practi- these years, remarkable I have a fine appetite and anything I want sufering" any wnpleas- aniness afterwards. fast helping me to overcome my troubles, and I feel that I am get- ting on just fine ever since T be- gan taking it". in Barrie by Geo. Monkman. in Orillia by M. H. Cooke & Co., in Elmvale by W. . McGuire, in Lefroy by G. R. Ardill, in Stayner by N. B. West, in Cookstown by W. G. Mack: in Waubaushene by Georgian Bay in Port Mc- coll by P. H. Beattie, in Allis- ton by E. B. Schell, in Lisle by- in Gilford by James A, Blain, in Tottenham by s in Penetang- uishene by Chas. A. Nettleton, in Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone. tn Hillsdale by Richard' Rumble, in Coldwater by C. G, Millard, in Midland by Geo. Gerrie, in Brad- ford by W. L. Campbell, in Stroud by Chantler Bros., in Craighurst by T. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury & Gregory, in Belle Ewart by A. Trombley & Co., in Mt. St. Louis by E. J. Peters & Son, in Moon- stone hy J. B. Sykes. and in Vic- toria Harbor by T. W. Brown.-- Advertisement. Lumber Co., A. Weaver, If you have any news items, ring up The Examiner, Phone 194 Marlait's Specific Removes Gail Stones Never-Failing 1 Remedy for Appendicitis Indigestion, Stomach Disord Appendicitis and Kidney Stones are often caused b Gall Stone Col Not one in ten Gal fierers knows what is 2 WM: CROSSLAND DRUGGIST, BARRIE, ONT. 3.W. MARLA: S81 ONTARIO ST,' SLATTED