Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1918, p. 4

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sweetheart site siane Page Four THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, August 29, 1918. BLACK DRESS SILKS | SILK AND CREPE-BLOUSES These good silks at the present prices are | Our showing and values in these popular cheaper than Wool Dress Goods. We have | lines cannot be excelled in Barrie. a large variety of Black silks, bought be- We have Georgette and Crepe de Chene fore the recent advance in price on which . - ° . we can save you money. The various Blouses in White, Black, Maize, Pink, weaves are Paillette, Messaline, Taffeta, | Rose, etc., in all the new and up-to-date Duchess and Peau de Soie, all 36 inches | styl and in all sizes from 36 to 44 and wide and the prices range from per yard | Prices ranging from THE ADLET COLUMN Oliver of Toronto for a few days. | | Mr. and Mrs. Bert Curtis spent 2 TO LET--On Mary St y Local News lthe werksend in Toronty, | Jno. Bryson, 27 Brudford St | Mr. and Mrs. Metealf of To-| -- ronto have been visiting a few! JUNK of all kinds, wanted. H. Levi |days in town | field St. Phone 384 Monday next ix Labor Day. the oy | aN bor Day } Mrs. F, VanPatter and Miss last holiday until Thanksgiving.| Mary Davies are spending a few WOR SALE -Three General purpose horses, display of hydrangeas at/days ig Toxonto apply to D.C. Howard, 124 Dunlop St |the residence of H. D. Jamiesou,|---- Mrst D, J Speers of Cranbrook, 27 High st, is very much admired. || B.C has returned to ber. home pholstering und furniture|after visiting her father, Colin pairing neatly done oy compe-|MeMillan tent workmen at Dougall Bros. tf] Misses Margaret and Gertrude Wallace returned on Tuesday Jafter spending two weeks near Tillsonburg FOR SALE One engine, gran separator ! and clover ill Apply Examiner Of >e. 34-35p e ee S436P Military Euchre ou Tuesda ORGAN FOR SALE. Seven vetaves, juno SPE S$. mm aid ot Red Cross case. Apply 50 Blake St, or P.O. Box Sahay eee ter oe tes 65 ee Hunt of SEEN special exhibit in connection /Detreit visited the farmer's $1 90 TO $2 75 $4 50 Te $6.50 piwith the Child Welfare movement Wrother Win Hunt, Bradford . . ° NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO RI with or without board. Apply P.O, Box SH be shown at Barrie Fair, Sb tus week ai Bek Sept. 1.35 , Misses Pearle and Irene Ryther EE Bitestire and. packer ibe of' veland, Chio, were guests, St Ths assed alla - LOOMS f vith or! Bue en Larsday ne during the past week, with Miss A re will be clos: lay. FURSISHEL oUs rer link or Bu re ay Tunsia suet, Sept Plcrence Quinta' M. Monday, September 2nd, Being Labor Day, our Sto: y. without Sued sply 53 Muleuster :@ Shanaey Cotlage, across! Flgrenes Quinlan. MAS . fi Street B4tic Ihe Hay Proceeds tor Red ( Mr an an Jew ae ee The Wednesday Half Holidays are over; from now on our store will be open all day -- The Sept. meeting of the Wo. ts of Meo and Mes, Gen. Wednesdays. PROF D & WEIR-- Teacher of Piano 1 and Violn Piano Tuner. 6 Owen Bt. "| ' Institute will be held in the! ty Wubbard aver Sunday Courta . Munday evening, | WOR. Graham of Cobalt x liek: a relive 'A am malt spent fo Ld) ara ahr ne A full aver Sunday with his" mother, artenda Is hoped for BY , pis. ing TO RENT Store and Fixtures, with Shipments trum local stock hee wee chim, Murs) vost. it Dwelling ottached, For parveulare PO. vard= this week consisted at 1) PME My SPtk parties: SILK DRESS POPLINS |MEN'S BOOTS FOR FALL Box 3. Kurnie 33-850 car Wows and Lear cattle. 81850) geet a te Sha: soe ------------ ttn patil fr bogs. He Maleobn sendeg the tanger aye ber uy The new Fall shades in this popular Dress WEAR St, WANT Se oe mel bones 15 ate fr aoogy Ms crs died on Monday, Aug Fabric are here, such as Taupe, Grey, Oe a3 l.suriiy whet this eur are ereatly 1 aatiss , Rattiinen Me ef 9 Brown, Green, Burgundy, Purple, Old | It's not too early to think of Heavy Boots Pleased with the pet One nt "on i" Rose, Blues, also White and rich deep | for Fall Wear. Come in and see the many PROOMBD FURNISHED HOUSE TO the heavy yields is on the farm SPChding a conple of weeks with , , P ul . a > ST) Frit October wy Mu Apply 5 ean pati ai ler enusing Miss T, Sproule: | 'ood lines we are showing at surprising] Tein ace Ee NR UE tiled asttugston, | Monesing. WR seanlon af Winnipeg Lott Black. F 7 oe LE sala ay mang fatieatnes hart «3 ere Se apeesem tats ag Monday for his hiane afies This cloth is 36 inches wide, the most ec- | low prices. .We have strong solid leather aie estimates al i bushels to, the : 5 : ; : ; LADY CLERK WANTED For Allandde jy . th eiending. part Or hs Yacalinn onomical width made, it requires very lit- | Boots for Men in Black Elk, Urus Calf, | Mo. Al Breage: dutty, Seyvn's: Canfeear: Wind ngs CoM Riate Inatitate Reg BRO: GRE rete tle for a skirt or dress, and is rich in ap- | and Grain Kip. Tan Elk and genuine | tien: be i iii oe ete Me. and Mrs ROM Black and pearance and most durable. Our price tor | Military leather, and Ox Blood grain Kip. € 7 ° The fiel TOR SALE OR RENT Rondence, 8 roome Ay tvacher of medutn languages (Cutlten of Ehinvile have return his line in all colars is stil At prices according to quality feom | threshing slecteie ight, water, 36 Mary St Mr lary at Sit, tie nang [od Home after spending two weeks this Ting in all colors is sti prices according to quality ea Web, 26 Stall St, Phone 119 4946 Wats formerly Miss Birla) fy )fe -- a eee 1 50 PER YARD $3, 50 TO $6 00 PAIR ri) nt SCS SAS A EET . i 2 alls motored THE CELEBRATED HOOVER POTATO my et Orit, Her husband |" yige Josephine Stuart has 1 Py a a frends th DIGGER for Safe by DC Howard, Call er Sh Methadist ehoar [MERA To SL Catherines "after x and cee them at 124 Dunlop St. 27th | -penling a month's vacatnen with | --_ Inelored ty Collingwood au Sun. Haw aft -- her vousins, Kathleen and Amy wen cand led in alanine Se ee aD er en seer ie fate at | MEP win ea, wate, WE GIVE A 5c COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, wie Ha gee Neti or Pirie par aa'ane athe: Nethadigt whucehs | gad Nadtt liphiehs, AnH. Mia Ktioee WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE ti WANTED TORENT. Soar or ght aman UM Metiioiats are tobding their Leyla thse alae eaten: | sox wd house with cone toe Were null Thien at ee al Tenth | trul gov particulars tu A HED) Rows, Barne 37) ad 'of biwlges and "Pupotite Ml wei Bo White aad ebiciteen ef aril amd Lieut, Fo oH ae given on D WHEAT FOI SALE Quantity of yon Werth. HOME. Poronte. ape vis ual Levee il Diaween > Galden Chat Hae tine Meo amd Mrs Mo a'Canner, aloe G Renney ROR Nw 2. ars Minnetr ant Hie stpply of ven "eh beer baleen wa Mew iN Barri 2 Se weetong ah the im steve bh tee te of Mbps OM tee NW dohnston at tata pass Bas berg at at ate Jj | he teeta Peeberioh 4 Ai | | CLEANING ANTE PRESSING Ho bate Sitibucling at & ¢ | DY! slat ascertain Caledonia British Colunbas, wal NY AW | mew by rey Twyss york, fen Barrie te ete thes eeu l eaeeir=. < | ot as wevk-oind with bis sister. 9 WHERE MOST PEO | FOR SAL Cenuwut Boek Huse, almost new, av gum repair, No SS on the Nurth sides Leck. St. Baree, On Kar gear Yo prope tieulars apply' Ne 1 Dunlop Sto ana itil outsic FOR SALM 2 cows, Joey and Holston [Unis Week: We are showing sil whe lining j both youre nnd milking woot, freshened yyy seth SUTRA Newest: deelgnelitn, Eadtes! rs & clothi in dhune; ale 1 regstered | Yorkshire . it Sadia 7 " y | 4] "7 Hoar, 4 months old. Apply Examiner | > Lemennin bist w et "an UF le | L the o Olli 34 WoC Richardson leaves ony Fsers At Mass se | h "rity fer a trip te the West E suily -vintey in Wo eileg | them GENERAL SERVANT WA W Hunter has retacned | nM aeamatdi COATS | Toro washing, Good fren ae tray te the Western Pras Dre hail! Mite. Wah oeetint ial trees Ae Mea lb, ee | ry person Apply to vinees x serie " as Slarhatone, of the Crate yes i i Me HR Myo a0 Flach Street Bete MG and Mesa ft. Newlands yop! formerly of Barr Ouitares has loi iaueaf its leai.| Collier St. Methodist Church | plush, Velours, Tweeds, Beavers, | Ont, phone 690 , Stipe Kilmonten are visiting their son, UPEACETRIE: ing WePhly publishers, and! Pastor, Rev, R. J. Fallis, Burella, Bianket cloths, etc., etc. jh ot, Newlands | RED CROSS NOTES Orilia ene et is best citizens. | Nisin BER VICHS You will he' well advised tob 2 FAIM FOR SALE -100 acres, west half 11 Miss Rit Webh oof "Parente --__ PAs a church member and Sunday y UNION SERVICES ear 'The ie. all Ady - a ioibay con 6, Ore, all cleared Frame house eas with Mes. Meaford Webb fat Branch Shoal worker, as a eitizen ane Sunday, Sept. Ist Inés Ulghior. We abe GIORiie poe tnd tm Mile pact" af Eagar village (SS Fat altice late CHES wil he helt Foeslaye Sep edear te bersties tai, Me LK. | 11 am. tn Collier St Methodit Church, | WE Higher. | We are offering our k ticular apply to Thos Hewitt Mes WL Clement and. son of ig pum q sfene was aetinited by teh ade 7 p.m.--In Central Methodist Church. | Goats at from 10% to 20% lower 227 Dunlojs St, Barr 3438p Uenitterd are visiting with the! The Executive and) Members are ur atid strove faithfully and eart Rev RJ. Fullis will take both services. (han you will be able to buy them - furnier's sister Mes. A) Wa geatly 'coquentel to, attetid ly te nitinlin these prineiples jen yu Se vahle! Wy buy: th FOR SALE Carell bated wal bck Yh Kathleen and Amy Inanthly packing: Aug. 21s) wae ap ME Ae Tete alte he TRINITY CHURCH aL eler. Tlie eae all bought at poise, ut for store or boarding yaiire are (he guests of Mrs 11 fallowe: B54 4 0 quilts, 47 bax |The Vines. under Mr. Blachstene, 4 ibe i hy Al) iuvalern 'conveniences, Saeri EAM ; Fes een thas always Ween feitl sn the Sunday, Sept. Ist Une lowest prices: fer for wmunediate sale Mrs GF i at uneral 1 | ith, Gt) Mary street Phone tidy * CHANTLER BROS., Stroud. is bandages, 174 proper, tiglt side of eh 14th Sunday after Trinity i -- 4 filled kit V pillow, old cot tions and. with its Wary litre 39 Holy Communion | a = have om stock Douimion Auto Tires 80V8 4, § hed socks, 516 pre socks IS pneu eireniation, ba~ wielded a wile 1990-8. 8 and Bible Classes. MATION WANTED for County Sneoe (3tx4, Tubes, Chatupion Spark Plugs, Cup {noni jackets, 12 McNaught head bandages, inflener for eeu, Among Ue 1100" Beer Bible Clases, THN. A ( Hbitle: paune 6 , i we Prayer, Holy Communion ; Ce Rieder at Hares sank Se Greet, Polurine Chl, Best Family" Flour, |12 hundkerchiefs. 6 knitted chin bun Hewspapermien cof this distrtel vad Sermon, Subject "They that. go down his advice is equally true in 4 Tht Salk ABN RUE RA Gee ae eet veer! Contributions to the packing were ax parbeutariy Me Bhtckstone Will yo the sea in ships vegard to furs. They) are ad- gave _reivconcns, TT, Vout Wein et he [follows Collier St. Chureb 26 pyjamas, Sole ineh ties, thet Siti ie 7.00--Evening Prayer and Sermon. -- | Vanemg in price very rapidly. We 4 Se Base Sear Mu RHNGE: Hota, and ian ter 8 a sveks: Miss Booth's Wee iy the fig i enn by Rveivbsdy eclesine are. offering cht tof it f] = u \ at if yous prs. socks me Ww " ett EV a muro and) our Beil om Raspan baonews rue account you will hurry Radiewan ah. pviamasy 48 uedeen hess ability aud high tt REV. H. D. RAYMOND, Vicar. eal as low as ar and pay it and muke us feel good too, J _ i SAYS dae. ee "i yjumus, 40 pre. socks; Emergeney Corps. rity. anil for his kindy contr ee i white St urs Many are guia age Ta ond ae itt | Canada Food Board License No. 8--17972, | 54 lied pats, 17 hl ohelpfitness -- teywards IN MEMORIAM [taking advantage of our early CHAeALaeTEe AGREE tier cnt perty beg. 4 dcultetus bandagen 6.-chin Sof the erat | dh loving memory of Mrs, William Cope | buyers' saie be aetndly ei WOH Hatton, R 12 handkerchiefs. i ig sfPokow, who entered into rest,| Gtanee your furs now, pay for Ro No. 1, Utopa, 5c ie t i puieme, 35 prs. socks; Trint Orillia Packel,--A significant | July 17, 1917 then all Souk. GH SoRverience venipns GG RG UERGE Gn nn 7 : 3 ty Girly Property bugs. 9 seultetus ban | oveiient was Imauguraled al the Another loved one gone during the early fall signe YARM FOR SALE OR RENT---Lot 17, jFar SALE A young Cow. Geo. Thomp: | dages, 8 prs. socks, 3 bed socks. recent session of th PATO | dwell with Him who guve, Now ¢ eon. 2, Flos, 100 ueres, 75 ucres cleared, | 70%: 261 Bayfield St, Barrie. 35-35] Baptist: 11 pre. socks al Sunday-sehool As ition at Another darling mother e our Hudson Seal, Muskrat St. wi balanet pasture and bush. Comfortable | GeKcHiRE BOAR URecmani iran |64 iMate: 50, ryiaman, 6 flannel shirts. | Huirale, where it was decided to {Is sheltered in the grave and Marmot Coats. renee house, bask barn 4060, driving shed and | YORKSHIRE BOAR (Registered) for nae. | 64 1 socks, 94. property bugs fe Taine we Lund of Gen taillion doliacs God needed one more ungel Ry450 outbuildings' Possession, Mar 1, 1919, | _AvPly 8 V. Jones, Oro Station ot Mary's: 16 pyyanminn, 37 pre. socks, Te wctablishment of religions | Amidst His shining. band SIMMONS & co Now with plowing privileges. | P. A. Coughlin) | ----------__-- - ae ears tee 39 yen weks, 1 quily | Hay schools in the Coiled Stites, [And so He bent with loving. smile = beth Ss Phelpston, Bf FOUND. On Aug. 17, pair of Eyeglasses on cular system of \And clasped dear Mother's hand and op --_---- ! A purely as p Strost Anmiy 20 MeDonul St | Salvation Army: 1a woke, tte hase nen faund. 10. leek "thsband and Fanily HATS, COATS AND FURS akan | FARM FOR SALE 52 sere farm without 3 Rural Auxiliaries---Guthrie: 1 Red Cross | certain essentials for the fornia Vv y me buildings, situated in Grenfel, eight miles re " i 7 on of se rhe same West of Ba "Con! 12 Vempen | WANTED- Good General Servant. guilt, 6 pyjama Ivy: 27 pyle 8 ahi na ad the owen Brick school across the road, church one | be ble to cook, Good wages. 11 pre. socks; Midhurst : 20 pyjamas, 12 pra, | weaknes ue ity eae of farm. Mrs. B, Brock, Box 30. Pdet | --occpe | 23. socks, old cotton; Strom pyjam. | Woule , es Snare Dover, Ont > Brock: Box 8, Ft | WANTED. To go wo Toronto, Maid to do{is 8 brn socks; Utopia: 5 pyjaman, 18 pre neuured bul for the Christ SSS | general housework; stuull fumily. Apply | Seeks; Grenfel Khaki Circle: 3 pyjamas, 1) character of so large a proper ck veneeon| ifn WM, 8g Se |i gw ck, 4H geo | Ho othe tonelier. heh CONTRACTS ere) ick redidenor on | Bric Ont $5.35 | pletely filled according to official list; St.| flects itself om their teaching. i 2 | Poul' 2 : : gin the schools will dining room and kitchen on Ist flat, four | | Pls 4 pyjama, 26 pre, socks; St. Pe | Bible teaching in bedrooms and. bathnom on 2nd" flat | WANTED--Capable middle-oged woman to | #8: 6 pyjamas, Knock, donated: 11 ry: | concession distant, railroad undoubtedly have the sympathetic CAN BE BEST LOOKED AFTER BY $3650, ttention of the new Minister of Mate ba Basement wi a fi] Sssiat in household work. Small fi ;|jamas, returned: 13. pre. socks; Central Hs | wae mth fumsces farden and) on farm. Excellent wages, Apply, Box {Church Missionary Society Oro: 1 quilt.| Kilucation, and i inay be auticr- ie sisir | Amoald, 7 Owen St. Barre. "Bae | 15, Brentwood. 35-35 |, Packed for Oro Red Cross--Oro Station: | pated thal he will endeaver to the ads | 3 vans, 8 pin, socks, 2 quilts: Crown | overlie a solution of the sifTicull -- } ia " Li In Burrie, on August 19. pearl and | Hill: 6 pyjamas, 24 handkerchiefs; Shanty | problem of finding a basis which he) TO Nae pcetingicw Farm." one mile |" methyet Brooch, valued as w Keeprake, | Bay: 3 pylamas, 2 quilts, 1 pillow; Guthrie: | ill he generally acceptable. Up- t condsting of 100. sive "clay loam, | Finder please leave at Examiner WL a orm ail j Seaieanet 2 on his success or failure will de- WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF c good state of cultivation. Large brick | M4 get_rewurd, jamas, 21 prv, socks; Dalston 15 py: | pend to no small extent the value $$$ $$$] jomas. 12 flannel shirts, 13 prs. socks e i we of the Ontario educational systen reed do Lent | LOST, Bevery Orn ol Waiogon Ho |, fi Baton Church tad Sakaton Aces |e tne nest _ceneration. oral AE CLA FURNACES R_No. 3, Thornton, telephone Ivy. 33-tf] l, Barne, Lady's grey silk coat, cutaway | had charge of the shop Sat. Aug. 24th; Net | (raining wilhoul a -- religious | style, green sith fining. Return to Mre. Lota Rage 'Gaara kev foundation has never proved 0ODS 3 a 5 s s e fol petive: "Ce es ral |... FARM FOR SALE--Scaled Tenders will be| Peli Meleod. Orillia 55-350 | Sat. St, Mary's Church Syamectivns: IF Dm Goce one ut PLU I 18 pone by Ae uneealeaed, up to twelve | STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER WANT-| | Shop Committee this week: Mes King,| Christian (leaching into. the Niet gry aaa Elet tei6, fer be ED-Previous bookkeeping experience not Feature Next week: Mr. Barber, | iblic schouls, the churches in 2 No d 1 necessary, but must be good at figures, | Mim. Jackson. 5 Canada will soon be faced with . Eighth Concession of the Township of| Barrie' Tanning Co, Lad Ee Donations Sat, Aug. 24th: Shanty Bay: | thn tremendous and. really Un- Innis, County of Simcoe. The highest | 7° TUTTE "0s A0_D'E | flowers; 8th Line Kean: 1 dos. eges; Ivy: | the (remendous and really tn IN STOCK Any Lender not necessarily accepted. | 4 RANCHER'S LIFE IN CANADA ond| 1% dot. eggs, 1 lonf bread, $1.00; Knock } Alexander Cowan, Barrie. Solicitor for!" Guide to Rural Industries, fi 5 doz. eg taken up in the States, pro: 8) 1G stries, fruit-growing, |5 doz. eggs. j ding day schools in whieh the ESTIMATES AND PLANS FREE Martha A. Rainey, Administratrix. 33-35¢ | yultry-keeping, ducks, geese. turks A Military Euchre in sid of the Red Cros eee ine ees character . goats, bees, flowers, ete., 25¢ post, | Will be held at M. Shanacy's cottage acroae St. Isidore, P.Q., Aug. 18, 1804 By CH. Provan, Lungley Fort, {the Bay, on Tuesday next, September 3, ry object. SOLE AGENTS FOR HECLA FURNACES Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. British Columbi: 35-29p | Games start sharp at 3 o'clock. This will Gentlemen,--I have frequently used MIN. be a pleasant outing so come along. A Torente wreeking company A first cluss Cow, 11 yrs. old, --___---- has purchased the old Queen's for my patients always with the most grat. has given 14 aqts. milk twice DIED hotel in Orillia and will pull it Fur ARD'S LINIMENT and also prescribe it ying results, end T consider it the best} duly: x good eream cow. For a family |EMMS--On Friday, August 16, 1018, at wn Too had some such, agency round Liniment extant, cow she cannot be beaten, Reason for} the home of her nephew, John Plaxton,| would not tackle the old Queen's Gas ffice Yours truly, | selling, overstocked Price 8135.00. Geo.| Treherne, Man. Mise Elisabeth Emma |in Barrie and obliterate this eve-|{| PHONE 531 Owen St., Next Co.'s O DR. JOS. AUG. SIROIS." E. Mien, Steele St, Barrie. 35-35p | aged 88 yeurs, 2 months and 9 days. | sure from Dunlop street. will be a prim

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