Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1918, p. 3

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Thursday, August 29, 1948. Economy the s, ete., call at s tested free. r St. Andrew's h delicious flavour! Piano, Organ red for any q theoretical, e and Studio, D. Season Beyrly IAN n & Brown ng probate of istration, and veyancer, ete. 8 Dunlop 88 SON Public, Com- ban at lowest Owen St. (in { by the Bank } Elmvale, Ont. C. Murchisos € e TON ETC, 606 stheast corner romto. ~ . LS oaew Cleanliness oney to loan. and Health ELL There is neither age ; rons limit nor exemption-- ReMgaipre every man, woman and Rose' Block, child has a daily fight to carry on against =< j germs and microbes of disease. Use L + 2 LIFEBUOY cite Elizabeth none 167. Heatty SOAP 5; fi i q or a victorious and Lond: : . erige ica delightful toilet, for a yne 165. refreshing bath,and for ny a thorough cleansing 2. 8. Broad) of the home. Elimbeth and The carbolic odour in Lifebuey - is the sign of it protective cM. K Lities- GY, especial 2 sickly vanish- yn ing after use. \RT . q ity, Te Lever Brothers Specit ig uses, P sony 14 =4 | oronta. Or se open until YON will be at 01 urdsy, Die Throat. Com pm. and by North 3326. --=$--$-- s OMPANY NTS, Crowe . Te ee Teron Following H. J, Weleh . ---- the sun with . 2 ing Mill iry Streete i | ish, Doors, 4 ng, Mould- 1 Tanks, ete. ft k a large' ql nd Dressed i s dnd Pre- 4 urning and r building. beyond the trackless "Watchword! | "SALADA" TEA. gives greatest tea-value for your money. ields many more cups to the does ordinary tea---- and then you have that pound than Basa County of Simcoe Canning Kitchen Supplies received at the Canning Kitchen during the week ending August 22 were as follows 4 donations rhubarb, 10 bags, 2 boxes, and 21 baskets apples; 1 bag peas; } 1 basket beers; 2 baskets beans; 1 basket Mesdames Spry, Suth CW. Caldwell, 'C. Me- Bride, Brandon, G. Wilson, Jas, Jamieson, Neilly, Feilding, Moodie, Cowan, Lucey, Mick, Colville, Tripp, Reynolds, the Misses Catcher und Braner; Messrs. Thompson, W Clark, Robertson, J. Lennox, R. W. Geos and Women's Institutes of Edgar, Wye bridge, Elmvale, Allston, and St. Paul's Charch, Innisfil The 'demonstrator's book shows # total 26 Ibs. apple Lutter, 102 Ibs, rhubarb tables put up during erland, of jam, and 64 qts, the period mentor The week w red historical by the | vist to the Cunning Centre of Mr. Putnam, | Toronto. overnment Superintendent Wo {men's Instivutes; Mr. MacBeth, head of |Red Cross Canning supplies, Hamilton, unt Dr. Storm, Hamilton, to products for the suffering {their comment on vwhalf of this, larest enterprise, centred im our county. war of 8 most complimentary chur acter It is again in order to express gratitude tw all and sundry persons and soet-tien whether contributors or workers, who h: joined hunds and hearts to "eurry en | until the end of the preeent canning season Mr, Putnam Visits the Canning Kitchen Mr. Putnam, Gov't: Supt Insitures jd a vist to the Canning Kit chen on Wed, 21st inst. and met the exec- utive of the officers of the other dittricts of the County | Mr. Putnum expressed himself as highly pleased with the progress already made, and spoke words of encouragemen' for the fu Mrs. Tord, Mre Sutherland, Mrs | Rankin. and Mrs Coleman, district presi Jutive in charge of the Kitehen, | Mr MeBerh who i ut the head of Red | Cross Canning work at Hamilton and of conserving fruits ent vegetsbler for the | soldiers, also addressed words of advice and encouragement to the ladies Bend your order tor engraved visitios enrds to The Examiner Dressing | Vision, for a moment, those far off ports idence 858, f From Arctic ice, to the torrid lands ---- + beneath the Southern Cross-- ! i From towns tucked In the mountains, to | the busy river's mouth-- ( WRIGLEYS Is there! i There, because men find 8 comfort and refreshment ure : In Its continued use. Because of Its benefits and because MADE IN CANADA SEALED TIGHT-- KEPT RIGHT 'for it is in a worthy cause of Women's | dente of the County, were added to the exec: | Dr Storm, with whom originated the idea | THE BARRIE fer from Submarine Warfare During the first week in September a Dominion-wide Campaign will be held throughout Canada to raise funds to aid the dependents of the fallen heroes of our Merchant Marine. It will be held under the auspices of the Navy League of Canada and all moneys collected will' be spent in relieving the distress of the sailor and his dependents, It must be remembered that safe passage of every pound of food, of every ton of munitions, and of every man that is carried "over there" is due alone to the efforts of our Mercbantmen, pro- tected, of course, by the Navy. Yet the Merchant Service iteelf is an unofficial one, and as such the sailore and their families cun depend on no pension in event of dis- ablement, or in case of death. But not- withstanding this, they sail the seas in de fiunce of the submarine and floating mine. Already more than fifteen thousand. have died. Many have left their families de- prived of their sole support. Must they be | @ charge upon charity? The breadwinner died in $the Empire's cause. His depen: | dents have no one to look to but the nation |--to you. Ontario ix pledged to raise $1,000,000. Ontario hus never failed yet in 4 patriotic Campaign. Give generously, NEW COIFFURES--THE PYJAMAS UP-TO-DATE New York, August 1, 1918. The other afternoon I went to a play in w new theater," Tt isn beautiful theater and the play itself was charming. one of those old-world settings far from the noise of today's fightif, and rather relief after all the wur plays and pictures |we are ao much interested in. The cos |tumes on the stage were, of course, of that far-gone day, but those in the audience were just as interesting. 'They were of every descniption, from the simplest of sports suits to the more elaborate frocks of Georgette crepe und chiffon. One of the things that interested me_most, how Jever, were the coiffures, The old-time | The Practical Cooking Set |pompadour seeme to be favor, Not, of courve, with that hat upward roll over an enormous "ra! that day is passed, we hope; but there were decided pompadours, loosely waving back and ending in soft 'twists and even pufis at the back of the head. Some times the hair was fifirted in the middle and then rolled up and back. Every now and then, one saw x charming person with wuggestion of bangs. In fact, the coi fures, ax the fashions this yeur ure very much "as you like them." Hats und Things The hats are becoming larger every day! Sports hats, filmy brimmed lace or chiffon hats, and immense evening hats of Milan straw, with fat trimming only on the brim,' perhaps. in the shape of a bird of paradise, or an aigrette. The other ex- treme is equally popular, the tiny toque and draped turban are great favorites for |street wear and with semi-informal after. |noon costumes. Organdie hats, by far the |most alluring of the fads of the sesson, come in every size and shape and color. Some are severely plain, to be worn in the morning, others have fiutings and flowers galore, and others are combined with satin 'and even velvet for the summer evening spent in dancing. The irregular brims are proving quite m feature of the new mode, Now is the time for the first velvet and felt hats to appear, but there are remarkably few of them on Fifth Avenue, due, perhaps, to the fact that we have had a very cold spring, and every one wants a bit of summer first. Fringe at All Times Capes still continue to be the most popular of wraps for every occasion. One 'sees them, in satin or cloth, in the morn- ing on the avenue, worn over s wash dress perhaps. In the afternoon they sre thrown back to show the dress underneath. Often they are trimmed with fringe, one pretty model that I saw the other day hed the entire collar of wide black silk fr Indeed, Fashion says 'Fringe at all ti and in all places." The floating panels of the new street dresses are deeply fringed at the lower edge. Canning Time and Canning Costumes The Food Conservation Show has stirred us all to patriotic. endeavor, and with the fresh fruits and vegetables now available, we are all doingéwur bit, or planning to do our bit in the canning line. Illustrated here is 8 little cooking set that is both becoming and practical. The cne-piece apron slips on over the head, and there iy 'a fescinating cap to protect the hair, and also sleeve protectors. ' The Charm of the Pajamas There is hardly a play to be seen now on Broadway that does not in some act feature pajamas! Indeed, they are £0 {charming that one is not surprised at the fact. They are made of all manner of materials, and when seriously considered returning into EXAMINER The bigger quality, too. Everyth Get the und there large figures here 'The bands around lavender and blue. Pajamas of Figured Silk the sleeves, the lower edge of the jacket and the trousers were of (ep French blue, and the effect was lovely in the extreme. The little cont slips on over the head, COMFORT SOAP gives you a chance to save money on your Soap--and get the famous Comfort your money than ever before. wrapper is not good for premiums and is so marked. The wrapper on thesmall- er bar (yet being sold in some localities), is still good for premiums, of course. ing else may be going up but we give you more soap for True war time economy. The Bigger Bar's bigger Comfort bar--the money saver. trimming whatsoever, Sometimes, the trousers are gathered into deep cuils often ending in ruffles Rod and Gun "The Skunk and Dolphus" by Jane Dilworth, a story of the visit of that particularly obnox- ious little animai with the white stripe down its hack to the caain of a French Canadian; "A Wet Breakfast on a Dry Stump" by Marlow A. Shaw, showing the psychological effect of continu-| ous rain on the mind of an ordin-! arily cheerful. camper-out; are! among the list of contents in the August issue of Rod and Gun, published by W. J. Taylor, Ltd. Woodstock, Ont. WILSON"S FLY PADS READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY: AND FOLLOW THEM EXACTLY | LL eS Sunlight } and the round neck edge is without any for real wear are very practical and com- fortable, 'The ones illustrated here were of soft silk,' creamy in tone, with H'cH in food value yet eco- Jersey Cream Sodas are fresh and crisp when you buy them. keep well. them. would be hard to find their equal. MCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas nomical in use. McCormick's They There is no waste to For a war-time food, it Sold Fresh Everywhere. In Sealed Packages. Factory at LONDON, Caneda. Branches at Montreal, Ottawe, Hamilton, Kingston, Winnipes. Calgary, Port Arthur, St. John. Canada Food Board Licenses 11-003, 14-166 e

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