Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1918, p. 2

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a ei ice tat i a "NESTS TUES August 29, 1918. THE BARRIE EXAMINER, clouds. Her voice was heard coming irom | the cage, as Casey rushed forward to check her brave but seemingly futile ent. "All right! Let me down! Quick!" The man in charge of the donk=y engine which controlled the «age obeyed the order. Hogan's dog, attracted by the sound of Nan's voice, rushed into the smoke, and when Casey reached the shaft, he urrived just in time to see it being lower ed, enveloped in smoke, to the bottom of GWLADYS JONES THE WELSH SOPRANO. Teacher of Voice Production and Singing. Special lee- sons for repertoire, English and Italian. Studio at Mrs. Gauley's, 67 McDonald Bt, Phone 681. For terms, etc., call af studio on Wednesdays. Voices tested free. MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS. In vocal work special attention is given :to Voice Production. Pupils prepared for A.T.C.M vith ial YOUR BEST INTERESTS Are sexved when you. place your Banking affairs with The Bank of Toronto. In addition to its ample facilities, widespread, well-chosen connections, and the strong fin- ancial prestige of this Institution, you will find careful and interested attention given to your account, and an accuracy in handling the smallest details that you will appreciate Paid-up Capital ......... . $5,000,000 Reserved Funds ... -. $6,555,000 THE BANK OF TORONTO ~ FRECKLES DON'T HIDE THEM WITH A VEIL; RE- MOVE THEM WITH OTHINE-- DOUBLE STRENGTH hig By J. Stuart Blackton and Cyrus Townsend Brady Thx preparation for the removal of freckles 1s usually su successful in removing freckles and giving a clear, bewutiful com- plexion thot it is sold by any druggist | under gurantee to refund the money uf it fila "The Water Trap" ~ The Amtrance to the main shaft of the ; _| mine was all bustle and hurry. Ore Don't hule your freckles under a veil; | were travelling in and. out with wousual Eitan ance nf Orbine an remove them: lapeed, making up far the fine fe peat Even the fine few applications should show liow Near the cotraree matt a been E_groniertul smprovement, some of the were talking quicive meagre, ae Ni thé' mina je dense, black smoke rolled through the web-work of tunnels that wove and interwove under the ground, until every subterranean passage of the mine seemed filled. To one imprisoned there, escape must seem imposible. Even should he escape asphyxiation, the task of finding the way through the black tunzels, lighted only busily by the burning wood of the He was lost in the blind. ing, suffocating curtain of smoke that enveloped him. Now, by an effort that was superhuman and which supped every 'ounce of bis energy, he braced himself and hurried. He had thought, » moment be. fore, that he had heard Nan's voice calling for help in one df the passages which led off from that in which he wax trapped Floundering along as ps ax hie weak to return to it legs would permit, ag feeling hix way with his hands, inof thun reached a turn and halted to listen, |The smoke, here, driven on by the draft where the two tunnels met, was lew dense. He was able to breath freer and regain some of the strength which had left him, Ax Gwyn stood there, wondering which way to proceed and listening attentively to every little sound, with the hope of again he ing Nan's voice, snother sound almoxt a= encouraging reached his ears, [1 was 4 shar) seeing, he | Town ew My Dough Boy--One.Step ] Calicoco--Fox Trot Jow Khaki Sammy ¢ Hear them at any "His pedia listing over 9000 "His MONTREAL 17 Victrolas up to $597, on easy payments, if desired. Ask Jor free copy of our 620-page Musical Encyclo- Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. Lenoir Street "His Master's Voice" Barrie Dealer ij 9 cents for 19-inch, double-sided Bring Me a Letter From My Old Home Smi C. Smitl A Delightful Red Seal Record Mabel Garrison 64785 Master's Voice" dealer Master's Voice' LIMITED } of Music or University exams. degree in both piano and vocal; also ele mentary exams. of Toronto Conservatory Btudio: King Block. Phone 424. W. H. THRESHER Orgunist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Organ s shoring, was 4 practically hopeless on . te presi t Barrie and Allandale Branches-- Yet, for over ai hour Gwyn, exheusted Helle Cenial! Give Me No Man's Land.) pang phere pee es or er almost to insensibility, had @aggered along | lenry Burr ( 216034 ed ic 8 H. A. SIMS, Manager. with faltering steps. He had wandered God Send You Back toMe Henry Burr 38 "Wortey Sen Phone S10, geass away from the cage and bad been unable Paul Revere Charlee Hart-Shannon Four bai ea M Selthy bec LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete Offices: Hinds' "Block, No. 8 Dunlop Bt Money to losn, BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Com- veyancery, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices: 13 Owen St. (in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C, MP. D.C. Murchisow CHARLES W. PLAXTON fighter freckles vanishing entirely. relax in days, now 'hut the excitement |hollow bark--the burk of Hogun's dog j BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, 600 Be sure to ask the druggist for the |hud died down. Gwyn, with u shift of work. [and it came from the direction of the ey Coutinental Life Building, southeast corner double strength Otbine; it is this that is |ten, wes down in the mine. Then with [tunnel in front of Gwyn. Z| le Bay and Richmond Sts., Toronto. wold on the money buck guarantee. an gage an Was startling, Nan's oeee Fa : xpice broke off in the middle of s sentence.| Without listening further, Gwyn made 5 DONALD ROSS, LI is |r : = j {There was a rumbling, terrifying sourui |hix way along, gused by. the barking of | ES Don't Forget BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO, Bank ef i phe the mine aecompanied ly [the dog. At length, 'when the barking Ed There are no others! YY. not purchase th we = Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. ° several Siarp explosions coming in rapid|grew distinct and. closer, Gw: stopped. Ee "ahd ear Vi Record Laeck fe : Ticcewion Both Casey and Nan atarted in |again, When he resumed bis walking at | ES ia Matter's Voice' Records at any bat oar = our neading Needs tgs What cit thi unexpected turn of [wax to advance slowly and cautiously Tt | uthorieed dealere. f= 4 tee nee es stairs tnean? Was it more of Von Bleck's | seemed to him: now that the dog iat ie | = . ARRISTERS, THE Are Well Supplied Their minds were working with |lower, perhaps im one of the galleries or Remember--There er: no others! z Supremie Court of Judicature of Ontario, Suddenly: th ledges in the same tunnel, but deeper in| 6 = Prostors, Notaries, Conveyancers, te. --at-- the cage to be another moment he siscaveres! that this) EB 8 Money to loan. Offices: in Rose' Block, ly Casey war a fuel, for, directly ahead uf him, Ki Barrie. W. A. J, Bell, K.C. 9 wn vevlecwd at he could see the drop which led to the | lower gallery He sdvanced carefully, mk i eott's The fve minutes which tolled, tear {i ae anal hee | MEDICAL the cage was hited, were filled with mental ibe ledge The smoke, = thie point, was ; four rome i wag | DR. H. T. ARNALL agony und suspense fur both Casey and well cleared away, aud there reamed bur /urces of our commercial success and pros " . t Bookstore [Nan They were nervously trying to |# thin veil af it) Below. however, if was |POFiY Office and Residence Corner of Toronto wusgine 'the scene when the mint fron, (darker, and Gwyn cvuld nit see sdatinery |The Navy: Lewgur sevke the support of and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth below, who bad given would | looked, the figure of the dog. mox [&¥€ry patriotic wi including every 'St. Methodist Church. Telephone 167. reach the surface And then, wrapped in img about and clawing ut the wall in an School child, a ie factory hund aad jh bitte fila of smoke, the cage appeared |attempt to get up to ol, | Wage earner Annual fees are nonunul DR. W. A. ROSS Jas. A rnold jat th ay of the shaft Rye Jari of halt ov pany ie discernert F it for a cho be 7 SATURDAY MARKET Lacs, Edinburgh, FOP, Lando, Phy. - z a scare of staggering. weakened men, al. the dog, strete .00 for an Associate Member. i sician, Surgeon, ete. fice ant i Fire & Life Insurance Agent |= fot forwar "Cans Nan eunbedls Gyn cold ae fo bee $2.00 for a Full Member, ag ae "Pieklieg cocmutted, #t 25 cents /Dunlop St, Barrie. Telephone 165. aaser forward to meet them, anil aaw. lying prone ,temed ta the darkness humus form there munbe an he ree cian: e000 © : on the floor of e forme of a} wae too dark below for recogution, bn ere wwught tu be ino 1 50,0001 per basket. The larger oes remained at. Real Estate and Money to Lean"! 'H flor uf the formu of a | wae tuo lark below for recoesition, tut he Province of Ontano alone | previous quatation. Few: tomatoes yet,' DR. E. G. TURNBULL Mezen uncote of the catas. 'the sight filled Gwyn with horror i 7 foes yet, . -- { Sait becteks LGapticraneed: Weitere Be teck® 'hecea puemubership will come such art] black rot being hard on them in. many'] (McGill) (Successor to Dr, R. 8, Broad). A Wonther of Viv Farois | then one, where i ened been lying flat on the round ws he was nee in Canada as the Navy League gardens, There was aguin a big offering | Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and TPE Beetaes BilouanlyWerk uyer and" bevive then Ae' Cosas lneerme Heer (he dee cel meant he woe ei England where the wisdom of 'ts |of apples, Duchess are at their best end | Bradford Sts, Barrie, Phone 105. the Wee ee listmum outiol the-ahalic Wa [erount 4h Ai HIMAE EbCCE The Mone A ake, Poe ahd Ne wide spread! influence has} nice baskets could be progured at 13 9 28 ene h T with tears. cried Tinnnel sloped more geuduully to the lowes ily demonstrate __feents a perk. Drease' fowl are being W. A. LEWIS, M.D. C.M. BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING Where te Gwyn? He didn't {gallery Here he went down and reached | Navy Teague is not un ugerossive brought in im large numbers. Ducks were |SRGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, espouiak { BARRIE in the cage! the dog and the hody As he learied over | OFRMMIRATION; ite gins are security und | $1.00 euch. for small ones. Eggs were ly. Phone 61. 56 Collier St Barri ua | We ined to Peat him cme up" one © id stanes elibeig' we thee fore Wing va [Beeee its atvolutely non pltien! an om | quite plentiful and 45c 8 dozen. Butter also | a t 8t., Barrie. -- -- --_--_--_-- 'i de iwho had Bi aa oe the eecutie eas attes 5 aa walk denominational, it should be supported by j was more plentiful than usual and at ai eee ahead been rence: cette teak ot the bod a Nae cranes, I Ta cititenh, ireapective af clam aud creed [Sear ane Peete! ham eaual ere Senile MMCTOR A HART Jani try tiv save some othery. Better send that uf Shoestring Deant, lying ina Hitule |e newer for eal AIT flebend unen ite | town this season compured with © year ao. or Edinburgh aa ghniversity, Toronte, the cage right down after him ponl af blood- dead. Gwyn reached down Y Eggs, per dozen - | Diseases of Stomach. Office: Corner Bay- . number of ats menibers | What's happened" Cysey demanded. | sad examined the figure It was certain | 22% Butter, tb... =| Geld and We 6, 6. Smith & Co, | Big explosion." was the reply, "Tred. that the outlaw bad been killed by | FALL FAIRS Chicken, drewsed, Ib. 5 Spm ai Bit (ORiee epee eat Established 1809 jt wreck the mine, T guess Most of at was | from the upper thi | On Cream, quart, . UNDERTAKERS {in the old (art, where nn one wax working : rehere won him. | Goltingwoodd Milk, quart . DR. MORTIMER LYON j The biggest denger's from the smoke. The | J to leave and con: | Barrie Raspberries, box -|122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 81 [whole nine is filled with it That's what | tinue his search. which now seemed beyond Coldwater Apples, barket -1Owen St. Barrie" . \ Open Day and Night fot us the smoke, heavy und black stuff, | all hope. the sight of something claret! | Newmarket New potatoes, peck omen (Dt. Barrie, every Saturday. Die j oo tht other youd in a second nightly in the dead man's hand: sttracted | 9 Beets, basket, " = ye Ee Nose Seat . worth seenied to burn Nan'x very | is attention He picked mt up, ane, | Mullane Pursnips, basket, .... sultation hours 11 a.m. pm. Morgue and Chapel The thought of her husl mr jelancing at it in the ght of a wmouldering coon Onions, 'betkot | Sppointment. Toronto Phone North 3826. in connection preoned below in the suffocating smoke beam. uttered a little ery It was a bit | twa Asparagus, bunch, . |Barsie Phone No. 2. Hrembed bes, "She rushed to the cage, but 'of eloth which Gwyn recognized ne having | Kimya Horse Radish root, bunch, BARRIE, ONT nding for another toad been torn from Nan's dees Shoestring | lteter et 9) | Rhubarb, bunch, ACCOUNTANTS Ss aie Bee the spot where thea must hess hin eles Jie pile he Bradford j snley, Baneb, ae 1 war lovuted, ¢: wud Nan \the mine! This accounted, alse, for the | Green Peas, qt., shelled | minutes for it to |presence of the dog But what hail nari Green Bean. in' pod, quart : ciate WELCH & COMPANY Gwyn would be jhreome of Nan after she and the Horse Radish, half pint bottle F ER. ACCOUNTANTS, Crowe A. F. A. MALCOMSON cond loud, Bur, had met? Here wax the mystery the Lettuce, bunch, : | Life Buildin BRT ne? Btrect, Terunte. Rep fe Tissriniee Cornmpatiies when at fast the cage wis again hoisted to [eonfronted Gwyn | Pork, dressed, Ib. in . gree 4 Finpanerapstanting ithe surface, Gwyn wae not to be cone Al H d Yorkshire Pigs, young H. J, Welch Hit Be Only a anase of huddled ire eal | hn | 'ways a ay, ore oe $15.00 ----S ees ALL STHMSHI LINES Miecniajochy of tee teat [Sie tne wheeuge Tight had H d h ' . B ' . majority of and, | the mine throug! hi a Ms ceate rom e hud t he had |come, It was a small hole, just sufficiently | eadacnes NEAR-BY MARKETS The Barrie Planing Mill sworkd {ec jor more of the imprisoned [large for him to erawl through, which he | 7 (August 22) Corner Sophia and Mary Streate did. The refreshing ir invigorated him. Creemore--Wheat $1.95-$2.07, oats 90¢, jim A..F. A. MALCOMSON: down! she sere |ecealy, and he felt a nese thohbine | Liver Was Torpid and Biliows| iy si s-e1 os ret esp pean prblanufacturers of Sash, Doors, THE INSURANCE MAN AND {c. dawn. there a in his veins as he breathed it, ufter his $3.50, hay 900-8000 8, ring, Ceiling, Mould- STEAMBOAT AGENT Don't stop tne! long imprisonment in the suoks-filel,| Spells Brought Sick Headaches | f5), hey $9.00-$10-00 ire hse gids" |ings, Water Troughs, Tanks, eto. Casey shouted back to hfe. "ti ai pa. Representing Canadian Worthern}... m0 Omey | hel him more than P.O. Square, Barrie. Phone 447a/ But Nan, as he spoke, had alr tu the cage and vanished in the now curled ,out of the shuft W. D. Minnikin Licensed Embalmer Proprietor THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING PARLORS hhe Late Meaford Webb) the latest Beautify your Complexion Fall line ef all musty mine. Rising before Gwyn, on a steep incline, was a slope that led to s plateau some fifty feet sbove. From this platenu, and reaching down to a level with where he stood, dangled s rope, which y |Was apparently attached to a tree above. "Someone has gone up here before me." Gwyn ruminated. "I don't see how Nan could have done is, either, She must have been pretty much all in after her ex. perience in the mine. However there's no other way she could have gotten out." (To be continued? Braving U-Boats for Barrie --Lost Much Time, But is Now Completely Cured. Here ts convincing evidence that however much you may suffer from liver trouble and consequent billow ness there is cure in the use of Dr. Kidney-Liver Pills, most common Chase' 07 cause of sluggish 1 lose your appetite, bilious spells, usually companied by headache and vomiting, the bowels become irregular, constipation and Bradford--Wheat $2.08-82.10, oats Si'e, 00, peus $3.00, hogs $19.25, butter 40-420, eggs 42c. Orilliu--Wheat $2.10, barley $1.25, oats 80-85c, rye $2.00. peux $3.00, dressed pork $24.00-825.00, butter 42c, eggs 39-42¢, new potatoes bag $1.75-$2.00, new hay' ton, 10-$15.00. Stayner--Butter 37-40c, eggs 38-40c. Alléston--Wheat $2.10, oats 75c, rye $2.00, huy $15.00, eggs 40c, butter 38-40c, potatoes bag $2,00-82.25 a FURS! We carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles dnd Pre- pared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done promptly. Consult us with your building. THOS. ROGERS, Phone; Office 163, Residence 388. o kk Ite ting, dij at is ~ Caskets kept in stock, in- a: 2] chs no cf un- Thee hundred thousand men. i" braving at and you cer trritable and, down- | RO | EC] clading 'Grave Vaults' and ' : scleop [the U-Boats for us in Cunada--for us in | hearted, LEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIR Oak Shells. cf) Sighdy b » Quicker | Barrie. "Canata hus never, yet. foiled | ""Ne°treatment wo quickly avlakens ERAIREL and surer, putting your blood, stomach and liver in good order, than in any other way. Clear complex- ion, bright eyes, Tosy cheeks and red lips follow the use of Beecham's Pills, They eliminate poisonous matter from the system, purify the blood and tone the organs of digestion--Use BEECHAMS PILLS Open Day & Night Phone 431 W.R.Nellly, Funeral Director Phone BROWN 250 FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD 'AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES and PASTRY -Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Blizabeth and Small Streets -- SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS Barrie, G. .W. J. Eastman, Prop. R. G Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments dnd Tablets. Only best mater Barrie has never yet failed and during Sailors' Week Barrie will not fail. The men of the merchant marine have given loyal service--ves, and their lives--ungrudgingly and unflinchingly, hence they deserve the best we ean do for them. The campaign whereby we in Barrie can do our "bit" for them will open on Sunday, September 1 and continue until Septembe. f The Navy League of Britain is composed of men of all trends of political thought, united in the common conviction of the complete dependence of the Empire upon the Fleet. The King is its head, the Duke of Buccleuch is its President. Among its officers are hundreds of thousands of think- ing citizens from all walks of life. The Navy League was formed to create a bond between the Navy, the Mercantile Marine and the public, to make known the mighty mission of the Fleets, to show forth their glory and to build into the minds, as well as into the hearts of the people, the exen- tial fact that the security of the whole Em- ire is dependent upon the Navy and the Mereantile Marine. 'The Navy Lengue of Canada has been formed for a like purpose, and to make clear to all Canadians that the Fleets are the action vf the liver and bowels as Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. For this reason this medicine is wonder- fully popular and has enormous sales. Mr. Charles R. Tait, Newtown, N.B., writes: "I was nearly always troubled with headaches, and would often have to stop work for a day or two. I lost many @ night's sleep every month with: billous sick headaches, and although I tried doctors' medicines, and also many other patent medicines, {t was without success. When I had these headaches I would vomit, and could keep nothing on my stomach. "I purchased a box of Dr. Chase' Kidney-Liver Pilla from G. M. Fair- weather, druggist, of Bussex, N.B., and after taking one box I was so much relieved that I continued to take them until I am now completely cured. My advice to anyone suffering from sick believe his statement in every be true and correct." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one 58 Small St., Barrie, Phone 323 JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser For County of Simcoe. Prepared to cor duct Sales at reasonable rates. Satisfactio guaranteed. 120 Bayfield St., Phone 19) Orders left at A. F. A. Malcomson's offie: will receive prompt attention, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas McKinnon, late of the Township of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the second day of Novem- ber, 1917, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 14th day of September, 1918, after which date the Expcutrix will distribute the assets of the estate among those en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and that she will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been received. Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life « Insurance Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142, Dis. Mgr. fal used and first-class workmen employed 5 Brass Tablets a specialty, Prices always vie | established and maintained for Defensive | Dll" 2,406, 25 cents a box. all dealers DONALD ROSS, if a Y Lecbeskd 0 Caiman, omer Purposes, as A grienge of the freien of Toronte.; | Gubstitutes wil only Gis-| 54 44, Resoutsit [sah am Order your counter check books i Diecast Special Valente Women ary commeree an or all to come j ' Bf, ; fg Micacd's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Seid everwbete. La ese, 23 cots 0 on the Seas, and of access to the various ' any for, Mt OF Setting what You) ree ao augur note from The Examiner, iv

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