Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1918, p. 6

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Page Six OF CO SIR EDMUND WALKER. CV.O., LLD., D.C.L, President THE BARRIE EXAMINER seek' "Eee tad escugnttset® """") DANGER TO SYSTEM UNLESS ACTION IS TAKEN They were on the point of starting, the chauffeur with his hand upon the starting Ignorance alone can exeuse: handle, French with the steering wheel of of the health when all iaaieetons the police car already in his hand. And then the little party seemed suddenly turned to point to Kidney trouble. Everyone should know that from the Boer. the Thursday, May 30, 1918. GWLADYS JONES THE WELSH SOPRANO, Teacher of Voice Produstion and Singing. Special lee sons for repertoire, English and Tt Btudio at Mre. Gauley's, 67 McDonald Barrie, Phone 681. For terms, etc, call ab studio on Wednesdays. Voices tested free. CANADIAN BANK. AERCE. MARKET ITEMS SATURDAY MARKET Butter came down rapidly on the market stone. For a few breathless seconds not one of them moved. Out into the clammy i i it i ]D E. CLAXTON, t- A night air came the echoes of a hideous! Eitneys fail to remove the on Saturday some going less than 40c Ib. Maui , CAPrTALPAID UP, $15,000,000 -§ RESERVE FUND, - $13,500,000 |isbumss, Hloodcurding seam. Quest "a | from the blood stream estese Poisons, towards closing time. There was a good | PIANO AMD VOCAL LESSONS. In vocal supply in. Eggs were firm at about 33-35 | work special! attention is given to Voice cents dozen, Potatoes were scarce, owing | Production. Pupils prepared for A.T.CM. to the wet day and early| potatoes being | degree in both: pisao and vecal; also ele for the most part already plaoted. There | mentary exams. of Toronto Conservatory was a large offering of wspsrnguy at prices) of Music or University exams. Studio: quoted elsewhere. Tomatoes and cabbage | King Block. Phone 424. plants seemed to*take up most of the atten- | == tion of those present. The former could be had in dozen lots for 15 cents or some that have been transplanted out at about two plants for 15 cents. Cabbage plants were in small bunches at 10 cents. These are acoumulating ready to cause sick- ness, pain and suffering. How are you to know that the system is in dunger from poisoning ? One or more of the following symp- toms should leave no your mind. If you are the victim of backache, pains in the back or sides, or Lumbago, be sure nature is calling for better Kidney action. Take Gin Pills. At the first twinges of Rheuma- TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES \ Convenience, security and economy are secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank. They enable the bearer to identify himself and are from his seat upd rushed back scross the empty hall into the study, followed a lit- tl@way behind by French' and the others 'An unsuspected panel door which led into the garden stood slightly ajar. The Profes- sor, with bis hand on the back of » chair, was staring at the fireplace, shaking as with some borrible ague, bis fuce distorted, his body curiously hunched-up. He seemed suddenly to have dropped his humanity, to have fallen back into the world of some LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN 'Successor to Lenaox, Cowan & Brown é * strange creatures, He heerd their foot-| |. bunches contained various numbers of | Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of readily converted into the current coin of any foreign Steps but he didnot turn his head. His| tism, swollen ankles and joints, or | plants, "Did you make any dandelion | wills, guardianship and administration, and 1 ers, were stretched out in front of him. | @BY other manifestation of urie acid | wine?" wax a prevalent question among |General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete try. soning, take Gin Pills. Dozens of keep away from his sigh ex though to Xap away fro "eh! Testimonials prove Gin Pills to be | the ladies some hateful object Lack of time was the only rea- | Offie8s: Hinds' Block, No, 8 Dunlop Bt Money to loan. a |xon some did not concoct the fluid, ax na . BARRIE BRANCH L. F. CROSS, Manager |["'stop him!" he crfed. "Take him | the sovereign remedy. ture has surely done ber share. away! It's Craig--his spirit! He came| | Take the warning given by constant | Eggs, dozen, BOYS & MURCHISON to me in. the gurage, be followed me| headaches, restless nights, dissiness | Butter, Ib., no Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Cop- CG AND TRUN RAILWAY through the grounds, be mocked at me phen you stoops Sent chills, | Chicken, dressed. Ib. veyancers, Etc, Money to loan at lowes TEM pce omen the tees ee ee were Pig thing Pal treater Cream, 'quart, rates of interest. Offices: 13 Owen St. (in 7 HE Tkill him! He is coming! Stop him, some one tion, and turn to the remedy which is so sure that it is sold on the money-back guarantee--Gin Pills. No one spoke or inoved: no one, indeed, | _ Gin Pills are sold by all dealers-- had the power, Then st last Quest found | 0c. a box or 6 boxes for $2.50. A words, | free sample will be sent if you address "There i no one in the rom, Profes- | your request to the Natiouat Drug & sor," he said, "except us." | Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, 'The sound of a human voice seemed to} Toronto; or if you live in the United produce = strange effect, The Professor | States, address Na-Dru Co Ine, 202 sralghtened himself, shook his head, his| Main St., Butlalo, N. ¥, Let hands dropped to bis side. He turned | _esseieemieeencseeenmeenas | Oni0 bumeh, around and faced them. He was ghastly . Nasaueeen bisa pale, but his amile wus once more the «mile | "hie For the first tune the thought of | 2PM, tes Af the -amisble snaturali, failure oppremed bir Hven that light | pomate eno + 7 said, "forgive me. [| slackening of Ws PB concentration | -, 3 a My irene he vente, cf these lax! 'brought rebef to the Profewor. Without | Cabbage Plants, dozen, a lors vot, ch, few hours have unnerved me, Forgive | tt knowledge wv to the source of their Lied gone bune | Milk, quart sini Biscuits, Lemon, ete. dozen, Apples, basket, Potatoes, bag, Beets, basket, | the premises formerly occupied by the Beak of Toronto). Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C, MP. D. C. Murchisoa CHARLES W. PLAXTON BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, 60¢ Coutinental Life Building, southeast corner Bay and Richmond Sts, Toronto. DONALD ROSS, LLB. . |BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loa. CRESWICKE & BELL | BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR THE | Supreme Court of Judiesture of Ontario, A suggestion for your Summer Holiday This Year. ALGONQUIN PARK HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO Onions, basket Onions, Dutch Sets, Ib Onions, Early English, Ib. BOX By E. Phitlips Oppenheim An ideal spot for your Summer Vacation midst wild and delightful scenery. Excellent hotel service at the i "HIGHLAND INN." (Continued from last week) ae conviction, the two girls who watebed | RA rs, Notaries, Conveyancem, ote. He strode hastily to the door | Freneh |". groped for s moment and sank into |flt that the Profewor wae becoming do Lettuce, bunel, "|Momey to loan. Offices: in Rose Block, Full information from any Grand Trunk | 2h4,on¢ of the jes men were des-| hae Quest fetched o decunter and y|minant, And then there cume » sutlden | Butter beans, Ib "| Barrie. W. A J. Bell, KC. Teket Agent or CE Horning, District VS?" Quest asked breathlessly, | fl from the sideboart, poured out some | wer changes: Foe; intaugibie, Inuaph ee es Pos wall ------------S------ Aeeoe, to, Ont. eathlees! icra Mit to his ips, The Prof of the Professor's stony poive seemed to | Horse ish, pin 'aswenger Agent, Toronto, The Professor is not in the house," | "IM ee hat berllp # Professor) Pie away. His ever hid sought the corner | Artichokes, basket . MEDICAL J. €. BILLINGSLEY Depot Agent French reported. "We are going to search the grounds," ° Quest returned to the library. Lenora clung to hix arm. The diary lay still upon 4, "you [of the room, bis lips quivered. The horror | Raspberry Cunes, buneh Mus there agam. the horror they hud seen | Pansies, box, : litle back. Hix | Asters, 'hox, "My dear fne he exel: have saved me! [ have something to tell you, something TFinust tell you ut once, but | efore He crouched | DR. H. T. ARNALL Office and Residence Corner of Toronte Phone 6b Not here To doathe thie place Let me| Runde were uplifted as though to keep off |Seed Peas, Ih. and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth the table Jeome with you to. your rooms" hing jBotted head, Ib St. Methodist Church. Telephone 167. z Quest opened the volume slowly, Agnin Sa you pliase,"" Quest anmweredt culmly Lenora whispered. "He th ake | Pork, dressed, Tb. a Your Reading Needs |!"?vit i Sit". enwine sg | Tw Pre toy bth Pome ar Gaea oh ee eer CE ae svete ite Ft ing ron | 1 brn fie saw reich eon | git belt uy ioe bend Seefatingl uhis , Yorkshire Pigs, young, pale $1801 Res, Edinburgh, FCP, London, Phy- . | rreious cunning to help bin in his crimes thing ia Ris hence He shiver | ae ee rand suetaly, he euncente eal Soe nn |sician, Surgeon, ete Office and Residences, Are Well Supplied Tle wanders almut in the dark, wearing a] ay ca jon reverie "Whi Vthe sehiie of bis will jiower jun bie Ia NEAR-BY MARKETS | Dunlop Sty Barie: Pelepbone. 305: black velvet suit with lek for, His exer See BES ase hea 'sale | 2 ages | liek Handeuff-" Ab Taam only | Altiost at ence wars change. TI (May 23, 1918) janet leaving nly his hark exponen ee eee the know ovr fell back in the chur The t Bradford Wheat $2.08-82.10, barley | DR. E. G. TURNBULL have watebed him come into a halfdark: 7) Oke a me, Mr Quest. Take me with | mfrol had passed from his features, |81.40, oats 75-80e, pens $3.90-$3.40, hogs | (MeGiil) (Successor to Dr. R. S. Broad) 9 ened ron, and tine car fee nothing but the | iio 'his line twitched, Sunultuneouxly the mir. | $20.00 ewt., butter 40c. eggs 35c. Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and hands and the eyes; sometimes, 1 be closes | Ty eet Quet's arm In silence they (rr for x motseat wie clouded. then slowly | "Beeton Whent $2.08-$2.10, oats 7c, | Bradford Sts, Barrie, Phone 205. hia eyer, only the hand poset Tie the aon, in silence they took 4 fietuire upon it gathered outline abl sub | peas $3.40, beans bus. $6.00:87.00. hogs wae Fees Quest | muttered. | Their plucen nee more in the automobiles, stoner, There was a jungle. strange, tall | $20.00 ewt | W. A. LEWIS, M.D., CM. it w where that suit is com, and brushwoor nvsle-- 2 2 : AED OY: 5 Bookstore Me ee set atthe farther |i!) wiletice they drave without 3 pause to | and brushwood avale--Whest $2.05-82.08, rye $2.00: suRGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, espeviak -$3.50, buckwheat $1.50 rofewur meemed to\ reached to the waists uf the two Quest'« rooms, The 25-83. " : [eles Po ee Peelhe More frcely we they left the neigh, weer slowly _roaktng. their way I$1.60. butter 38-400, hogs $19.50, drewed |'¥-_Pbone 61, 56 Collier. St, Barrie. oa it ad Vanished into the bal ly : ; oeeten Zit "4 . . borhnod of his house behind. He walked | One the Professor, clearly re beef $18.50, potatoes 90c-$1.00. yy | "One moment, girls," he anid "T see lo the stair ta Quest's hibrury: almost li |suble under his white sun heli Orillia--Wheat $2.10, barley $1.45, o2 DR. VICTOR A. HART Arn ld now how he did it. Wait TM show you | hey if he was awure nf it, he took mn | + to all of them. y they | 8c, pess $2.00-83.00, buckwheat $1.50, |Graduate of Trinity University, Toronte, as. ie) fe ee ee atl file: Sarre notice of Krench and the twa "tT latter al ene «yard ors | hen $10.50, dremed pork $25.00826.00, bo Edinburgh and Glasgow. | Specialty-- n 5 8 Boren oe One ee pened. | en behind. As he stepped uhead, his gun ryixed to his shoulder, his | dressed beef $18.00-$20,00, ven! $20.00. | Diseases of mec! : Corner Bay- Fire & Life Insurance Agent | finer turned out all the slectric lights | Me" behind As he seve 1 ives fixed upon some possible object of wut | $2800, butter 42c, eggx 36c;, unwashed |field and Worsley Sta, Office open until i ---- ae bat one. Then there war nothing 10 ny at ance to his favsunte cary che | There wun olden chant in the Jnl 60-826. wathed wool 74:7 8 p.m. daily. eai Estate and MoneytoLoan |*ren but a pair of white hands, which seem | i off his overcoat, and leaned ack' Professor. They saw him seize hi hy 00, chicken 20-23¢. | ci to come floating. towards them thro eee eee you are the (the barrel und, whirl it above his Stuyner--Butter 40-43c, eggx 33-35e, DR. MORTIMER LYON Fi A aumber of Valuable Farms and Towel the darkness--a pair of white bands ond) oe Siond [have in my life! It ix you! He seemed suddenly to lose his whole iden: | chicken 15-18c. 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be st 92 fa Propentign for Sale 'oa the mast reason [fait of pleaming yen. Lenore sereemed |i, have rid me af myggreat buren, 'elt (tity: Hr erouched en bis hannchrs. alsiort | | Alliston. -Whest $2.10, bartey $1.30, news| Qwen St, Barrie, every Saturday. Dis- a able terms sey: even lars, ser Snnerer mie helt me tle with ng story™ have ike anv anioal, and sprang at the orher'=| 8.00 oats 7Be, hay $18.00, butter 35-376. lenses of Bye, Ear, Nose and Throst. Com Stop that"! che ered. ou Po ea earn eee \tancal uur. | threat They could almost hear the snarl |eggx 5-37c. potatoes $1.50, chicken 22-2%c, i r) BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING ; you real that sg : : f sultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by you, anyway ae 5 aoe eenenocked up all [from his ly» as the two men went down | washed wool 60-68¢, unwashed wool 44-50c. BARRIE "The lights were suddenly turned on, | Tal which Craig by eit lac et a eee irae the aaderemowth, The "te [ee sichabaminahee appointment. Toronto Phone North 3828 Quest threw off his disguise Barrie Phone No. 2. ture Cad = " "We have all read it" Quest reo | wa ---------- "There you are," he exclaimed trium- " '0 Be Continued.) ' Phere: ys x Tt was forged,' the Professor leclared | » B : panty loge, bat ome ona gn forged by Crag All he Sor ___(ASCOUSTANTS,___- 6 6 Smith & Co we cia, anak dean taal wecatoor ax he rme™ belie Meckimailed mies J beve: bees ,. DALSTON _ LAWSON, WELCH & COMPANY U Jb BR had used a dodge once or twice, and set YOU eed to speak, At lust Tum free of hin. ing och ocd Geo. W. Livingston CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Crown | ys Retablished 1869 thinking about it, be drowped it | Thank Go" tae Had' @ mshingzon Monday: BARRIE Life Building, 59 Yonge Street, Toronto. AF UNDERTAKERS or war suddenly' opened, and © Coy * French muttered? ~ | evening y | Telephone Main 5874. ia. i . The Professor sut, with a faint, wistful |" Rey JS. Stevenson will go to the Con: J. .weon. : |. J. Welch. be exclaimed eee ged, stile upon the corners of his lips, looking belie eee We believe that it pays ee Open Day and Night 4 et fount nw Queen around at all of them. Hix face had be | Judie' base bull team wus organized to give our customers JAMES PATERSON French shook his ead ary cup came lke the face of chil, eager for =| Sytuny night ot the Parsonage Taw 'service and satisfac- Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser , Morgue and Chapel if Stars i '3 pathy and kindness . Isnac Lavender has bought Henry Clif tion; that is why we For County of Simcoe. Prepared to com HH trust_me, 1 know," he contin. |ford's property und is moving in on Tues want to sail you & duct Sales at reasonable rates.' Satisfaction in connection ued. "You will believe me, AM my life 1} dy, guaranteed. 120 Bayfield St., Phone 191. -- ave: laboured fis feimce ee have never = A) Orders left at A. F. A. Maleomson's offies aor [at wackied their [ii sear Kini we ere | BT a ole ag Dirt DE LAVAL WT tere reant stents | :Spieeat, tere ketal bean " mistress, knowledge has been my heaven. ' --_-- ;Ngs te perteety eran hat hein ct [IE That been wise man, T woul have Cream Separator Th B °. Pl * Mill " his BBURE OF any mnere ridden myself of this hideous burden, but RFA MALCOMBON. jn et wevten wn MeO rate icant weat""T'anere we | About the Eyes e Barrie Planing Represents Insurance Companion) oh rs ie shoulders, sue my studies, T wanted to be left in Users of De Laval |Corner Sophia and Mary Streets of undoubted Financial Standing | «syst we'd better get beck." he snid.| for so A Bet Hitt fone ory Sen Cream Separators have Manufacturers of Sash, Door: ALI. STEAMSEIP LINES. You come, too, French We'll sit down | 13 ise rolled uway. I shall tell you my Liver Was All Upset and There carried away every first prize Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mould- - be =! and figure out some scheme for finding & i ded of ings, Water Troughs, Tanks, etc. } Your passage booked io or from | him fie story, und afterwards Twill do great things Was Pain Under the Shoul- awarded at conventions We carry in stock a large iy all parts of the world. "They rimle thelr way to the front door [Yet great thingr for reience, reat thingr der-blade -- Two Inter, - the [atonal Connery But- assortment of Rough and Dressed | A. F. A. MALCOMSON [22 cored inte the ato The two parle], TBeY listened to. him spellbound. | Only esting Letters. tig aon Cues Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Pre- the last twenty-five years. The record is unbroken. That ought to be proof 'enough that cream separated by the De Laval is superior to any other. The reason is that De Laval bowl design, together with low speed, enable the delivery of butter-fat glob- ules unbroken in their natural condition. The NEW De Laval is the "blue- nibbon™ sep- Lenora stood n little apart wich a faint pect ky fein upon her forehead, She touched 3 aes ok begged, |Quest_on the shoukder. 7 So many people suffer from de- sage pee Bc osten nora bereed| "Mr. Quest," she murmured, "he is ly: |rangements of the liver that we feel that is to be in my own room, to feel my- |!" " gure these two reports, just recently ret away from fie world of horrible, un-| _ uctt turned hiv head. His tipe searcely | received, will prove interesting read- elf away 4 f moved. ing and valuable information to many abural myster "What do you mean?" he whispered, readers of this paper He is lying!" Lenora insisted. "I tell 6 Mrs. F L. Barris, seantiey RO. ' ere's another creat ere, vome- | S88K., writes; "1 was suffering trom A Clergyman's Wife Wants Fete een testaad Let me ing {ver trouble--had a heavy pain under Kn Ad. one shoulder blade all the time, and Women to OW ef i 3 was nearly as black as dirt around the jet us read his mind. If T am wrong, I will vantages of Internal go down on my knees and beg for forgive eyes, 20 I concluded to try some of Fi e Dr, Chase's Kidney-Liver Pitts. I did Bathing nn noddet, 'Lenora hetiened to the | Prettd defere Thad taken one 250 vi Lenora hi fo the} box the pain had left me and I com- ij Tf women could only see the thousands of | fyr¢her end of the room, snatched the cloth | menced To gain in flesh, and by the letters Dr. Tyrrell has received from grate- | from the instrument, und wheeled down|time I had taken two boxes I was ful women in all parts of the world, thank-|the little mirror with its coils and levers. |completely cured and felt like a new ing him for his wonderful invention for Int- |'The Profewor watched her. Slowly his|Derson. My trouble was caused by ternal Bathing, they would soon discard the | face changed. The benevolence fndec |heavy work out-of-doors, and, of medicine bottle and look to the cause of |away, thir teeth for x moment showed in| Use, heavy eating and constipation. their trouble. 95 per cent. of all human ills | Srncihing' which was almost a snarl I would advise anyone suffering from are due to accumulated waste in the Colon |*'you believe me?" he eried, turaing to|idmey or liver trouble to give Dr. or Large Intestine. Warm water, properly (Quest. "You are not going to. try that {Chase Pills a trial." Fl iplipedgit play Rater sap 'will re- | Gorrible thing on me--Profearor Lord Arh-| weitis'; "Befere Tves marned I wes ve the cause of your troubles and perfect | ieigh? I ant all broken up. Fe rea ty Detore, E was caacried Y was health will follow. h ip. I am not fit/troubled with enlargement of the 'A Winnipeg clergyman writes: for Look at my hands, how they |liver. My liver became so enlarged Phone C.BBROWN acy, wife is naturally sensitive about shak that you could detect the swellings ) av "Professor," Quest said sternly, * pared Roofing, Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done promptly. Consult us with your building. THOS. ROGERS, Phone; Office 163, Residence 358. PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the THE INSURANCE MAN AND but one idea in their heads--to get STEAMBOAT AGENT? Representing Canadian Northerr O.. Square, Barrie. Phone 4470 W. D. Minnikin Licensed Embalmer Proprietor THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING RLORS (Succemor to the Late Meaford Webb) Full line of all, the latest Caskets kept in' stock, in- cluding Grave Vaults and Oak Shells. Open Day & Night W.R.Nellly, Funeral Director the electro thought-transference apparatus ; Phone 431 Py ty fs 'we are}on elther side, and it was only with e * having er name appear in public prin, |urrounded by the shadow of some terrible | @iMeulty, that T could get my clothes Su n i ife if is ye i " 5 d ised t et Dr. 250 What the "JB.L.' Cascade hes done for her. ("eee (or whieh as yet there is no explans- |e, riend advised me to «i ion. I do not i Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and take tion, 1 do not suy that we mistrust vou, }exem. I commenced this treatment, FOR THE BEST IN Tt has really given her a new lease of life. i Cor, i add ginal! treet» | The "J.B. L. Cascade" is an invention | Quest himself connected it up on the nther. |ianey-Liver Pills to anyone having 71 Grenville Street D. J. REBURN, 3 perfected by Dr. Chas, A. Tyrrell of New |The Professor at there like a figure of | kidney or liver trouble. Recente OR: Phone 142. Dis. Mgr. i York, and han done more during the past |stone, The silence in the room was so in-|_ "We have alsa found Dr. Chase's Toronto's Select Family and SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS few years to restore health and lessen dis-| tense that the ticking of the gmall clock |Ldnseed and Tu-pentine excellent for Transient Hotel just off ' 9 wi Rg | MG, thas all other means, combined. on the mantlepiece was clearly sudible,|ooughs and colds, In' fact, any of Yonge Street and one bl { Barrie. G. W. J. Eastman, Prop. "The "J.B. L. Cnscade" is chown and |The silent battle of wills seemed like a|Dr, Chase's medicines which we have from Parliament Buildings. Child Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in Granite and Marble | explained by Wm. Crossland, Barrie, Ask |live and visibld struggle. The very atmos. | 864 have been, goo hase ren Cry Monements and Tablets, Only best saater-|for Booklet explaining all sbout Internal | phere ecemed charged with the thrill and |'=D". Chaew's Kidney-Liver Pills, one ie tarot hori BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD each, nad bas Gtene sobine 'aad atveny {sab Rekk in her chain" Hib fess became el, Blanes Liver Pilly end: took ther, Canada's Greatest Life Ls ad strong | sat bs ' , Beier em, ey LINE OF again. Should any person wish this |his lips wore drawn closely together. Le:|Syien" anally cured me. T have not, Insuratice Co. Bakery and Saleshop: fal weed and first-class workmen employed Bram Tablets a specialty. 'Prices always right For years she had been doctoring for Con- stipation, which became worse each year, Since using the "J, B. L. Cascade'first about four years ago, she bas not been sick letter confirmed, you are at liberty to give my name in private." Bathing and what it Tt is free. done for others. but T ask you to submit to this test."" "T refuse!" the Professor replied harshly. at that. time. "And T insist,"" Quest muttered. nora wheeled up the machine and with deft fingers adjusted the fittings on one side. can cheerfully recommend Dr. Chase's wonder of it. Never before had Quest met 'with resistance so complete and immov-|Timited, Toronto. and used nine boxes, which cured me Then, about two or three years afterward I was troubled again with the swelling, but only on been troubled in this way since. TY pill a dose, 25c a box, 6 for $1.00, at 'all dealers, or Edmanson Bates & Co., Cale wth, 'exisine wad vervien. of Canada FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA

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