Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1918, p. 9

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= "Thursday, May 30, 1918. ; | . THE BARRIE EXAMINER : ; Page Nine" * } 5 MIDHURST on the 3ist. The latest draft will 5) "| . 2, o* {also affect quite a number, Harry e SOCIETY 5 + |News from Neighboring Townships ||, 2¢--Ms. M. 4 Dwyer is|forston, Leighton Chappell, Herb. RED CROSS a ate eee ||| VMng: her daughter, Mra) Wr. ig, K > seta tai" era a atu) A GARDEN PARTY ae . and Chas, Grant being in As Told by Our Correspondents Mrs. Stephen Dunn and family | ine 19_year class. : of Chapleau are removing to Al-| "Mrs c , : . iendaier a ei and Miss aiabel In Aid of Simcoe Prisoners-of-War Fund . 'oronto have been F : . THORNTON | ANGUS Mrs. A. Cochrane spent a few! iting here for a few days, will be held on the Grounds of the Residence of A. Leslie May 29--The concert under the! May 29--Miss Sarah Groves of | dys last week wilh her daughter,| "Misy Smith of Toronto is with Oo auspices of the Sewing Circle was| Toronto and Mrs. Lawrence of | Mrs. J.T. Cameron, at Alliston. lnor sister, Mrs, Andrew Cunning- IN TUESDAY, JUNE 18 from 4 to 11 p.m. one of marked success. Owing! Barrie visited Miss Esther Groves | Me: ea a nee moth. bam, t] to the unavoidable absence of) last week. < NAB tee TORS a) Date of Visit o + Mrs. Stamp and Miss Bruee, tal-' Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Crosby and] OP Station last week. STAYNER (Dat f the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire) ent {rom Camp Hoare was secur-+ Mrs. Jobii Mitchell and Roy of|,, Wf. and Mrs. G8. Spence, Mrs.) . ed and proved a rare treat to the) Fverett spent the 24th at George | 1. sPene RW attie and A. Litton ant ay 28M. and Mee, N. Dalos THE ANGLO-CANADIAN BAND from Huntsville audience. Sergt.-Major Maurice|Latimer's, notored to Rosemont on Sunday | 29 rn of Toronto spen with Herbert Clarl . 7 prought out nine very talented! Pte, Herb, Mapex of Bradford ong apes Unie day, itt teens, over the holiday with Moana |] ¢ i eonegsest Soe BE) Ae e les, Norman Schandlen and| Mrs. Alex. Moore, a soldi J selections 0) sit his rolber, W ed | soldiers. and Anais selections tl ia isting i brother, Wilffed )Forhox Coutts loft last Friday for | Mrsg@Brubaker of Elmwood re- MANY ATTRACTIONS, INCLUDING A MIDWAY and mandolin, were of a very bigh| De. 8. West went to Hamilton Ptneeal Gheked TOR GNERARES., Se dt teu aoe ita ee GRAND ILLUMINATIONS AT NIGHT order, as were also a couple of on Monday. SO Bi Tn te ne eee ote Md poe, ae er Full particulars will be announ a splendid readings give bs oneet|. Mes. D. MéKevér'and: Riza, or| ltl. 1 hope he 'will soon, he) Pursate, Mr. and Mrs, J. Sider. P ced later the party. The Circle fer Toranie, spent the holiday with |POler again. We BubL, Girone of Montana, much indebted (0 Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Duckworth. Mrs. James Chegwin bax been|sbeul Saturday with his mother ; wee and Bee eee itr, "Rev JA, Lovee went Wi] SPE ill for two weeks, in-law, Mes. M. Jackman, before odist Church. Bring your own ° ' taiaere, "Darina: lhe Senta: he Torwutor on auntie ' Mes. C. Lane, A. Lane, Mr, and [leaving for overseas {food xo that there will be abso- Barrie Markets Thornton Orehes rendered} Miss M. Ellsworth of Toranto| Mrs. Wi Lane and two etildren anon ee fab "Devel: and Hately no waste. Hot water (a-] Thureday Wholesale Prices. Fee tie municcind tr. Hesleaen [apent a few dag: lant week seit [IeLNcrd from Taronts eit Suniis;| «tee of Torenin and Rey, Mr.) fishes and tables provided. -- fee]. See al baad Mra. Bert. Willought and spent the day with Mr, and|Melteer of Owen Sound spent the cream and sandwiches on sale. |¢ 'Wheat .. .. sang jo in usual g a Mrs. Forest, Wallwin, holiday with Mrs, Mclteer. imission to one or both: Adulls, | Bae 00! The mixed quartetle also favored Miss Lizzie Meat ol nto 2 Mrs. Rane ' 5 Barley . the audience. Rev. T. J. Dew| visited b inethi fast week. Mrs. Hook of Allandale spent Mrs. Ranewe is spending a{25 cents; children, 15 cents. Rye ., kindly acted a¥ planixt for the| Mr, and Mrs, Foot af Toroniaf!be week-end with: friends here month with friends in Oshawa. -- | ------_ Pens .- evening. Lieut Jabnaton of Tor, [4benl w few daye at Leniare Lee's), fe Pe mliniae ts bullding a new Miss L. Porter returned home| Read the advts. Among them at evening. 2: mute lahnstany Peer eet i Ma Mila Hurat at twas [Hause ath has moved inte part on Friday afted spending a week| will be found something for Spring Chicken FUR ARGS Cave Taiihing [48:aire Visiting their grandmother, (OC tt white the rest is being com. ain friends in Toronto, everybody. ee erent | Mex. Neil Shaw. . pleted os ; ; il 'teeta alarm whieh pointers to patriotic workers, re,| Mrs, lulius Seoti and Florence |; © neo: TETRA IN ee eee eta ey Suunilay cent Minding. them inal the buge who peeul joStaguer in Saturday. [Lok Altmetn an Wednesdays abune yes ey amppells) Brass, FORD OWNERS » hare fighting over the a Neil Haak ot steltend apeak & fo Viail Pelaliver there: elering the chimney, Mr, Gamp- | ful of themselves and think fow days last week with his bro- MINESING Hla, eee "itiae near the | Your wife, sister or yourself of the loved nes al home ther, Charles E, Bush " Remi it tavit pfrlerk. bat ne serinns ° damage | an start your Ford from the McKnight of Egbert and Bald The a mn ay 29--Fran Fayston a deere 7 e at i a win Bryant of Bare delighted |sentuq ane hekt i the Angus) 0 fleval Air 'Fores, Toronta ------ er in safety if you. equip Beef hid the audience with excellent read- | Methiuier Chueh con May 24, 82s heme ona short leave for the s your car with a Simplex | frei hifes. areen-- ings. Perhaps the inest amusing [fey MLE, Grow uf Alliston. and | SHANTY BAY Starter. One-tenth the weight | Beet Hides, cured number was a character sketch | Miso Standen of Baxter wave ine number are being call-[ The Annual Citizens' Pienie | trouble and cost of an electric | Calf skinw presented by eight of the Thorh=/ teresting ayhlrosses in the after. /Pd from he ho will leave) Will he held in the Women's Insti: starter. Horwe hides ton young ladies entitled The! Mee eae Cae AT [help petty.» Ells. tite Park on June 8. Good pro~| ope. 5 Hoes baie) 2a alented Sweet Fanuly." | Hiatt he the Aimee Hadhee, | fetds fick Priest Howard Priest. [eran of games and sperts con Only $15.00 at Coffey's Hard-| Wt wathel . who made an In the evening Mr. Dayfoot of | Wt! Kerfaot and Rert 4} Mencing at 4 p.m.: first-class en, ware, also at M. J. Lawson's, s chairman, presented the + ea AL a fare alloy unifermn, and Wa tertainment at 8.45 p.m,, musical) in Bib : rus . (Perente and Rew ROH. Somer) ye ad gan Ma nt Merliine Ana a KhES lar lee vale. A willy $10 on behalf of 1. O01 N4-/ calle af Thorton wave addressns, [TANS nM Tee Mw Me Nee eine on The Fun at Reing an}, Ssents wanted where not Children Cry 16, Thornton, for which the Circle | vise was provided by the choir Dae AS : Finot DeUne an «py y is deeply grateful, The program |jnd Mee, ienderson of New Low. {2° s1gied up wilh wT Irishman." by Rev, Mr. Snider af |tlteady sold. Apply Box "F", FOR FLETCHER'S Closed with) singing ational 'ati New Taw Seclian and has to report} New Hambure. Out, in the Meth--| Examiner. CASTORIA Anthem, after whieh Camp)" Hoare crpoy and all whe took | part were entertaried at the home | GRENFEL of Mr. and Mrs Ga. Henry, | May Mrs. Richard Powell where the ladies of the ¢ Je and son Jack of Barrie spent the served refreshinents Net pres |betulay wath Mrs. TL Cloughley: coeds of the concert 865,00, which | Mr. and Mrs. Gea, MeKay has been sent fe preeure waoel, | Stratherd, Me. and Mrs, W, Gill, ving a Very small balance on| Mrs. MeKenzie and Mr, and Mrs, hand as flannels and other |W. Barrett, of Poronte, hotidayed things are needed. it i img with Me. and Mes. Jie, Hoek- tive that the rhe raise ridge ' funds, and a high-class musical Meo and Mrs kil Seadon and coneert will be given in the near! fanuly of Toronto spent a couple future. of days with Mrs Give, Seadon. | , 4 The Circle extends hearty) 8. Tracey of Torouto is visiting thanks ta all who in any way | friends here, j helped to make the concert such] Mr. and Mes. Herb. Johnson a pleasure well as such ade. | motored from Guelph and spent cided sue aud assures the; a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J, | public that the money is being | Johnson | it as ete yr tesa, DOCUMENTS TO BE CARRIED | report 85.00 has been received| son and Miss Atkinson, spent the from the Ladies' Aid of Methodist | beliday at their homes ' woe . . ae | Church, which the Circle grate-| Miss Gladys Cloughley and by every male person who is not on active service in any of His Majesty's Naval or Military fully acknowledges, The May bale| Miss Brooks of Cooper's Falls : a . . : . conlained 12 suits pyjamas and| spent the 24th at the former's Forces, or in the Naval or Military Forces of any of His Majesty's Allies, and who apparently 24 pairs socks. home here ; a4 me Russell Crovsley is home from| Glad ty ser 'Thos, Mek may be, or is reasonably suspected to be, within the description of Class One under the ere an the West hort «| home feoking hale and hearty ai 3 ' ' Sth. a, oe en use uyear ithe, |} Military Service Act, 1917, who for any reason may have claimed that he is not within Class , ley, West, ni R. D. Bannerman of Hamilton! 'The many friends bere of Mes One undeg the Act. spent a couple of days with bis! PT. Ford Sr, learned with regret i brother, Fléyd Bannerman |that she had passed away in To- Miss MoE. Paton spent the onte last Thursday morning. OTICE ia hereby given that, under the provisions of an Order in Council | member of any bther or a certificate of the fact an r | 7 Victoria Day holidays with friends (P.C, 1013), of the 20th April, 1918, upon and after the 1st day of June, | office-holder competent so to certify under the regulations of-the chureb, order in Creemore and Toront IVY 1918, every male person who is not on active service in any of His Majesty's|cr denomination, society or body, to which he belongs; or | preach Miss Irene Irving of Toronto seus -- Naval or Military Forces, or in the Naval or Military Forces of His Majesty's a spent the holiday with her unele Fence viniline ee tine Allies, and who apparently may be, or is reasonably suspected to be, within EXEMPTION oo and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, R. oD.) 10h, dauehier a ee , the description of Class One under the Military Service Act, 1917, by whom Hen stewart and Yani of MUTE ~ Revemes of] Uf ro ro eb. iat any ime aime, med alee hn beac |b ed th ei nem rm oot ie nia ) Toront) spent a few days recently | 7°, Rutledge of Elinvale spent Ceeeeeee ere the httilars Beteine Ady 3017, as fica fer tha tase bekeg | Cfeanan ony smamption spaniel cx claimed oop eae oe items, h aN Mr_| (he holiday with friends here. , y Se Pasay NG | Military Service Act, 1917, or the regulations thereunder, bis exemption ae tok with the form parents, Mr. By Be or that, although within the anid Class, he is exempted from or not liable to f Hi aiid Mae Alex watt Mr. Hards of 'Toronto is visit- i 'ee; shall bi ith bi his all ti in or | PoP or a certificate of the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the district =e Born-On May 25 to Mr, ana[it@ Mr. and Mrs. Watson. « military service; shall have with him upon his person at all times or in OF /44 which he belongs evidencing the fact; or 000 Mrs. 'hee Miss. Ammanda| Mts. James Miller of Barrie is upon any building or premises where he at any time is, ' Ee a vcnatulations. | sPending a couple of weeks with Foe aoa ea ea sag ler father, T. Jennett, who 1s very AGE OTHER. CLASS: Foranio pian ane ' ; . a Toronto spent over the holiday Miss Agar of Elmgrove is the If it be claimed thst he is not within the class by reason of age, an official If it be claimed that he is not within the Clsss, or that he is exempted, not with the latter's brother, Jobn| vin) Ge Mr. and Mrs. A. Corbett certificate of the date of his birth, or a certificate of his age signed by two | isble or excepted upon any other ground, certificate of two reputable citizens Pe r Sp bation. r Our garage man did not stop reputable citizens residing in the community in which he lives and having |**siding in the community where he lives having knowledge of the fact upon fs { Mi 3 Hille Res © of Toronto | aug in the village. 'The paint knowledge of the fact; or which the claim is founded and certifying thereto; spent a few days recently with | ae ee ce Me. ghd Mea. Je | did not get time to dry on his sign yer parents, Mr-and Mes. James /ait it was, taken dia. dont MARRIAGE FAILURE TO CARRY REQUISITE EVIDENCE : os know why he left so soon as there i is i i orn--On May 24, a daughte i If it be claimed that he is not within the Class by reason of marrisge, nay eo MUEMET is a good opening for a man in certificate, either official of signed by two reputable citizens residing Ae P| If upon or after the Ist day of June, 1918,;any suich male person be found 3 . a 8. that kind of business. community in which he lives and having knowledge of the facta, certifying to | Without the requisite evidence or certificate upon his person or in or upon the G, Davis Sr., G. Davis Jr., and his marriage and that his wife is living; or building or premises in which he is, he shall thereupon be presumed to be @ i oT. W. R. Arnold are spending a. person at the time liable for military service and to be a deserter or defaulter few days with friend 1. i 3 U few! days; wilh. Irlendy: fn She NATIONALITY without leave; -_ ; 2 Nise Binet Burige of Toronto If it be claimed that he is not within the Class by reason of his nationality, i APPLIANCE aaueee and Mrs. Lee a certificate of his nationality signed by a Consul or Vice-Consul of the foreign| And he shall also be liable upon summary conviction to a fine not exceeding is Btate or Country to which he claims his allegiance is due; of a passport issued | $50 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding oe month, or to both such SPECIALI HERE by the Government of that Country establishing his nationality; or fine and imprisonment; and moreover, any such person may forthwith be New Invention Retains Rupture STROUD om Pingegogray wing At -rsekeomeperenn ap ; hout Knife, 0: Pain. | To all those who have hel CTIVE SERVICE em outlay Kia tn TG . et owes ) cuadecgues ella, sprig Meal ao nobly with Red Cros sowing mM shall be required, unless or until the fact be established to the eatisaction of rrp aa ore vention ot ey Se 'he list of articles returned by. If it be claimed that he is excepted as a member of any of His Majesty's | competent authority that he is not liable for military duty. a afesinlat who as devoted qrars to tha one | Ahis Auxiliary for the yeat 1917 Forces or as having since the 4th August, 1914, served in the Military or | aaa ae meetention, reat and security where | Might be of passing interest, viz., Naval Forces of Great Britain or her Allies in any theatre of actual war and has FALSE CERTIFICATE j 'ters have tailed. ft prercnieM position as | 77 Stey flannel shirts, 64 suits been honourably discharged therefrom, official dooumenta or an official cortifi- ! | 'hoon as it is used, and old trusses are |pyjamas, 8 hospital suits, 169 reate evidencing the fact; or 'The use, signing or giving of any such certificste as hereinbefore men- \" | Purown anay. Hears isespeninginuicanort- | Property bags, 9 quilts, 2 ties. CLERGY tioned shall, if the certificate be in any material respect false or misleading to the d | Sx Hie kngwn, withuut an operation and at /'The Women's Bible Class of the knowledge of the person using, signing, or giving the same, be an offence, parents. Nothing complica {Xo incoa real, Methodist Church donated {0 prs. If it be claimed that he is excepted as a member of the clergy, or of any punishable, upon summary conviction, by a penalty not exceeding five hundred nce oF ions of Spo an iar ste. socks and Stroud Ww. I. donated order of an exclusively religious character, or is » mi | dollars, and by imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months and not Delays may be dangerous, Now ts pairs of socks. Other donations religious denomination existing in Canada on 20th August, 1917, or as |less than one month. yoursel cr ork. "i Fae aoa al An iein canada" bie 2 pillows, 6 cases, bundle , " f old cotton T-Y, BAN, SPECIALIST, WILL VISIT the towns | | © . RG apie ant at boi! oe foray we da Mit: Bie, Me. anid ISSUED BY THE MILITARY bg kip -- pe ae . , } OF THE DEPARTMENT JUSTICE. Orillia, Orillia Hou une 10 and 11. Miss Allan, Miss Butterfield, Mr. Brynan and Mr. Fleming motored SARAIE-- Well in Hotel-- up from the city and spent the Wednesday, Thursiny (ie ind holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. i ones. Ottawa, May 22, 1918.

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