MAY 5, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS === PAGE 15 MCCAUSLAND BURSARY: Cont'd The trustees of the fund with Dr. McCaus- land as consultant will award the bursary to the students most deserving, showing high academic standing and demonstrating the ef- fectiveness of effort and ability. HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND The Board of Governors of the McCausland Hospital gratefully acknowledges the following contributions to the Building Fund: Payroll deduction - $3,022.79, Personal Contributions - $662.50, Cont'd page 1%.. ut 21/2 million bicycles in Ontario to- 56 bicyclists were killed on Ontario jhways, and 3,720 were injured. too many. ito make yourself and your family e simple rules and guidelines of bicy- y all stop signs and traffic lights. Keep «cycle is, by definition, a vehicle under affic Act. After all, youdon't just "ride" drive it. And Ontario wants every e safely. 1e Ontario Ministry of Transportation ;ations has prepared 3 easy-to- Jers that every bicyclist should read. "The Bicyclist's Handbook," Bicycling has changed, 'and so have bicycle This is what Ontario is doing to bring bicycle safety up-to-date safety rules. "Ontario Laws and Your Bicycle," and "How To Be an Expert Cyclist." For your free copies, write to: Public & Safety Information Branch Ministry of Transportation and Communications 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 Ministry of Transportation and Communications James Snow, William Davis, Minister Premier Province of Ontario