PAGE 8 " TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 3I, I976 LOCAL RINK WINS SPIEL The Dene Clancy Rink emerged victorious as the Terrace Bay Ladies 23rd Annual Bon- spiel came' to a close. Only twenty-four rinkg registered for the spiel this year but it proved to be a fun filled weekend for all. The spiel opened on Friday by President, Elaine Zwir welcoming all the curlers from Thunder Bay, Nipigon, Red Rock, Schreiber and Terrace Bay. ~ Friday events other than the curling, was a smorgasbord supper and dance with Doug Moore on guitar. Saturdays curling got underway at 9 a.m. with the last draw for the afternoon at 3 p.m. A social hour was held at the Legion Hall, followed by a delicious banquet, after which the ladies enjoyed a highly fashionable mod- eling show under the direction of Marian - Pluta. Curling resumed again at 7:30 followed by a dance with music supplied by Freddie McColeman. The club room was full on Sunday while the curlers played their final games of the bonspiel. The spectators clapped and cheer- ed the curlers on right to the final rock, with Dene Clancy defeating the Rhea Beaulieu rink, a first year Skip who made an excellent" showing all through the bonspiel. Bonspiel Chairman, Shirley Caron presented Dene and her rink with the Nestco Trophy, after which the prize committee presented prizes to all the winning rinks. Winners are as follows: 'A' Event - Ist - Dene Clancy. M. Bartlett, R. G. Caron, Moore. 2nd - R. Beaulieu, M. Liebrock, C. Bryson, B. Harper. 3rd - O. Chapman, S. Richards, N. Gusal, M. Roberts. .4th - A. Latour, N. Dupas, J. Burgess, M. McDougal. 'B' Event - Thunder Bay Ist - Shirley Bean, R. Babcock, P. Cauch, J. Helman. 2nd - M. Hale, S. Hamilton, J. Mercier, J. Wilson. 3rd - I. Romanuk, R. Clark, J. Gun- ter, D. Koski. 4th - C. Stockaluk, O. Stocks E. Harris, M. Salterthwate. 'C' Event - Thunder Bay Ist - C. Bayne, B. Earshaw, E. Harris, B. Craig. 2nd - B. Randa, S. Gusal, J. Randa, L. Jerrett. 3rd E. Zwir, S. Caron, J. Moore, M. Pluta. 4th L. Rendelle, H. Smeltzer, C. Pope, H. St. John. Winner of the $50.00 bond was Mrs. Janice Wilson. HALF-LOADING REGULATIONS will go into effect in District 19, Thunder Bay AT: 12:01 A.M., MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1976 (Unless Otherwise Notified) on. ALL HIGHWAYS and SECONDARY ROADS EX- CEPT THE FOLLOWING: HALF-LOADING NOTICE (1) All of Highway 11 (2) All of Highway 11-B (3) All of Highway 17 (4) All of Highway 61 (5) All of Highway 102 (6) All of Highway 623 (7) All of Highway 628 (8) Highway 584 From Highway 11 to the South Limit of the Geraldton Connecting Link Highway 589 From Junction Highway 102 to Junction Highway 591 HALF-LOADING REGULATIONS will also go into effect on Local Roads in the FOLLOWING LOCAL ROADS BOARDS AREAS: Inwood, Upsala, Jacques, Fowler, Gorham, Stirling, Forbes, Dawson Road-Goldie, and Ware. (9) During Hal f-Loading Season, no special permits for overloading or house moving will be issued on any Highway, or in any of the Local Roads Boards Areas, in this District. R. W. FRANKS, District Engineer di a rr TT Ministry of Transportation and Communications Ontario ae a 4 Ea 5 fo