PAGE IO . TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 3I, I976 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The Service for the World Day of Prayer was held on Friday, March 5th, in St. Martin of Tours Church. In spite of the stormy weather over thirty ladies attended. The guest speaker was Mrs. R. McBride; The Theme, "Education for All of Life", pre- pared by the Christian Women of Latin America. She suggested we should be concerned about education rights not only for the Latin Amer- ican Countries but also for our own part of the world. Education is not only what we learn in books; it is also knowing how to help others. Readers were Mrs. M.C. Kennedy, Mrs. Stella Brown, Mrs. Edna Ramsay, Mrs. C. Gould, Mrs. Helen Brooks, Mrs. Cathy Mikkonen, Mrs. Peggy Thompson and Mrs. L. Belliveau. The offering from this service will be used for the Development and Peace Movement. Lunch was served in the church hall by Mesdames Gertie Pineault, Georgie Lapenskie and Jean Sinotte. Continent A continent is defined as a large unbroken land mass com- pletely surrounded by water. TERRACE BAY RECREATION DEPARTMENT WEEKLY REPORT RED CROSS - ROYAL LIFE INSTRUCTORS COURSE: The Recreation Office has received informa- tion on an Instructors Course which will be held over two weekends in May - May 7,8,9 and May I4,I5,I6. Anyone in Terrace Bay hoping to take the Instructors Course should visit the Terrace Bay Recreation Office for more information. Deadline date, for example, is Friday, April 23rd and thé course fee is $35. The course will be held at the Sir Winston Churchill Pool in Thunder Bay. RED CROSS RECERTIFICATION & STANDARDS CLINIC: The Recreation Instructors Course will take place on Sunday, May I6th, at the Sir Winston Churchill Pool, Thunder Bay. Regis- tration fee is $6.00 and you must apply be- fore April 30th. The Evaluation Standards Clinic will be held on Sunday, June 20th. There is a $2.00 application fee and application deadline is Monday, June 7th. ONTARIO COACHING DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE: A reminder to amateur coaches in Terrace continued page II GENERAL PUBLIC INVITED ATTENTION RESIDENTS OF TERRAGE BAY & SCHREIBER APRIL 5th 7-320 PM: LARGE MEETING ROOM RECREATION CENTRE THE DIRECTORS OF THE TERRACE BAY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ARE CALLING AN EMERGENCY MEETING TO DECIDE THE FUTURE OF THIS ORGANIZATION. DUE TO INSUFFICIENT INTEREST YOUR HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY IS IN DANGER OF DISBANDING. YOUR SUPPORT IS URGENTLY NEEDED. THIS MEETING, PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND